MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 105 Blood sea

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The voice fell, Zhou Sheng drove the clouds, and shook his hand, and Yu Yu spread his wings and flew into the castle!

"Qi Tian Da Sheng is also -" Zhou Sheng screamed, the red scarf began to fly in the air, turned into a fire cloud, Yu Yu suddenly pulled high, two daggers waved out, in the air a spin, straight to Ou Weihong!

Ou Weihong sat on the throne of this dream world, his head had disappeared, his body was twisted, his finger was lifted, and he snapped his finger.

In the loud noise, the throne was decomposed and turned into an endless blood sea. The ceiling of the castle was opened by invisible forces, and the ground began to rise. Like the dreams of Yu Yu, Chen Yukai, Shi Wei and others, it turned into a grand platform. The headless Ou Weihong stands in the middle of the **** sea, and numerous giant claws are sticking out in the **** sea, and they are caught in the sky!

On the top of Ou Weihong's head, the dark totem is slowly descending. In the darkness, there is a very light golden light. The blood sea is spreading and spreading along the platform. Ou Kaihang's home has become a blood pool.

Chen Yukai squatted at Ou Qihang and said in his ear: "Keep it! It will be here soon!"

Yu Yu and Zhou Shengzheng struggled with countless claws in the blood sea. Zhou Shengzi shot and shattered the blood claws. After the bullets were shot, the guns were thrown and turned to look at Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang.

"Summon the sun out!" Zhou Sheng shouted. "When the sun comes out, we will win!"

The blood claws shot toward Zhou Sheng, and Yu Yu screamed and screamed out two arcs, and suddenly the claws rising in the **** sea were suddenly cut off. At this moment, Ouqihang has come to the edge of the **** sea.

"I remember... you used to... told me... dad..." Ou Qihang's pupils gradually spread, and the whole body showed corpse spots, and he trembled. "No matter what I saw, what is it, just stick to my heart." ...just... no one can... change... you..."

Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng were separated in the air for a short time, and the sound of Ou Qihang was heard from the ear.

The headless Ou Weihong made a voice: "But my son, sometimes, you always have to carry more sins for your family... I don't regret..."

The **** sea rushed in, and suddenly Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang drowned together, Yu Yu and Zhou Shengchong came to the near, countless blood claws formed a huge cage, firmly trapped two people!

Zhou Sheng shakes the golden hoop and looks at the chest of the headless Ou Weihong -

Ou Weihong was forced to fly out of the cage and Zhou Sheng shouted: "Hey now!"

Chen Yukai released a flying knife in the **** sea. A silver light cut off the fingers of the broken hand, slammed the water, and took the water from Ou Kaihang. The pupil of Ouqihang has become muddy and unclear. Chen Yukai tried to hold up His elbow.

"Wake up, set sail." Chen Yukai's low voice was on the sidelines, "Don't sleep anymore!"

Ou Qihang suddenly reflected his eyes wide, and the five fingers turned toward the sky, causing a loud noise, and the dark totem was broken, turning into a light spot and flying to Ouqihang.

At the same time, Yu Yu draws an arc in the **** cage, and breaks through the cage with Zhou Sheng and flies out!

Ou Qihang made a scream, a finger to the totem in the sky, the totem gold powder as the Milky Way, shot his body along his arm, instantly immersed his body.

"Kai Kai!" Zhou Sheng wiped the blood on his face, and turned around with Yu Yu at the same time, only to see Chen Yukai let go of the European sail, was suddenly pulled into the depths of the blood pool. Yu Yu and Zhou Shengfei to Chen Yukai, but the next moment, the entire platform crashed!

Ou Qihang issued a golden light in his body, which spread in a circular shape. He slowly flew up from the blood pool and slowly raised his left hand. The mechanical finger sleeves on his fingers appeared on his hands.

His pupils were made into gold, and Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng flew away at the same time, looking down at Chen Yukai's whereabouts.

"Dad," Ouqi Waterway, "I love you."

Immediately afterwards, Ou Kaihang's five fingers flexed and stretched, and the fingers spurred strong light. The blood pool exploded completely, madly pouring down the building, forming a **** waterfall in all directions. The blood pool slowly rises up to a blue sky, and the hand is holding a coma. Wake up Chen Yukai.

"Kai Kai!"

"Teacher Chen!"

Chen Yukai lay in the palm of his hand, and his blood was brushed away, his eyes closed.

