MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 91

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When seeing Mu Yanxi's WeChat, Yi Wulan didn't react to the phrase 'sit well' at first, until a familiar voice came, and then saw Mu Yanxi and Bai Yu'an at the table next to him.

When she turned her head, she happened to collide with Mu Yanxi's gaze. Mu Yanxi tilted her head at her, and gestured to her phone with a sweet smile.

Yi Wulan slowly lowered his hand holding the phone, and his sitting posture became more upright.

At the same time, Yin Fengxia at the side also saw the mobile phone in Mu Yanxi's hand, and immediately became vigilant

"Mr. Yi, the table next to me is my college classmate, and they seem to be in a good relationship."

Yin Fengxia's original intention was to tell Yi Wulan that the people at the next table were a couple, so that she would not be easily contacted by Mu Yanxi.

But Yi Wulan just nodded. Of course she knew that the relationship between the two was good, so good that she had to invite so many spy Internet celebrities to accompany her when she went to the golf course, and so good that she had to book the entire venue when she went to a nightclub in Philadelphia. limited to the friendship between friends.

Yin Fengxia's words made Yi Wulan subconsciously repel, but she didn't show it on her face, and looked at the stage.

However, Yin Fengxia didn't know whether it was because she really couldn't read people's faces, or if she was used to posting her face, the smile on her face became brighter, and she just chatted, "Boss Yi, what did you see in the brochure before? "

Yi Wulan succinctly said "diamond."

Yin Fengxia immediately got excited when she heard the words. The starting price of the last two diamonds in this auction was 500 million. Yi Wulan just glanced at the brochure and planned to come and buy them. Although she has made friends with many people before, she has never seen such a generous person.

What's more, her father also hinted to her many times before that this time the business is extremely important, and their Yin family's development has been limited after the whitewashing. If they can successfully cooperate with Rongjia Group, it will not only be in Hong Kong City, but also have opportunities Directly among the upper class in the Mainland.

Yin Fengxia observed the empty hands of Yi Wulan, a married person, during yesterday's dinner.

Even if you don't wear a wedding ring, you still have to buy a diamond. If you think about it with your toes, you know it's not for your original partner.

Anyway, it's a gift for a lover, why not give it to someone else?

Even if Yi Wulan didn't give any response, Yin Fengxia could talk to Yi Wulan on her own, revealing her love for the two diamonds inside and out.

Yi Wulan was used to hearing Mu Yanxi's chatter on weekdays, so she thought she was used to this kind of talk.

But at this moment, Yi Wulan realized that except for Mu Yanxi, other people talking around her all the time would only make her feel very noisy.

But the noise has to be endured.

It's not because of the face of Mr. Yin who came together, but because her family's little ancestor didn't give her the right to change positions.

Yi Wulan's scene here was clearly seen by the people in the booth beside him, and Bai Yu'an had complained to Mu Yanxi for countless times, "Little Xixi, why don't you do anything? Look at Yin Fengxia It's about to be posted!"

Mu Yanxi glanced over, and said lightly, "Isn't there still a Boss Yin between them?"

Bai Yu'an choked, and reminded, "That's very close!"

The auction is already halfway through, and the collection looks just like the ones in the brochure. Although it is not particularly novel, it is also very delicate. As the auctioneer's hammer fell again and again, many people got what they wanted.

Although Mu Yanxi came here for the diamonds, she always liked to join in the fun, and also wanted to buy other things to raise prices with others.

But she didn't speak up herself, she had to do it.

He pulled Bai Yu'an to look at the lot on the stage, and suddenly said, "That painting looks like a famous artist's work."

"Yin Fengxia's little Bichi actually raised a sign? She can understand this..." Bai Yu'an said halfway, looked at Mu Yanxi and immediately double-marked, "You like it too? Hey, it seems that this bird drawing is really good. "

Then, the auctioneer on the stage made a final decision, and the painting was taken away by others.

Mu Yanxi deliberately didn't lower her voice, and faintly said, "That's a mandarin duck."

Yi Wulan who heard this...

Yin Fengxia on the side also looked very regretful, she was not willing to rob others, she looked full of regret, "The painting just now is really good, looking at it from a slightly different angle, it seems that you can see the different shapes of mandarin ducks, it is worthy of being a famous artist ah."

After Bai Yu'an heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Change the angle, change the form? If you don't know, you think the painting will move. Why pretend?"

Yin Fengxia obviously heard Bai Yu'an's words this time, and quietly clenched her hands.

The next lot was soon displayed, it was a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, which was said to belong to a certain royal family, and later drifted overseas, and appeared here again by chance.

