MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 146 Snowy night

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"The success of his father's father is like the failure of his brother." Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "Many fate factors are inside."

"Well?" Yu Yu didn't know why Zhou Sheng suddenly mentioned this. He seriously thought about it and said, "Well... in addition to your own efforts, there are inevitable ingredients?"

In the past, Yu Yu would not evaluate Qi Yongchang and his achievements. For him, Yan Yongchang and Zhou Laichun are very distant people and belong to another world.

However, in the small half of the newspaper office, he gradually realized the concept of wealth. He also generally knows that many rich people are not as arrogant as they seem, some rely on loans for turnover, some money is in the capital chain, and hundreds of millions of people are even Billions of people, once the capital chain breaks, also means bankruptcy and bankruptcy.

"Uncle Shu chose the real estate industry at the right time. If it is not reform and opening up, in the past ten years, the money printed by the country has no place to go, it can only flow to real estate... I think... um..." said, Yu Yu made a gesture of "hands-on", "Otherwise he is not qualified to teach his brother?"

"Success or not, they are always defined by them." Zhou Shengman said indifferently, "A person who has money, has a social status, can call for the rain, is a success, my dad has identified this."

"But we can also choose not to be defined by them." Yu Yu said, "My brother can think clearly, you can."

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng finished the hot drink and pulled the embers over and said, "This is really cold enough, let's go. Look at what the old man said."

The driver took them to Yundingshan. At dusk, the embers suddenly became a little sleepy. They leaned on Zhou Sheng’s shoulder and slept for a while. Zhou Sheng only held the hand of Yu Yu, and he was interlocked with his fingers and looked out the window.

Yu Wei thought that they would let them go to the empty mountain Chunxiao. I didn't expect the car to go around another road. After passing through the newspaper and the park, the car came to the foot of the mountain. It was the small shop that they were most familiar with.

It was colder under the night mountain, and the sky was covered with the night sky. Zhou Sheng opened the plastic curtain on the door, and the inside was warm. Zhou Laichun sat alone, in front of it was a small hot pot cooked on an alcohol stove, six dishes on the table, scallions tofu fans, crispy pork chop, hand-cut beef and chopped three yellow chicken.

"Change to a hot pot?" Zhou Shengyi said differently.

The boss is still the boss, looked out and asked, "What do you add?"

Zhou Shengdao: "Fresh to give you some."

"Sit down." Zhou Laichun took the dish and handed it to Yu Yu. Yu Yu poured the soy sauce into it, added some pepper, and cooked the road. He first adjusted it to Zhou Sheng and gave it to himself.

Zhou Laichun: "Mahjong beef and sheep rolls, Chongqing hot pot has oil dish, big bone soup beef **** with sand tea sauce, clear soup boiling water, you have to match the sweet mouth of soy sauce with pepper."

"Yeah." Yu Yu said casually: "There are north and south kitchens, hot pots have north and south, and there are also north and south, only the goods are not divided between north and south."

"What pots are equipped with what to expect." Zhou Laichun casually said, "Follow Zhou Sheng these times, go south, eat, eat, I must have learned."

Zhou Sheng took the bottle and poured some white wine on himself. Looking at the embers, Yu Yu waved his hand to indicate that he would not drink. The stomach was already hungry, and he did not rub with Zhou Laichun.

"I don't call you in the New Year, don't you look for me?" Zhou Laichun said, "I still remember that thing."

Yu Yu feels that there may be ghosts today, but the delicious food has made him thinklessly. This boss is really too forked. This is the one he has eaten, the only one that can be better than Zhou Sheng. This boss's cooking, Yu Yu sometimes can't help but want to return to the mayor.

Zhou Shengcheng said slyly: "Let's eat well, don't let down such a delicious hot pot."

Zhou Laichun picked up the cup and signaled Zhou Sheng to clink the cup. Zhou Sheng ignored him. Zhou Laichun took the cup and touched Zhou Sheng with a symbolic touch.

Zhou Sheng drank, Zhou Laichun also drank.

