MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 131 New Year

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“How long does the gambling last?” Lin Ze said, “I don’t think I can get it for seven days.”

"Absolutely can't reach seven days." Situ looked at the news on the mobile phone and said, "At most, it will be two days."

Lin Zechao Yu Yudao: "Is the special topic in January?"

Yu Yudao: "I am looking for it."

Lin Ze said: "Competing with Mr. Jin."

Yu Yu grabbed the madness: "How is it possible!"

Zhou Sheng specially called him and was in the office and said, "Wife, you have a big hot spot."

Yu Yudao: "Mr. Jin's topic, credit does not belong to me." Hearing and hearing Zhou Sheng said to his colleague: "This intern editor is my wife..."

"What is the topic of Mr. Jin." Zhou Shengchao Yu Yudao, "Thank you for your boss and boss wife have cultivated? Others have repaired you for several days!"

I remembered that Yu Ze, Lin Ze and Situ Wu did not sign, and quickly went out to run.

Lin Ze: "???"

After a while, Yu Yu came over with a hand-washing pot and filter paper and coffee powder. He said, "Boss, boss wife, I will give you a hand-drink coffee."

Situ said: "Hey, there is coffee? Azer, are you guilty?"

Yu Wei: "???"

Lin Ze reluctantly said: "Yu Yu, the draft fee is given to Teacher Jin, this I didn't want to say..."

"It doesn't matter!" Yu Yudao, "Give him all! This is the first manuscript of my life! Actually, ah ah-"

Yu Yu is full of gratitude, giving Situ and Lin Ze a hand-made coffee, Situ said: "It's quite standard, who learns?"

"We are Teacher Chen." Yu Yu said, "He is the Manhattan Handkerchief, the North American winner, and entered the finals."

"Alright." Situ took the coffee and took a sip.

Lin Ze said: "Your boss is the runner-up in the Asia Pacific Coffee Competition."

Yu Wei: "..."

"Don't be too proud!" Lin Zedao said, "I think you have to wait a few moments to be awake, the topic? What have you done recently?"

Stuart smiled and said: "What about your pride?"

Yu said: "I chose some before, you see."

After leaving the topic to Linzer’s mobile phone, Lin Ze said, “No, what are these ghosts? You really need to be beaten.”

"Oh no?" Yu Yu said. "Then I will find it again."

"Where do you go to find a person?" Lin Zedao, "A lot of this topic in the past few years. Food health is not necessary now, the real estate speculation collusion with the local government is okay, but you can't find any news with your current skills. Kindergarten Child abuse is not done, it has already exploded. Your topic is nothing to look for, I see you like to find a local government to kick the pavilion, unlike investigative reporters."

Yu said: "Then I want to think again."

Lin Ze said: "To broaden social relations, you have a way to know what they care most about and what problems they need to solve most. From the masses..."

Situ Hao made a song by himself and followed the singer: "Go to the masses -"

"Yes--" Lin Ze said, "How do I become more and more like veteran cadres..."

Yu Yu nodded.

Lin Ze said: "It is not good. You have done the other investigation reporters, but they have not attracted attention, and the topics that have not been solved are also good. We have occasionally fried cold meals, but we must do it in depth and comprehensively."

"I think about it again." Yu Yu replied.

"What you want to report," Lin Ze finally said, "is the "skin pain" of the world. Let's go out and interview this afternoon. If you run too much, you will know what it is."

"My manuscript has not been written yet..." Yu Yudao.

"Overtime." Lin Zedao.

"Okay." Yu Yu had to say, but he stopped moving and thought about what Lin Ze said. He has a lot to say.

"The pain of skin cutting." Yu Yu said.

"The pain of skin, it is not necessarily a big event." Lin Ze said, "We are not a demolition office, it is destructive, but it is not destroyed by destruction. It is not to interrupt the government's legs. Sometimes you just need to tear it off. A small piece of skin that is exposed to the outside, such as the skin on the lips, can make this 'person' tremble with pain."

Yu Yu said: "It is whether the contact is deep."