"Starting! You are too naive!" Ou Weihong roared, and all the blood was coming to his body, and the zombie group on the ground flew into the sky, forming a giant!

Up to the ground, put Chen Yukai on the ground, open the mask, catch the Ou Qihang, put it into the mask. Ou Qihang sat in the cab and pressed the finger of the mechanical finger on the control ball.

"This is the toy you bought for me, my favorite toy." Ou Qihang’s voice sounded through the dark sky and shouted. "You told me when you were young, it symbolizes justice. Let us take a look today. Who is it?" correct!"

The voice fell, the blood-colored giant wrapped in countless zombies and broken limbs, waved a hurricane, as high as the propeller spray behind, hangs up, jumped to the side of the building, a few steps to run, turned around in the air, left hand shakes comparable to the subway The size of the carriage, the right hand illuminates the impact gun, a shot -

Zhou Shenggang picked up Chen Yukai's arm and the building on the top of the building collapsed. Yu Yu immediately stepped on the cloud and shouted: "Go!"

Gundam and the zombie giant are ten stories high. Yu Yu saw the scene of Altman playing monsters. The shopping malls, residential buildings and office buildings were all smashed. The zombie giants seized the Gundam and pushed it forward. An office building full of glass façades, directly into the office building, the glass collapsed!

"Kai Kai! Kaikai!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

The sky is covered with golden light, and a sun is falling on Chen Yukai.

Wherever the sun went, Chen Yukai recovered his face and opened his eyes.

Yu Yudao: "Great Chief!"

Chen Yukai coughed out a blood, and when Yu Yu was nervous, Zhou Shengdao said: "Is it in, is it better?"

Chen Yukai's pupils recovered, and Yu Yu placed him on the top of the TV tower. As high as the zombie giants, almost all the buildings along the way were destroyed.

When Chen Yukai regained consciousness, he immediately looked into the distance.

"I can take care of myself." Chen Yukai turned and sat up, Zhou Sheng, Yu Yu immediately separated from him, the two flew to the sky at the same time, the clouds closed, and the world once again fell into the night.

Zhou Shengdao: "Summon!"

Yu Yudao: "Begin!"

Zhou Sheng screamed at the whistle, Chen Yukai turned his head to the sky, first broke through the dark clouds together. From the distance, it was Zhou Sheng’s black dragon and Chen Yukai’s feather snake god. Zhou Sheng’s smashing clouds fell on the black dragon’s back. Chen Yukai took a few steps to run, jumped out of the TV tower, and set foot on the feather snake.

Gundam opened a cannon in the office building, and blew up half of the building. Like a criminal zombie giant, he snarled, grabbed its cannon, and went to the mask on the other hand.

In an instant, as soon as the back of the fort was turned over, on the shoulder, a round of indiscriminate bombing of the zombie giant, the giant chest was attacked, and pushed it away!

The black dragon spurts the dragon, the mad burning zombie giant's back, the feather snake **** is open mouth, the mouth shoots countless flying leaves, the ground vines are clumped, entangled its legs!

The giant slammed his arm, slammed the black dragon and the feather snake god, Chen Yukai and Zhou Sheng tumbling in the air, each of them riding away, and when it was about to rush to the burial of the ruins, there was a whistle behind it.

The giant turned around, and Yu Yu took a staff, six light wings, silver light, and the staff pointed to the dark sky.

"The archangel is to devote your undead." Yu Yu Shen Sheng.

The black cloud suddenly broke open, and the Thunder fell like a waterfall. With thousands of days of fire and meteors, the zombie giants suddenly burst into pieces!

The meteor landed, turned into countless military commanders, shaken the sword, chased the zombies after the decomposition of the zombie giants, chasing after killing, a blood line went flat, the black dragon and the feather snake **** flew again, Longyan, Shekou bloomed glare, And the thunder of the zenith - the zombie giants are constantly disintegrating under this powerful energy.

"Hands!" Zhou Sheng screamed.

Up to the full energy, finally knocked out the ruins, turned over in the air, rushed to the zombie giant, the mask popped open, the body of the European sailing, the body of the zombie giant collapsed, the body of Ou Weihong was broken.

Ou Kaihang's five fingers flexed and stretched, and his fingers were gun-shaped. With the dive, the left hand reached the chest of his father's body.

Ou Qihang’s face was full of tears, and the world around him seemed to have a gentle change. With the wind blowing, the sky clouds and clouds are retreating, and the time passes by. In the year of six years old, there is a afternoon filled with golden sunshine.