"In the past year, my taste was degraded." Zhou Laichun said, "Although I don't have anything to eat, I don't have any taste, but I really eat something, it's blunt, and drinking tea is bitter. Eating spicy is also bitter. Now, eating this pot, there is also a bitter taste."

"Look at the doctor?" Yu Yu asked. "I met a Concord in Beijing. I asked the person to hang a number. Have you seen it in the past?"

Zhou Laichun: "..."

In recent years, Yu Yu actually has his social relationship, and he is quite proud of himself.

"The last teacher who asked you to help find a patient?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"Yes." Yu Yu made an interview at the beginning of the year. It happened that a patient had a medical consultation and could not afford to pay for the medical expenses. When he saw that he was gone, the responsible doctor was looking for someone everywhere. Yu Yu let Zhou Sheng use his reasoning ability. Finally, I found someone at the train station.

Zhou Laichun said: "Concord should not be cured."

"If you have a disease, you should see a doctor." Yu Yu said, "You can't avoid illness."

Zhou Laichun was blocked by Yu Yu. He thought about it and said, "You Aunt Qin Xiaoyi gave me a doctor. Let's take a look at Handan City."

Zhou Sheng gave Yu Yu a crispy meat, and Yu Yu was eating. He said casually: "Oh."

But Zhou Laichun’s phrase “You Xiaoqin Auntie” revealed important information. Yu Yu knew that this meant that Zhou Laichun admitted him in a certain sense, and today he should not be able to make a noise.

“How is it in Beijing?” Zhou Laichun asked again.

Yu Yu feels that the temper of Zhou Laichun today is the best since they met them.

"It's okay." Zhou Sheng was also calm, and Yu Yu began to doubt again. Zhou Laichun might have to throw a big bomb later, but what else can he threaten them?

"As a private detective." Zhou Sheng said.

"This is your ideal?" Zhou Laichun laughed helplessly. "I can understand the reporter."

"Of course not." Zhou Sheng is inexplicable. "I am also studying for a postgraduate degree."

Zhou Laichun did not expect Zhou Sheng to be willing to study, and said: "What major is the exam?"

"You don't care about this." Zhou Sheng did not say, lest he should think that Zhou Laichun thought that he had studied business, in order to take over the company.

Yu Wei began to eat fans, almost full, and after a full meal, I was in a good mood. Looking back at the snow pile outside, I had a thick layer. This kind of beauty, just waited for Zhou to go out and walk in the snow.

"Eat and drink well." Zhou Shengdao, "I said that the right thing is awkward. In the winter night, I said that I went home and hugged my wife to sleep, you said, okay?"

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng quietly, thinking for a long time, helpless smile.

"Xiao Qin is pregnant." Zhou Laichun said.

Zhou Shengdao: "I thought it was awkward, wait for me to say congratulations?"

Yu Yu thought that it was this thing and smiled: "Congratulations."

"Boy." Zhou Laichun replied.

"Are you sure you want to be born?" Zhou Sheng looked at Zhou Laichun and said, "You are still young, you are tired."

Zhou Laichun was 22 years old when he was married. Now he is not yet 50 years old, but the middle-aged people of forty or fifty have raised their children from scratch. As a father, energy is not enough.

Zhou Laichun said: "I can let her get rid of accidents, but I don't think you will come back, so I plan to give birth, but in the end I will ask you a little unrealistic hope."

Hearing here, Yu Yu didn't want to listen to this kind of thing, and got up and left.

"Why do you ask me?" Zhou Sheng couldn't understand Zhou Laichun's brain circuit and said, "You should ask the child himself, if you want to be beaten, right?"

Zhou Laichun: "Tired, don't want to be noisy, Zhou Sheng, let's understand each other. My mother and I are full, and we have been quarreling for less than ten years. How about you? Have you been arguing for more than 20 years? You are Not waiting for the day of my death, no quarrel?"

Zhou Sheng sometimes doesn't know how to communicate with his father. He said, "You ask Xiaoqin, you both want a child, you are born, you don't want it, don't, don't you ask me why? I don't let her Pregnant!"

Zhou Laichun impatiently said: "You don't understand me?"

Zhou Sheng was full of anger and looked at Zhou Laichun.

