MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 138 acting

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At the moment of waking up, Zhou Sheng took off Jin Wulun and handed it to Yu Yu’s hand. Yu Yu’s heart grasped it and threw it down the gap of the mattress and threw it directly into the bedside table. Then Zhou Sheng took out the almost identical imitation at a very fast speed and placed it in the quilt.

Zhou Sheng said: "The thing that is still coming back is not the bait that I throw it out. Someone must check it."

I have understood it, and the real goal of the other party is Jin Wulun! They seized Zhou Sheng and took Jin Wulun, but did not know that this thing had been combined by them to become a fake, so the fakes were taken away, after the second adjustment, fakes for fakes, new fakes The goods returned to Zhou Sheng’s hand.

Yu Wei: "..."

Yu Yu thought that it was really a foot high, and the other took the fake. I don’t know how it developed.

"This signal is a bit complicated." Chen Yukai said.

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng sucked the cola and turned over and over to see the fake golden wheel.

“How do you perceive this?” Yu Yu felt that Zhou Sheng was too smart.

Zhou Sheng raised his eyes and smiled in his eyes. He raised his eyebrows slightly, just like he was still studying, meaning "Look at me?"

Yu Yu nodded, his eyes full of the color of worship.

Chen Yukai said: "This is also a message that the other party is passing to you."

Zhou Sheng and "hmm" sounded, his brow stretched out, Yu Yu said: "Wait, my IQ has a gap with you, can you make it clear?"

Zhou Sheng explained: "When we come here, we know a few people? Your boss, boss wife, Jin teacher, Huang Wei, Xiaoou, no, my unit has not told."

Chen Yukai said: "There are three exclusions. First, the three newspapers are excluded."

Zhou Shengman said inadvertently: "Jin teacher can't completely rule out, but the possibility is very small."

"It's very small." Chen Yukai said, "This person was hired by Lin Ze in advance. If it is undercover, Lin Ze can't be ignorant. Once Lin Ze knows, his lover will not take the initiative to remind him. detail."

"What details of the tracking?" Yu Yu said, "The boss did not remind me of this."

"The bald head wearing a wig." Zhou Sheng reminded, "The same person who appeared in the two photos, forgot?"

Yu Wei: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng actually remembers a little thing so long ago!

"Lin Ze told me that Situ Wu had left home before, and the family always wanted to take him back." Chen Yukai said, "It should be intuition."

Zhou Shengdao: "Your boss's anti-detection ability is also a lever... Well, the newspaper temporarily excludes it, but it does not rule out the situation that Kim is bought after he knows you.

Yu said: "I thought about it in the bureau, and it should not be sailing."

"He consulted his classmates." Chen Yukai said, "But his classmates should not know who it is. So there is only one possibility to sell you both, Huang Xiong."

Yu Yu took a long breath, and sure enough.

Zhou Sheng said: "He has been paying attention to the Shangyu. It has been several years, and he introduced me to the job, mostly to monitor me."

Yu Yu asked: "So what does this convey?"

Chen Yukai said: "Take this opportunity to take away the golden wheel. Zhou Sheng will know sooner or later that this is not the case. The purpose of Huang Qilai’s hand is a warning: people are separated from Jinwulun, I hope we will not use it again. It is."

Zhou Shengdao: "Maybe he also reached a deal with the top, and took out the golden wheel to protect us. It is not a matter of swearing."

Zhou Sheng opened the lid and chewed a few pieces of ice and said, "Innocent is OK."

Chen Yukai sighed and frowned: "He has always been naive."

Yu Yan brows deep lock, knowing that only Jin Wulun is useless, even if Huang Hao got the real gold wheel and handed it over to the organization, they could not study a total of 2,580,000. However, thinking of a group of people around a crafts pointing fingers, no clues, Yu Yu could not help but laugh out loud, this is simply Zhou Sheng's mischief!

"No." Yu Yudao, "This is both irritating and funny..."

Chen Yukai couldn't help but laugh. Only Zhou Sheng played with the straw in his hand. It doesn't matter, "A group of turtle sons."