On that day, he and his father sat on the sofa with his knees. At the age of six, his fingers were painted like a gun, and his father, handsomely, narrowed his eyes and said, "Hey!"

The tall and handsome father was pretending to fall on the sofa. Xiao Ouqiu hahaha laughed. After a while, Ou Weihong sat up again, and Xiao Ouqi sailed again, "Hey!", his father cooperated with him and lay on the sofa.

He jumped over to see, and his father suddenly popped up, laughing and holding him in his arms, letting his son hear the sound of his chest center.

"Hey!" Ou Kaihang said softly.

The mechanical finger slammed the glare and slammed it into the heart of the headless zombie.

The zombie slowly reached out and held his son gently and firmly on his chest.

"Dad," Ou Qihang was in front of his father, "It’s over..."

The glory of the totem set off a storm, and the zombie giants turned into a light powder disappearing. The light and shadow of the soul of Ouweihong appeared, and the golden light on the earth swept through the whole city like the tide. Yu Yi, Zhou Sheng, Chen Yukai At the same time, raise your arm and block the glare.

"Look at the sunrise." Zhou Shengdao, "It's over."

Yu Yu fell on the back of the black dragon, tired and exhausted. Zhou Sheng observed for a while to prevent the sneak attack of Chichen Itza, which was not caught up in the last time, until the whole city began to recover, and the red light appeared on the horizon before it flew to the TV tower with the embers.

"It’s over." Yu Yu said.

Chen Yukai said: "It's hard."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Yu and Chen Yukai sat side by side on the edge of the TV tower, looking out into the distance, and the layers of dark clouds receded, showing the red sun on the horizon.

The sun rose.

In the center of Handan City, skyscrapers are like Rubik's Cube, and countless modules are rapidly reorganized and risen.

"It’s so beautiful." Yu Yudao.

Chen Yukai said: "The last time I didn't pay attention, the sun in my dream."

Yu Yu said: "Because you are the master of dreams."

"You are going to shuttle the dream, just to see the sunrise?" Chen Yukai said.

Zhou Sheng smiled and replied: "Is it okay? After the hard work, I can see the sunrise. I always feel that many things are worthwhile."

The sun rose, and the sun rises and the red light shines.

The ruins of the city that was destroyed by the war were turned into pixel blocks of bright colors like Lego blocks, and the entire city was rebuilt.

The flower of the blood under the skyscraper dissolves and disappears, immersing it in the land. Green plants become ivy, quietly covering the entire city.

The sun rose, and the clouds were cloudy and gentle.

The dew on the green leaves reflects the sunlight, and the heavens and earth restore the noisy life. The big white clouds in the blue sky are reflected on the glass walls of countless skyscrapers, just like the street graffiti.

Gundam stood at the top of the building, and Ouqihang stood in front of him, and the feathered snake **** and the black dragon flying over the sky raised their fingers and gave a courtesy.

The feather snake and the black dragon are suspended in the air on one side of the platform. Zhou Sheng pedals the black dragon and looks down at the small Ou Qihang on the roof.

When Yu Zheng was thinking about good night, Zhou Sheng drove the Black Dragon and landed on the roof.

The feather snake **** lowered his head slightly and fell to a height of two meters on the roof. Chen Yukai did not mount.

Zhou Sheng stepped forward and set sail towards Europe.

Ouqi Waterway: "Thank you guys..."

"You're welcome." Zhou Sheng raised his hand and turned his hand over the palm of his hand.

In an instant, Ou Qihang projected a million-circular, rectangular screen-like picture in the week!

"This..." Yu Yanran remembered the way in which Zhou Sheng and his memories reappeared in his own palace. On that day, Zhou Sheng taught him how to recall his memory in his dreams. Now he is forced to The memory of Ou Qihang has all been adjusted!

Chen Yukai just looked at Ou Qihang quietly and his brow wrinkled.

Ou Kaihang stepped back and took a turn around and looked around. The memory of the spin was like a lantern. The scene was all about his childhood. Or the father took him to the playground; or came down from the car and walked into the school; or sat on the roof, the embers behind him kept approaching...

"Some things can't make you remember for a lifetime." Zhou Shengdao, "I hope you understand."

Ou Qihang: "..."

Ou Kaihang frowned and looked at Zhou Sheng and said, "Do you want to erase all my memories of you?"