Zhou Laichun said: "You are willing to go home to take over Yunlaichun. I don't want this child. If you don't want to come back, I will give birth to him. Later, this company will be under his control."

"My Scorpio." Zhou Sheng wiped his face and thought about it. He said, "Dad, when do you want to learn to respect people? Respect those who are different from yours?"

Zhou Laichun sometimes feels unable to communicate with his son.

"Yes, I understand." Zhou Laichun said, "Don't say it, just tell me your wishes. This is your last chance."

Yu Yu walked quietly in the snow, looking at the red lanterns on the trees and the railings in the distance, and the small lanterns flashing in the snow. In this snow, the world is so lonely, the whole world is so quiet and at your fingertips. The noisy world is so far away from him.

He remembered the jokes that Ou Kaihang had told them once. In Tsinghua, the difference between people and people is sometimes bigger than people and dogs.

On this night, the absurd words spoken from Zhou Laichun’s mouth made him especially feel that, “If you are willing to go home to take over the family business, I will give your stepmother a child,” like two species. The exchange between him really makes him laugh.

What's even more embarrassing is that it is also very much in line with Zhou Laichun's logic.

“What opportunity?” Zhou Shengdao, “The chance of success?”

Zhou Laichun was so drunk and looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Shengdao: "The success you think is different from the success I think. Dad, do you understand? Our differences have always been here."

"Society does not teach you how to be a person?" Zhou Laichun said, "You still have to be like a dog, and then you can mix it for a few years. You know, is it necessary? I will give you the bottom, what do you want?" ?"

Zhou Shengzheng said: "Success in the secular sense is success? Maybe? But it is not for me. A person who wants to drink water and eat bread, you give him a piece of gold, he does not, will, want Because this is not what he wants!"

"You can buy gold with gold." Zhou Laichun said, "Buy everything you want."

Zhou Shengdao: "You don't understand what I mean... forget it, can't figure you out..."

Zhou Laichun said: "What you want, you can buy it with money!"

"Love can also be?" Zhou Sheng finally couldn't help himself. "Family can also?! Can buy with money, you will be like this?!"

Zhou Laichun also roared: "What qualifications do you have to teach me?"

"Do you think I don't know if you still like my mother?!" Zhou Sheng was so stunned, Zhou Laichun suddenly widened his eyes.

Yu Yu took the snow in the snow, looked back, heard the confrontation between the father and the son, thinking that this is really explosive.

Zhou Laichun didn't talk, Zhou Sheng laughed and said: "You are wearing hair, don't you just want to prove yourself? Prove yourself, don't want to be ridiculed by her, ridicule, hurt self-esteem, otherwise why are you doing it all day long? Are you showing the stinky money in front of you? You are not being hit, want to go back and get back to the game? The result?"

"What is the result?" Zhou Sheng said. "She didn't want to bird you at all. She had forgotten you all the time, and others lived happily!"

A slap in the face of a crisp sound, Zhou Laichun raised his hand, and finally after a lapse of years, once again rewarded Zhou Sheng a slap in the face.

Zhou Sheng smashed it, but instead of being angry, he laughed.

"You have stunned me on the day of the divorce. I haven't forgotten these years. I finally found the opportunity to pay me back?" Zhou Sheng took a wet wipe and rubbed his face twice. He smiled. "Interesting, OK, we both Clear."

Zhou Laichun only sat and gasped, closed his eyes and could not shake.

"Dad." Zhou Sheng said earnestly, "Do you think that telling me this news today will hurt me? What is it? Really not, well, I just did have a little bit of loss, but not for money. Think again. This is also very good, at least you will not come to arrange my life for a long time."

"Yes." Zhou Laichun said, "At least you remember to me, this road is your own choice, don't hate me in the future, say that I didn't give you anything, I just want you to know that no one in this world is unique. Can't be replaced. Even if you are my son..."

Zhou Sheng said: "Drink the bar, don't say it, you are too weak today." He said that the last bit of residual wine was poured to Zhou Lachun.

