MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 111 future

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What is the future?

The future of Yu Yu’s vision is very simple, each looking for a job to settle in a sunny city. Two people, buy a suite, raise a golden hair, go out to run the dog in the morning, come back and bring him breakfast. At that time, he would climb out of the bed again, brush his teeth and wash his face in a mess, and Zhou Sheng took his **** and went to work in the bath.

Going to work late at night, buying good food for dinner, sitting at the table for dinner, Zhou Sheng sipping a towel to wash the dishes, and leaving the house to do housework. After the end, they went online, playing games to chase the anime new fan, at 10:00, go to bed. A shot, sleep. Holidays pick up the bags and go hand in hand to go on holiday...

This is all that Yu Yu can imagine his own ideal life with his poor imagination. When I was old, I was lying on the bed together and said, "Thank you for your love in this life, and will come again in the next life." Close your eyes again, well, die together, this life is over.

However, after Chen Yukai reminded that "Golden Wulun may be a separator between the soul and the body", Yu Yu is vague and has no fear of death. Is it still in the golden wheel after the end of his life? Then, in the magnificent and beautiful hall, meet again and keep their young appearance?

"So we have to live this life." Yu Yu cheered and said, "How much does it cost without your father?"

Zhou Sheng was a little dumbfounded and looked at Yu Yu’s account at the table. He replied: “Your dream is really simple. Millions of dollars.”

Yu Wei: "How many millions?"

A set of two-bedroom, one living in them, one as a study room to raise a dog by the way, 70 or 80 square meters, can lend, two people work together, can not earn money to buy a house for a lifetime?

“Two hundred and two hundred thousand have been renovated.” Yu Yudao said, “You can live happily in the city of Bengbu.”

"Well..." Zhou Sheng looked at the form of Yu Yu sideways. It doesn't seem too difficult for people to have too much material desire. In this way, they need to find a job with a monthly salary of 6,000 to 12,000 after five or six years of graduation. The total family income can reach about 15,000, and they can barely afford the life of Yu Yu’s dream. .

Yu Yu looked up and looked at Zhou Sheng with a smile. This time, a squally shower broke out. Zhou Laichun did not give them a phone call during the entire New Year. It must be like Zhou Sheng’s earliest expected economy. Support all severance. Zhou Sheng also found his father's starting fund card for his starting sprint and sent it to Yunlaichun. The meaning is very clear, the money is still you, my own wife raised it.

However, this also makes them feel like they have put down their minds. They don't have to worry about the teacher and classmates. Zhou Shenglian is not afraid of his parents, and will you be afraid of Xue Long? Something to say, nothing to shut up. They can now be together in a bright and straightforward way.

At the beginning of the third week of the year, the mother gave them a call and finally returned to God to give Zhou Sheng a slap. The most impressive impression of Yu Yu was that Zhou Mu finally said: "Forget it, just like this, anyway, you It’s better to have a barbecued pork, let him break the grandchildren."

Yu Hao did not dare to intervene. In the end, Zhou Mu also offered to Zhou Sheng to raise the living expenses from 2,400 to 3,200. When Zhou Sheng was about to refuse, Zhou Mu said: "If you don't have money, can you let your family eat with you?" Mom borrows you, and will return after work."

"That's okay." Zhou Sheng was planning to find a part-time job to earn some money, but he understood the meaning of Zhou Mu. After hanging up the phone, Yu said: "I don't want to spend your mother's money."

"She said that she borrowed it." Zhou Shengdao, "I will be fine after graduation. Do you think she is really happy?"

Yu Yu fried Mao: "Happy to be a ghost! How can I not hear her happy?"

Zhou Sheng seriously said: "She is quite satisfied, because I broke off with my dad, sometimes I feel that, oh, she has lived for a lifetime, and she has to compete with the old man, and it is more endless."

