MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 125 Unannounced visit

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After Situ Hao hangs up the video, Zhou Sheng immediately takes the bag, puts the change of clothes into it, changes the ticket, and after packing it up, sits on the sofa for a while, a few seconds, and then looks at the phone, 5.4 Ten, called the car downstairs, folded back in a moment, turned out the gold Wu wheel stuffed bag, went straight to the airport, and left.

At six o'clock in the morning, Yu Hao pressed the alarm clock and climbed up hard. The illness was miraculously good.

His vitality is like a stubborn weed, and after a storm, it always comes. What happened last night, I can't remember it. Yu Yu charged the phone with electricity, and vaguely remembered that he seemed to spit. When he looked at the bed, he was a little traced, but he was cleaned up.

Yu Wei: "???"

Yu Yu looked around and took a bath with a top-heavy weight. After washing, he returned the review and sent it to Lin Ze. The phone was turned on and found that Zhou Sheng gave him a video last night. Next, he received a 20,000-week WeChat transfer.

Yu Wei: "..."

Have money! Have money! Yu Yu suddenly rejoiced, morale is full, what self-esteem, what is stubborn, no matter what! Can you get this money from Zhou Sheng? Salary? Ok, this should be enough for him to reach the end of December.

Yu Yu sent a message to Zhou Sheng, but did not return. Calling, the phone is turned off, it is estimated that he was tired last night, let him rest for a few days. There is a thick down jacket worn in the winter in the box. Before the departure, the embers are still too much to be used for the week. Now it is just used.

Yu Yu saw a lunch box at the convenience store and a bottle of vitamin C drink on the table. The roommate said: "Your friend came to see you last night and brought it to you."

Yu Yu thought that Situ was really good. When the boss was really not easy, he had to help the subordinates to clean up. After he finished the breakfast, he lived again.

At 8:15 in the morning, Yu Yu met with Jin Weicheng outside the train station.

"This dress is very expensive." Jin Weicheng said.

"I only have this one." Yu Yu replied.

Jin Weicheng took the coat and checked the coat: "Going to the interview, wearing it so stylishly, it is too noticeable."

Yu Yu said: "This down jacket can be worn in reverse, double-sided, this side is black."

I don’t think there’s any problem with it, Jin Weicheng has to say no more. When the two got on the bus, Yu Yu bought a hard sleeper. The teacher of course had to sleep in the lower bunk, and he crawled and lay down on his own.

"Come down." Jin Weicheng knocked on the shop and said, "Don't sleep, the young man is not as good as my middle-aged man."

Yu Yuzheng sent a message to Zhou Sheng, but he still hasn't got up yet. It seems that he was really tired last night. I can't go anywhere, I just want to take a break, and I was called by Jin Weicheng. I just had no choice but to go down and chat with the shop. Jin Weicheng had something to say, set the other party's gossip, asked where to get off the bus, and asked what the environment was like recently. Yu Yu listened for a while and began to think that Jin Weicheng was teaching him. Later, he found that it was wrong, because the shop was an aunt, and he did not want to take care of it. Jin Weicheng, seeing Yu Yu, enthusiastically asked this question, asked if he was married, let Yu Yu go to her house to be a guest, to introduce his daughter to him.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Sheng was at the Capital Airport. When the plane had a signal, he quickly called Yu Yu.

"In the cave!" Yu Yu said, "No signal! I will get off the bus and call you, where are you coming from?"

Zhou Sheng: "Salary!"

Yu Wei: "So much?!"

The phone was broken, and Zhou Sheng looked irritated. He only slept for less than four hours in these two days.

Zhou Laichun called Zhou Sheng: "Why didn't you come to work today?"

Zhou Sheng replied: "Give you a busy life for three months, and finally let me go to blind date? I am your mother, black. After the bridge back to the bridge road, don't look for me again, I will not Give birth to your turtle son."

He said that he pulled Zhou Laichun black, called a car, and called the executive after getting on the bus.

