MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 118 check in

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Outside the high-speed rail station, Chen Yukai quickly got off the bus and looked down at the watch. Zhou Shengzheng stood out from the station. The two men looked at each other and Zhou Sheng was sweating.

Chen Yukai said: "Go?"

Zhou Sheng has no choice but to stop, Chen Yukai said: "I want to tell you that I went to Beijing in a while, it doesn't matter, I will meet again."

"What?!" Zhou Sheng suddenly stunned and looked at Chen Yukai with vigilance. Chen Yukai said: "Your school has established an exchange relationship with a university in Beijing. They sent a young lecturer to come over, I am."

Zhou Sheng looked strange and saw Chen Yukai got on the bus and watched him leave.

Yu Yu was tossed by Zhou Sheng last night for a whole night, lying down and having a backache, had to sleep. The dream was intermittent, and he felt that Zhou Sheng was trying to enter his dream, but his dreams were constantly shaking, and the environment around him was affected when he fell asleep. The distance seems to have caused some obstacles.

"You can sleep well." In the end, Yu Yu said to Zhou Sheng, "Otherwise, it will be very tired tomorrow."

"That... good night." Zhou Sheng said a lot of words, but Yu Hao smiled more than him: "Good night."

He pressed his hand on Zhou’s forehead, woke up on the high-speed rail, rolled over, and fell asleep after a while.

Arrived in Beijing at four in the morning.

This is the first time that Yu Yu left the city of Bengbu. Although he used to go out to play with Zhou Sheng in the cold and summer vacations, he never drifted to the unfamiliar place. The passengers on the high-speed rail flocked out and dragged the suitcase. Yu Hao has become a member of this North drift army.

Everything around him is in his imaginable range. It is not surprising, but there is a strange feeling. The people who are staying at the high-speed rail station, and the passengers who hired the black car, Yu Yu called a car with a mobile phone and looked for a parking lot. The drip of the car left. In the past, he would definitely find a bus or subway, but with Zhou Sheng, he began to know that he was carrying money, cards, cameras, and computers. When he first arrived, he could not save this.

After hitting a taxi for more than 120, Yu Yu first arrived at the Dalu Road outside the Xicheng District newspaper at 6:30, and sent a message to Zhou Sheng, and then found a hotel near the hotel to stay. Go to the report and rent again.

In the early morning of September in Beijing, it was gradually cool. There were many old ladies and old ladies playing Tai Chi outside the park. From the next high-speed rail to lodging, Yu Yu felt that the city was very friendly to him. When asked about the road, everyone was very enthusiastic, and the aunts took the initiative to lead him.

Zhou Sheng first asked him once every ten minutes. Yu Yu took a photo with his mobile phone and reported it to him. When he arrived at seven o'clock, Zhou Sheng didn't move. It was estimated that he was asleep again. After I finished my stay, I opened a good room, washed my hair and washed my hair. I also changed my shirt and put it on a slightly simple point. I went to the newspaper bag and reported it to the newspaper.

In a hutong, the newspaper is a four-story building with a "Qinghua Times" on the door and a large row of blue erects on both sides. They are news organizations, youth media units, etc. There are two small stone lions at the door. When Yu Yu went in, no one was inside. He asked at the door, and when he was quiet, he shouted again.

"Come on!" said aunt's voice, "I heard it!"

While leaving a message to Lin Ze, Yu Yu said: "I am looking for Lin Ze... reporter, editor?"

Aunt looked up and said: "I don't know, who is that?"

Yu Wei: "..."

I don’t think I’m gonna be cheated? Then I can't go home? It is estimated that Zhou Sheng will see him go crazy in the evening.

"He asked me to report it, this is his business card..." Yu Yu showed the aunt a business card, and the aunt said with a puzzled voice: "Is this not a newspaper in Chongqing? What do you do when you run Beijing?"

Yu Yu explained: "Is he not transferred?"

"You wait." Aunt got up and went in. Yu Yu was very embarrassed and told Zhou Sheng his own experience. Zhou Sheng returned: [I see you still come back, this is God. 】

"Here!" Lin Ze hurried out, waving in the hallway toward the embers. Aunt said: "Don't leave this door, walk the side door, think that the leader has come unannounced visit, Mom can scare me..."