"Yeah." Lin Ze said, "Remember the anti-war veteran topic? Left-behind children, anti-war veterans, autistic patients, the pain of the skin is not necessarily a bad act. In addition to exposing evil, the investigative reporters must learn to report good."

Yu Yu nodded and continued to write Jin Weicheng's manuscript. Situ Wu asked: "How have you been on New Year's Day? Call Angry Birds, let's build it?"

Lin Zedao: "The outside is very cold, and it’s minus ten degrees. Are you still going to blow the cold wind down? Or come to our house to eat."

Stuart: "I don't! I don't want to clean up! The house is in a mess! Why do I have to work for a holiday!"

Yu Yu thought about it and sent a message to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng replied: [Yes! I am just asking you to lead the meal, they are willing to come, absolutely. 】

So Yu Yu invited Lin Ze, Situ Tu, New Year's Eve to come to the new home to eat dinner and so on. Situ Yi listened to the middle and said, "Good! I remember your man's meal for a long time, see if you blow it. So God, go to your house anyway, eat it and leave without helping me to clean up."

In the investigation office, Zhou Sheng finished his second job, teamed up with his colleagues, and photographed the project manager and the head of the competition company in the coffee shop. And recorded almost all of his whereabouts, organized the documents, and prepared to send them to Party A.

“Hey, what?” said the colleague, “I’m not mistaken? The sunbird of Sands?”

Zhou Sheng squatted his hair, looked at the computer screen, controlled the mouse with his right hand, pressed the keyboard with his left hand, sorted the name of the photo, and rolled up the left arm of the sleeve, wearing a gold wheel.

"Yeah." Zhou Shengdao, "Crafts."

Colleagues smiled and said: "How to put this thing on the hand, I thought it was a watch."

Zhou Sheng replied: "With my wife's sentimental tokens." Saying that Jin Wulun was taken off generously and handed it to colleagues, the colleague said: "Pure gold?" said to throw it in his hand, At this time, Xiao Jian came out. Colleagues were watching Jin Wulun and threw it to Xiao Jian. Xiao Jian said: "What is this?"

Zhou Sheng smiled and said: "My, a small jewelry."

Xiao Jane threw it back and signaled Zhou Sheng to go with himself and said, "Is there something to send you, is your wife not a newspaper? Ask me for a message."

That night.

"What do you do with so many golden wheels?" Yu Yu was dumbfounded and saw a lot of identical gold wheels on the table, like a pile of coins. Zhou Sheng played one of them and said, "It's okay, it's fun."

On the table, the twenty gold wheels were neatly arranged. Zhou Sheng’s ten fingers pressed, and they were drawn and crossed. They said a few times and said, “Which is it?”

Yu Yu chose one and picked it up for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "It is." But he did not answer, and replied: "First put you there."

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng with a puzzled look and said: "Someone wants to steal the golden wheel? How is it possible?"

Zhou Sheng replied: "No, just play, don't worry."

Yu Yu sat down at the table. Zhou Sheng took a tin box and swept all the remaining Jin Wulun. He said, "Our boss is asking you to inquire about the news and see this person."

Zhou Sheng handed a photo to Yu Yu, who was a very spiritual middle-aged man.

"Isn't that the one?" Yu Yudao, "I remember him!"

The man on the photo is one of the three men who came to the school and chilled two years ago in the European sailing event two years ago! However, the man who introduced himself at that time had only one “Ren Chong”, and it was not clear about the names of the other two.

Zhou Sheng said: "Three people, the boss of our company is the third, called Qin Guodong. This person is the second one, called Zhao Liang. Ren Chong is the direct supervisor of Huang Wei, hey, you said this is interesting? ”

Yu Yudao: "What happened? Are they all in the investigation team?"

"Dismantled the gang." Zhou Sheng said, "After the start of the sail kid, you can just ask your boss, and don't take it too seriously."

Yu Yudao: "Weird... Are they not colleagues before? Should your boss know him better?"

