MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 72

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After Mu Yanxi yelled this sentence ferociously, she thought that her intimidating words could scare Yi Wulan away, but just after her words fell, Yi Wulan, who was still kissing her gently for a while, He even boldly raised his hand to support the back of her neck.

Then, the lips that were numb from the kiss were sucked in again.

Mu Yanxi...

Yi Wulan is obviously about the same height and weight as Mu Yanxi, but she is a few years older than Mu Yanxi, but for some reason, her strength is much stronger than Mu Yanxi every time, and she doesn't seem to be seriously ill, A sense of weakness that is near the end of life.

Especially Mu Yanxi's physique, which is so soft that she can't stand it when touched casually. Yi Wulan almost licks her and shakes, and even the tail of her hair with a few traces of water vapor is lying softly on Yi Wulan. hands.

Yi Wulan's other hand wrapped around Mu Yanxi's shoulder forcefully, but gently wrapped her in her arms, and the hand holding the back of Mu Yanxi's neck was pinched around her hair.

Mu Yanxi groaned twice, wondering whether it was because the ends of her hair hadn't been dried or she was sweating lightly, her back was hot and humid, panting for breath, she opened her slack eyes, and pushed Yi Wulan away. But there was no strength left in his hand, so he could only grab something by instinct.

The hand holding Yi Wulan's collar clenched tightly, could it be that his strength suddenly softened, and he almost tore the thin collar open.

The distance between the two was constantly pushed and pulled closer, pushed and pulled closer, over and over again, and in the end it was Yi Wulan who directly grabbed Mu Yanxi, preventing Mu Yanxi from continuing to be a monster.

After a while, Mu Yanxi seemed to have finally compromised, and said vaguely with a weeping sound, "Yi, Wulan..."

Yi Wulan stopped his movements as if he had finally regained his sanity, separated slightly, and looked down at her.

Mu Yanxi's face was flushed, moisture was lingering between her flickering eyelashes, her long hair was spread on the bed like satin, her eyes looked loose, but they remained clear.

Taking advantage of Yi Wulan's distraction, she stood up and threw Yi Wulan down, biting Yi Wulan's shoulder, like a little beast venting her anger.

Her lips and teeth trembled as if carrying the aftertaste of just now, she seemed to be biting, but in fact it was more like flirting, leaving only one water-stained frivolous tooth mark after another.

Yi Wulan froze, and after a while she reached out and put her arms around Mu Yanxi's back.

Subconsciously, Mu Yanxi had already begun to guard against this action. When Yi Wulan's hand came up again, he took another bite towards Yi Wulan's collarbone, then raised his head, and stared at Yi Wulan flamboyantly.

Yi Wulan looked at her for two seconds, and suddenly, the hand that was originally on the back moved up and then moved her head, and kissed her with precision.

In an instant, Mu Yanxi seemed to be grasped by someone's lifeblood. The water vapor that was still filling the eye sockets just now finally condensed into water droplets, which rolled down along the slender eyelashes, and a water mark was drawn on the face.

The power core in the abdomen was slowly working, and Mu Yanxi finally remembered this skill after his rebirth. The power was about to pass through his mouth, but was stopped abruptly by Mu Yanxi himself.

Thinking of the power that made Yi Wulan's body go into hibernation and repair before, and made Yi Wulan not want to have any intimate relationship with her, these days Yi Wulan finally started to arrange Rong Jia's business and planned to actively treat her. Yan Xi felt that it was better for him not to create such a shadow on Yi Wulan.

So, the ability turned a corner and came to Mu Yanxi himself, trying to get rid of the soreness in his body just like the discomfort after being drunk.

The supernatural power slowly seeps through, and the body feels light and comfortable, and the soreness just now has really faded away.

Well, now only soft is left.

Mu Yanxi was a little unbelievable for a moment, until she used the power twice to eliminate the discomfort on her body, and finally admitted this unfortunate fact.

The details that she ignores on weekdays are also flooding her mind at this moment.

Those moments when she was more sensitive than the self in her memory, and her body recovered more quickly after each upgrade of her high fever ability, and...a stronger sense of touch.

Mu Yanxi's absent-minded eyes glanced at Yi Wulan who was holding her, and then belatedly realized that after being washed away by several supernatural powers, she was completely paralyzed on Yi Wulan's body.

Mu Yanxi...

Mu Yanxi? ? ?