Yu Wei: "..."

"Thank you, big sister." Lin Ze gestured to Yu Yu to follow himself.

“Is this not a newspaper?” Yu Yudao, “The newspaper is still afraid of unannounced visits?”

I don’t know why every time I saw Lin Ze, the Tucao skills were automatically opened like a moment. Lin Ze said: "You are too late, I need someone to help me..."

Lin Ze pushed open the door of an office, and Yu Yu was shocked.

It was like a vegetable market, dozens of desks, and messy manuscripts everywhere, and Stuart was still quarreling with an editor.

"How can I have a problem with this photo..."

"The face is all black!" edited. "How do you let me send it?"

Situ Wu: "That is because the photo time is night!"

Lin Ze: "A good attitude!"

Answering the phone, making a phone call, A4 paper flies around, the printer is still screaming, and Yu Yu thinks that the machine will explode in minutes. This scene he only saw in one place, is Xiao Yujun's Minjiang Daily.

"You are sitting here." Lin Zechao said, "No matter who let you move the position, don't move, don't get up, just say this is your position, sit and wait for me... Teacher Yang! My people are here! Already come one!"

Yu Wei: "..."

Yu Yu took off the camera bag, just sat down, a man with a beard on his face smouldering with smoke, holding a large stack of manuscripts in his hand and looking down at the embers.

Yu Yan: "Hello."

"Let the place!" The man said, "Where is the kid?"

Situ Wu sat on a desk and said to the man: "The people in our department!"

The man said: "What about the work card? Take it out."

Situ said: "Isn't this done yet? Looking for Teacher Yang."

The man said: "Hey, boy, what are you doing?" He said that the stack of paper in his hand fell to the table and went straight to find Situ, and Situ immediately said, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

Yu Yu looked frightened and feared that they would fight. The man pushed a reporter in front of him and used to look for Situ, and Stuart jumped from the editor's desk and ran outside.

Yu Wei: "..."

A girl with glasses on the side said to Yu Yu: "Do you help me find out what this is?"

Yu Yudao: "I...this..."

The girl was holding a manuscript with a pile of scribbled handwriting. The embers looked at the context and said, "This should be... the flag of the flag..."

"Right right!" the girl said immediately, "Give you chicken legs..."

A former male editor back to the body: "Is this not your own manuscript?"

The girl said: "How do I recognize that I wrote what I wrote? Handsome guy, you can help me see it..."

The bearded man came back again and said, "Hey, you should go, get up!"

"I am asking about things!" said the girl. "Can you not bother?"

"This is my place!" The bearded man said.

"Where are you sitting the same?" Responsible to go back, "Can't you sit in the corner?"

"That is the toilet!" said the bearded man. "Let's go to the toilet door and sit and see?"

The scene was a mess, not a moment, the whole office was quiet in an instant, and Yu Yi looked up and saw a 60-year-old old lady wearing a red dress and lipstick makeup from the end of the big office. There was a teacup inside, and Lin Ze followed her.

Lin Ze pointed to Yu Yu and said, "Hey, I am recruiting people."

"Yes." The old lady's voice was a bit sandy, and came to Yu Yu, Lin Ze said: "Get up! Call someone!"

Yu Yu thought that you would let me see no matter who I saw... I got up and shook hands with the old lady, Lin Zedao: "Call Teacher Yang."

"Mr. Yang is good." Yu Yudao, noticed that she wore a badge with the words "Yang Hong".

Yang Hong took the hand of Yu Yu, like the leader, cordially sympathizing with the staff, and said to Lin Ze: "He must have worked hard all the way, let him go back to rest first."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Ze said, "Yu Yu has already rested. He just wants to work now."

Yu Yu is crazy in his heart: What is this with? Do you promise me to take my teacher?

"That's good," Yang said again. "Well, I am so good, I have worked hard."

She said, she picked up the teacup, patrolled the circle, went in, and then the whole office clashed again. Situ Wu came in and said with relief: "Fortunately, keep me, find a chair..."

"No." Yu Yudao, "You sit with me, I am squatting."

"You sit here and take a nap." After the first editor pointed out a stack of books, Situ Yu put the whole set of "Chinese Characters New Note" on top of it, and laid the "Party Party Party" on it, sitting on the ass.