Chen Yukai said: "I just didn't expect him to be... oh. I just can't figure out how he decided to fix this."

Yu Yu’s flash of light flashed and muttered: “The memory of sailing has been burned.”

“Hey.” Zhou Shengdao said, “So even if Huang Qi is inferred to be seamless, there is no way to confirm it.”

When the car arrived, Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai’s conversation gave Yu Yu some inspiration. He said: “But this memory is not really disappearing, but it is turned into pieces and buried in the subconscious.”

"Yes." Chen Yukai said, "Unless you wake up to Liang, enter his subconscious mind and restore his memory..."

Yu Yu said: "If there is something we don't know, what about other methods?"

Zhou Sheng suddenly looked at Yu Yu.

Yu Yu explained: "I mean, maybe we have neglected many of the tactics in reality, like drugs, they directly affect people's memory, or ... hypnosis? Hypnosis!"

Chen Yukai whispered: "There is this possibility..."

Zhou Sheng said: "If this is the case, then Huang Hao will master everything, rely on."

Yu Yu grabbed the thought of flashing and said, "Right? Is it possible, is it? Is it hypnotic therapy, which can remind people of some fragments that were forgotten in childhood, if Huang Qi took the sail to participate in hypnosis? Diagnosing, regaining this message, and I don’t know if I set sail. Isn’t Huang Hao clear?”

Zhou Sheng said: "Yes, it is very possible. To eliminate his memory, he has done something wrong."

Chen Yukai said: "We still have a way to enter Huang Yu’s dream and force this memory to be erased."

"One by one." Zhou Sheng said, "Put out the radish and bring out the mud. How many people still need to eliminate it? The key is that we don't know the secret, there are still a few. But Huang Wei, the **** is at least a bit still Ok, we didn’t take them directly, we only took the golden wheel.”

Chen Yukai said: "He should not reveal too much to the top."

Huang Wei still has the mind to protect them. Otherwise, he will bring Zhou Sheng back directly. It is more straightforward to study this with Jin Wulun.

"I don't want to, I don't think I dare, they may want to even have a pot of food." Zhou Sheng said, "Don't dare because they are afraid of embers."

"Afraid of me?" Yu Yu is inexplicable, "Why?"

"You are a reporter." Zhou Sheng said, "You have Lin Ze behind you, there is the Qinghua Times, you really want to come out, this thing is absolutely small."

Chen Yukai said: "There is no one to believe that this thing is going out. I really want to suppress it. Anyway, I will try my best to suppress it."

"No." Zhou Sheng's fingers twirled with a straw and said seriously, "You have to think clearly, the thing about Jin Wulun, for Huang Wei, the less people know the better, any uncontrollable factors will set off a big storm." ”

"That's right." Chen Yukai said, "Once they are informed by Lin Ze, like the rumors about what Pisces Yu Pei had in the past, it would be difficult to get rid of it."

"In the short term, Jin Wulun can no longer be used."

"They will also find it to be fake." Yu Yu said, "It won't last long."

"So I have to continue to think about countermeasures," Zhou Sheng said. "Look at Laozi not killing them. Is the baby finished? After you finish eating, continue to save people, first take your brother home and say."

This is an unpredictable episode, and the crisis has come unexpectedly. Yu Yu felt quite embarrassed at first, but in Zhou Sheng’s eyes, he did not care. He used “playing death” to describe it, and it was very Satan’s atmosphere. Before leaving the restaurant, Zhou Sheng patted the embers and said, "Don't worry, I can get it."

"The opponent is Huang Wei." Yu Yudao, "I don't know how many people are behind."

"Huang Wei is also a human." Chen Yukai is also very calm. "It is a person, there are weaknesses. They were in the dark, we are in the Ming, now they turn to the bright face, they lose their first hand, don't be afraid."

Zhou Sheng said with a smile: "That is, Laozi IQ is one hundred and eight, let's go!"

