MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 136 wake

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Yu Yu was marked in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, so that Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai stood in their position. Through the glass window, they saw a distant, ancient village with a tall, low-rise ancient bungalow. Quite far.

"The Nest Palace is his totem, and he was later occupied." Yu Yu took out the black pen and marked the opposite side directly on the floor-to-ceiling glass window, explaining, "This bungalow area, he once thought it was his new Part of the journey begins, so there is a great chance that..."

"Go." Chen Yukai immediately turned around and went out. When Zhou Sheng left, he and Yu Yu went to the rental house. Those photos on the ropes, many photos related to Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng have faded and unclear. . On the evening of the college celebration alone, Fu Liqun and his two, Chen Yukai, Huang Wei, and Ou Qihang were together on the backstage sofa.

Yu Wei: "It’s been a long time."

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng pulled the photo down, broke into the trouser pocket, and quickly walked down the tower behind the two.

The wind and sand are still there, it is more violent than before coming in last night, the environment has become more hot, and the hatching nest of the worm has covered most of the ancient city.

"Hurry up, I always feel that this place can't last for a long time!" Zhou Sheng went ahead with the wind and sand, and the three people chose the house to take the shelter from the wind slowly.

Yu Yu used his memory to guide the two, and he was always alert to the shadows that flew around. There are more and more mosquitoes, and they are still patrolling. Fortunately, the sandstorms are getting smaller and the sun is falling from the wind and the world is gradually recovering.

Under the Xinghe River, the group of bungalows not far away was buried nearly half by the sand.

"Are you sure this is here?" Zhou Shengdao.

Yu Yu went forward and looked around in confusion, but now it is not sure. Chen Yukai walked around the bungalow and said, "This is not like living, but like a grave."

In front of the cottage group stood a strange stone monument, Zhou Sheng kicked a stone monument, the stone monument loose, the gravel fell down, the stone monument is engraved with three large characters "the end of the whole drama."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Chen Yukai: "What is this?"

"A self-introduction of a guy who likes to follow the drama..." Yu Yu replied.

Shimen opened a small slit, Zhou Sheng with a gold hoop stick into the door, opened the gap that one person passed, Chen Yukai took the lead, and Yu Yu followed, Zhou Shengdian.

There was a dark, bottomless staircase in the door, and the eaves floated in the hands, giving a shimmer, and the three carefully walked down. The underground space was very wide. After a while, the embers passed through the bedroom of their university and went down. There was another glass door at the bottom.

Yu Yulai cut the color and recognized that it was the gym. Zhou Sheng pushed forward and pushed the door.

Chen Yukai couldn’t push it, saying, "Look for the key."

"I will try." Yu Yu left the suspended light dagger in his left hand, and the right hand gently pushed the door, and the door opened.

Chen Yukai wondered: "Why?"

"Because I am a shareholder in this gym." Yu Yudao.

There was a slight gasp in the underground space, and the gym equipment was thrown in a mess. There were leaflets and waste paper everywhere, just like being ransacked. Some of the more than ten TVs hung by the treadmill are flashing snowflake signals, and some are playing American TV.

This scene is like a weird horror film, and Yu Yu feels like a hair in his heart, and he is more than a sly move toward Zhou.

The three stood quietly and heard heavy breathing in the depths of the gym.

Yu Wei: "!!!"

Yu Wei was about to step forward, but Zhou Sheng pulled him behind him and walked slowly. The white light from the dagger illuminated the end of the gym. Before the mirror, they finally saw Fu Liqun.

Fu Liqun was back-cut and only wore a pair of basketball pants. The muscles of his body were reddened by the ropes. He was fixed on a chair, wearing a blindfold, stuffed with cloth in his mouth, like being kidnapped, and waiting to be tempered. Like.

Three people: "..."

He bitterly squatted slightly, his body full of sweat, a drop, a drop, dripping on the ground, the naked chest with the ups and downs, and the whip marks and wounds on the waist and abdomen.


Yu Hao immediately took the dagger and cut the rope for him. Zhou Sheng stepped up, took his eye mask and patted his face. Chen Yukai held the gun and watched it.

"Brother!" Zhou Sheng anxiously shouted, Yu Yu waved with a dagger, cut off the string on his wrist and ankle, and Zhou Sheng pulled off the cloth wrapped in his mouth. Fu Liqun's eyebrows and his hair were full of sweat, and his eyes were slightly opened.

"There are enemies!" Chen Yukai shouted.

Yu Yu only felt the sound of the wind behind him. Zhou Sheng immediately slammed the chair in the middle of the chair, and opened the embers together with Fu Liqun. He turned and held the golden hoop and was about to wave. The black long snake-like rope suddenly caught his neck. He took him flat and flew up to the treadmill and slammed into a loud noise!

