MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 144 oasis

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When the goalkeeper disappeared, Fu Liqun took the long scorpion back to the back and faced the door with a long sigh of relief.

Zhou Sheng said: "Brother, think clearly, don't push this door open until you really want to be clear."

Fu Liqun did not look back.

Yu Yu remembered what Zhou Sheng had said before he pushed the door for the first time.

After the four people came to Fu Liqun, Fu Liqun did not look back. After a long silence, he slowly shook his head and turned back. He said, "Are you asking yourself the same question before entering the last door?"

Ou Qihang looked at Fu Liqun sideways and replied: "I don't."

"I... um, yes." Chen Yukai thought for a moment and replied, "But the problem I face is different from yours."

Yu Yu knows that the next morning when he came home from home, Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun seriously discussed the career, the future, the feelings with the disappointment, and the confusion of the future. It is still the heart disease of Fu Liqun. Although Fu Liqun has already figured out the way forward, in the face of the challenges related to values, how to live a life, has not really and thoroughly looked at.

"What about you?" Fu Liqun asked Yu Yu.

"It's not the same." Yu said, "There was no anxiety in your life in your life."

Ou Qihang said: "You should be a person who is not very worried about material, Yu Yu."

"Yes." Yu Yu said with a smile. "Maybe it is a small kid."

The five people stood in front of the door and did not go in. Fu Liqun looked up at the quaint pattern on the door. Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "My wife is guiding my brother? This time it is always yours."

Yu Wei: "I really don't know what to say."

Ou Qihang smiled and said: "Are you not a set? Wash your mind, it is better than Uncle Kai."

Chen Yukai said: "It is more powerful than pyramid schemes."

Yu Yi was crying and laughing, but Fu Liqun looked at the door seriously.

“Which road do you want to choose?” Yu Yu suddenly said, “Sometimes I think you are very similar to Zhou Sheng’s many problems.”

"Which road?" Fu Liqun murmured.

Yu Yu said: "When the CEO, the nephew is a wife, embark on the road to the peak of life?"

Fu Liqun said: "If you can, who doesn't want to? Who doesn't want to succeed? The key is that I can't do it!"

"If you can do it," Yu Yu thought. "Will you go forward and push this door open? Brother, have you thought about it, what kind of success is the real success? It is the world." Is the success in your eyes still a real success for you?"

This is what Yu Yu has always insisted on.

Yu Yu added: "Is there only one way to success in the world? In the eyes of the world, is the road of wealthy homes the right way? Is it the right way for others? But I don’t know, but my heart is clear, for me, I There are more than one choice, I believe that I am on the right path. And more importantly, I have never regretted choosing it."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu’s hand were slightly tightened.

Fu Liqun's eyes widened, and the door was reflected in the clear pupil. All the scenes disappeared in the meantime, and the surrounding area turned into a white one.

"No matter who is ahead or the last battle, I believe that it will not be a game of material and material." Chen Yukai said, "If you want to defeat it, the most important thing is not to become richer than it. But You always believe in yourself."

"It’s been a long time with the dragon," Ou Qihang said. "I will become a dragon. This is the wrong path I have been on, but I don’t think you will."

Fu Liqun nodded slowly and said, "I want to be clear."

"That's your belief, push the door!" Zhou Shengdao, "Let's together!"

Everyone came forward and covered, and Yu Yu never thought about it. From the beginning of the long time ago, until now, it has evolved into the door of several people who together push the hearts of their comrades!

The last door made a loud noise, the hinges on the door rotated, and the door opened, and the gold and jewels that bloomed inside were so bright that they could barely open their eyes. The light faded and the huge hall inside was inside.

Everyone suddenly held their breath, gold coins and jewels piled up into mountains. After a while, he thought that he had gone wrong in the life scene and crossed into the western fantasy film. In the grand treasure house, the four walls and pillars all carved golden images.

Zhou Shengdao: "If this is how good the reality is..."

Yu Yudao: "Be careful."

Everyone is holding weapons, slowly approaching, and the treasures of the treasures are piled up in the mountains of jewels and gold coins, with a huge gray dragon! The grey dragon is sleeping, with an iron chain on the neck and the other end of the chain, carrying a masked girl with a graceful figure and a silk dress!