Zhou Sheng’s hand is showing a mysterious mocking smile. Yu Yu scratched his head, did not quite understand the connection between the head, did not ask, took a photo, decided to find a suitable time to ask Lin Ze.

Less than a week before New Year's Day, Yu Yu went out to interview two Christmas interviews. Jin Weicheng took a vacation and left on the 28th. At noon on the last day, everyone was doing nothing. Lin Ze asked the head office to borrow a job that was not going home. I was on duty for them. I had a holiday in advance, went home to take a shower, and came to play at night.

Ou Qihang didn't go home, pushed the classmate's appointment, the outside was too cold, just happened to come to Yu's house to play, Chen Yukai did nothing, immediately agreed.

At noon, Yu Yi went to Zhou Sheng after the interview. Zhou Sheng sat on the edge of the table and was chatting with a group of investigators on chess. Less than fifty square feet in the entire office, messy, Zhou Shengchao said hello, the office is full of young people.

"The scorpion is coming." Zhou Shengdao, "Call the scorpion."

"Sister husband is good!" Everyone screamed, "Sister husband is good."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng roared: "Don't look for death!"

Yu Yu met Zhou Sheng’s colleagues. The group of people gave him the feeling of being flat and face-wearing. They all wore suits, but they couldn’t say the gas field. They moved a box of snacks and everyone gathered it. This made He remembered the guys in the sports class at the school.

Zhou Shengzheng got the lower collar. In the past, the office knocked on the door and said to the manager: "Boss, I am going back."

"Respond." Xiao Jane wears glasses, looks at a file, looks up, and Yu Yu said: "Boss is good."

"What do you do with the battery factory?" Xiao Jian said, "The cow fork! My sister is good."

Yu Yu first handed the amount, Zhou Sheng put on the coat, took the embers away, went to the seafood market to buy the evening to eat, ready to be a hot pot to entertain guests.

"It’s not like a group of soldiers." Zhou Sheng said.

"Right!" Yu Yudao, "How old is it smaller than us?"

Zhou Shengdao: "There are several retired, not yet twenty."

The private detectives were personally dog-like, and occasionally took over and released the current bodyguards. Yu Yu usually listened to Zhou Sheng and said a lot of interesting things, and the work did not have the hard work of imagination. When Zhou Shenggang arrived at the unit, he soon became familiar with them. He was very clever. He almost listened to him in the whole group. The military division was mixed with water.

"Buy more crabs." Zhou Shengdao, "I am going to get it."

Yu Yi always fears being caught by the crab. Zhou Sheng squats and shows him: "What is this? You don't be afraid! What one! You see how cute it is? The meat must be tender."

Yu Yan: "Be careful that the nose is clipped by it!"

When cooking in the afternoon, Yu Yu dared to use two chopsticks to pull the crab's pliers and let Zhou Sheng remove it. Zhou Shengdao: "The crab can't be coveted with a knife and nails. It's loose when you die.... Are you afraid of it?"

"I am even more afraid that you will be caught." Yu Yu nervously said, "Hurry up!"

Zhou Sheng handled the crab and began to sashimi. Yu Yu took a knife and took the abalone. I thought it was really live tonight. This family feast actually invited so many people. The only regret is that Huang Hao can't come.

The doorbell rang and the guests continued to come.

“Congratulations to the new family to move.” Chen Yukai first handed a bottle of wine to Yu Yu, and then sent him a collection of Shelley poems, “Supplement your birthday present.” He immediately came in and said: “Hey, the new home is really good, you can still see Big pants."

Ou Qihang came in behind Chen Haokai and shouted: "Long time no see!"

Ou Kaihang grew up a lot and felt a lot more mature. Although he has not seen it in the past years, he is still very familiar with it. He took off his sportswear and handed it to the postgraduate enrollment brochure of Yuxi Tsinghua. He went to help Zhou Sheng to handle the dinner ingredients. Lin Ze and Situ Yu also came, and also brought a bottle of red wine.

Yu Yu introduced Ou Qihang, everyone chilled a few words, Lin Ze sent the embers to go busy, said: "Don't worry about us, we will be in our own home."