Chen Yukai shot, the sound swayed in the gym, and a figure in the dark came to him in an instant and posted it up.

"Don't do it..." A soft voice.

Chen Kaikai got up and took a roundabout kick to kick the enemy out. Shen said: "Sorry, the sexual orientation is wrong."

Immediately after a scream, the enemy was smashed, Zhou Sheng got up and said: "Lighting!"

Yu Yu waved, a dagger swayed and flew, nailed to the ceiling, the light was bright, Zhou Sheng saw the enemy, actually a **** with a good figure and a beautiful face!

"嫂子?!" Zhou Sheng is difficult to channel.

"Not a blind man!" Yu Yudao said, "It’s just like it! I know who she is!"

"Who is it?" Chen Yukai wondered.

Yu Yu shouted: "The explanation is not clear, take him away first!"

The beautiful female demon dressed in a long skirt in the Western Region, holding a long whip, screaming in the air, making a shock.

"Wake him up!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

Yu Yu released the spell in his hand and healed Fu Liqun. Zhou Sheng shakes open the golden hoop, picks up what will go to the banshee, the banshee will shake the black whip in his hand, shake the sky whip, shake the barbell, treadmill, rally machine, exercise bike all Flying, the bursting power is terrible. Yu Wei, holding Fu Liqun, dragged him to the corner and tried to wake him up with healing power.

"Brother! Wake up!" Yu Yu anxiously shouted.

Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai are on the same line. Actually, they are not the opponents of the banshee. The whip is coming and going. The banshee screams and screams. Zhou Sheng Shield, which defeats the sound waves, Chen Yukai has a severe pain in the eardrum. "A turn of the sky, immediately swept by the long whip, curled up in the ankle, brought the body to empty, hit the wall!

Zhou Sheng shouted: "Go!"

Yu Yu struggled to pick up Fu Liqun's arm, half dragged to take him away, Zhou Sheng holding the shield against the squally whiplash, Chen Yukai got up and shot at the banshee.

"Yu Yu..." Fu Liqun finally woke up, grabbed the arm of Yu Yu and looked at him.

"Brother!" Yu Yudao, "Great! Fast! No... what should I do now?"

"Ask him what this monster is afraid of!" Chen Yukai awakened the dreamer, and Yu Yu immediately asked Fu Liqun to see the banshee and asked: "What is the girl most afraid of?"

Fu Liqun was distracted and said to himself: "I... I don't go... I... the last... a little... no more."

"I am going to die!" Zhou Sheng snarled, the voice actually shocked the banshee. "This thing is afraid! Give me a wake-up call!"

Chen Yukai and Zhou Sheng tried their best to fight with the banshee. Zhou Shengyin was about to retreat. Chen Yukai rushed to Yu Yu and Fu Liqun, and the **** tried their best to scream and the whole gym started. The bombs moved into treadmill belts and took them deeper.

Chen Yukai suddenly flashed a flash of light and shouted: "Afraid of weight scale! Must be afraid of weight scale!"

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Yu Yi got up and went to the corner. He saw a circular weight scale being sent to the corner by the conveyor belt. Zhou Sheng shouted: "It's too far! Can't get it!"

Yu Wei took Fu Liqun to run **** the ground conveyor belt. The backhand was a trick. The dagger fixed on the ceiling flew to the corner and nailed the weight scale. The embers were again harvested and the weight scale flew over.

Chen Yukai ran in the middle of the run, unfolded his arm, raised his hand and shot a heavy weight, hit the scales, and the scales swayed toward Zhou Shengfei.

"May not to lose weight... June is sad!" Zhou Sheng leaped in the air, backing against the golden hoop with his waist, spinning in place, hitting the weight scale, and shouting, "Beauty! Learn about swimming fitness!"

The scales flew like a meteor toward the banshee. "砰" a loud bang, the banshee face, screams, the ground stopped.

Zhou Sheng burst and shouted: "Go!"

Yu Yi and Chen Yukai each squatted on the side of the arm, dragging him, running away, going up the steps, Zhou Sheng took the door, rushed to the end of the steps, and squeezed out the stone door.

In the safe haven, the three men were exhausted and put Fu Liqun down. Fu Liqun’s wounds healed, but he had no strength. He lay on the floor of the living room of the shared room, closed his eyes and muttered: “Water...water...”

Chen Yukai opened the refrigerator, the inside of the refrigerator, full of stuffed with mineral water, he unscrewed a bottle and fell on Fu Liqun's face, but Fu Liqun did not move.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Shengzhen was next to Fu Liqun, bowed his face and shouted: "Brother!"