"Oh... scorpion."

For a moment, Rao was Zhou Sheng, and it was a bit too reactive.

The girl is the gloom of Fu Liqun's dream world. At this time, she is being watched by the evil dragon, looking to Fu Liqun and others, with sadness in her eyes.

"Who is that dragon?" Ou Qihang looked at the dragon. His eyes were squinting, his eyes were slanting and rising, and there were two eyebrows. The outline of the nose and faucet was faint.

"That is your father's father." Fu Liqun shouted.

Zhou Sheng couldn't help but burst into laughter. In the face of this scene, everyone suddenly laughed.

Chen Yukai whispered: "So, this is an ancient story of a knight to save the princess."

Yu Yudao: "But the totem?"

Zhou Sheng gestured to Yu Yu to pay attention to the incarnation of Lou Lan Princess, and Shen Shan shimmered with shimmer.

“Is the totem her?” Fu Liqun asked, “Can it be a person?”

"This is not the first time." Chen Yukai thought for a moment and said, "Go to her."

The people were very careful to get close to the center of the treasure house. Fu Liqun took the lead. The rest of the people were holding weapons and staring nervously at the black dragon. Yu Yu said: "I feel that this dragon will definitely wake up."

Zhou Sheng: "Not necessarily, the dragon does not wake up, it is not whether we wake it up."

Chen Yukai said: "Well, it depends on whether the feelings of Liqun and Susan are still under the eyes of the dragon guarding the totem. If he is confident and with Shanshan, this dragon will be He woke up after he regained the totem."

"You are here." Princess Loulan looked at Fu Liqun.

"I'm sorry." Fu Liqun carried a long squat, a leather armor, and said, "I have been escaping for too long."

The princess smiled and whispered: "It is not too late, the Cavaliers."

Said, she gently unveiled the veil, the veil flew in the air, falling, and it really showed a beautiful face.

"It's beautiful..." Ouqi Waterway, "It’s even more beautiful than seeing it that day."

Chen Yukai said: "Really, this eye is too beautiful."

Zhou Sheng: "The scorpion is really beautiful."

Yu Wei: "Why four gays will discuss the beautiful and not pretty problems of other people's girlfriends here."

"The heart of beauty, everyone has it." Zhou Sheng smiled and used the gold hoop to pick the chin and said, "Of course, my wife is the best."

Yu Wei: "..."

At this time, Fu Liqun made an action that made them very surprised. He did not take Hussein’s hand and did not break her embarrassment. Instead, press one hand on the chest and squat slightly toward the mountain.

"I am not a prince, there is no throne waiting for inheritance." Fu Liqun whispered, "There is no endless wealth, I am just a knight..."

Susan looked at Fu Liqun and had a sentimental smile on her face.

"I can't give you what your father asked." Fu Liqun kneels on one knee, presses his knee on one hand, looks up at Susan, and slowly says, "But I will give you, I can do it, the best. I have been in this life." I will work hard. There are princes in this world, and there are knights in life. I also have my mission. I don't know if you will choose me..."

"The answer is already known in your heart, isn't it?" Xiaoshan said softly, and extended his white fingers to Fu Liqun.

At that moment, everyone mentioned the eyes of the blindheart in one heart, and the attention was all focused on the eyes of the gray dragon! Fu Liqun slammed on one knee and reached out with a finger of Shushan.

Yu Yu clenched the dagger, Zhou Sheng put out a fighting posture, Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang each held weapons -

Just at the moment when the **** touched each other, the gray dragon's closed eyelid slightly lifted a slit, and a serpentine pupil appeared, and the pupil suddenly shrank into a vertical line!

"Hands!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

For a moment, the guns rushed together, and the gray dragon blew up and bombed. Then, the gray dragon roared.

"A group of small animals -"

The gray dragon suddenly became furious, spread his wings, and suddenly got up. He was dragged away by the anklet. Fu Liqun clung to the wrist of Yanshan and said, "What now?!"

"Come on her!" Zhou Sheng shouted. "The rest is left to us! You concentrate on getting the totem!"