"I will sleep for a while." Situ Yu said to Yu Yu, "I can't hold it anymore, and I can call me at any time." He said to the table and began to sleep.

Lin Ze followed Yang Hong into the office, and the editorial department's vegetable market began to be noisy again. All the books were in all directions. Yu Yu looked at him behind his eyes. This group of editors is just like juggling. The proofreading and reference books of the desk are higher than one. There is also a glass cup filled with tea, or a half-eaten lunch box. Yu Yu is afraid that the book behind him will fall and put himself to death on the spot.

Zhou Sheng sent a few messages to ask how, Yu Yu answered, during which Stuart slept down from the table, slipped onto the embers legs, and then slid to the ground, the whole person fell asleep under the table in a distorted posture. It is.

This guy's legs are also very long... I thought about it.

"Are you editing?"

Yu said: "I am a reporter, an intern reporter..."

Responsible editor: "Ah, the teacher in the forest department, your reporter knows the reporter best, help me translate this..."

Yu Wei: "..."

That is responsible for handing over a handwritten manuscript that was reprinted after scanning. The girl around Yu Yi said: "I really can't stand the teacher of Wang. What kind of ghosts he wrote!"

"Don't say it! Hurry up!" said a middle-aged man with a tea, "I sent it in forty minutes!"

Everyone suddenly screamed wildly, and Yu said: "Where...what translation?"

“Translate the full text!” wrote in front of it, “Write it below.”

Yu Yu borrowed a pen, and did not need to translate the full text. Some handwritings were still difficult to identify, so he circled some seemingly incomprehensible words and made comments.

"Do you think there is a language problem?" The girl next door asked the manuscript with a manuscript.

"How do you know how you wrote it yourself!" Then she laughed at her.

"Adverbial can't be post-position..."

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone got up in a uniform manner. Even the half-talked person did not move. They all put down the manuscript and turned away.

Yu Wei: "..."

Situ was still sleeping under the table, and someone shouted to Yu Yu: "Drink tea and eat snacks."

Yu Yi followed a group of editors to eat snacks in the past. After fifteen minutes, the ringing tone rang again, and everyone continued to change the manuscript.

After Yu Yu translated the handwritten manuscript, Lin Ze finally came out and threw a letter to Yu Yu and said, "Go to the personnel office to fill out the form in the afternoon, take a photo?"

"Take it." Yu Yu said.

"Go eat first," Lin said.

Yu Yu got up from the maze and shook Shi Situ and said, "Get up and eat."

"Did you eat?" Stuart heard the meal, immediately woke up, blinked his eyes, and almost hit the pile of books behind him. Fortunately, Lin Ze’s eyes were fast, and he held the big book.

"I am going to the office in the afternoon."

At lunch, Lin Ze used his card to give Situ and Yu Yu a meal. Yu Yu saw the price of the canteen was shocked. The braised pork was second, the fungus was fried with kale, and the braised squid was two. The rice was not used for money. eat!

Yu Wei: "This canteen..."

"It's so hard to eat." Situ was depressed to take soup and rice.

"Come on and eat, you can't eat a few meals." Lin Ze said, "I didn't eat this canteen in an application office. Will the embers cook?"

Yu Wei: "It will be... a little bit, follow the Zhou Shengxue."

"You must be helpless when you come to Beijing." Lin Ze said.

Yu Yi replied: "Yes, he will fly over to see me every week."

Lin Ze and Situ Yu nodded. Lin Ze said: "Our group is now me alone. They don't give Xiaoxiao a position, and the office has not applied for it. It is hard to do unless the group recruits people."

"Is that interview with you?" Yu Yudao.

"That is a writer." Situ said, "The legendary coal boss killer is temporarily helping. The dog was bitten last time and went back to Chongqing for an injection."

Yu Wei: "..."

Lin Zedao: "In the afternoon, you fill out the form and give it to me. I am going to go through the process and hope that I can go down this time."

Yu Wei: "So... I won't be working here all the time?"

"The reporters don't work with the editors." Situ said, "It's too noisy, and the soldiers are in ruins."

Yu Xin said that the newspaper is really too chaotic, Lin Ze said: "There are many young people here, the teachers' offices are very quiet. The reporter also has a reporter's office..."