I thought it was like this, and Zhou Sheng’s mother proved that the value of her existence was always achieved by singing against Zhou Laichun. Zhou Laichun does not admit that his son and the boys are homosexual, and Zhou mother has to reverse. Zhou Laichun cut off all financial aid to his son. Zhou Mu was even willing to give Zhou Sheng a living allowance within the limits of his ability. Zhou Laichun’s attitude is “You give me a roll”, and Zhou’s attitude is “Let Zhou’s son’s grandchildren Ok, hahahaha. Anyway, he is right when he is mad.

Everyone who can suffocate Zhou Lachun's behavior, Zhou Mu definitely support both hands.

"That... we have to work hard."

In the New Year, Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Yu to develop a new life plan, and smiled a little sadly.

"Come and study now." Yu Yu replied.

Everyone has such a period in their lives, they must completely escape the support of the original family, go out and face the time of life independently.

Yu Yu had already experienced it at the end of the third year of high school, but Zhou Sheng has never been. From this point of view, Yu Yu is relatively precocious in his peers. This is why, most of the time, he and Chen Yukai will have a tacit understanding. After all, they are people who have experienced this period of psychological growth and have a common experience.

When he went to New Year's Eve on the fifth day of the year, Yu Yu told Chen Yukai about it. Chen Yukai said with a smile: "Next, just wait for Zhou Sheng's father to open the conditions. Guess how much the cheque will fall on your face. ?"

Yu Yu said helplessly: "Of course, a penny will not be needed."

Chen Yukai said: "I will give you an idea to make sure that he can't take it when you get there."

After listening to the retelling, Zhou Sheng appreciated Chen’s “ideas” and Yu Yu was still vaguely worried.

He knows that Zhou Sheng needs time to adapt. From the day they were together, Zhou Sheng worked hard to understand and learn to play the role of being a man and taking up the responsibility of building a family. It stands to reason that if this period can be smooth, it will be much better. However, many people are not very gradual after entering the society. The situation changes, just like the sudden oncoming hammer, and the proud self-esteem is crushed. .

Yu Hao has been ruthlessly knocked by this hammer, but he does not want Zhou Sheng to slam the hammer straight, which is too painful.

Chen Yukai, Ou Qihang, Huang Wei, Xiao Yujun, Fu Liqun... Yu Yu learned a lot from his friends, which made him adjust his life goals.

When you are in college, you can save money by staying alive. The most important thing is to study hard and not waste time because of working. So Yu Yu no longer spends too much time on part-time job and material enjoyment, and does his job as a student. The results are good. In the face of Xue Long, you can be more confident and will not be looked down upon by the teachers and students in the college.

The time of the year was almost instantaneous. Under the persuasion of Yu Yu, Zhou Sheng exchanged his Australian double tour as a bonus. The ticket could not be retired and only changed. The hotel expenses were temporarily subsidized. Zhou Shengyu is not a jealousy, but he has to go to the end.

"You are so smart," said Yu Yu, Zhou Sheng. "You can completely read business."

"Don't give me a business." Zhou Sheng was a little annoyed. Yu Yu didn't know how he was in business. Zhou Sheng's mathematics was very powerful. Yu Yu sometimes felt that he was even better than Chen Yukai, but Zhou Sheng didn't want to be a good person. Programmers go to learn programming, and it is even more impossible to devote their minds to academic research. Yu Yu wants to think about it, only business is best for him.

But every time he mentioned Zhou Sheng’s reading of finance, Zhou Sheng was quite resistant, and he had to rush him. In the end, Zhou Sheng chose his own English, prepared to make up for English, and then advanced to business English. The reason is that it is convenient to take the rest of the world to travel around the world...

The ginkgo tree on the walkway outside the house was green and yellow, and the pear flower was thanked and opened again. After a period of time, Fu Liqun began to contact with Susan. Both sides used the "friend relationship" to meet and occasionally meet and eat a meal. Do not open the house.

The two sides did not mention the compound, and did not completely break the link. I thought about this relationship? But in the end, love is Fu Liqun's own business. He and Zhou Sheng are not good at anything.