Yin Fengxia's eyes lit up in an instant, and she said softly to Mr. Yin next to her, "Dad, I have been using the set of pens and inks you gave me three years ago, and they are a bit old."

Mr. Yin couldn't remember it for a while, and thought he had really given it away, and complained to Yi Wulan, "My daughter is good at everything else, but she is not interested in managing the company, so I gave her a pen and ink set and she gave it to me." I came back with an award, and it was the same when I was learning dance and musical instruments before, and I had a terrible headache."

Yi Wulan didn't need to answer Yin Fengxia's words, but Mr. Yin didn't do anything out of the ordinary, she still replied "She is very good."

Boss Yin burst into a smile instantly, and looked at Yi Wulan as if looking at his daughter, "Then with Boss Yi's words, I'll help her change a set of pens and inks."

Mr. Yin gave Yin Fengxia a wink, but before Yin Fengxia was happy for a few seconds, she heard Yi Wulan say, "The pen and ink are not old and new, and it is most suitable to use it once you get used to it."

As soon as Yi Wulan's words fell, the little ancestor next to him slowly said, "The dragon and phoenix carved Duan Inkstone that my sister gave me is all stained with dust."

Yi Wulan...

Yi Wulan finally understood this time.

At the moment when the bidding for this set of things started, he raised the auction number plate in his hand.

Mu Yanxi wasn't too excited, but after the Yin family women looked at each other, the smile in their eyes deepened. Yi Wulan just finished saying that the pen, ink and inkstone are not new or old because they are suitable, and turned around and held up the first sign in the auction tonight. He said no on his mouth, but he was very honest in his hands.

The auction will continue.

Gradually, Yi Wulan also figured out what Mu Yanxi meant. As soon as the little ancestor opened his mouth, he would immediately raise his card regardless of the odds, and spent more than 30 million yuan in a few minutes.

The little ancestor seated next to him immediately beamed with joy, and even commented on the auction items in a much lighter tone.

Yi Wulan glanced at the little ancestor, and held up the sign again.

It was precisely because of this behavior that the auction was once very lively. Yi Wulan would raise her placard every few auctions, and there was no pattern in the collection of placards, but as long as she raised her placard, she had to take the auction even if someone followed suit.

Suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

Yi Wulan took pictures of things frequently, not only Mu Yanxi was happy, but also Yin Fengxia who was sitting together. Rao Yin Fengxia has never been short of money since she was a child, and this is the first time she has seen someone buy something like this at an auction.

However, Yi Wulan's face was still calm, without the slightest bit of reluctance to put on, Yin Fengxia's eyes were full of little stars, if her father hadn't been between the two of them, she might have pounced on it.

Perhaps it was because Yi Wulan was too arrogant when he was shooting things in the second half. When the last pair of pink and blue diamonds were shown, some people who had the purpose of probing saw Yi Wulan raising a card and decisively gave up the fight. Rob.

In the auction, there are still a few people who deliberately raise the price with people like in TV dramas, and the financial resources to be able to sit here are not bad, and there is no telling when the chain of interests will meet, and they will not easily offend people.

Therefore, the auctioneer originally thought that the price of diamonds that could fetch 800 million yuan had stopped bidding at 580 million yuan.

Although the price increase of 50 million is not much, the starting price of 500 million is real. Yin Fengxia was so excited that she looked back and forth between Yi Wulan and the diamond on the stage, her eyes were fiery and she did not shy away from it.

The auctioneer is wearing white gloves, and the gavel in his hand is about to fall "every 580 million times."

"Twice five hundred and eighty million."

He even raised his chin at Bai Yu'an provocatively, like a winning chicken.

Bai Yu'an was so angry that he was about to complain to Mu Yanxi when he saw Second Miss Mu slowly holding up the bidding number, "600 million."

The voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

All eyes were on Mu Yanxi's table. Since Mu Yanxi's table had not raised a card tonight, those people couldn't see through Mu Yanxi's financial resources for a while.

Especially in the past, when he raised his card, he only added five million, but Mu Yanxi added it to six hundred million as soon as he opened his mouth!

At the moment when this kind of auction was about to be finalized, it was obvious that they were deliberately grabbing something, and everyone showed expressions of looking forward to the show.

However, the first reaction of Bai Yu'an, who knew the inside story, was to look at Yi Wulan's expression. After all, he was grabbing something from his own family, so Mu Yanxi's 20 million yuan was actually quite unnecessary. If she did such a thing, her father would probably break her leg.

But Yi Wulan's side face expression did not change at all, not even the slightest surprise. I don't know if it's Yi Wulan who is good at controlling his expression, or because he has already expected Mu Yanxi's actions.