Zhou Sheng is calm and self-sufficient, just like talking about a meal, holding a golden hoop stick, and flying to him by the memory scene he clicked.

"Yes." Zhou Sheng replied, "Don't resist, I don't want to fight here with you."

"Wait!" Ou Kaihang immediately said, "Give me a few words."

Yu Yu and Chen Yukai ride on each other and are suspended outside the skyscraper platform.

Zhou Sheng: "There is a lot of words. It’s boring to say it, isn't it? You are a smart person."

Ou Qihang slammed into Chen Yukai and yelled at Yu Yu, and suddenly laughed.

Zhou Sheng brows his head, his tone is unquestionable, and his gas field does not allow Ou Kaihang to have any resistance. Ou Qihang only nodded and said, "When I wake up, I won't remember you anymore?"

"There will be a period later." Chen Yukai said.

Zhou Sheng thought for a moment, receiving a gold hoop, a body armor brushed the whole body, became an iron man, began to hit the finger, every time the ring finger, the golden flame appeared out of thin air, burning the memory of Ou Qihang.

Then, the sun in the sky spurted a golden fire, whistling to somewhere in this dream world, and the distance came from the vibration, and the place hit by the golden fire disappeared out of thin air!

Yu Yu and Chen Yukai turned their heads and looked at an area that disappeared in the distance.

The golden fire burned all the rainy nights, the chasing vehicles, the highways and the mountainsides, and the sun spurted out the fire and hit the halfway up the mountain.

The scene of the scene was burned by the power of Zhou Sheng. Zhou Shengdao said: "We have to go." Speaking of the finger, I dragged the last scene left in the memory of Ou Kaihang to the front, and looked at Ou Qihang a little nervously.

Ou Qihang’s eyes were astonished, as if there had been some confusion, and the behind-the-scenes became a light spot, re-entered into the air and turned into a totem.

Yu Yu and Chen Yukai took off and left to see where Ou Kaihang could not see.

Yu Yu looked to Chen Yukai, Chen Yukai still squatted to the distant land, where Ou Qihang and Zhou Sheng had turned into two little black spots.

Zhou Sheng pulled the shovel on the surface and approached Ouqihang. He left the golden wheel in his left hand and reached over the golden wheel. He held down the forehead of Ou Qihang and held the memory photo in his right hand. He was in the air.

"The last scene." Zhou Sheng's voice was steady and calm, "Good night."

When he said "Good night", Zhou Sheng also made a snap at the same time. The memory of this dream-winning battle was accompanied by flames as a ash, and at the same time, the European voyage suddenly burst into a golden light.

The embers in the air only felt the glare flashing in front of him, and the whole dream was flattened and woke up in the bedroom bed.

Zhou Sheng turned over and yawned. He rubbed his temples, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked up at the sun outside the curtains and then smiled back to reveal the canine teeth.

Yu Yu hugged his waist and leaned on his bare, bare back.

“The first few lessons?”

"Three or four festivals, Teacher Chen's class."

"Then you will sleep for a while." Zhou Shengdao, "I have to go to class quickly, want to eat at night? The phone sends me."

Zhou Sheng put on the sports trousers, and Yu Yu reminded: "Let's cool down, wear more, put on the underwear!" He held the quilt and watched the shirtless Zhou Sheng packing things out, Zhou Shengtou did not return. Road: "There is no physical class today... The child may call you, be careful not to wear it."

The impression that Zhou Sheng erased the memory of Ou Kaihang made Yu Yu shocked for a moment. Although he couldn’t help but feel that it was really cruel, Zhou Sheng himself did not care at all. This may be his strength.

Has he erased his memory? I can't help but think of some embarrassing fragments. At this time, the phone came, it was Ou Qihang, and Yu Yu took the call.

"Starting?" Yu Yu thought it really came!

There was no silence over there, and Yu said: "Starting? What happened?"

"How do you know that this number is me?" Ou Kaihang’s voice was puzzled. "I remember I didn't leave a call for you."

Yu Yu almost touched the first sentence, and Ou Qihang’s memory could not give him a call. Yu Yu was not sure which node Zhou Xin had erased his memory. I have to say: "Huang Wei gave it to me."

"I..." Ou Kaihang seems a little annoyed.

Yu Wei: "What is it?"

Ou Kaihang silent for a moment, then said: "Nothing, I feel that I am amnesia, forget some very important things, I want to ask you to ask clearly. But I do not know where to start."