Chen Yukai and Lin Ze chatted, this meeting soon became familiar, Zhou Sheng only said that Ou Qihang is the cousin of Yu. Previously Zhou Sheng asked Fu Liqun to send the game consoles at home, so Ou Qihang and Situ Yu began to call the call, Lin Ze and Zhou Sheng played chess, Chen Yukai brought some books to Yu Yu, Yu Yu mentioned graduation The paper, Chen Yukai thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but you have to ask your department head to say hello."

Yu Yu said: "This way you can guide me to write a thesis."

Chen Yukai said: "I don't think you have used my guidance."

"Just have trouble going back to accompany me to reply."

"No problem." Chen Yukai said, "Small things, do you want to take my graduate student?"

Yu Yu was surprised: "Can you bring a master's degree?"

Chen Yukai smiled and said: "You are not afraid of tired, you can consider."

Yu Yu does have a lot of things to move. The school that Chen Yukai came to exchange is a good university in Beijing. Although it is not first-class, the humanities and social sciences are very strong. After taking the graduate student of this school, most of the salary can achieve a qualitative leap.

"I think about it." Yu Hao replied, taking the dishes to the table, Zhou Sheng went to open the wine, open the rice, and poured wine for everyone. Yu Yu suddenly felt that the scene was quite dreamy, the boss of his unit, actually and Chen Qi Kai and Ou Qihang met! Zhou Sheng clinks, indiscreet: "Come here, we are all gathered together because of Yu Yu, Tiannan is a good friend, everyone is free."

Yu Yu almost squirted the wine, but when you think about it, it seems to be true, and immediately laughed.

Situ Yuchao Ouqiu Channel: "Can children punch?"

Ou Qihang began to slash with Situ, and Yu Yu thought that the two seem to be really familiar. Zhou Sheng said to Yu Yu that he was peeling the shrimp and said: "Is Azawa the oldest or Kaikai the oldest?"

Lin Ze: "Why do you want to say 'old'?!"

Chen Yukai: "Yes!"

The two clinked together, and Yu Yu said: "As long as you are handsome, you are still the oldest of the diamond king."

Zhou Shengdao: "What is not handsome?"

Lin Ze said: "It is an old bachelor."

Everyone laughed and ate half, and talked about the ecology of the media. Yu Yu was eating the fat cow that Zhou Sheng gave him. Suddenly, Chen Yukai and Lin Ze were left on the table, and no one else spoke.

"Yeah, what do you say is the difference between domestic and foreign?" Lin Ze said, "I don't think the world's crows are generally black, but everyone knows best."

Chen Yukai said: "This is the difference between the Eastern and Western cultures and the understanding of the ‘people’ itself...”

Yu Yu thought that the two troughs were lying up? Since he started his career, Yu Yi often feels that Chen Yukai and Lin Ze are a bit like in some respects, but they don't know how to describe them. They are similar to each other, a knowledgeable access, a rich experience, just do not know if the opinions are divided, what will be the result.

It’s really awkward now! Are the two male gods in debate? !

"I don't know anyone anyway," Lin Ze said. "From the ultimate goal of our survival, we are all the same. We don't talk about the virtual, no, just to find freedom? Drink."

Chen Yukai had to drink, and put his elbows on the table and said, "Do you think we are free now?"

"Now," Lin said, "is free, because my desire is not strong, and my free will is not bound by desire."

Chen Yukai: "So, this is not going back to the problem we started with? We just kept knowing ourselves because we know that life is too short. If we don't get it, we pretend not to want it. In fact many The thought is like a beast that knows the way, you drive it away, it always remembers where your home is, and finally will come back some night, right? You have to tame it."

Lin Ze did not speak, Chen Yukai pointed to the glass of wine, for Lin Ze to drink.

"In order to complete the unity of inner personality," Chen Yukai said, "get true freedom."

Everyone ate the hot pot and listened to the two people’s debates.

Lin Zedao: "The activities in all representations are just the illusion that makes us feel free."

Chen Yukai: "..."