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng put on sunglasses and put a song in the car. In the future, they will not play, but I don’t know, but Yu Yu knows that at least this week’s sensation will make Huang Hao play a trick. .

"Pay attention to concentration."

When he went to visit Langhui, Chen Yukai reminded Yu Yu that Yu Yu immediately converges his mind and temporarily expelled what happened today from his mind. The most important thing now is to find the whereabouts of Fu Liqun.

"Life is like a play, it depends on acting." Zhou Shengdao, "Get up!"

After a while, I forgot the golden Wulun crisis that seemed to follow the shadows. I couldn't help but want to laugh. Zhou Sheng pulled down the shirt collar, changed a casual suit, took the pair of flat glasses from the bag and put it on the mirror. Chen Yukai came down from the driver's seat and pulled the car door. Zhou Sheng took the embers to get off the train and suddenly resumed his work in Yunlaichun.

"This... and change the script?" Yu Hao did not respond.

"You can pass the road passerby," Chen Yukai said. "The boss is not good, I am too famous."

"Come together, are we the rich man?" Zhou Sheng went to adjust his shirt sleeves and said to Yu Yu, "Is it like a people entrepreneur?"

"Nothing." Chen Yukai said.

Yu Yu said modestly: "Mr. Chen's capital is new, we can't compare."

Chen Yukai said: "Speak well, don't be jealous."

Zhou Sheng couldn’t help but laugh. Yu Yu said before Lin Ze said that the industry public number usually has a default saying, calling the township wealthy owners “civil entrepreneurs” and investing in “financial giants” and “capital newcomers”. "It is a young upstart who engages in Internet fraud."

Chen Yukai stepped forward and gave Zhou Sheng an elevator. He arrived at the front desk and took out documents to visit. Yu Yu took a Hasselblad and took photos of Zhou Sheng at the company's door. Suddenly came three such people to visit, the front desk was not psychologically prepared, and a group of MLM backbones were still doing brainwashing and singing "Grateful Heart", and it was all over.

Chen Yukai said: "About Huang Zong, this morning at ten o'clock."

"No appointment?" The front desk was stunned, and quickly called to ask Chen Yukai to wait, Chen Yukai's face was a bit unsightly, standing at the door of the company. Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu waited patiently in the corridor.

Yu Yu touched Zhou Sheng’s collar. I didn’t expect such a bad sorrow. I saw this guy’s deputy master, which was quite a surprise. Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Yu with a smile, and seemed to want to bow down and kiss him. I am afraid of coming outside.

Chen Yukai’s voice came out inside, a little impatient, and said, “Well?”

Zhou Shengyu bowed his head at this time, and kissed him on the face of Yu Yu. He met Chen Yukai with a portfolio at the front desk. I don’t know what happened. I was afraid that it was sent by the city government. Hurry up: "Please sit inside, immediately notify Huang Zong."

"Zhou Zong." Chen Yukai looked at his watch and pushed the door out. He said to Zhou Sheng, "They have no appointments, are they still talking?"

"Come on." Zhou Sheng casually said, "Go in and sit down, don't worry about the front desk."

Chen Yukai pushed the door open, Zhou Sheng calmly went in, the front desk saw Zhou Sheng, suddenly his eyes lit up, and there was a famous female supervisor inside. Everyone was obviously confused, but they didn’t ask too much. Sitting in the reception room. The supervisor said: "Huang is in a meeting, this is..."

"A few days ago, our head office called you here." Chen Yukai said, "I want to come over and ask Huang to talk about the issue of agency distribution. Is there any problem in the middle link?"

Zhou Sheng didn't drink water after sitting down. He looked around and Yu Yu entered the show very quickly. He quickly touched out the mobile phone and asked the mobile phone: "Where is the Ministry of Commerce responsible for contacting Langhui? How do you know nothing here?" ?"

“Which company are you?” The supervisor stood a little and stood tall, standing in a very standard position, facing Chen Kaikai.

Zhou Sheng took the newspaper on the coffee table and turned it over.