Fu Liqun just closed his eyes and said: "Water."

Zhou Sheng took the mineral water bottle and fed it in the mouth of Fu Liqun, but he could not go in.

Chen Yukai was embarrassed, stunned his forehead, and his brow was deep. Zhou Sheng roared: "Brother!"

Yu Yanran remembered what Fu Liqun said.

"I feel like walking in a desert. I don't know how long it takes to have an oasis... I thought your nephew was my oasis. I have been away for a long time and have been looking for some water to drink, but I don't care where I go. All are mirages."

"No use, Zhou Sheng." Yu Yu sat down on the side of the ground and said, "He can't wake up, he must drink water, and only a specific person can feed him, he can drink it."

Zhou Sheng looked at Fu Liqun quietly, his face full of suffocation.

"You have to find the nephew in his dreams." Yu Yu said, "There is no other way."

"I have to go to Fushan." Chen Yukai said, "Put him in a safe haven and set off as soon as possible. There is not much time."

Zhou Shengzhen was watching the closed eyes of Fu Liqun, in a coma, and the silence in the safe haven. In the rented houses where they once had countless common memories, the flow rate gradually became slower and then almost completely still.

Yu Yu walked to the front of Zhou Sheng, kneeling on one knee, Zhou Shengmei was full of anger, a glimpse of Yu Yu.

"Brother, in your world, only love can redeem you, hehe." Zhou Sheng talked to himself and then laughed. "I don't believe it."

Yu Wei: "..."

The voice fell, and Zhou Sheng’s whole body ignited a golden fire!

Just like that day, when he ignited a bonfire on the Great Wall and lit a fire in the world of Liang Jinmin, his hair and clothes exude a golden flame, and his whole body burst into the sky in a dimly lit environment. Light fire!

Yu Yu and Chen Yukai raised their hands to cover their eyes, and Zhou Sheng burned in the golden fire, such as the same round of blazing sun.

Zhou warmed up and lifted the **** in the food, gently licking the memory of Fu Liqun who had been with them. The time-lapse photo was smashed into a fire, flying on his fingers.

"Get up!" Zhou Sheng stunned, holding Fu Liqun in one hand and covering his eyebrows in the other, then slammed and hugged him! The light fire spread from his body to Fu Liqun's body, and it broke out and spread to Yu Yu.

Zhou Sheng, Yu Yu and the unconscious Fu Liqun flew around the scenes of countless photos, flying around them - that is the countless days they spent with Fu Liqun, the companionship in the bedroom, the running on the basketball court, The flying outside the teaching building jumped, and the ice cream stalls outside the school gathered for money to buy snacks... countless memory fragments, shining with glare, like a flowing river.

In an instant, the golden light river went silent and turned into a boundless blue light, like a quiet river, and then it was collected toward Fu Liqun.

Fu Liqun opened his eyes.

"Brother!" Yu Yu surprised and shouted.

Zhou Sheng released Fu Liqun and took a long breath. Looking at Fu Liqun, Fu Liqun was lying in Zhou Shenghuai's arms, and his face looked blank. Then, Zhou Sheng poured the remaining bottle of water, and all fell on Fu Liqun's face.

Fu Liqun suddenly shouted, poured into the cold water, and tried to get up. He looked at Zhou Sheng with an unclear face. Zhou Sheng got up and took the hand of Yu Yu and sat down on the sofa.

Chen Yukai laughed and Yu Yu laughed.

"There is no love." Zhou Sheng said seriously to Fu Liqun, "You still have us, you see, isn't that so much in your heart?"

Yu Yu said: "Well, you see that Zhou Sheng also loves you very much."

"Don't be numb!" Zhou Shengchao Yu Yudao said, and then he turned his eyes to Chen Yukai, don't tell Fu Liqun just that scene.

Fu Liqun looked unclear, so look around and say, "Where am I?"

"Drink it." Chen Yukai took another bottle of water and handed it to Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun was still very awkward. He looked down at his costume and looked at him for a long while. He looked at them sadly and smiled.

"I really can't wait to wake up." Fu Liqun said, "When the sun came out, nothing was gone."

“Where are you?” Zhou Sheng said, “What is the name of the company?”

Fu Liqun did not answer, just turned his head, opened the curtains on the floor, and looked out the window.

Zhou Shengdao: "Time, brother, hurry!"

Fu Liqun sighed and stood still. Zhou Sheng added: "The figure is quite good, and the gym is not open."

Chen Yukai signaled him to come, Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu sat at the table, Yu Yu has not returned to this home for a long time, quite a bit miss the place where they lived together.