Yu Yu knows that Fu Liqun must still love Fushan. The two sides should also talk about certain conditions and give each other a certain time.

Fu Liqun played very well with Li Yangming, and occasionally did not act with Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu. When the time was counted as Sanqi, the three ingredients were given to Li Yangming, and he was taken out from time to time to go out to eat and go shopping.

Yu Yu understands that Fu Liqun does not want to disturb their two worlds too much. Zhou Sheng also said that everyone has their own life goals, and they don't want to force Fu Liqun to act with them from time to time. Anyway, Fu Liqun will come back when he sleeps at night.

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar year, Yu Hao bought a set of e-cigarette birthday gifts for Zhou Sheng last year, let him quit smoking, Zhou Sheng bought a game machine for Yu Yu, Yu Yu thought that this birthday gift is really not what you want. Play!

This year, Yu Yu is ready to give Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng a birthday present. Everyone barely said anything, but I knew in my heart that after entering the senior year after the junior year, it might be the last year they got together.

“How many classes do you have this year?” Susan came over and gave them a birthday, laughing. “The big man said that you are at home every day, are you planning to take a postgraduate?”

In the third year of the year, the classwork was heavy and the physical education class was a little better. Yu Yu really spent all his energy on the curriculum to barely rank well in the grade. The more he thinks seriously, the more he finds that he is not the piece of reading. Instead, Zhou Sheng can learn very well by reading a book casually. The IQ of people is really different.

"Don't take it?" Yu Yu is also a little confused. In fact, the end of the big three, in the summer vacation, everyone is discussing the issue of where to go after graduation. After all, the end of the summer is a senior, everyone has to go Looking for an internship and preparing for social work.

He also imagined Chen Yukai, who was a graduate student, and learned to support himself. However, Yu Yu had to admit that people cannot be born equal. This inequality is manifested in the innate unequal inequality at the root of it.

"That... sister asked, find an internship for you?" asked Shanshan.

Fu Liqun made a look, everyone knows that it really depends on the family, Zhou Shengjia can directly solve it, there is no need to help Zhang Luo.

Yu Yu said: "We will find it ourselves."

Zhou Laichun had not called Zhou Sheng for more than a year. Zhou Mou still used the previous frequency to call Yu Yu once a week. Yu Yu still called her "Auntie", and Zhou Mu called him "皓皓" Both sides have a heart and soul, and by default, nothing happened on New Year's Eve.

Fu Liqun wore the lucky rope of Yu Yu on his wrist, and Yu Yu gave him a wrist painting. He bought a pure gold transfer bead. Zhou Sheng was wearing a pair of Jin Wu wheel strings. Yu Yu also gave Fu Liqun and Yan Shan each. Edited, and Shanshan’s work has been done almost.

Yushan extended her wrist to try and smiled and said, "So, what are you going to do next?"

Fu Liqun said casually: "I have no plans, I don't know what to do."

Yanshan frowned and took Fu Liqun’s head. Fu Liqun smiled and looked at him. He said, “I’m thinking about it, don’t worry about it.”

The atmosphere of a meal was a bit strange, and Yu Yu was sensitive to the fact that there must be some problems between Fu Liqun and Susan. Xiaoshan evaded the plan after the start of school, and Zhou Sheng did not mention the situation at home. After dinner, the driver of the home of Susan came over and said, "Is it hard to come over once, don't you live?"

Yan Shandao: "Next time, I have to go to the teacher tomorrow."

Zhou Sheng was collecting the plate on the table and headed to Fu Liqun: "You don't send the donkey down?"

Fu Liqun took the key and sent Xiaoshan downstairs. Shushan turned back at the door and smiled at Yu Yu: "Eyelash, my sister is leaving."

The smile of Yan Shan is really shocking. Sometimes Yu Yi is unable to stand up as a gay, but just tonight, Yu Yu feels vaguely, and things don't seem too simple.

"How do you feel weird today?"