"How to take it?!" Fu Liqun took Lushan, and was taken to the air in the hall. The gray dragon was still not seen. There were only four people in his eyes, and he snarled: "I don't know the thick ants!"

Yu Yu feels like seeing Zhou Laichun. Is it true that the attitude of these rich people is the same? Chen Yukai rushed from the side and shouted: "Beware!"

The gray dragon spurted out the flames and surrounded the hall. How did Yu Yu think that he had not yet risen?

The hall is broken, like time is still, flying stones, rubble, gold coins, jewels are scattered all over the place, starting to rotate like a storm!

The opportunity is coming! It’s this moment that Yu Yu waits. When all the dreams touch the totem, the scene will collapse, leaving a platform and going up to the sky. Sure enough, Fu Liqun is the same in his dreams!

"Pillar!" Yu Yu shouted, "Zhou Sheng!"

"Hey!" Zhou Sheng backed the golden hoop, and he rushed to the gold and silver jewels in front of him to play out with the cyclone sticks. He played in the sky and shouted, "Mr. Grandpa please tell me!" The golden pillar of the treasure house in the hall, a golden hoop stick, resisted, said: "Well! Where to fight?"

Yu Yufei jumped up and pulled out the hinges scattered outside the gate. The storm came, the hall collapsed, and under the blazing sun in the sky, under the blazing sun, Yu Yu shook his wings and dragged the chains and flew over. The golden pillar, flying around a few laps.

Chen Yukai shouted: "Next!"

Both Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang were unable to fly. Chen Yukai pulled out the other end of the hinge. Zhou Sheng immediately understood that he had a golden pillar in the air, took the hinge and said: "Go!"

As the platform rose, Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng collaborated to quickly wrap the gold column. Zhou Sheng grabbed the other end of the hinge and rushed to the gray dragon, smashing the hinge.

When the gray dragon turned his head, he discovered Fu Liqun, Zhang Kailongkou, and gathered a fierce scent in his mouth. Seeing that Longyan was about to erupt, Fu Liqun was burned to the ash.

All the buildings in all directions retreat, the sun is like a fire, shining on the earth, Fu Liqun clings to the hustle and bustle, and embraces in this storm. Yan Shan opened her eyes, looked up, and hugged Fu Liqun's neck.

As soon as the gray dragon spread its wings and flew, it was suddenly dragged by a huge gold column. It was involuntarily sunk and was brought to the platform again. The long-lasting spurt of the dragon would rise with the faucet and form a The light column hits the sky.

Susan was stunned with the strength and was pulled away from Fu Liqun's arms. Fu Liqun chased down from the air and grabbed her wrist. Yu Yu and Zhou Shengfei opened, a loud noise, the gray dragon was sturdy on the edge of the platform, and the wings kept blowing.

"There is a sun!" Zhou Shengdao, "Summon your mounts!"

At the same time, Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang, Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu raised their weapons and swayed in the air on the ground toward the center of the sky. The light of the embers of the embers connected Zhou Sheng, and the light of Chen Yukai’s weapons connected to the embers. In the hands of Ou Qihang, the seal was formed, which connected the sun in the world of Fu Liqun's dream.

When the gray dragon fell, Fu Liqun fell with it, and a muffled sound fell. He fell full of blood and struggled to get up. Susan was firmly tied by the ankle, climbed to Fu Liqun, anxiously said: "Get up! Get up!"

Fu Liqun slammed into the ground, and got up and swayed to the gloom.

Fu Liqun: "I can't take her away! Locked!"

"You can!" Yu Yu shouted.

Chen Yukai said: "There is a key to missing! Just like my dream..."

Yu Zhenran remembered, shouted: "Zhou Sheng - catch!"

Yu Yi and a finger to the sky, the fingertips turned into a light spot, and waved toward Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng: "???"

The light spot fell between Zhou Sheng's fingers, Zhou Sheng took a hand and pinched it, and suddenly remembered that it was three years ago, they accompanied Fu Liqun to choose the earrings! Zhou Sheng threw the earrings into the air and slammed it with a stick of gold.

"Brother! Hold on! Brothers to help you pick!"