"Liqun group." Chen Yukai said, "Your call for help has already been received."

Fu Liqun pulled the curtains and seemed to be reluctant to see the outside scene. He turned to look at Chen Yukai and sat down on the sofa.

Yu Yu looked at Fu Liqun from time to time at the table and said, "How long is it?"

"I can't estimate it." Zhou Sheng said, "The time of dreams is chaotic, but it is easy to find someone."

Yu Yu said: "Would you like to tell your brother?"

Zhou Sheng said: "This is not important, he is now tangled."

Yu Wei: "What are you entangled?" Suddenly understood, Fu Liqun himself is in confusion, his will may soon yield.

Chen Likai, Fu Liqun, said: "You must think clearly, stand up."

Fu Liqun was confused in his eyes and said to himself: "No, failure, I must admit defeat..."

Chen Yukai said: "You sent a distress signal."

Fu Liqun nodded and said, "Yes."

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng looked at Fu Liqun. Yu Yu found that this dream seems to be significantly different from the dream he had entered before. As the master of the dream, Fu Liqun himself is also very confused.

Perhaps because the person who feeds him is Zhou Sheng, not awkward. If you change your words, Fu Liqun will soon wake up.

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng looked at each other and seemed to think of each other.

At the same time, Chen Yukai is trying to convince Fu Liqun to make him wake up in his dreams. Fu Liqun's thinking is still a bit confusing.

For a long while, Zhou Shengchao said: "The clothes fork borrows me for use."

Yu Wei: "???"

Yu Yu put the two daggers together and turned them into clothes forks. The strange thing is that the scalpel appeared out of nowhere, and I didn't know where it came from. Zhou Sheng took the clothes fork, and a gust of wind passed. Chen Yukai was still trying to wake up Fu Liqun. Zhou Sheng did not want to wait any longer, picking up the clothes fork.

"You are stupid!" Zhou Sheng roared.

Say it, a fork to Fu Liqun's face and face straight to the past!

Yu Wei: "!!!"

Yu Hao was busy standing up, and Chen Haokai got up and escaped this whirlwind attack. Fu Liqun was yelled and got up and fled. Zhou Sheng took the clothes fork. Fu Liqun shouted: "Don't fight! Young master! Don't fight!"

"I let you toss!" Zhou Sheng chased Fu Liqun, so that the clothes fork was pulled back, and the legs were pulled. Fu Liqun shouted again: "Don't fight! I am sorry for you!" Fu Liqun turned and asked for Rao, Zhou Sheng holds the clothes fork. With a fork in his side, Fu Liqun fell to the ground and knocked over the TV in the room.

Chen Yukai: "Be careful not to wake him up!"

Fu Liqun couldn't help but gasp, suddenly realized what he was, muttering: "Young master?"

Zhou Sheng received the clothes fork, handed it to Yu Yu, sat down at the table, and said to Fu Liqun: "Midage is fun? I look so good! I am going to save you, can you fight for it?"

Fu Liqun said: "Is this not a dream?"

Fu Liqun’s expression suddenly began to doubt life. For the second time, Yu Yu saw the operation of Zhou Sheng’s god. He couldn’t help but think that they were still arguing before the departure. Who knows more about Fu Liqun.

Now that he is convinced, Zhou Sheng is the person who knows Fu Liqun best.

"Wait." Fu Liqun said, "I am dreaming, how can you... come to my dreams?"

Chen Yukai said: "I will explain it."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu looked at each other with a smile in his eyes. Chen Likai, Fu Liqun explained that Fu Liqun was full of confusion for the second time, and he looked at Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu from time to time.

"I don't accept it?" Zhou Shengchao said.

"Serve." Yu Yu thoroughly obeyed Zhou Sheng's operation.

"Impossible." Fu Liqun snarled. "This is impossible!"

"You tell us where you are now." Chen Yukai said, "I know if it is possible."

"Come on." Zhou Shengdao, "I am still waiting to go back to the New Year! What are you doing?!"

Yu Yudao: "Yes, go home for the New Year, brother."

Fu Liqun scratched his head and said, "But I don't know where I am."

Zhou Sheng almost fell off the chair, Chen Yukai immediately said: "What is the name of the company?"

“Lang Hui Bio.” Fu Liqun said, “It’s in the economic development zone... Wait, is this true? I mean...”

He walked to the table and reached for the face of Yu Yu. Zhou Shengdao said: "Hey! I am not familiar with you!"

Yu Yudao: "You have to pinch me, pinch your own!"

Fu Liqun stretched his face and pinched his nose.