Yu Yi tried to pretend that if nothing had happened, he replied: "Is lost memory? Will it be what they did?"

"What?" Ou Kaihang replied, "Who are you?"

Yu Yi replied: "Investigation team."

The investigation team’s affairs, Ou Qihang is remembered.

"Is it?" Ou Qihang hesitated. "Maybe? Do you have time? I want to find you to check the consequences..."

Yu Yu said seriously: "What you should do now is to study hard, after the college entrance examination is over."

Ou Qihang didn't talk any more. After a long time, he gently said "hmm" and finally said: "Hang up."

Yu Yu hangs up the phone, Zhou Sheng’s hand is too late to defend, but it is very powerful, which makes him a little scared. Zhou Sheng can erase other people’s memories at will, which means that this is a very powerful and terrifying ability. In exchange for embers, he should retain the memory of reality and only eliminate everything about dreams.

Yu Yu thought about it and suddenly remembered that it was really reasonable for Zhou Sheng to do so - the memory of kidnapping the memory in the rainy night is the beginning of Ou Qihang’s discovery that they have the ability to dream. If you don’t burn the memory scene directly at the source, a series of things will follow. Will never be right. In this way, Ou Kaihang will only feel that his memory about the kidnapping part has been forgotten... He immediately grabbed the mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou Sheng.

[This is what I think. 】

Zhou Sheng quickly returned the news.

[He went to find someone to verify, people would rack their brains to find various reasons, so that the loss of this memory can be pushed to his influence by the drug, and then attacked after a while. Or think that when you fight, you are caught in the head, causing a concussion, and then it will happen. 】

Yu Yu had to admit that Zhou Sheng’s idea was perfect, and he might have thought about what to do when he first entered the dream. From this point of view, this guy said that he started with his hand and kept Chen’s memory, not because of his soft heart, but because of his reason, he may help them understand Jin Wulun to some extent.

This makes Yu Yu feel that Zhou Sheng is quite like Satan. The other side of intelligence can also be understood as deep-minded. Of course, others may be afraid of Zhou Sheng, and he will not, after all, they are lovers.

I brushed my teeth and saw that the toothpaste had been squeezed, and the warm water was connected, and it was placed next to the sink. It was a complicated mood and a little sweet.

The phone rang again. This time it was Li Yangming. Yu Yu looked at his eyes and pressed the hands-free.

"The teacher is coming." Li Yangming said, "Yu, have you finished your morning training?"

Yu Yu was almost stunned, and Xue Long came to the house early in the morning? The brain is not in the water. However, there was a voice from Chen Yukai: "I told him."

It was Chen Yukai... Yu Yu was shocked. Chen Yukai said: "You moved out to rent a house? You didn't see anyone early in the morning."

Yu Yi forgot to tell Chen Yukai, sighed and said, "How can you guess this?"

"Fu Liqun does not stack the quilt." Chen Yukai replied, "What breakfast do you want to eat? I will bring it to you."

Yu Yu hung up the phone and sent the address to Chen Yukai. Chen Yukai, a sportswear, apparently just got up, his hair was a bit messy but very spirited. Li Yangming, who was facing the shop, nodded and said, "Don't tell you Xue." He said that he opened the door and went out.

Yu Yu gave Chen Yukai a hand-washed coffee. Chen Yukai wore a blue Li Ning sportswear and white sneakers. He sat back in front of the chair and looked around at the table. He looked around and Yu Yin was pleading not to inform him. Chen Yukai said: "There is a small world where it is very good. After two people in the world, it is a marriage."

Yu Yu laughed, and Chen Yukai watched as he poured the water from the pot into the filter paper bucket, and the Yeka snow was dropped in the glass dish.

Yu Yu knows that he came over early in the morning, and he must have something to say. Is it about Zhou Sheng’s ability to erase memories, or is it about Ou Qihang?

But he did not take the initiative to ask, just sitting patiently on the other side of the table, opposite Chen Yukai. He doesn't like others to open his jokes with Chen Yukai, so he won't go to Chen Yukai and Ou Qihang. In the ward that day he asked for the first time, Chen Yukai said "no feeling", Yu Yu believes that he really does not feel. Unless he takes the initiative to change his mouth, Yu Yu believes that at least this is a mutual trust between friends.

After waiting for a long time, Yu Yukai didn't say anything, just looking at the coffee with ecstasy. The embers flipped through the notes, and Chen Yukai's class was nearing the end.