Zhou Sheng: "That, Bai Zong, this way, I will barely resign today. I haven't signed a labor contract with the company anyway. The things on the table, you have to find someone to collect it. In the past few months, thank you all. Take care. Everyone is a good brother!"

On the other end of the phone: "..."

Zhou Sheng shook the window and took a deep breath.

"Smog days." Zhou Sheng said.

"Smoggy days," the driver said.

Zhou Sheng: "This air in Beijing is very good. I have never liked Beijing so much."


Zhou Sheng extended his head and shouted: "I love you! Beijing!"


Two hours later, Zhou Sheng looked violently at the traffic jam outside the Third Ring Road.

“Do you still love Beijing now?” the driver asked.

"Alright," said Zhou Sheng. "I want to run over."

Driver: "There are twenty-one kilometers. Just one and a half horses."

Zhou Sheng: "Forget me and run, I am going to die, hurry up, ah!"

Three hours later, Zhou Sheng kicked open the door of the big office, and the entire editorial office suddenly calmed down and watched Zhou Sheng together.

"Hey! What are you doing!" The front aunt chased him over, loudly, "I want to call the security guard!"

"Sorry to go wrong." Zhou Sheng closed the door and said, "You are busy."

"The investigation team is there!" Aunt angered.

Zhou Sheng was another foot, opened the door of the office, Lin Ze was taking a nap, and holding Situ Yu in one hand, was instantly awakened, Situ Hao picked up the camera and took a picture of Zhou Sheng calmly.

"Don't shoot!" Zhou Sheng was annoyed. "I didn't sleep at night, just got off the plane."

"Hey! Barang! It’s really fast." Situ said, "Do you want to cut the cake? The goods are genuine, the nursery rhyme is not bullying! Guarantee not to take the knife to you!"

Lin Ze’s hand, Situ’s counted three hundred and placed it in Lin Ze’s hand.

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Lin Ze: "Your wife went to interview with Mr. Jin. Is the guest officer living in the store? Or is it a tip?"

Zhou Sheng stepped on the desk and said, "Is there still recruiting people here? I am really good at investigating reporters. Think about it."

"No tricks." Situ said, "We ban office romance."

Zhou Shengdao: "I believe in you?! You are engaged in office romance!"

“We are very serious,” Lin Ze said. “Never hug in the office!”

Zhou Sheng: "What did I just see? When I am!"

Stuart: "We are seriously discussing that this work can't be done. It's better to change to a male PR. Didn't see it? Practice it."

Lin Ze patiently explained: "Yu Yu is working in the newspaper office and has an interview task. He can't solve it. If you look for you, you must follow it. So we are equivalent to using one person's salary and asking two people. Save the money. Salary, we might as well ask for another editor, you said, is this the truth?"

"It makes sense." Zhou Sheng nodded.

Situ Wu also nodded to Zhou Sheng: "Learn."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Yu Yu’s head screamed again, and the dining car bought food immediately, but his appetite was very bad. Jin Weicheng talked about the land and told the shop aunt, Yu Yu is his own nephew, ready to go to Guang County to sell water purifiers along the way. It is said that he actually took out a water purifier installed on the faucet from the bag and began to perform how to clean the water, so that the people around him could be smashed.

I am dumbfounded, when is this thing prepared? It seems to be bought from the hardware store, but there are various models, a wooden box with four water purifiers of various specifications, a lot of high-end.

Jin Weicheng had full firepower and tongue lotus. The aunt said, "Hey, this thing is good, how much is this?"

Everyone began to look at the water purifier. Jin Weicheng asked the other party to pay for the money first, stay in the address, and send it in the past. He also took the chest and made people believe in his reputation. As a result, everyone used him as a liar, and he couldn’t go down and ended.

Yu Wei: "..."

"Where is it?" Yu Yuchao asked Jin Weicheng.

“The box is in the garbage dump of the railway station.” Jin Weicheng explained, “The two bridles are screwed from the back of the lounge, and the two are bought from the hardware store. Anyway, they didn’t want to sell them, and the set of words was over.”