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Chen Yukai came over and sat down. Four people sat at the table. Fu Liqun said: "So you... always lying, is this the reason?"

Zhou Shengdao: "We never have to lie down, it is you who always lie down."

Yu Wei: "..."

Chen Yukai said: "Tell the process, and the old ones will see each other and revisit them.

Fu Liqun looked at Zhou Sheng with suspicion, and looked at Yu Yu. Yu Yu said: "Just as a dream in the dream, it is no big deal, isn't it?"

Fu Liqun nodded and said, "I remember that I did call you."

"Twice." Yu Yu said, "We have received your news."

Fu Liqun added: "I didn't think it was a pyramid scheme. I thought Yang Ming wouldn't lie to me..."

"When I catch him, I want him to eat." Zhou Shengdao, "Really eat, you wait and see."

Fu Liqun is busy waving: "Forget it, he is not easy..."

"Don't pull any of them!" Yu Yu screamed, "Quickly say! It's dawn!"

Compared with Zhou Sheng and Chen Yukai, Fu Liqun is obviously more afraid of the embers getting angry. Yu Yu almost never worried, because of this, it is especially shocking to launch the anger. He began to recall a series of passes from the gym after he turned off the gym to the Southland - and it was almost the same as they guessed. In the second half of December last year, after the two partners left, Li Yangming, who had originally worked in the South China Sea, returned to Bengbu City, and Fu Liqun, who had already fled the street, settled his account.

It is said that it is liquidation, but there are not many accounts that can be counted. Fu Liqun hangs out the gym, and some people come to talk about taking over, ten days before and after. After the end, Li Yangming first went, Fu Liqun packed up the good things, stayed in the gym for a few hours, and watched the New Year's party. On New Year's Day, Nanxia went to Li Yangming to meet.

Li Yangming arranged for him to live in the hotel. Everything was reimbursed by the company. Fu Liqun was a little uneasy. He took him to the company's colleagues building the next day and took the boat to the sea to play. The boss began to brainwash them on the boat.

Without the failure of the first venture, Fu Liqun may soon see that this is a pyramid scheme, but at that time he was at the bottom of his life, and all three views were destroyed and rebuilt, and he was being tortured and questioned from the heart every day. When the boss built confidence for him, it was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

"They are all like this." Yu Yu said, "When you first come into contact, help you build confidence and don't give you a tout."

Fu Liqun nodded and said: "I was hit too hard, and the head specially asked me to speak. I asked the whole process of my business failure. The team colleagues helped me analyze it. Where did the reasons for not doing it..."

Zhou Sheng just looked at Fu Liqun quietly.

Fu Liqun sighed and said: "There may be a long time, I have not established true self-confidence, say love, Shanshan is too good, I am too far away for her; say friends, Kaikai will not have to say You are so radiant... Although it is so shameless, but deep inside, I have been eager for others to praise me, saying that I am very good, tell me, I can do well."

Zhou Sheng evaluated the feelings of Fu Liqun in an unprecedented way.

"The pattern of getting along with you is not right." Zhou Sheng said, "Healthy feelings are between lovers and mutual admiration. They can discover and help each other to carry forward their advantages and eliminate disadvantages."

Yu Yu said: "This can't blame the blind..."

Zhou Sheng: "I don't blame the blind. Just don't always look for responsibility in yourself. Some people always like to push their responsibility for failure to the external environment. Some people like to take the cause of failure to their own, no matter which one. It’s impossible to go over the head."

Yu said: "Yes, communication is both sides, but some things have to be clear first, especially in work and career."

"Then you said that the gym didn't open," Zhou Shengdao said. "Is it because he didn't think clearly?"

Yu Yudao: "I don't mean this!"

Fu Liqun was busy: "Don't make a noise, I believe you are not a dream now." He continued: "I was really touched at the time..."

On the day of the ship and everyone’s formation, Fu Liqun really felt the long-lost feeling. Many words from the boss and colleagues can be said in his heart, including many people’s self-confidence collapsed and collapsed before entering the company. Finally, with each other's mutual help, it was slowly built up again.

This is the case with chicken soup, which allows people to escape the pain of reality and build illusions. The will of Fu Liqun's depression due to the failure of entrepreneurship was re-established in the face of the bright prospects portrayed by the boss and colleagues. It is not shameful to understand that failure is a failure to prepare for a resurgence and work.

However, after signing the contract and reporting to the post, he began a three-month training, and he managed to find out that Fu Liqun began to find it wrong. This company always uses anti-intellectual remarks to incite employees. The wolf culture and the like are already light. Various storytelling and brainwashing. Indeed, many high-level executives have also earned money by means of layer-by-line development. The car came to work.

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