“郢市云来春.” Chen Yukai took the introduction letter from the portfolio and handed it to the supervisor. The supervisor immediately said: “Yunlaichun! I know you, the restaurant group!”

"This is our little Zhou total." Chen Yukai introduced.

Zhou Shengchao said: "No need to ask, chaos, and go back."

Yu Yu replied: "I should go home for the New Year."

The supervisor took a letter of introduction and said, "I will inform Huang immediately, sorry, sorry."

Zhou Shengchao nodded and said, "Nothing, anyway, it is the same now. I will stay in Nanlu for two days."

The supervisor sent the photos and asked them to sit first and rush out.

"The official seal has it." Chen Yukai looked at the introduction letter, casually.

Zhou Sheng casually said: "When I was internship, I got a few pieces, which just came in handy." He leaned back and leaned back on the back of the sofa that Yu Yu leaned back, full of boredom.

Huang always came soon. This person called Huang Zheng. Before he came to Chen Hao Kate, he went to the reception room and wore glasses. He looked down at the mobile phone and looked up at Zhou Sheng. The supervisor said: "This is our general."

Zhou Sheng nodded and rose up and shook hands and said: "First time, Hello, Huang."

"Oh! Oh!" Huang Zhengdao, "Hello, hello! It's a pleasure! It's a pleasure! There are friends coming from afar! It's fun!"

Huang Zheng’s voice was accompanied by a southern accent. Zhou Sheng handed over the business card that Yun Lachun gave him. The business card of the director of Yunlai Chunda’s business department who had prepared for his promotion was still kept, and Chen Yukai handed another card. Business card, above is a bunch of English. I don’t think it’s okay for me to leave it, so I’m sure that others don’t understand English. ?

"Don't check it." Zhou Shengchao Huang Zheng smiled. "That is my dad."

"Oh! Yes! Yes, the tiger father has no dogs! Hahaha!" Huang Zheng hurriedly checked the next cloud, and the first photo that jumped out was "people entrepreneur" Zhou Laichun. Skinny face grinding over the skin, and Zhou Sheng is almost seven points.

"Yeah." Huang Zheng read the original letter of introduction, and then accepted it, saying, "Why didn't anyone receive the notice? It's too unreasonable! The wine bag!"

Chen Yukai said: "The children in the department are on holiday. I don't know who contacted them. Before I came here, I called this and said that they were all arranged. Langhui also welcomes us to visit."

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!" Huang Zheng said, "I have friends coming from afar. It's a pleasure! You... What are your demands? You have to do the catering in the spring, and you have done a lot! We can learn from each other!"

Chen Yukai gave Huang Zheng a picture on the mobile phone and said, "You are the agent of health care products, we have eaten every week..."

"My dad." Zhou Shengchao explained to Huang Zheng.

Zhou Shengyi opened, Chen Yukai immediately shut up, Huang Zheng busy smiled and nodded. After a short time, Chen Yukai continued: "We have eaten in the week and feel that the effect is very good."

"That is of course!" Huang Zheng said, "We are the Queen of England, Elizabeth is eating every day!" Speaking of the company's products, Huang Zheng suddenly spirited, switched to brainwashing mode, began to introduce Zhou Sheng, old Bush, Obama, and Elizabeth... are endless.

"...there is something called gold in life..."

"Antioxidantenzymeantibody." Yu Yuchao said Chen Yukai.

Zhou Sheng thinks this, and Huang Zheng said: "This is our business consultant. This is my assistant."

Chen Yukai used English to talk to Yu Yu in two sentences.

What Chen Yukai said was "his idioms are very interesting," and Yu Yu replied, "I have to endure hardships and endure hardships."

Huang Zheng said: "Yes! This is the ingredient!"

After seeing their PPT product promotion, Yu Yu wrote down the word. In fact, he didn't know what it was. Zhou Sheng slammed his feet and his ankle rested on his lap. He shook and said, "I didn't eat myself. I don’t know, my dad is very fond of it. I want to see if there is any place to cooperate. If it is appropriate, we will take some goods from you and go back to the agent to see it. You can also do it through channel development.”