The earrings became longer in the air and turned into a long silver needle. Fu Liqun woke up like a dream, holding a needle, and inserting it on the ankle of the squatting, open it!

The gray dragon dragged the golden giant column under the abdomen, supported it, and the claws turned toward Fu Liqun and slammed it.

“Hey!” A Gundam robot made a loud noise and landed on the gray faucet. The platform tiles flew, and the gray dragon’s head was stepped on the platform and buried in the brick.

That round of the sun suddenly changed color, spurting the almost blazing sundial, Ou Qihang's Gundam first rushed to the battlefield, Chen Yukai's feather snake **** passed through two Japanese wheels, and flew out!

Followed by Zhou Sheng's sharp-angled black dragon, spreading his wings and diving, and a corner against the gray dragon's ribs, launched it into the high platform!

In the end, it was sprayed in the golden wheel, and countless meteor showers fell from the sky. Yu Yu was holding a long stick under the slate of rain, and the head of the stick pointed to the gray dragon. The meteor rainstorm suddenly went crazy on the platform!

The gray dragon suffered repeated attacks, and was furious. When the wings were close together, Fu Liqun clung to the mountain. The gray dragon almost snarled: "I don't know the good dross! The bottom of society! Leave my daughter!"

Fu Liqun with Hushan retired, holding her in one hand, whispered: "No."

Yan Shan closed her eyes, smiled, and raised her face. Fu Liqun bowed his head and kissed him, kissing Kissan's lips.

In the next moment, the gray dragon slammed his wings and screamed with madness. He sprayed a few dragons that could destroy the earth, and the black dragons of the feather snake and Zhou Sheng were simultaneously bounced. The platform collapsed and the gray dragon was thrown to the ground! The smoke and dust smashed the sky, and the sky was once blocked. The world was once again in the darkness, and the roar of the dragon came from afar.

Then, in the desert sands, the faint wolf screamed.

Zhou Sheng drove the black dragon, carrying Yu Yufei, and everyone went on the ground, Yu Yu said: "Can't see clearly!"

Looking at the earth from the sky, the sandstorm has become higher and higher, covering the sky, the sun is hidden, the dream world enters the long night, and Fu Liqun is wounded and bloody, standing in the raging dust.

"Get the totem?" Zhou Shengdao.

Fu Liqun glowed with golden light in his hands, then looked up and looked deep into the dust.

"The princess saved it." Fu Liqun gasped. "The dragon still has to kill."

Yu Yu shook a ray of light, Fu Liqun bathed in the light, the whole body healed, and suddenly slammed, the sandstorm rushed back, clearing a grand, boundless battlefield. The army of Yu Wei was uniform and unified, and gathered behind Fu Liqun. The Gao Zhi of Ou Qihang, the feather snake of Chen Yukai, and the black dragon of Zhou Sheng suspended in the air.

"Innocent is almost stupid. When you enter the society, it is like entering a wolf group. You can't even live without it. How can you take care of my daughter?" The low voice of the gray dragon came from the dust storm. "This world is full of intrigues." Weak meat, you only have one in the end, die!"

"I really don't want to see the wolf anymore..." Zhou Shengdao, "Wolf, your mother!"

In an instant, dust storms rushed out of the millions of wolves, and Fu Liqun raised the long scorpion and shouted: "Follow me!"

In the torrent of the wolves, Fu Liqun took the soldiers and went upstream. The Gundam, the Feathered God and the Black Dragon supported in the air, spurting the flames and releasing the laser cannon and the dragon flame. Yu Yu spread his wings and flew in the sandstorm. He shouted to Zhou Sheng: "There are too many wolves on the ground!"

"You will fly!" Gundam’s voice came from Europe.

The wolves were ribbed and winged, and they actually flew up in the run. One or two were not afraid. In fact, they flocked in groups, and they couldn’t open the mounts. Instead, they were not flexible in the air. live.

"Think of a way!" Zhou Sheng went down with a stick and swept the wolves. The wolves that rushed out of the fog were overwhelming, and more and more, killing could not be killed.

"Brother!" Yu Yu shouted.

Fu Liqun led the army to rush, Zhou Sheng abandoned the black dragon, and turned into a shovel, falling from the sky, a loud noise, provoked flying yellow sand.