Zhou Laichun couldn't believe to look at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng indulged for a while, and then said: "Dad, when you are a chef like a brother, open a shop, do your own extreme. With you, be a big boss, Can't be alive, see who is not pleasing to the eye, who is the money? Who do you think is more powerful?"

Zhou Sheng looked back at the kitchen and said, "The migrant workers eat here, the students eat here, go to work, and pass by here. He has no fame and no money." He said, he smiled at his father. Laugh: "In my eyes, he is much better than you, but I know that I can't convince you. If anyone can't convince anyone, let time prove it."

Zhou Laichun said: "In these years, I have been thinking about a problem."

Zhou Sheng frowned, looking at Zhou Laichun.

Zhou Laichun: "I don't know what I did wrong, son, I seriously asked, where is Dad sorry for you?"

"You are drunk." Zhou Sheng said, "Go back, don't say it."

Zhou Laichun raised his hand and made an action saying, "Your future brother, I will teach well, I can't repeat the mistakes made on you..."

"Do you really want me to say?" Zhou Sheng smiled bitterly. "I am telling the truth."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng, drunk, and Zhou Sheng seriously said: "His birth is a mistake, because you only gave birth to him for a certain purpose. I don't know what he will become in the future, but You have to understand one thing, me, my mother, Xiaoqin, and the child who was not born, I don’t care if he was born and shouted... We are your family and your loved ones."

Zhou Sheng Duan Zhou Laichun, a little sad said: "We are not your employees, not your pets, not your company's waiters. Although the waiter should not be treated like this, but forget it, tell you, you I can't understand it."

Zhou Laichun backhanded, pressed his own eyebrows, only bowed his head, and Zhou Sheng gave the driver a call and asked him to come and take Zhou Laichun away.

"Don't say it." Zhou Laichun said, "It's really destined. I asked me for 50 million that day..."

"He teased you to play." Zhou Sheng said, "You give him the whole cloud and he will not leave me."

Zhou Laichun’s voice is unstable, and slowly said: “I will give you 50 million to set up a fund to keep you hungry. The rest, you should rely on yourself. In the future, you will be willing, Yun Lachun will leave you a position……"

"When you are old," said Zhou Sheng. "If you don't care about you any day, I will take care of you. But this money, you still keep it. You gave me two million, I If you don’t spend a penny, it’s enough to just eat wealth management interest. From this point, I have to thank you and help us a lot.”

"I admit that money is very important." Zhou Shengchao's incoming driver whistled and helped him to go to Zhouchunchun, saying, "Without money, it is difficult to move. But money is not the purpose of my life, it is just a means. I would like to say I will return you slowly later..."

Zhou Laichun stood up hard and watched Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng said: "Thinking from childhood to big, you and my mom have spent a lot of money on me, feelings, it is not finished, the relationship of family, is not to say that it can be broken, here At the point, Yu Yu did teach me a lot. But think about it, if I have a child in the future, I will respect him more than you, and I will give him money as well."

"Is this the same thing? One generation passed down." Zhou Sheng smiled and patted Zhou Laichun's shoulder and said, "I owe you money, I will return it to my future child, go slowly, Dad."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng, snoring and gasping. Like what he wanted to say, Zhou Sheng returned to the position and sat down. The driver took Zhou Laichun away.

"Buy the bill." Zhou Shengmu sent them to leave.

The boss put on his glasses, picked up the bills, came over to the table, and settled for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng looked at the boss. The boss also looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng saved the money, the boss collected the money, everyone was unaware, the whole process remained. It was quiet.

"You are his son." The boss said, "I said."

Zhou Sheng replied: "Well, you know."

The boss nodded and said, "Hey." Then he took out two red envelopes from the apron to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng said: "I can't accept it, I am an adult."

"You can receive it before you go to work," the boss said.

Zhou Sheng: "I am at work."

Boss: "You can receive it before you get married."

"I have a wife." Zhou Sheng said, "Hey? What about the wife? Where is the wife?"

"Zhou Sheng! Come out!" Yu Yu shouted outside.

"My daughter-in-law called me." Zhou Sheng said, "Thank you boss."

The boss gave Zhou Sheng and said, "Go to work."