"This way!" Huang Zhengchao raised the sound of the week and said seriously, "I let the sales director come over and introduce you to the product first."

"No!" Zhou Sheng waved his hand, smashed the suit inside the bag, and the embers quickly touched the bag and found a tin cigarette case. Zhou Sheng took the cigarette, and Yu Yu lighter gave him some cigarettes. Huang Zheng said: "I pumped my pump. mine."

"I pumped me." Zhou Sheng got a lot of good smoke from the unit, and Yu Yu gave Huang Zheng a point. Huang Zheng said: "We have several kinds of products. Your father eats only one of them! This is to match Combination, more effective! You don't know..."

Next, it was a product introduction for nearly half an hour. Yu Yu thought that he had to eat much in the morning. Now that his stomach is still hungry, Zhou Sheng patiently listened and nodded.

"I don't want to eat this." Zhou Shengdao, "My dad is your fan, you don't have to say much, the effect must be very good. I am more concerned about this profit model, I don't know how it works in Handan."

Speaking of the profit model, Huang Zheng suddenly became a shock, and Yu Yu thought it was over. So it is estimated that at 6 o'clock in the evening, it is not always possible to speak out. Next, Huang Zheng was inexhaustible. He introduced how his team worked hard, how much sales he had completed in the past year, and shouted out: “Take our sales report!”

Zhou Sheng looked at the report politely and exclaimed: "It is really business."

Huang Zheng said: "Is there lunch? No, let's go down and have a meal, eat and talk!"

Yu Weidao: "Is there a flyer?"

"Yes!" Huang Zheng called two people, and said to Yu Yu and Chen Yukai: "They are my vice presidents, right and left! They are all themselves!"

The vice president took a stack of flyers to Yu Yu, ordered the location, and took them down for lunch. At the lunch of Hunan cuisine, Zhou Sheng only ate a little and didn't eat it. During the dinner, Huang Zheng talked a few words, and Huang Zheng couldn't help but nod.

"People who dine in the family." Huang Zheng smiled and said, "Three generations are officials, only to know how to eat and wear! Are you married?"

"No, play for a few more years." Zhou Sheng said, "Don't worry."

I thought about how to talk about this, and took the camera and took photos of Zhou Sheng and Huang Zheng. Zhou Sheng also sat generously and took the shoulder of Huang Zheng. After eating and starting to toast, Zhou Sheng went up and first laid down the two vice-presidents, lest the two of them go to the nonsense and chat with Huang Zheng.

A meal was almost eaten. Chen Yukai took the initiative to buy the order. Zhou Sheng made a complete set of the ingredients of the 18th generation of Huang Zhengzu, including how he dropped out of school in the middle of the year, started to work hard, unloaded and sold insurance, and went to the north and finally I have created my own brand distribution, all of which are clear.

The last two people called the brothers and brothers up, and Yu Hao was unable to take pictures next to him. Huang Zheng gave Zhou Sheng a cigarette and asked people to pay the bill. After learning that Chen Yukai had bought it, he was furious.

"How can this be done?" Huang Zhengdao, "How can this be done! Too no face! The hospitality! Where do you let me face?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Sheng said, "Come here and hand over your big brother, more than anything, is it? A meal, what do you and your younger brother care about?"

Chen Yukai pulled out a wooden box and said, "This is the tea that we always bring with us, a little bit of meaning."

Huang Zheng suddenly went straight to Qingyun, and he was already immersed in the soup by Zhou Sheng. Now it is even more swaying.

"Come to my New Year in the villa!" Huang Zheng said, "Don't go back! I want you to cook a few more dishes. You have never been to the Spring Festival in the South. It is called a flower cluster and a splendid..."

Zhou Sheng said: "No, no..."

Yu Yudao: "Zhou, how many in the afternoon are you going?"

Huang Zheng suddenly woke up half and said, "Do you still have arrangements?"