Situ said: "It’s still in the editorial office. The reporter’s office can take me a day to smoke bacon.”

"You go to the Lama Temple in the afternoon," Lin Zechao said. "You can apply for this office."

Situ Wu has no choice but to say: "Go, day."

Yu Wei: "..."

In the afternoon, everyone in the editorial department lined up in a row, finally calm down, like a group of zombies. At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone woke up in the same place and started to make noises. The only difference from the morning is that all the people in the morning are drafting the manuscript and drinking tea in the afternoon.

I thought that this was a strange place, and everyone was not surprised by his appearance. When he ate the cookie, he greeted him to eat. He also took it for granted to help him add some hot water. The girl next to the side and the former singer played the poetry. The two editors are flying chess.

I came to a fat middle-aged man, put down the bag, and said amiablely to Yu Yu: "Ember?"

Yu Yu nodded, got up and shook hands with him, thinking that this is the teacher who brought him?

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Hello, hello."

Yu Yan: "Hello, hello."

Middle-aged man: "Can this desk borrow me for a while?"

"No." Yu Yan no expression.

The two sides were silent for a while, and the middle-aged man went away again, wandering around, and was rejected by the editors everywhere.

"Do you have such a shortage of work?" Yu Yu asked the girl next to him.

"Because your desk was used to temporarily change the manuscript for reporters." The girl ate the melon seeds and said to Yu Yu, "Now I am going to move them to the toilet, and of course I am not happy."

"You put things on." And he has to teach him, "If you put a hidden weapon on the chair, no one will take your place."

"Annoying." Another editor said, "If you sit for a few hours, you won't be able to get up."

Yu Yu was completely speechless. In the afternoon and Zhou Sheng sent a text message for a while. Zhou Sheng was already on the plane and ready to go to Guangzhou. He was very spirited. As an assistant, he was a little stronger than the boss who brought him.

[Everyone said that your custom-made suit looks good. 】

Zhou Sheng seems to have been completely accustomed to playing the role of company heir.

Yu Yu smiled and watched his selfie. When he saw him, all the fatigue was completely emptied and the blood was resurrected. Yu Yu chatted for a while while filling out the form. Lin Ze came over and took his entry form and ID card to copy.

The reporter’s manuscript came again, and the whole office was in chaos. I have had two cups of coffee, and I have borrowed a little more. I borrowed the professional proofreading book from the editor and looked at it carefully. How much can I make up? When I arrived at nearly six o'clock, Yu Yu wanted to ask when the girl next time got off work. I suddenly found that all the people around have changed!

The girl next door turned into an uncle, sitting behind a fat man wearing glasses, everyone in the office has changed appearance! What is even more intimidating is that these people all know each other, and they talk slowly and step by step.

Yu Yu was unclear at this time. He thought that he was photographed by the whole person. He looked around with trepidation and wondered where it was. who am I?

"Who are you?" Yu Yu said to the next uncle.

Uncle looked confused and looked up from the manuscript: "Who are you?"

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

In the office of the editorial office, the fan screamed and turned, and the fluorescent lamp shone on everyone's face. People who didn't know in all directions raised their heads from the light of the front desk light and looked at the embers together.

“Who are you?” Yu Yu feared, “Who am I?”

This scene is like a nightmare. Yu Yu immediately bowed his head to Lin Ze to send a message and took pictures of the surrounding scene. Lin Ze called it.

"How come you haven't gotten off work yet?" Lin Zedao, "It's half past six, go eat."

“What is going on here?” Yu Yudao. “How did everyone change their looks?”

Lin Ze: "That is the night shift editor and proofreader... change the shift."

Yu Wei: "..."

Everyone realized that Yu Yu was scared, so he burst into laughter. Yu Yu was so embarrassed that he was busy picking up things and screaming at everyone, and went away in a panic.

"Boss, you didn't tell me what time..."

"Call for Azeri." Lin Ze said, "You don't have to punch the card. If you want to come, come and help me occupy this table. The work card will be given to you tomorrow. For the time being, you are empty and help me to pick up the individual... No If you are empty, don't care about him."

Lin Ze sent the train to Yu Yu, and Yu Yu looked at him. Situ Yu said next to him: "Come and eat, don't worry."