Zhou Sheng washed the dishes in the kitchen. The embers wiped the dishes with a dry towel and said, "They are always so weird, what will happen?"

Zhou Shengdao: "The nephew wants to go abroad for further study."

Yu Wei: "How long does it take?"

Zhou Sheng: "Three years, go to Vienna to study music conductor."

Yu Yu thought that this profession sounded too high, and asked: "Was the brother follow?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Sheng laughed.

Yu Yucai knows that today, when he came to eat, it is equivalent to saying goodbye and asking: "How many months is it?"

"October." Zhou Sheng said, "At that time, we should all go to the internship. If you are not good, please say goodbye in advance."

Yu Yu’s heart is a little lost. In this way, if Fu Liqun does not follow Fushan, they will be completely alienated. Although there will be a holiday in Fushan, there will be fewer opportunities to meet than now - three years, let him Zhou Sheng has been separated for three years and he does not know how to live.

Yu Yu remembered that he was officially in love with Zhou Sheng, and the time spent together was two years. But I don't know why it seems to have passed for a long time.

"My brother can actually go with it." Yu Yu said, "Go to learn something else, when the ski instructor is also very good."

“It’s easy to say.” Zhou Shengdao, “I’m not familiar with life. Don’t look at the scorpion’s bourgeois exquisiteness. The command is very bitter, and there are a lot of classes every day.”

Yu Yiyi thought too, Zhou Sheng said again: "The dad's dad's intention is very obvious. He wants to break up the two of them. People and people, in different environments, the distance will be more and more open, and the foreign countries will be lonely..."

Yu Yu said: "They are not the kind of people who can't stand loneliness."

Zhou Sheng "hmm", replied: "So, see if this test can pass."

After Yu Hao wiped all the plates, Zhou Sheng cleaned up the stove, and the two stood. Zhou Sheng said: "Have you forgotten something?"

Yu Yu smiled like eating the rice he had made every day. He kissed him to show his satisfaction. Zhou Sheng opened the refrigerator and took the fruit for him to eat.

“Graduation is Daokan.” Zhou Sheng is sometimes very rational and calm. “The owner of this house is the graduated hand.”

Yu Yu sat on the sofa and eats fruit. I feel that homosexuality is sometimes quite good. After all, the resistance of parents and families has come up. What other setbacks can separate them in reality?

Yu Yu said: "I think the key is in my brother. He urgently needs to solve his future, as long as he has a firm belief in the future."

When the key opened, the two did not speak. Fu Liqun came back and gave them a look.

Zhou Sheng: "Sent?"

Fu Liqun said: "The person her father came to pick up."

In one sentence, there is a huge amount of information, and Yu Yi can't even infer the mood of Fu Liqun at the moment. Zhou Sheng got up and took two ice beer, handed it to Fu Liqun, and Fu Liqun lay down on the sofa, one foot against the ember's waist, and pushed him parallel to the other side of the sofa.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng did not speak, lazy lying on a single sofa, like a hound that was only sleeping but always vigilant. The living room was kept quiet. Outside the air-conditioned room, the screams on the trees kept on, and suddenly it was quiet, and sometimes it sounded like a tide.

Fu Liqun: "You said these things, isn't it so tired every day?"

Yu Yu said: "In nature, courtship is a very difficult thing, let's take a look at other ethnic groups."

Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng both laughed. Yu Yu took the class of Liang Jinmin and knew that as animals, the two most important things in life are eating and courting. Sometimes eating is not as important as courtship. Let's call it, birds. Working hard to build a beautiful nest, penguins everywhere looking for beautiful stones, are to woo the female, get the affirmation of the sweetheart.

"What time is it today?" Fu Liqun said suddenly.

Zhou Sheng casually said: "After a week of school, I have to go back to college to get an internship table tomorrow."

Fu Liqun was silent for a moment, and Yu Yu took a shower and his hair was still wet. He looked down at his mobile phone and texted.

"Less grandma is really a beautiful person." Fu Liqun looked at Yu Yu.