Zhou Shengyu, however, finally picked up, smashed the red envelope out, the outside was dark, and he couldn’t find anyone around, so quiet.

Zhou Sheng took the scarf and looked for someone. Yu Yu shouted in the open space of the park: "Here! Come here!"

Zhou Sheng: "I want to go to the tree to pee a urine..."

Yu Wei: "Is there a toilet in the store? You are a dog! You still have a urine."

Zhou Sheng hurried back, and went out after the bathroom was finished. Yu Yu stood on the side of the open space. Zhou Shengfei climbed over the railing and walked on the snow with his long legs. He came over to find the embers.


Yu Yu leaned back against the railing on the other side and placed the phone on the concrete railing and said, "Turn around."

Zhou Sheng: "???"

Zhou Sheng turned around and Yu Yu pressed a lantern switch under the railing. When he was skateboarding nearby, he saw several switches here.

The switch rang softly, and the entire open space in the park was lit up!

The lanterns illuminate the middle of the snow, a large piece of snow is emptied, two piles of snow are piled up, and the snowman is piled up as an angry bird, a round, a triangle, and eyebrows made of leaves.

Zhou Sheng suddenly laughed and said, "What are you doing?"

"You." Yu Yu put down the switch, and Zhou Sheng went to the snowman on the open space, Zhou Sheng pointed at the round, look at the embers, then look at the snowman, said: "Is this me? Triangle this is just you?"

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Yes."

"Why don't you kiss your mouth?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"The difficulty is too great!" Yu Yu said.

"These birds are cockroaches?" Zhou Sheng found that there were several small birds on the ground that were pinched into snowballs and had branches and noses.

"Our children in the future." Yu Yu Ledao, "If there is."

“Is there?” Zhou Sheng’s eyes were a little wet, turning to look at the embers.

"I don't know." Yu Yu looked innocent. "Look, you don't want it, but now it's still early?"

"Maybe it will be true." Zhou Sheng replied, "This is really like our family, um... there is a dog."

Yu Yu smiled and observed Zhou Sheng. Numerous small shreds of light shone on them, and the Galaxy of the Sky shined brightly. The open space was bright and spacious. Zhou Sheng took out his mobile phone and put a song. He said to Yu Yu: "Come on a dance? ”

"Not yet learned."

"Just jump?"

Zhou Sheng took the hand of Yu Yu, the music on the phone rang, and Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng's handsome face. He couldn't judge whether he was red because of drinking alcohol, or because he had a quarrel with Zhou Laichun.

Yu Wei: "Is the mood low? I guess when you heard the news, it was a little lost for a while."

"It's okay." Zhou Sheng replied. "It's really a bit. I know that for me, it's no longer unique. Is it a little tangled? But it will be fine for a while. People, can't do anything. It's not a spare tire. And let the whole cloud come to spring?"

Yu Yu laughed and said: "Only suddenly, will there be such a hard time to give up?"

"Yes." Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Yu, holding him in the music circle and said, "You know me the most."

"You decide?" Yu Yu said.

"Decision?" Zhou Sheng stopped and squatted, and raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Deciding how to go in the future." Yu Yu said that he felt that Zhou Sheng at this moment was the softest side he saw since they met.

Zhou Sheng replied: "The old man has his home, I also have my home, each of them has become a family... Don't always be unwilling to mix together."

After saying this, both of them are not happy, and they are sideways, watching the big and small snowmen piled up by Yu Yu, singing in the music:

"This life, this time is too little...not enough to prove the deep affection of melting ice and snow..."

"On a certain day, you suddenly appear, you are clear and mysterious-"

"On the shores of Lake Baikal..."

Yu Yu looked at the tree, on the railing, the flashing light dizzy, Zhou Sheng tightened him, turned his face and bowed his head on his lips.

"Right, what is the trick of empty gloves and white wolves?" Zhou Li asked in confusion, "I have been wondering for a long time, where did I learn?"

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng and smiled: "Maybe my brother thinks that you and your nephew are both returned by our empty gloves."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

- Volume IV · Loulan · End -

The fifth volume of the world tree

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