Yu Yu learned a hand, picked up the bag in the evening, and Jin Weicheng got off the train and arrived at the destination prefecture-level city. The next step was to take the bus to the county-level city.

"Remember what they said?" Jin Weicheng said.

"Remember." Yu Yu said, "The generation of Fuyao River is the most polluted."

The two went to the bus station, and the embers bought tickets. It was too cold here. After entering the night, the temperature approached zero. He was frozen and shivered. Jin Weicheng also stood and squatted. Yu Yu bought a bottle of Erguotou for him to drink, warming his body. At the waiting station, I took the time to look at the mobile phone, and the charging treasure and the mobile phone were almost out of power.

Jin Weicheng's broken screen mobile phone is simply eating electric monsters. As long as he comes out for an interview, his mobile phone can be squeezed with at least a dozen charging treasures. Yu Hao always worried that his mobile phone could last for a while. The occasional four people in the team acted together. Situ and Yu Yu wanted to charge the camera. It really couldn’t stand Jin Weicheng. Situ Yu bought his own treasure for Jin Weicheng. .

Afterwards, Yu Yu discovered that Jin Weicheng took his charging treasure to fill his own charging treasure and finally collapsed. He decided to help him bring another one.

This golden teacher perfectly explained the truth that "gold is infinite and no one is perfect" in Yu's life. Professional ability is even worse than Lin Ze, sometimes it is annoying, and sometimes it is annoying.

"This weather is too cold." Yu Yu is warming the baby. When he arrived at the county seat, it was already the afternoon of the next day. "Let's find a place to live."

Jin Weicheng was a bit surprised. When he was interviewed in Beijing, Yu Yu arranged things very well, but it was in the big city. I didn't expect that I would come to a place where I was unfamiliar. I also seemed to understand how to deal with people. When you are staying, look at the surrounding environment first, and look behind the three-story hotel.

"Who taught you?" Jin Weicheng said.

"Aze taught." Yu Yu said, "Come out and pay attention to find a hotel that is easy to run."

When Yu Hao changed his manuscript in the office, Lin Ze would tell him that many interviews were in trouble. When Yu Yu listened, he would write it down, but most of them were theoretical. Can the emergency be solved smoothly? .

“Eating dinner?” Yu Yudao, “Is it at night?”

Jin Weicheng found out that Lin Ze really planned to train this intern well, and then he nodded.

"Look at it at night." Jin Weicheng said.

Yu Wei gave Jin Weicheng a printed map showing the location of the county government, battery factory, hospital and other places. Jin Weicheng said: "Go to the hospital at night, you are responsible for taking pictures, the camera is careful."

Yu Yu said: "I pretend to eat the wrong thing to hang up the emergency room, so no one doubts."

"Yes." Jin Weicheng said, "This is a good idea, I am bothering you."

Yu Yan's accommodation is located in the center of the county. There are hospitals and government agencies nearby, as well as the largest supermarket in the county. Yu Wei and Jin Weicheng had dinner at the People's Hospital near the People's Hospital and began to call stomachache. Jin Weicheng immediately sent Yu Yu to the hospital to hang up the emergency department. The local hospital had only one doctor on duty, and the Mandarin had a heavy accent. The embers were pale and sly. On the table, Jin Weicheng kept picking his hands.

"You are not a local?" asked the doctor on duty.

Jin Weicheng told this that he was a nephew to sell the water purifier. The doctor said: "How come so sick? Come with inflammation, hang a water."

I didn’t have a good cold, I didn’t expect to see a disease by the way. The doctor said: “The gastroenteritis caused by a cold is just a good thing.” So let Yu Yu go to the water, Jin Weicheng looked at the eye, is Anti-inflammatory drugs, Chao Yu said: "Do you want to fight?"

I don’t know what to do.

"It's all sick! Be careful to develop pneumonia!" said the doctor.

Jin Weicheng said: "Is there a hospital bed? We just arrived, let him sleep for one night? You can help us save the hotel money."