The competition of MLM organizations is also very fierce. Although Langhui has a certain volume, it is not the biggest one. When Yu Yu entered the restaurant, he heard the next-door box and the compartment box were built before the year. One was singing "Grateful Heart". One is singing "Dedication of Love." Compared with the situation where the land was a fool ten years ago, it was a scam. In the past few years, the MLM company has pitted all the surrounding counties and cities, and they have to go to the Huazhong Development Center where Bengbu City is located. It shows that the market prospect is not optimistic. .

Zhou Sheng waved his hand, Huang Zheng thought about it, said: "I went to the bathroom, come back and talk!"

"I think I have to order a 20,000 sets to try again?" Zhou Shengchao Chen Yukai said, "After the end of the year, let them send people to train our sales team?"

"One thousand is enough." Chen Yukai said, "They don't have so much money."

The two deputy chiefs were lying on the sofa and the other went out to call the car. After a while, Yu Yu said, "I want to see their production line."

“Get goods directly from abroad.” Zhou Sheng said, “There is no production line for you.”

"Look at the packaging workshop." Chen Yukai said, "Small squatting left a few photos, and going back to the boss to explain."

"Ask him." Zhou Shengdao, "I don't know if I want to."

Not long after, Huang Zheng came back. The deputy general manager A supported the deputy general manager. The company opened a Porsche and a Land Rover to pick up the car. They each got a car, and Huang Zheng let them rest in the company.

Yu Wei: "We still have..."

"Ah no, no!" Huang Zheng said, "You sit first, sit first!"

Chen Yukai: "Either don't bother."

"Don't go, don't go! Don't go!" Huang Zheng said, "I will discuss with the company's backbone, come right away, give me twenty minutes!"

Huang Zheng hurried away, Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng leaned on the sofa in the reception room, loosened the collar, the brow was deep, the drink was not very comfortable, closed his eyes, still thinking. He held the embers in one hand and hooked his fingers.

Yu Yu even had an illusion that the play was too realistic, and he almost thought that he really talked with Zhou Shenglai about business. Sometimes he always thinks that if he is a straight man and he is not in love with Zhou Sheng, maybe they will be accompanied by another form for a lifetime... As Zhou Laichun once said, let him do business with Zhou Sheng. After graduation, he may follow Zhou Shengjin to come to the spring to learn to be his assistant.

Then he accompanied him. He had a look and he knew what to do. The whole group only had the ability to persuade him to rise. Everything in the whole world was only fixed by him. He would argue with him and block his knife. Maybe he will practice the amount of alcohol and stop drinking for him, just like Situ and Lin Ze.

Chen Yukai went out to answer the phone. Zhou Sheng closed his eyes and suddenly said, "Do you remember the time when I saw me for the first time?"

"Yeah." Yu Yu replied with a smile in his eyes. "Twenty thousand sets, a set of four thousand five, ninety million."

Zhou Sheng asked: "Describe?"

Yu said: "Do not describe."

Zhou Sheng blinked, and he died over and said, "Describe it."

Yu Yudao: "The rules, other companies!"

Zhou Sheng laughed and said, "I remember the first time I saw you, change with you?"

"Do not change." Yu Yu said.

"Come on!" Zhou Sheng urged, "Hit you."

Yu said: "Go home and say, don't fall in love with work, and affect me later."

Zhou Sheng said: "Give a hint."

Yu Yi replied: "Newborn basketball game."

Zhou Sheng touched his head and said, "Forgot, I am out of the limelight?"

Yu Yu said: "Well... that's it."

Zhou Sheng said: "Is there?"

At this time, Chen Yukai came in after the call, and the two stopped talking.

"Huang Wei went to the neighboring city airport." Chen Yukai said, "I went down and put the car key under the car, let him stand by and wait for support."

Zhou Sheng gently nodded, and the two did not say anything. Yu Yu saw the outside and was doing activities through the floor-to-ceiling glass in the reception room. A group of people shouted a neurotic slogan, slap their hands and run around the circle. It seems that it is very similar to the sly mosquitoes in the dreams of Fu Liqun.