Lin Ze pulled back a game and pointed to the glass.

For Chen Yukai to drink, Chen Yukai drank a drink, Zhou Sheng gave two people alcoholism, Chen Yukai suddenly inspired from Lin Ze’s words, saying: “He denies the existence of free will, you feel that you have self Will you acknowledge him, acknowled that human desires will not be satisfied, and satisfied desires will be replaced by unsatisfied desires. Recognizing happiness is only temporarily out of painful satisfaction, which means that you have not believed in idealism. It is."

Said, Chen Yukai, Lin Ze, looked forward to raising his eyebrows.

Lin Zedao: "I don't fully agree with his point of view. He also promotes asceticism."

Chen Yukai: "It is like this in your logic."

However, Lin Ze still admits that Chen Yukai’s counterattack logic has stepped on the weakness and drank himself.

Yu Yu arrived at this time to understand, Lin Ze used the argument of Schopenhauer to refute Chen Yukai, but Chen Yukai caught a loophole.

Lin Ze: "I just think that many goals and ideals can be corrected. Before you get married, you have the ideal of becoming a family. After you get married, you have the ideal of becoming a family. It depends on the life experience and the pursuit of the desire to satisfy the same."

Chen Yukai said: "Some things can exist in nature. From the time you start to reach it to the end of life, it will not change."

Lin Ze: "For example?"

Chen Yukai did not speak, Zhou Sheng laughed, and when he was about to clink with them, Lin Ze could not get an answer. He said: "Ideal is for me, it is the stop of the train, one stop after another, I Don't worry about where the end is."

Yu Yu thought: Right! Said very well!

"For me..." Chen Yukai thought for a moment and no longer argued.

"...It is the North Star in the city." Chen Yukai said, "Living in the bustling downtown, the lights will cover up its light, but it has been in the sky, but we can't see it."

"Wait until the lonely road, wandering in the wilderness night, it will guide me."

Yu Yu thought that lying in the trough, it seems that Chen Yukai is awesome.

"Drinking." Chen Yukai returned to God and everyone clinks.

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little dignified and silent. Situ slammed the cup with chopsticks and said, "Singing?"

Yu Yudao: "Good!"

"Wait!" Ouqi Waterway, "Look at what the New Year's Eve will sing!"

Ou Qihang took the remote control and turned on the TV. There were indeed a lot of popular songs this year. When the party came out, everyone had a pastime, and the neuropathy generally followed. After a short while, Yu Yu received the tableware, and Ou Qihang helped wash the dishes. Zhou Sheng cut the fruit and let it go for everyone to eat. Sitting with Situ Yu to watch the party, Lin Ze and Chen Yukai took the unfinished wine under the bookshelf in front of the large French window and sat on the soft sofa to chat.

"I thought you would bring your boyfriend over." Yu Yu Chao Ouqiu Channel.

Ou Qihang wore Zhou Sheng's apron and was very embarrassed to wash the dishes. He looked at Yu Yu and smiled.

"I didn't pay." Ouqi Waterway, "I haven't been to the cannon."

Yu Yudao: "Don't you fall in love?"

Ou Qihang said: "There is a school brother who likes me. I am still thinking about it. I don't feel anything."

Yu Yu said: "I like to respond to him again. If you don't like it, you must seriously reject it."

Ou Qihang wiped the plate, a serious saying: "Is it like you refused me?"

Yu Yu said with a smile: "Yes."

Ou Qihang looked at it not far away and said: "Is Kai Un talking about a love that is hard to forget?"

Yu said: "You should ask him if you want to do this. I don't know." He suddenly became a bit curious: "How did you become a ‘Keah’? Have you met in Beijing?”

Ou Qihang said: "Yes, but I am looking for him. He only came out occasionally. He didn't take the initiative to find me."

Yu Yu suddenly felt a bit of a drama. Chen Yukai was quite difficult. In his free time, he would rather read a book at home. He could say no to WeChat, and he could not say anything by phone. Basically, from his time to college, only Yu Yu can make him come out. Anyone else has never called Chen Yukai.