Doctor: "There is only one empty one, but you have to go tomorrow morning and you have no bed."

Yu Wei pretended to be exhausted, and Jin Weicheng said: "Yes."

Yu Yu was really sick. He had to take an injection and was taken to the ward. He was lying on the side of the door. There were eight beds in the room, all of them lying down.

Yu Yu called Zhou Sheng, and there was no signal on the side.

Yu Wei: "What are you doing?"

Zhou Sheng: "Open the video, where is the wife?"

Yu Wei didn't dare to open the video. He was afraid that Zhou Sheng would see him in the hospital. He was anxious and told him that he had lived in the Guangxian Hotel.

The nurse came over and asked Yu to hang the needle and asked them what they did. Jin Weicheng replied, guarding the embers in the ward. When the nurse left, Jin Weicheng went to the medical records of other people in the ward and took out a photo of the mobile phone.

"I will go see." Jin Weicheng said.

"I guess it would be nice to hang for half an hour." Yu Yu replied, "Teacher, you walked from the safe passage, don't enter the elevator, beware of being hit, pretend to go to the toilet."

Jin Weicheng "hmm" sounded, Yu Yu left his hand in the water, took the nurse away, got up to expose the patient's sheet in the next ward, wearing headphones, the phone dialed Jin Weicheng's phone.

Jin Weicheng: "My mobile phone is running out of power. You press the bell to call the doctor and drag him for fifteen minutes. I will go to his office to see."

Yu Yu called the doctor, the nurse and the doctor came. Yu Yu said: "I am not drug allergic..."

“Impossible!” the doctor said. “Can this allergies?”

"I am so cold." Yu Yudao.

"The loss is too fast." The doctor said, "Don't move! Do you do what you do so quickly? You are sick!"

Yu Wei: "Yes..."


There is nothing wrong with this logic. The embers have been embarrassing, and the doctor’s white coat is not allowed to leave.

Jin Weicheng entered the doctor's office, the computer was still on, and immediately took out Lin Zefa's micro-single camera and began to take pictures of the medical records on the display.

"It's good to be able to record an image." Jin Weicheng said, "Unfortunately there is no video recorder." Then he returned the medical record to a superior, and jumped out of the abbreviated form. There were hundreds of names, hospitalizations, and an overview of the condition. His left hand The mouse rolls down, the camera is held in the right hand, and more than ten shots are taken.

"They went back." Yu Yu said in the headphones.

"Let them hold them for a while." Jin Weicheng said.

Yu Yudao: "I can't do my best..."

Jin Weicheng randomly opened several patient medical records, took a few photos on the display, and went out. After waiting for a while, the doctors and nurses did not come back. Jin Weicheng was unwilling to go in and shoot again. The doctor finally came and had to give up temporarily.

Yu Yu hit the needle for half an hour, it was really useful, and suddenly it was a lot more comfortable. He felt almost the same, he pulled the needle, did not make a sound, went to see the patient in front of the bed.

Most of the patients fell asleep, and they were screened. The embers saw an old lady, inserted a throat, and looked at the medical records. The doctor’s words were a bit sloppy, but the word "poisoning" could be identified. In front of poisoning is a chemical element mark.

Yu Yu put the medical record in the lens range, and even took the patient with the medical record, Jin Weicheng said: "I am going to find kidney dialysis."

"Nobody is at this time." Yu Yu whispered, began to take a photo, just want to have a camera.

Jin Weicheng said: "Yes, still in the queue, you go to the office to see, the recorder comes out."

After spending a round, I took a bag and pulled out the recorder: "What?"

“Just casual.” Jin Weicheng said, “Just judge.”

"Where is this..." Yu Yu ran towards the door at the end of the corridor, almost yelling at the mother, it was a mortuary... I immediately stepped up from the stairs, and heard the woman screaming, holding the recorder constantly, oh... somebody was born Child.

The pregnant woman was pushed by the nurse through the corridor to push the delivery room, grabbed the hand and grabbed the wrist of the ember.