Extra pampering.

For Yin Fengxia, Yi Wulan was brought by her, and taking pictures made her face shine. In contrast, Mu Yanxi, as the person brought by Bai Yu'an, robbed her of things, as if Bai Yu'an was trying to save her face.

Yin Fengxia looked at Yi Wulan nervously, and urged, "Boss Yi, I'm so sorry, that table over there is my friend, and it's probably here to disrupt the situation. Although I know you came here specially for this diamond, but then People seem to have come prepared, will it be better than that?"

It sounded like it was comforting Yi Wulan, but in fact it was stimulating Yi Wulan.

But Yin Fengxia's calculations were obviously wrong. Not only was Yi Wulan not provoked by her, but she also calmly put down the bidding number plate and responded with a "Yes."

Yin Fengxia? ? ?

Shouldn't you call 700 million at this time to show the strength of the overlord?

Under the unexpected eyes of the audience, Mu Yanxi successfully photographed the pair of diamonds at a price of 600 million, which directly drove Yin Fengxia to death.

However, it wasn't over yet. When a long line of waiters at the auction brought over the lot and asked for payment, Mu Yanxi glanced at Yi Wulan at the next table as a matter of course.

When Yi Wulan noticed it, he turned his eyes to the two diamonds that were sent up, and then slowly showed a familiar resentful look again.

Yi Wulan...

The auction was over, so Yi Wulan naturally didn't need to continue to sit there according to Mu Yanxi's text message, she got up and walked towards Mu Yanxi's table.

Yin Fengxia who was behind hurriedly followed, standing beside Yi Wulan and looking at Bai Yu'an arrogantly, "Bai Yu'an, did you do it on purpose? You knew I wanted it, so you deliberately robbed me? Ah, maybe it's because you don't have the money to pay?" Bar?"

After finishing speaking, Yin Fengxia looked at the unused card reader in the hands of the waiter in the auction house, and her face became even more smug, "The auction house will also have to pay a fine if you don't pay for the item you auctioned, Bai Yu'an, you won't even follow this rule Don't you understand?"

Bai Yu'an was filled with righteous indignation at first, but when he thought of the tacit cooperation between Mu Yanxi and Yi Wulan just now, he just wanted to watch a good show with a relaxed face.

Sure enough, Mu Yanxi took a step in Yi Wulan's direction, using the same style as Yin Fengxia's choking voice, "Do you like that pair of diamonds too?"

Yi Wulan didn't know what the little ancestor was going to do, so he nodded in cooperation.

Sure enough, in the next second, Mu Yanxi's smile brightened immediately, and he even boldly hooked Yi Wulan's belt and pulled it lightly, using the belt to pull the person, the skirt fluttered, and moved close to Yi Wulan's body , "Then I'll give you one of them, okay?"

Bai Yu'an's eyes lit up when he saw this, he picked up a piece of cantaloupe from the luxurious fruit plate, and gnawed it.

And Yin Fengxia has been trying to be good because of Yi Wulan's indifference. Seeing Mu Yanxi's actions, she was prepared to see Mu Yanxi being pushed away at the beginning, but she didn't expect that Yi Wulan nodded again?

So Yi Wulan actually likes this hanging?

For the first time, Yin Fengxia felt that she had misjudged her eyes, but when she thought of Yi Wulan, a married person who bought diamonds for her lover without wearing a wedding ring, she felt that it made sense for Yi Wulan to like passionate people.

In an instant, countless ways to seduce people in the next few days flashed through her mind, and she planned to try them out on Yi Wulan one by one after leaving the auction.

At this moment, the waiter on the side stepped forward to ask again with a good attitude. Mu Yanxi turned a deaf ear to the voice asking her to pay, bowed her head and rolled up Yi Wulan's belt, wrapping it round and round on her hand.

Yi Wulan also saw what Mu Yanxi meant, and said in a low voice, "I'll go and swipe my card, you wait here for me."

"Thank you, sister." Mu Yanxi immediately smiled and nodded obediently. She didn't let go of her hand, and she innocently let go of the belt when Yi Wulan turned around and was restrained by the belt.

Yi Wulan glanced at her, and quickly settled the money together with all the things he just photographed.

Mu Yanxi watched President Yi Da spend a lot of money with a smile, laughing so much that the little fox's tail almost went up to the sky.

After this series of operations, Yin Fengxia who was standing next to her was stunned.

She has seen auctions where people take pictures of things and give them away, but she hasn't seen people who take pictures and then strike up a conversation and ask them to pay. This immediately overturned her perception of Yi Wulan.

When Yi Wulan paid the money and came over, Yin Fengxia wanted to remind Yi Wulan about the cooperation, but she didn't expect that Mu Yanxi didn't give her the slightest chance, and flew straight into Yi Wulan's room. In Wulan's arms, "Thank you sister for saving me, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to be arrested by them."

Yi Wulan pinched the back of Mu Yanxi's neck and gently rubbed it, then pulled Mu Yanxi off her body expressionlessly, and stuffed the box of diamonds in her arms, "Let's go?"

Mu Yanxi was excited to take pictures of diamonds just now, but now she didn't even look at them after getting them. She just leaned towards Yi Wulan and asked pitifully, "I have nowhere to go, can my sister take me in?"

Hearing that voice, Bai Yu'an got goosebumps all over his body, and he was about to pull Mu Yanxi to calm her down a little, but the other person couldn't stand anymore, and slammed his high-heeled shoes loudly, "Boss Yi, my dad I want to invite you to talk about cooperation later, you see..."

That's right, relying on the cooperation between the two families, Yin Fengxia tried to ruin the night between Yi Wulan and the little goblin who came out halfway, and even looked at Mu Yanxi very contemptuously, "Those who come out to sell must have self-knowledge. They didn't see us." Is there anything else to do?"

"Business?" Mu Yanxi smiled softly, didn't even bother to give her a look, just looked at Yi Wulan like this, and asked pitifully, "Aren't I my sister's business?"

Yin Fengxia's face turned crooked with anger at Mu Yanxi's thick skin, but because of Yi Wulan's presence, she tried her best to suppress her temper and maintain her personality.

It's just that those eyes look like they are going to eat people.

A little Internet celebrity that Bai Yu'an brought from nowhere, because of his good looks, he really takes himself seriously, right?

Yin Fengxia commanded the auction staff on the side and said arrogantly, "Why don't you drive out this kind of person who breaks the auction rules? Or is your auction really so unruly?"

Mu Yanxi?

You can talk when you talk, why are you still using your hands?

If you want to say it like this, I'm really excited.

It just so happened that Mu Yanxi also felt that it was a bit embarrassing for her ex-mate to come here to catch the rape, so she decided to continue playing the role of the little Internet celebrity Yin Fengxia said.

She quickly hid behind Yi Wulan's back, then poked her head out quietly, and complained affectionately to Yi Wulan, "This man is so fierce, sister, save me."

Pretentious, bitch.

Mu Yanxi has been in the entertainment industry for nearly three years. Although her acting skills are not particularly professional, she is still able to play such a vicious girl with ease.

Yi Wulan didn't speak, but pressed Mu Yanxi's protruding head back blankly, and then looked at Mr. Yin, "Mr. Yin, I have something to do tonight."

Although Mr. Yin was unwilling to be robbed by the little Internet celebrity that his daughter said, he was more calm than Yin Fengxia after all. He could only watch Yi Wulan take people away with his daughter.

In the next few days, Mr. Yin has been waiting for Yi Wulan's news, but he has been delayed.

At first, he felt that it was understandable for Yi Wulan to indulge in tenderness once in a while on a business trip. He waited for Yi Wulan's enthusiasm to run out, and planned to let Yin Fengxia try again.

But I didn't expect that this time, Yi Wulan refused directly and neatly, so much so that he didn't even cooperate with him?

Mr. Yin's brain was in a daze, and he didn't realize what happened. How could the cooperation that had been talked about suddenly disappear?

As the president of Rongjia Group, could Yi Wulan really be so dazed that he would disregard cooperation in order to vent his anger on a small Internet celebrity?

Is Yi Wulan really not afraid of her original wife making trouble?

Mr. Yin tried his best to inquire about this matter, inquired and inquired, and finally got some information from a big man who had already entered the mainland.

It's not that he asked the reason, but when he said that Yi Wulan had cheated on a small Internet celebrity, the boss didn't believe it at all, and then took out the photo of Miss Mu Er.

She looks exactly like the little Internet celebrity at the auction!

Mr. Yin collapsed directly and connected all the information together, only then did he realize that there was something wrong with his daughter.

Yin Fengxia has solved many business matters for him in the past few years, but she didn't expect that the car overturned at the critical moment of entering the mainland, and all the preparations turned into bubbles.

Mr. Yin originally wanted to ask that big boss for help, and wanted to come to the door to apologize and deal with it again, but the big boss refused him straightforwardly.

That big guy's cooperation in the mainland is in Yuncheng. How could he not have heard of Rong Jia and Xinyu's marriage? Some time ago, Mu Yanxi walked the red carpet at the financial summit on behalf of Rongjia Group, so one can imagine the status in Yi Wulan's heart.

In addition, Mu Yanxi's reputation in the upper circles of Yuncheng has always been not very good, so few people would take the initiative to provoke that ancestor. One is because I heard that Mu Yanxi has a bad temper, and the other is because Mu Yanxi protects Xin Yu from behind.

As Xinyu is one of the best commercial banks in Huaguo, how many businessmen dare to really provoke others? How many enterprises can have enough working capital?

Who dares to pat his chest and guarantee that he will never ask Xinyu for a loan in his life?

The chain of interests in the shopping mall is closely related. If Xinyu really wants to block your funds, there are countless ways from card partner cards to various related projects, etc., and you can always bankrupt your card.

Mr. Yin used to be involved in the underworld and was always arrogant. He just wanted to enter the mainland, so naturally he didn't inquire about these things clearly.

However, it was too late for him to react, Yi Wulan's attitude was very firm, and he didn't even see each other, blocking all his paths.

The big boss hired by Mr. Yin expressed sympathy for Mr. Yin, but he was embarrassed by Yi Wulan's behavior of not even wanting to cooperate for the sake of his wife.

Yi Wulan, the person involved, didn't think it was a pity. After Mu Yanxi bid farewell to Bai Yu'an that night, she felt a little guilty holding the box of diamonds. She followed Yi Wulan wherever he went.

It rained in Hong Kong City that night, and the temperature dropped sharply. After returning to the hotel and seeing Yi Wulan taking off his coat, Mu Yanxi hurriedly ran to the bathroom to lay out a disposable bathtub cover.

The service attitude of the hotel is very good, new toiletries have been replenished in the bathroom, and even the cabinet next to the bathtub has been replenished by the hotel staff. Mu Yanxi dragged Yi Wulan in as if to please her, and stood aside like a waiter, letting Yi Wulan order her around, extremely obedient.

Yi Wulan frowned, and took a few steps forward to take off Mu Yanxi's clothes. When Mu Yanxi's face was getting redder, she reluctantly reminded, "The cold wind just blows, don't catch a cold."

Mu Yanxi clenched her hands tightly before realizing how dirty her thoughts were. Smiling at Yi Wulan as if in a hurry to make amends, "No, no, I'll help you."

Yi Wulan was about to speak, but Mu Yanxi seemed afraid that she would not agree, and added, "I promise to be good tonight."

Yi Wulan took off the last piece of clothing on her body, rubbed her head, "I don't blame you, go in and take a bath and have a good rest."

Mu Yanxi pulled Yi Wulan's wrist, "Then...then I want you to be with me."

With a helpless smile in Yi Wulan's eyes, he explained, "Although the Yin family has been cleansed, the inside is far from the prosperity they have shown. I was hesitant when talking about cooperation today. I can find another It is also more convenient to have a partner who can afford the entire cooperation.”

These words swept away Mu Yanxi's original worries, and she began to babble again, "I knew Mr. Yi has a deep affection for me, and I won't be fooled by those little fairies outside."

Yi Wulan led him into the bathtub, and cast a helpless look.

"Yi Wulan, I found that you are the most attractive one. If I meet you next time, be careful that I will take you, take you..." Mu Yanxi thought for a while, then changed her gentle expression, and suddenly Threatening ferociously, "Lock you at home!"

Yi Wulan was used to Mu Yanxi's rambunctious remarks, so she wasn't too surprised, she just nodded in agreement, "Well, lock it up."

Mu Yanxi was still talking, and the more he said, the more he said, "I won't let you see anyone, and then go to Rongjia to work for you, and take you away from Rongjia while you are away!"

Yi Wulan gently scooped water onto Mu Yanxi's body and washed her, "Well, it's empty."

Mu Yanxi babbled for a while, seeing that Yi Wulan was so perfunctory, he started to vent his anger with water, slapping the water surface hard, splashing a lot of bathtub water, "Yi Wulan, why are you doing this?"

Yi Wulan let Mu Yanxi take the water to vent her anger, and waited for her to slow down before raising her eyes and looking over, "Are you finished?"

Mu Yanxi and Yi Wulan looked at each other for a long time, and instinctively felt that the eyes were a little dangerous, and the arrogance at the beginning also suddenly disappeared, "Say... I'm done talking, haha, I'll take a bath now, I'll take a bath now. "

After speaking, he kissed Yi Wulan's lips flatteringly.

But who would have thought that just as she was about to step back, Yi Wulan hugged her waist, and a voice came from her ear, "Didn't you say you won't hide?"


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