Chen Yukai: "I won when I rushed to the front!"

"Can't rush!" Gundam, Ou Qihang's voice came, "Too much!"

"Brother!" Zhou Sheng squatted on the iron shovel, blocking the wolves rushing forward, holding the hand against the wolf that bite, and smashed out!

Fu Liqun swept through and shouted: "I don't know how to deal with it!"

"This is your dream!" Chen Yukai drove the feathers and snakes, rolling in a high place, smashing the chasing troops and shouting, "Change your impression!"

Up to the ground from the ground, kneeling on one knee, in the cockpit, Ou Kaihang pressed the eyebrow side, appeared a single infrared sight, set hundreds of sights, scattered whistling and screaming away!

Fu Liqun took a deep breath and returned the long scorpion back to his back and closed his eyes. Yu Yu whirls in the air, avoiding the flying wolf, and shouting: "If you don't believe in wolf, they will take you no way!"

There are more and more wolves, surrounded by Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun.

Fu Liqun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Essence - empty gloves white wolf!" Fu Liqun roared, hands swinging, recycling, and another boxing to the ground.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng mouth twitching: "What the hell? And this trick?!"

Then, a circular shock wave exploded, screaming toward the surrounding sea, and the shock wave swept over, and the wolves on the ground suddenly evaporated as usual, and all disappeared!

"I will!" Yu Yu shouted.

"Esoteric! Sleight of hand tricks!" Yu Hao threw two daggers, dive in the sky, raise a fist, punched beat the Void, such as boxing face suddenly filled with a burst tsunami that space with a sandstorm suddenly deformed together toward Deep in the dust and go down!

Chen Yukai: "Why are you too?"

Ou Qihang: "What?"

Yu Yu smiled and took the dagger, and Fu Liqun said: "Assault!"

The sandstorm was rewinded and cleared, and the huge figure of the gray dragon appeared. The gray dragon was tied to the golden pillar by Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng from the beginning. How to flap the wings could not fly, and he had to spurt fire everywhere. Under the leadership of Fu Liqun, the embers in the sky spread their wings, and Zhou Sheng drove the black dragon to take off, and the feathers and the gods rushed to the gray dragon. And Fu Liqun led a thousand troops and went to the gray dragon!

The gray dragon gathers a strong flame, just as it erupts.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Yufei came and landed on the back of the black dragon. Zhou Sheng shook the golden hoop and turned it into a giant shield. He drove the black dragon and flew with the embers to the fire-like dragon. The dragon flame spurted on the giant shield, and the fire broke out. The explosion occurred in the sandstorm. At the moment when the short soldiers met, Zhou Sheng suddenly smashed his hands and shielded him. He and the embers seized the shield and set up the shield. Sweeping, the faucet of the gray dragon came to the shield.

"Is you going to spurt fire?" Zhou Shengdao.

"When" the loud noise, the gray dragon was like a slap in the palm, his head was turned 90 degrees, the black dragon's two claws caught on the gray dragon's neck, grabbed the scales, vacated, spewed out in the mouth. The fierce temper, the gray dragon suddenly mourned and rolled.

Immediately after the feather snake **** dive, Chen Yukai shot a gray dragon squat, the gray dragon rolled, side.

"Is you rich?" Chen Yukai cold and cold.

Ascending from the sky, a fist hit the faucet, and it stunned.

Ou Qihang: "You are not the bottom of society!"

Fu Liqun took the army and rushed to the front. All the soldiers stopped at the same time, stepped back and shot the arrows. Fu Liqun held the long squats like a lonely and brave knight. In the wind and sand, he bravely rushed to the gray dragon. .

The dust storm suddenly stopped, and the gray dragon looked up and turned.

All the light between heaven and earth will dim down.

In the sand field, Fu Liqun, only the light that bloomed in Changchun, reflected his gentle face and formed a silhouette.

In the next moment, Fu Liqun stabbed the scales under the gray dragon's throat, and the fire exploded, covering his whole body, spreading toward the whole world, rolling up, the dust in the sky was still, and it turned into a snowflake. The light spots are falling.

"You can't live what you want." Fu Liqun said, "Sorry, father-in-law."