He wants to ask if Ou Qihang has any feelings for Chen Yukai, but he feels embarrassed.

"You want to ask if I like him or not." Ou Qihang said, "Are you afraid of me?"

Yu Wei: "..."

Yu Yu washed the chopsticks and took it to Ou Qihang. Ou Kaihang wiped it out and said, "Hey is very good. He is a kind of emotion that completely separates the self from the world. When one is the most embarrassing, it also means that he completely separates from the surrounding environment. That moment, this time has the strongest sense of 'self-existence'. I don't mind this emotion at all."

Yu Yu said: "You must have learned a lot from computer science. It is like an AI."

Ou Qihang laughed and said, "There is a point."

Yu Yu was surprised: "Is there a bit like?"

Ou Qihang put the pot in a good position and said in a serious way: "There is something like AI."

Ou Qihang sat on the sofa and joined Zhou Sheng and Situ Yu with Yu Yu.

Situ said: "...they are very melancholy, and according to this judgment, they can’t be forgotten..."

After Yu Yu came over, Zhou Sheng and Situ Tuo stopped discussing. Stuart did not want to gossip in front of Yu Yu, and after all, Yu Yu was his subordinate.

"This is the first time in my family that there are so many gay." Yu said.

Ou Qihang said: "This is also my first time to participate in this **** party. I thought you would introduce me to the object."

Stuart said: "Do you still have an introduction to this look?"

Ouqi Waterway: "It’s boring to fall in love with a younger brother. I want to attack my big brother. If you want to be single, then you will be fine."

Zhou Shengdao: "You like to attack the little milk dog in the past, in fact, are you a small one?"

Situ Zhao raised his eyebrows toward Ou Kaihang and said: "The big brother is experienced, looking for a big brother and unlocking more postures."

Ouqi Waterway: "Then you can help me find a big brother. I think I am really, the standard is quickly reduced to be a man, big brother, little brother."

Yu Wei: "..."

Stuart: "But once I really want to walk into a relationship, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Yeah." Ou Qihang nodded, with a smile in his eyes, saying, "Where it is not right, I always feel that it should not be like this. I don't feel anything. Sometimes I feel like a robot. I even try to fall in love. I also follow the procedure. Going, step by step. What is this called psychology?"

Yu Yudao: "A self-defense mechanism initiated by the heart when the sense of security begins to disappear."

Situ Yu thinks of Yu's profession, and a little surprised to raise his brow slightly. Yu Yu explained: "Trying to enter a close relationship means that you will be affected by love. At this time, the sense of security will be shaken. The human heart will separate another false personality as a representation to protect the true personality. That is, 'you want to be seen by yourself' and 'real self.' If the personality is not uniform, it will be difficult to continue. Go on."

Ouqi Waterway: "Is Kay So?"

A quiet, Ou Qihang looked at Chen Yukai, Yu Yu said: "You talked to the dead again."

Situ said: "I often can't take it if I find this kid."

Yu said: "From the first day I knew him, I couldn't take his words. I always talked about the day. It is normal. Only Zhou Sheng knows what he is thinking."

"Be a honest person." Ou Qihang smiled.

Zhou Sheng took the card and said, "Play a board game? The overbearing president is licensing online. If you have doubts, you can ask him."

So the four began to play board games. From time to time, Yu Ze and Lin Kaikai from the corner, from the time after dinner, has been Chen Yukai said, Lin Ze listened very seriously, from time to time to give a few comments.

When they arrived at eleven o'clock, both of them drank a lot of wine. Lin Ze came to sit in the arms of Situ, and Chen Yukai licked his face and joined the board game.

At twelve o'clock, the countdown, everyone like a group of wild dogs in the embers home to pick up and go. Fireworks were placed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Yu Yu received a call from Fu Liqun for the New Year, and listened to one of the ears to the corner.

"Happy New Year!" Zhou Sheng came over and shouted at the receiver.

Ou Qihang shouted: "Group! Happy New Year!"

Chen Yukai shouted and said: "Liqun! Happy New Year!"