“The family is waiting outside!” said the nurse. “Don’t go in!”

When Yu Yu was caught by her, she was confronted with the pregnant woman, and she was frightened. The pregnant woman’s eyes were full of fear, clutching the embers, grabbing a few red marks on his wrist, and shouting a few words. It seems that this is not a local dialect. The nurse opened her fingers and the pregnant woman suddenly made a sound. Shouting, shouting while crying, was pushed away.

Yu Yu went downstairs and looked for an office to see if he could find useful information.

“Who are you looking for?” The nurse saw Yu Yu’s probe outside the office and looked uncomfortable.

"Ah! Find a doctor!" Yu Yu put the recorder in his sleeve and said, "I don't want to play the rest, I want to go."

“How long does it take?” said the nurse. “I didn’t finish the bottle.”

Yu said: "I am much better."

The doctor also came out and said: "No, go back and finish!"

Yu Yudao: "I am afraid! In case the ward suddenly died..."

Doctor: "You..."

Yu Yudao: "The next bed is too horrible. What happened to him? Is it poisoned? How is his face so green?"

The doctor said rudely: "Turn off your ass!"

Yu Yu repeatedly said that he would not fight. The doctor had to stop him. He left the bag and went to the hospital to wait for Jin Weicheng to meet. He didn't know why he always felt that something was wrong. Jin Weicheng came down. Yu Yu said: "Wait a minute... I still have something to do."

Then he ran into the obstetrics and gynaecology department and saw a family waiting outside. The doctor and the midwife in the office went into the delivery room to deliver the baby. Yu Yu turned over the table and wrote half of the medical records. He took the name of the pregnant woman. Home address, heart beats wildly.

"Well, no?" Jin Weicheng said in the headphones.

Yu Wei: "Wait." He began to flip the file in the folder, flipped out the form with a one-inch photo, and looked down. It was a rural area on the outskirts of Guang County, and it was taken. After checking the name and wanting to put the form back, he was silent for a moment, folded the paper and took it away.

"I went to the bathhouse and took a shower." Jin Weicheng licked his fingers, meaning to give some money. "By the way, do you go?"

Yu Yi waved his hand: "I am back to the hotel."

He has to go back and organize the photos and charge everything. When I returned to the hotel, Yu Yu passed the canteen, and in the heart, I bought six fluffy bread stuffing bags.

After returning to the room, Yu Yu took a shower and went out to check all the electronic devices. It is annoying that the Apple phone is too cold or too hot to shut down automatically.

Zhou Sheng: [Sleep? 】

Yu Wei: [In the hotel. 】

Zhou Sheng opened the video, and Yu Hao opened the camera while using Bluetooth to send photos to the phone, while uploading to the cloud to back up, avoiding problems. This is what Situ teaches him. The boss teaches him to interview and flicker people. The proprietress teaches him to compose a picture and sneak a shot and add photography skills. Yu Yu is unconscious, and he is actually a true biography of Lin Ze and Situ.

“It’s just nervous...” Yu Hao was very nervous when he took pictures in the hospital, but when he said the beginning, he quickly stopped. “Where are you?”

The signal on Zhou Sheng is very bad, intermittent, like in what car.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Zhou Sheng asked.

“Tomorrow to the factory to investigate.” Yu Yu said, “The teacher went to the bathhouse.”

Zhou Sheng: "Oh? Going for a massage?"

Yu said: "You manage so many people."

Zhou Sheng asked: "Which factory?"

Yu Yu said: "Guangxian Battery Factory."

Zhou Sheng’s voice smiled and said: “The baby spirit is good.”

Yu Yudao: "Are you too? In a good mood?"

Zhou Sheng whistled: "Of course."

Yu Wei: "How is it so good?"

Zhou Shengdao: "The young master will not tell you."

Yu Yu laughed, and the black paint on the other side, only to see Zhou Sheng's fuzzy side face, presumably to get off work in the car, said: "Go back to the bath early. I will meet in a few days."

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng replied, "You go to bed early."

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