The gray dragon burst into brilliance and turned into light dust, which was swept away by the gentle winds of the desert.

"Look at the sunrise -" Zhou Shengdao.

Everyone flew away at the same time as the appointment. Zhou Sheng made a snap and the black dragon disappeared. He drove the clouds and took the embers to the top of the Gobi Mountain in the east. The two sat side by side.

Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang flew to another hill. Ou Qihang sat down in front of the cliff and stepped on the edge of the cliff. Chen Yukai stood and looked into the distance.

"It's snowing." Yu Yu said differently.

"It's snowing." Zhou Sheng looked up.

In the night sky, a galaxy traversed the desert skyline, and the sky star flashed.

The sand was actually strangely turned into fine snow, and it was swaying on the earth, silent, like a film that was silenced.

Fu Liqun stood in the middle of the ruined ancient city. In front of him, he turned into a light-like disappointment. The two looked at each other. Yanshan reached out and caught the gentle falling snow. Fu Liqun reached out to the palm of his hand. Falling in his palm.

Fu Liqun stood tall and stood in the middle of the road, holding one hand and lifting it up, welcoming the dawn of light on the horizon on the east.

The heavy snow turned the desert into a sinuous white plain, covering the ruins of Loulan.

"It's so beautiful." Yu Yu said.

Zhou Sheng looked at the eyes and squatted, and looked at the distance, and looked at the distance.

"If you can't see such a sun in the future, will you be disappointed?"

Yu Yu knows the meaning of Zhou Sheng. After all, Jin Wulun has attracted attention. Perhaps the act of crossing the dream will end completely one day.

"Of course not." Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng sideways and said, "You can see you, you are the sun, the light is shining."

Zhou Sheng’s handsome face was red, and he said, “I’m so embarrassed, go home and give you a good meal.”

Yu Yu laughed, and a moment of light came from the horizon, and the two turned their heads at the same time.

The sun rose.

The sun shines on the body of Susan and Fu Liqun. They are facing Zhaohui, the white snow on the hair melts, and the snow in the hands of Fu Liqun turns into water droplets, rolling down from the palm side and dripping on the ground.

In an instant, the snow melting speed spreads rapidly toward the whole world. The snow and ice in the desert is melted and infiltrated into the sand.

The sun rises, the river in the sun is like a brocade, the sound of water is flowing, and the white waterfall is falling in front of the Gobi. Everything grows in the desert, green, and is born from the long-lost water.

The sun rises, Fu Liqun and Weishan are surrounded by, the masonry is automatically raised under the burying of the yellow sand, the megalith of Guloulan is made up of loud noises, the stone bricks on the wall are automatically layered, the dust flows, and then disappears. The inhabitants buried underneath.

The people buried by the gravel stretched out, yawned, and walked out of the house, and the entire Loulan world recovered.

The sun rose, and under the gentle light, the oasis area spread out, boundlessly, spread to the skyline, the desert turned into a pasture, and the Gobi became a pale green mountain.

As the sun rises, the white jade wall of Loulan Palace shines with the radiance of the sun, and the sound of camel bells and cymbals is coming from far away.

Fu Liqun took the light of the hand of Shanshan and went to the Loulan Palace.

The sun rose, the dream world was reconstructed, and it became a bustling and beautiful ancient city. The platform in the palace rose, and Fu Liqun and Susan went to the top. Susan went to the throne, and the light wind blew the veil and landed. In front of her, she was elegant and lazy and slightly sideways. Fu Liqun gently picked up her long hair, put earrings on her right ear, and kissed her side.

Husband turned into a light spot and dissipated. He rose into the air and turned into a dream totem. Fu Liqun carried a long squat and walked to the platform on the top of the palace, facing the distance.

A round of radiant sun shines, shining on Fu Liqun, Fu Liqun left fist on the right shoulder, and the partners on the Gobi Mountain in the far side are a little embarrassed.

Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu raised their hands and responded in the eyebrows.

Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang raised their hands and responded.

"Good night." Zhou Shengdao, fingers circled, gently in the air, the fluctuations of space is like a hustle and bustle, spread out overwhelming.

Everyone wakes up from a dream.

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