"It's okay! I will pick it up!" Yu Yu replied, he went back to the hotel first, and suddenly remembered that the most important thing today has not been done... actually did not go to rent a house, the first day of entry was simply chaotic. Now I can't see the house temporarily, or I will pick it up first. Zhou Sheng gave him more than 30,000. It doesn't matter if you live in a few days.

Yu Yu is really feeling now, and Zhou Sheng is really the happiest thing in life. Since they were together, he has hardly ever been worried about money. After changing a few years ago, I had only a few thousand dollars in my life, and now I must have been anxious.

Zhou Sheng plane was late, urged him to go to dinner, let him eat expensive, Yu Yu went to find a family Mr. Li had dinner, thinking that it is so hard to eat ... this buckle meat steamed over the head is not awkward, plum dry The time for the dish to be soaked in advance is not enough... I am not too picky when I am away from home.

Zhou Sheng also finally flew. Yu Yu then looked at the watch while rushing to Beijing West Railway Station, calling and shutting down.

Yu Yi was not prepared to pick up the printed plates, but had to work hard to identify at the dim exit, which is the person in the photo from Lin Ze.

"Mr. Jin Weicheng!" Yu Yu left the last move and began to shout. "Is Teacher Jin Weicheng there?"

The photo is a fat, young man like a mountain, wearing a basketball uniform, but Yu Yu seems to look at it, there is no similar. After shouting for a long time, a hand suddenly came out behind him, and God unconsciously put it on his shoulder, and Yu Yu was shocked.

"Don't shout." A tall, thin man said with incompetence, "I am..."

Yu Wei: "..."

I look at the phone and look at the thin man in front of me. The other party wears thick old-fashioned glasses, looks like a 40-year-old, a little camel, wearing a yellow silk shirt, gray trousers, vintage sandals, a woven bag on the shoulder, left handcuffs Holding a briefcase, the right hand carrying a canned orange modified mug, just like the one coming out of the reform and opening-up drama, holding a stack of documents everywhere to open the leather bag company Fudge.

I don’t think it’s right, I’m not alone!

"This is a photo of me ten years ago." The man said, "Show me my press card."

Yu Wei saw the press card. The above is indeed Jin Weicheng, and there is a "Korean nationality" mark. Yu Yu quickly shook hands with him and introduced himself. Jin Weicheng had a meter of nine meters and was very thin. He stood up and thought about it. He lowered his head and said to Yu Yu: "I am not hungry. Let's go eat something. Let's make a meal for the editor?" ”

Yu Yu thought about it and said, "Yes, you can just eat it."

This person is like a swindler, and he has not eaten food for several days. Yu Yu thought that Lin Ze did not tell him what to do after receiving the person, and then took him back to the restaurant outside the train station and gave him a point. A set meal. Jin Weicheng said: "My mobile phone has no electricity, I can't find Lin editor."

Yu Wei called Lin Ze, but there was no answer. After a while, Situ Wu sent a message: [You take him to dinner, find another place to let him stay, free to play, tomorrow he will come to the community to report . 】

Situ Yu gave Yu Wei a transfer of 500 yuan on WeChat. Yu Yu did not dare to accept it. He replied that he would pad the invoice first. He would give the invoice tomorrow, and Situ did not say anything. Yu Yu found out that Lin Ze seems to be quite busy, and it is faster to find Situ.

When Jin Weicheng met the meal, he began to gorge himself.

Yu Yu thought that this should be a member of the team. Lin Ze told him that he would arrange for a reporter to take him. It must be this person. Jin Weicheng ate two meals and looked around for a place to recharge. Yu Yu quickly took the charging treasure and let him charge. Jin Weicheng touched a broken screen of Xiaomi mobile phone and began to read the news.

This guy is as tall as Fu Liqun. He doesn't know how to put it in the seat of the card. He has to lift it up and step on it. Beijing is a very inclusive city. There are quite a lot of migrant workers. There are also wealthy and wealthy people who also have dusty servants. No one will cast a strange look everywhere. From this point, Yu Yu likes it very much.

Zhou Sheng is still giving him a live broadcast to Guangzhou after the trip, Yu Yu was not sleepy, and once he talked with Zhou Sheng, he was in spirit.