Yu Yudao: "The scorpion is the beauty."

Fu Liqun teased Yu Yu like Zhou Sheng, and liked it. He always likes to let the other boyfriends squat. Yu Yi and Zhou Sheng, see how he intends to counter Fu Liqun, and immediately Zhou Shengcheng said: "Brother has a good reputation, Yu Yu counts What a beautiful person? He and the nephew add up, no more than a finger of Yang Ming brother, Yang Ming brother is a beautiful!"

Yu Yu suddenly laughed uncontrollably, and Fu Liqun became angry and angry: "Hey!"

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng clap, laughing so fast that they can't take care of themselves. Fu Liqun really went very close to Li Yangming. Li Yangming also listened to Fu Liqun's words. He relied on him wholeheartedly, but Fu Liqun obviously didn't mean that he was taking care of his roommate. .

Yu Yu and Li Yangming talked privately. The point is not that Fu Liqun is not straight, but that he has a girlfriend. You can do it without a girlfriend. Li Yangming made a guarantee to Yu Yu, and there was no other meaning. Yu Yu would no longer care.

Fu Liqun drank beer and said, "Master, remember when you had a birthday two years ago?"

Zhou Shengdao: "Remember, we haven't been together yet, thank you, brother."

Fu Liqun said: "You're welcome, I was thinking about it that day, in two or three years, what would we look like, I didn't expect it to be a blink of an eye. Brothers..." said Fu Liqun sat up and thought about it. Said: "I think we have to talk."

Yu Yu is not unexpected. Zhou Sheng seems to have expected this, saying: "How? Brother, you are our best friend. If you have something, please say it."

Fu Liqun squeezed the empty beer cans in his hand, silent for a long time, and suddenly asked Zhou Sheng: "Where do you want to go to this year? Listen to Xue Long's arrangement?"

Zhou Sheng did not want to say: "Impossible, he will not arrange normal internships for us, and must offend him."

Yu Wei: "Can Xuelong do it in addition to letting us move bricks?"

Fu Liqun "hmm" and asked: "Looking for Kaikai?"

Zhou Sheng is another refusal: "I don't want to owe others, his internship position is academic and not suitable for us."

Yu Yu thought about looking for Chen Yukai or Liang Jinmin and introduced them to an internship. However, this internship is suitable for him. He is not suitable for the active Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun. If the internship direction is different from the employment direction after graduation, It doesn't make much sense.

"What about you?" Fu Liqun said to Yu Yu, "Less grandma, I feel more and more now that you are a strong guy."

Yu said: "I will listen to what you are planning."

The most important thing about this kind of thing is to ask the parents to discuss, but Yu Yi is alone. Zhou Sheng is not likely to say to the family. The last time Zhou gave a call to Yu Yu, let Zhou Sheng go to the training class to learn a costume design. ——Since she knows that Zhou Sheng’s **** has turned him back into a fashion **** with a pointed orchid, I don’t know where the impression came from. Although Zhou Sheng’s aesthetic is good, he does not want to deal with fashion.

Fu Liqun said: "I asked my dad, my dad said to introduce me to a friend's company, do logistics, and be an executive."

Yu Yu knows that Fu Liqun will definitely not go.

“My mom said to her daughter-in-law,” Zhou Shengdao said. “Let me go to a sewing class and sit and embroider.”

Fu Liqun suddenly burst into laughter, Zhou Sheng looked helpless and spread his hand.

"Learning costume design is good." Yu said, "Just because you don't like it, your mother's shop is also very good, and recently opened an online store."

Zhou Sheng said: "Oh, after Dad went to Shenzhen to purchase goods, I helped her pack ninety-nine packages at home? You can be a customer and a customer quarreling. It is good for a family to open a small workshop."

I don’t think it’s really good... I’ve experienced a high school graduating after eating a meal, and I’m quite aware of the truth. How can everyone in this world live a bright and beautiful day? It’s not easy to be able to eat and feed yourself.