Situ and Lin Ze also shouted on the phone: "Happy New Year!"

Lin Ze added another sentence: "Don't care who I am! We don't know!"

Yu Yi laughed, Fu Liqun was in the gym, packed up, sitting in the rally chair, looking at himself in the mirror, smiled: "Happy New Year, the brothers are happy."

After the party was over, it was a mess.

The next day, Yu Yu was held by Zhou Sheng, sat up and looked around. There were wine glasses and fruit bowls everywhere. The house was in a mess. He was desperate. He had to lie down and pretend not to see, continue to sleep, and wait for Zhou Sheng to rise. pack.

New Year's new weather, new topic - ah! What about my topic? Yu Yu is completely mad, and it is useless to do a good job with the leadership relationship. Lin Ze’s boss will only be stricter to him!

On the first day of New Year's Day, Zhou Sheng took the embers and went out to work.

Yu Wei: "Are you not on holiday?"

"Overtime work overtime, earn some money to support your family." Zhou Sheng took Yu Yu to the front of the doll machine and gave him two hundred dollars. He took Hasselblad and said, "I am going out of the track."

Yu Yudao: "No, I have to follow you! It is fun to catch the dolls!"

Zhou Shengdao: "Then you don't be clumsy, listen to my command."

Zhou Sheng gave Yu Yu a self-cultivation suit, so that he would mix in any formal occasions for interviews. The two men dressed in formal attire and kept their targets near Sanlitun Taikooli.

Zhou Sheng was very patient. He sat in a coffee shop and waited for a while. He took a biscuit stick and licked his nose. Zhou Sheng’s nose was really beautiful. He knew that the instrument was alive. Yu Yu remembered the scene where he was going to accompany him from the gate of gay, and someone had to rush in.

Zhou Shengdao: "After the assistant, don't do anything that is not owed."

"President." Yu Yu said, "Let's talk about your company's acquisition."

Zhou Shengdao: "Your assistant hasn't landed on your topic yet. It's awkward. It's really awkward."

Yu Wei: "Oh, don't you mention it, big day!"

Zhou Sheng stunned and laughed. Yu Yu thought that the topic would be depressed. He had already sent 22 special topics to Lin Ze. All of them were rejected.

Yu Yu took out a "social work" from his bag, looked at the coffee shop, and threw it to Zhou Sheng, a book on "Macroeconomics." Zhou Sheng ordered coffee while reading the book while watching the movements in the distance.

Yu Yu sometimes admire Zhou Sheng’s ability to listen to the six-way ear and listen to the eight-party. After reading the book for a while, when he wants to interfere with him, Zhou Sheng suddenly stops moving, sideways, taking the camera out of the bag.

A tall, handsome young man took the two girls into the opposite store.

"Is he?" Yu Yudao. "It's quite handsome. I thought it would be a bald beer belly. Looking for two girls?"

The man’s dress was very rich at first sight, and it was in line with the president of Duo Jin. Yu Yu did not doubt that Zhou Sheng’s 30-year-old should be such a gas field.

"One should be a girlfriend." Zhou Sheng said, "I will go."

Yu Yu followed Zhou Sheng’s body and found a place in a sneaky way. The man took the two girls to the luxury store. Zhou Sheng picked up the camera and kept walking on the escalator, keeping the height and taking the first shot. Zhang.

"How to adjust the lens..." Zhou Shengdao, "Closer."

"I come."

Yu Yu kept on the escalator down and pushed the camera. One of the girls turned their heads and just found them inadvertently, revealing their faces in the camera.

Fortunately, this time the camera is hung on the neck of Zhou Sheng, otherwise Yu Yu will really shake the camera down!

"Be careful!" Zhou Sheng immediately hugged Yu Yu, took him to hide, Zhou Shenggang had to say something, Yu Yu transferred the photo out to Zhou Sheng to see, Zhou Sheng stunned, and suddenly got up.

Susan came out of the luxury store and looked up at Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu, full of doubts.

"嫂子?!" Zhou Sheng was surprised.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy