MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 87

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When the sun slowly rose to the highest altitude, the movement in the ward finally stopped.

In a daze, Mu Yanxi seemed to feel that she was being hugged again, and Yi Wulan's voice came from her ear saying that she would take her to take a bath.

The VIP ward is a suite of 100 square meters, and the bathroom is not far from the big bed.

She still vaguely remembered that Yi Wulan was a patient and wanted to refuse, but she was exhausted and fell asleep completely without the strength to open her mouth.

After tidying up Mu Yanxi, Yi Wulan walked to the living room in the ward's cubicle.

This was Yi Wulan's first time dealing with Rong Jia's official duties after surgery.

Although Rongjia's senior management knew that Yi Wulan's illness could not be concealed, they were still very worried that if it was publicized at the financial summit, it would cause panic in the outside world, and Rongjia's stock would be the first to be affected.

Fortunately, after yesterday's financial summit, Mu Yanxi's performance at the financial summit was widely publicized by the media and received unanimous praise from the outside world. While those high-level executives were relieved, they also had new ideas.

Since Mu Yanxi's internet popularity is so high, and he's from his own family, it's reasonable to endorse holographic products, right?

It was the weekend, and because Yi Wulan was still in the hospital, they used the excuse of being good for Rong Jia to suddenly mention it at this meeting, so that Mu Yanxi would take the endorsement unprepared.

The spokesperson's planning document, at first glance, was very gorgeously packaged, but in fact, it almost compressed the substantial benefits of the endorsement, as if it was asking Mu Yanxi to do charity.

Anyway, Rong Jia's interests were not damaged, and they were not embarrassing Mu Yanxi at work, and Mu Yanxi had nowhere to file a complaint if he wanted to.

Then, three minutes before the start of the meeting, when they saw Yi Wulan in the camera, their cheerful smiles suddenly collapsed.

Yi Wulan browsed through the endorsement plan passed by Gu Yan, and glanced across the screen lightly, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Rong Jia is going bankrupt?"

That voice didn't sound any emotion, it was no different from Yi Wulan's previous voice, but it made the backs of everyone across the screen go cold, and they couldn't even say a word.

They looked at each other for a while, wondering if the temperature in their respective rooms had been adjusted too high, and some people's foreheads were still dripping with sweat.

Seeing this, Yi Wulan didn't ask which people's idea it was, but directly looked at Gu Yan: "What do you think?"

Gu Yan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately came up with a brand new plan, all of which were based on the highest standards of artist endorsement in Rongjia Entertainment, and even included a bonus for the sales of holographic products.

Technology products such as holography are different from those endorsements of daily food, makeup and skin care. The endorsement of daily products may give the spokesperson a dividend, but for expensive products like holography, the spokesperson often only gets the endorsement fee.

As soon as this plan appeared, the faces of the people present changed again, and someone said under pressure: "Yi, Mr. Yi, with Mu Xiao...ah no, Mr. Mu's status in the entertainment industry, the previous conditions are actually enough. Well, if you hire an international supermodel or a three-time gold actress, you only need the first part of the price, isn't the subsequent dividend too exaggerated?"

Yi Wulan browsed the terms of the plan, "It's a bit exaggerated."

Everyone in the meeting room breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could utter his breath, Yi Wulan said again: "After all, supermodels and movie queens can't enter the financial summit, and they can't create momentum for Rong Jia to appear on the Internet."

Seniors:  …

It was only then that they realized that the exaggeration Yi Wulan said did not mean exaggerating the endorsement conditions based on Mu Yanxi's status, but that Yi Wulan felt that those supermodels would later become spokespersons and exaggerate the endorsement conditions.

They racked their brains one by one, trying to stop Yi Wulan from making a decision, but before they could open their mouths, they heard that the young and promising Gu Yan, who was only an assistant but held the highest bonus in the company, was quite conflicted opened his mouth:

"Mr. Yi, Mr. Mu has already rejected this endorsement twice on Weibo. Even if we want to invite her, it may be a bit difficult. And as far as I know, Mr. Mu's agent has found countless endorsement projects. Many, especially the new energy vehicle in Philadelphia, I also want to ask Mr. Mu to endorse."

Now, a high-level executive said unconvinced: "New energy vehicles have nothing to do with us. Is there any conflict in receiving two endorsements at the same time? Don't they have dozens of celebrities?"

Gu Yan shook his head, "But the conditions given by the new energy vehicle project are not only similar to my plan, but their project also has state support. After Mr. Mu accepted the endorsement, he will also be able to get in touch with more entertainment circles in the future. mainstream resources."

It means that Mu Yanxi has both fame and fortune, and both sides can get benefits.

And even if Rong Jia gave Mu Yanxi the resources of the entertainment industry, what he could give was only the commercial nature of Rong Jia Entertainment, which was somewhat different from the resources of the mainstream circle.

After finishing speaking, Gu Yan sighed: "Actually, Boss Mu is not a person who cares about money. It's fine to use your endorsement plan just now, but if the new energy vehicles find out that the conditions we gave are only these..."

Gu Yan's words stopped just right, leaving it to the imagination of those present.

They are all projects that Mu Yanxi participated in, and they are giants in their respective fields. If there is no new energy endorsement, others can understand that Mu Yanxi does not charge fees because of Yi Wulan's relationship.

However, New Energy also gave a high price. If Rong Jia took the original contract, he would be bullying others because of his marriage. Such a big company would not even pay that little endorsement fee, and the structure and capacity would be small in an instant. up.

Almost at the moment when Gu Yan finished speaking, several other people in the meeting came to their senses and immediately interrupted: "I think we gave a little bit less."

Others also echoed: "I also think that their broken car has just started and hasn't even made a shape, so it can't be compared with them."

"Boss Mu is our acting chairman anyway, so we have to sign a contract with Rong Jia first, right?"

Everyone glanced at me and said a word, and the wind direction of the meeting changed immediately.

Someone even yelled: "Assistant Gu, you have a good relationship with Mr. Mu, so I will leave this matter to you to persuade Mr. Mu."

After Gu Yan heard the 'good relationship', he accidentally choked on drinking water, coughed twice, and immediately denied it for his high bonus: "I just support Mr. Mu's work. This matter depends on Mr. Mu's own thoughts."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Yi Wulan, and when he saw that his boss's expression was still normal, he breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"Make a new endorsement plan, and give it to me for review." Yi Wulan, who had been silent for a long time, finally said, "The next one."

Yi Wulan's meeting lasted for a long time, not only about the endorsement of holographic products, but also asked several senior executives to report Rongjia's recent situation.

Rong Jia's various projects were not hindered because of her absence. Yi Wulan deliberately did not mention Mu Yanxi's credit for it. Instead, she made corresponding performance rewards for everyone's recent work, giving a candy with a stick , successfully stabilized people's hearts.

When Yi Wulan returned to the bedroom of the ward, as soon as he walked to the door, he heard the half-dead little ancestor talking about something.

But when she opened the bedroom door, there was silence inside. Mu Yanxi was lying on the bed, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

Everything just now was like her illusion.

Yi Wulan walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. After scanning carefully, she found a corner of the cell phone protruding from the pillow.

It seems that it was not her illusion just now.

Yi Wulan reached out and brushed off the hair that fell on Mu Yanxi's cheeks, and called softly, "Mu Yanxi."

Mu Yanxi pretended to have just woken up, and replied vaguely, "Huh?"

"You haven't eaten at noon, do you want me to ask the bodyguard to buy you some desserts to cushion your stomach first?" Yi Wulan straightened Mu Yanxi's long hair and asked again, "Want to get up?"

Mu Yanxi slowly opened his eyes, yawned, and said lazily, "I'm tired, I don't want to move."

Yi Wulan glanced at the time, "You just slept for more than four hours."

It was only then that Mu Yanxi realized that time had passed so quickly, and she let out an 'ah' and said miserably, "Is it more than four hours? But I haven't felt that I've recovered after sleeping for so long."

Yi Wulan was slightly taken aback, and also felt a little embarrassed. Especially in the past two months, Xiusna has always said things that would take her energy and energy and make her physically weak. From yesterday afternoon to now, Mu Yanxi has been tossed so many times, it seems a bit too much.

Yi Wulan held his breath slightly, and asked softly, "Shall I ask someone to prepare something to replenish energy and blood for dinner?"

Mu Yanxi rolled her eyes blankly, "Do you think I haven't embarrassed me enough?"

"I want it." Yi Wulan replied quickly, "I am a patient."

Mu Yanxi snorted softly, barely satisfied, "Then I'll reluctantly accompany you to eat later."

After Yi Wulan sent a message to the bodyguard with her mobile phone, she leaned down again, "Is there anything uncomfortable, let me press it for you?"

"Everywhere is sore." Mu Yanxi was so obedient, he moaned and rubbed against Yi Wulan, "My waist and abdomen are sore, and my legs are sore."

In fact, after sleeping for a few hours and being repaired by the supernatural power, she is no longer sore. Mu Yanxi just wanted to do a work, especially when Yi Wulan tormented her a few hours ago, she wanted to test whether she could start from Yi Wulan. Inhaling the power in his mouth, he took the initiative to ask for kisses again and again.

In the end, she had the ability, but Yi Wulan thought that she had enough energy, that she didn't think it was enough. So, she changed her tricks and increased her strength, and she was almost crushed.

Thinking of this matter, Mu Yanxi's temper could not be explained, "Go down, um, make it heavier, hey, make it lighter."

Yi Wulan could see that her little ancestor was throwing a temper tantrum, so she let her do whatever she wanted.

Seeing Yi Wulan who is so obedient and obedient, Mu Yanxi felt that it was boring. When Yi Wulan lifted the quilt and lifted her nightgown up, she rolled her eyes, yawned slowly and teased: :

"President Yi Da, even if your illness is really cured, if you hang out with me in the ward all day long, it will be insulting to your reputation if it gets out."

Yi Wulan:...

If before, the cold-faced and cold-hearted President Yi Da might not have responded to Mu Yanxi's coquettish remarks at all, and would have continued to do whatever he had to do, but at this moment, he rarely froze his hands.

The hem of the skirt was rolled up, revealing a white waist, and Mu Yanxi just had a good time talking, seeing Yi Wulan's stunned expression, she immediately sensed something was wrong, she asked vaguely: "Yi Wulan?"

Yi Wulan came back to his senses, and continued to push up the clothes as if nothing had happened, and put his hand on the red bruise on Mu Yanxi's waist.

That was the mark left by Mu Yanxi holding her waist when she hugged her neck and kissed her, while twisting her waist to escape the unbearable pleasure. Yi Wulan caressed the scar that was almost gone.

Mu Yanxi couldn't help shaking, and unconsciously hid to the side, and said vaguely: "I will definitely disappear after I sleep tonight, don't, don't touch it."

Yi Wulan continued to help Mu Yanxi rub her waist, exerting some force on her fingertips, "Aren't you still sore?"

Mu Yanxi choked, she couldn't say that she was just pretending, so she could only follow what she said at the beginning, "Hmm, I'm so sour."

Yi Wulan continued to rub it tirelessly.

Gradually, Mu Yanxi felt numb all over from being touched by Yi Wulan. She felt that her body, which had just been repaired by the supernatural power, became weak again. She reached out and brushed Yi Wulan's hand away, dodging her body carelessly He also tried to pull the quilt to wrap himself up.

It's just that these few movements were a bit big, and the mobile phone stuffed in the pillow was accidentally wiped out.

Yi Wulan wanted to help Mu Yanxi put the phone on the bedside table, but Mu Yanxi seemed to have no silver three hundred taels here, quickly reached out to grab it, and pressed Yi Wulan firmly on the phone palm.

No matter how dull Yi Wulan was, she could tell that something was tricky. She remembered the words she vaguely heard before entering this ward, and motioned to Mu Yanxi expressionlessly.

Mu Yanxi pretended to be stupid: "What?"

Yi Wulan: "Give me the phone."

Mu Yanxi blinked, and said innocently: "What are you doing, President Yida, I just chatted with my sister, she told me something about Mu Yanche, why are you interested?"

If it was really about Mu Yanche, Mu Yanxi wouldn't be so nervous, Yi Wulan still didn't let go of her hand: "Show me."

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi looked at Yi Wulan quietly, "Really, my sister said that Mu Yanche was crazy, so I just took pleasure in his misfortune. You also know that I don't always speak well, and I'm afraid it will pollute your ears."

Yi Wulan looked coldly at Mu Yanxi's claws that came to **** the phone. Originally, she was just asking casually, but she didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest, "Let go."

"Ah..." Mu Yanxi suddenly moved her legs and frowned.

Yi Wulan immediately let go of her hand, "Why..."

At this moment, Mu Yanxi snatched back the phone quickly, jumped out of the bed like a rabbit and ran out quickly, how could she have the slightest leg cramps?

Yi Wulan followed with a cold face.

Although Mu Yanxi had no face in front of Yi Wulan, she also had face in front of outsiders, so she wouldn't really run out of the ward in her nightgown.

When Yi Wulan pushed open the door of the living room, the mobile phone in Mu Yanxi's hand had disappeared, and she didn't know where she had hidden it.

Mu Yanxi smiled confidently at Yi Wulan.

Yi Wulan looked at her coldly, and knew without guessing that there must be something shameful in the chat records between Mu Yanxi and Mu Yanqing, and most likely the topic about her was mentioned.

Of these two sisters, one was chatty when she went to school with her, and the other was cute and cute at the beginning, but after a few years, she was used to talking nonsense, and they were real sisters at first glance.

"Yi Wulan, don't be so sullen." Mu Yanxi triumphantly put her hands behind her back, and leaned in front of Yi Wulan, "You were the one who wanted to grab my phone first, and you can't find it now that the phone is gone." Evidence."

Yi Wulan still didn't say a word, just watched the little ancestor get flustered as usual.

"I just put my words here today. If you can find my phone today and find some evidence..." Mu Yanxi's ending sound deliberately dragged on, blinking those smart fox eyes, soaked in tears Guo's eyes became brighter, "I'll let you do whatever you want, how about it?"

After Mu Yanxi finished speaking, she sat on the sofa. After throwing off her slippers, she flaunted herself on the coffee table, and took Yi Wulan's computer to read the documents.

She was having fun looking at the luscious clauses of the endorsement contract above, and wanted to ask how Yi Wulan cede land and pay compensation to get Rong Jia's group of old foxes to agree, when the door of the ward was suddenly opened, accompanied by a voice: "Morning I just told you that Yi Wulan is not a good thing, you should come out when I arrive..."

Mu Yanxi raised her head abruptly, and saw Mu Yanqing who was sending a voice on WeChat, and walked in from the outside.

Just as Mu Yanxi was sleeping, Yi Wulan narrowed her peach eyes slightly, and walked towards Mu Yanqing.

Mu Yanqing heard Mu Yanxi say that Yi Wulan's body had recovered, but she didn't expect to have recovered to this extent. When she saw Yi Wulan walking over, she felt a little nervous.

It was this day that Yi Wulan snatched the phone.

Mu Yanxi was so frightened that she immediately stood up from the sofa.

Yi Wulan casually clicked on a few voices from Mu Yanxi:

"Divorce! Divorce! I want to divorce my sister! I really can't make it through this day! Sneeze...I want to sneeze when I talk about divorce. Why do you say that the paper is so messy after it is torn?"

"I think what you said is right. Yi Wulan is just a wolf with a big tail in human skin. What kind of Gaoling flower has no desires and no desires. People outside are blind, right? I haven't seen any of them. The Flower of Gaoling knows so many tricks."

"Sister! Sister! I'm about to be suffocated to death by the smell of the disinfectant in the hospital. Go and buy me some bottles of perfume. It's expensive! The kind that attracts bees and butterflies!"

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi's face suddenly turned from red to colorful, and then to green. Then, he noticed that the line of sight that fell on him seemed to be a little heavier, with a vague sense of oppression.

Seeing that Yi Wulan's expression was not very good, Mu Yanqing immediately snatched the phone back from Yi Wulan's hand, lest Yi Wulan hear something else that he shouldn't hear.

Yi Wulan let Mu Yanqing **** the phone away, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Mu Yanqing moved his feet towards the door, "Should be... all right?"

But no matter how much he moved, he still didn't move out of the ward. His eyes were looking back and forth between Mu Yanxi and Yi Wulan, like a person waiting to see a good show.

Mu Yanxi was so guilty that she didn't dare to lose her temper with Yi Wulan, so she gritted her teeth and signaled to Mu Yanqing with her eyes, taking advantage of the moment Yi Wulan turned her head, she desperately yelled at Mu Yanqing :help me! elder sister! Help!

The living room is also half a hundred square meters, and Mu Yanqing and Mu Yanxi are so far apart, how can they understand what Mu Yanxi said, she frowned and asked, "What? Save what?"

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi's hand 'slapped' on his eyes, and he fell into the sofa completely, feeling hopeless.

Yi Wulan, who was standing beside Mu Yanqing, also guessed something from Mu Yanqing's conversation. Fortunately, Yi Wulan would not let Mu Yanxi embarrass herself in front of others, but just walked towards Mu Yanxi expressionlessly, leaving Mu Yanqing alone.

Mu Yanqing took advantage of the mechanism to close the door of the ward, and walked towards the sofa.

Seeing this, Mu Yanxi said angrily, "Why are you here? Seeing patients?"

"I'm here to give you something, you little heartless." Mu Yanqing gestured to the delicate packaging bag in his hand, "Aren't you trying to attract bees and butterflies?"

Mu Yanxi choked, and dryly argued: "I, I just put some incense in the bathroom."

After finishing speaking, she quietly glanced sideways at Yi Wulan.

Yi Wulan's expression was normal, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking. Just as the phone was on, she motioned for Mu Yanxi, and then walked to the bedroom of the ward.

Seeing this, Mu Yanxi blinked, feeling quite novel.

Yi Wulan has heard all her nonsense, how can he still save face for her like this?

As soon as Yi Wulan left, Mu Yanqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Mu Yanxi and asked curiously: "I thought you were lying to me, so Yi Wulan really recovered so quickly?"

Mu Yanxi looked over quietly, and said angrily: "Yes, but it's also very good, I finally don't have to work for Rongjia."

Seeing this, Mu Yanqing whispered: "Then, before you leave, quickly change the two cooperation contracts, or if there is no other rush, you can divide the profit of the holographic line into the change."

Mu Yanxi didn't expect that Mu Yanqing was still thinking about this matter, so he yawned perfunctorily and said, "Haven't you already visited Mu Yanche? Are you afraid that you will be like that when you are arrested and locked up for a few days? "

Mu Yanqing shivered immediately and didn't mention it, and asked again: "Just now you said that you are going to have a wedding, when are you going to do it? My sister will give you a big gift."

Mu Yanxi shook her head: "I don't know, it will take a few months, anyway, it's just a formality, there's no need to be too serious."

"What do you mean by taking a formality?" Mu Yanqing looked at her dissatisfied, "Could it be that Yi Wulan is too poor and has no money to organize a wedding for you? Oh, yes, Rong Jia recently got stuck with funds for holography. Die, if you are short of money, you can rely on Xinyu to provide for it. No, no, no, she is so poor, let’s not hold the wedding, you just get divorced... huh?"

As Mu Yanqing's voice became more and more excited, Mu Yanxi covered Mu Yanqing's mouth, then looked at the quiet bedroom door, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Stop talking nonsense, sister."

Mu Yanqing was not happy: "She is poor, why don't people tell her?"

Mu Yanxi said perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, Yi Wulan died of poverty, and it all depends on us, Xinyu, to help the poor."

This sounded pleasing to the ear, and Mu Yanqing reluctantly continued to criticize, "Okay."

At this moment, Mu Yanqing's cell phone also lit up. She glanced at it and asked Mu Yanxi: "I have a reception to attend later, do you want to go with me?"

If it was normal, Mu Yanxi would definitely agree. The reception that Mu Yanqing invited her to was definitely not a boring commercial reception, there was probably something good about it.

But thinking of Yi Wulan in the ward, Mu Yanxi hesitated for a while before whispering: "I...I want to ask Yi Wulan."

Mu Yanqing: "Tch."

Mu Yanxi frowned: "You scoff at me?"

Mu Yanqing shook his head: "You got it wrong, the perfume is here for you, it's all out-of-print private design, you won't bump into others, you just stay here with Yi Wulan's dog well."

After speaking, Mu Yanqing left without hesitation.

Mu Yanxi glared at her back, and dug out her mobile phone from the crack of the sofa with a bitter face, and began to struggle with how to explain this mess to Yi Wulan.

It's just that before he struggled for a long time, Mu Yanxi suddenly realized one thing: Yi Wulan's illness is almost cured, so why should she accompany her?

She obviously went to the kind of banquet she wanted before, and never hesitated.

Why do I have to think about Yi Wulan every time now?

What's even more frightening is that this feeling was developed subtly, and when she discovered it, she seemed to have been 'tamed', and she would instinctively consider Yi Wulan's feelings.

Miss Mu Er, who has always gone her own way and was arrogant and willful, didn't even reject her in the slightest.

Mu Yanxi hammered the sofa hard, thinking: President Yi Da's beauty is really misleading.


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