Mu Yanxi's face was expressionless, and the roots of her ears were so red that they could bleed, and she felt a kind of remorse that she had committed a crime. She wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in immediately, and even calculated the shortest straight-line distance from the bed to the bedroom door.

At this moment, Yi Wulan suddenly opened his eyes.

Mu Yanxi froze, and hurriedly took Yi Wulan's lips that were already rosy to the point of glistening, and rubbed them lightly, her mouth was still murmuring something vaguely, as if she was still immersed in the kiss.

Yi Wulan's movements were much lighter, but in order to pretend to be intoxicated, Mu Yanxi had to take the initiative to put Yi Wulan's lips in. It wasn't until Mu Yanxi pretended to be affectionate and licked Yi Wulan's lips inside and out, that Yi Wulan was actually looking at her from the corner of his eye.

what are you looking?

Have you ever seen such a perfunctory kiss?

Mu Yanxi's heart was extremely irritable, and just when she almost couldn't continue acting, Yi Wulan finally closed her eyes again.

Mu Yanxi breathed a sigh of relief, but in the next second, she heard Yi Wulan say, "You remember everything?"

Mu Yanxi...

Mu Yanxi has always only allowed herself to tease others, and not allowed others to take advantage of her. Now that what happened to the two of them was confirmed from Yi Wulan's mouth, after suffering such a big loss, she just wanted to curse on the spot.

Sure enough, Yi Wulan, who knew her very well, said "Want to curse?"

"Hmm." Mu Yanxi leaned against Yi Wulan's neck and asked tentatively, "Is it okay?"

Yi Wulan "No."

The next second, Mu Yanxi tugged Yi Wulan's collar to the side, biting Yi Wulan's conspicuous neck as if to vent her anger.

Yi Wulan quickly reached out and pinched Mu Yanxi's cheeks, making it difficult for her to exert any force on her mouth.

The two were deadlocked like this.

Yi Wulan felt Mu Yanxi's dissatisfaction, and asked, "Did you also get angry back then?"

Mu Yanxi's mouth froze, she let go of her teeth, and said coldly, "Yeah, for an unrestrained person like you, I'm so angry that I want to bite you to death."

It's not because of what he did, but because of Yi Wulan's ignorance.

As soon as the words fell, she raised her foot and wanted to kick Yi Wulan.

But Yi Wulan discovered his intention first, hooked Mu Yanxi's feet and made him fall into his arms again, and when he turned over, he suppressed him expressionlessly.

But Mu Yanxi has never been a person who is willing to admit defeat, even after being suppressed like this, she still wants to push Yi Wulan back with all her teeth and claws.

Yi Wulan looked at her condescendingly, the warm yellow bedside lamp combined with the cold moonlight outside, shone on her still calm face, as if she was just discussing some business, "I see."

Mu Yanxi...


You didn't say you want to repent, so you mean to dare to do it next time?

Mu Yanxi almost laughed out of anger.

She struggled to push away Yi Wulan who was pressing on her, rolled aside and rolled the quilt to sleep.

Yi Wulan frowned and leaned over, as if he wanted to say something, "You..."

Mu Yanxi glared at him, wanting to make trouble for no reason.

But when her eyes accidentally fell on the base of Yi Wulan's neck, which looked like it had been bitten by a dog, she suddenly froze, feeling very guilty and lacking confidence.

Mu Yanxi turned her back silently, and randomly pulled the quilt aside again, trying to hide her shame and anger. She maintained a half-curled posture, intending to sleep like this.

I thought, "Is this Yi Wulan planted with a Gu that can attract her?"

Otherwise, why would she be eaten to death when she was young or now.

Even the world consciousness deliberately cleared part of her memory in order to avoid accidents with her supporting role.

Mu Yanxi couldn't figure it out, but it was very late, and her body was extremely tired for some reason, and she immediately felt sleepy.

Time passed bit by bit, but Mu Yanxi slept extremely restlessly. The brows were tightly frowned because of the turbulent supernatural power in his body, his fingertips moved slightly, and his hand was held in a half-dream and half-awake state.

Yi Wulan leaned down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Yanxi's breathing paused, and it took a while before she murmured, "Cold..."

Seeing this, Yi Wulan recalled Mu Yanxi's intentional avoidance of her just now, hesitated for a while before tentatively hugging Mu Yanxi into her arms.

The familiar scent of cool perfume penetrated into the tip of his nose, slightly dispelling the hotness in Mu Yanxi's body, and his brows began to relax. Mu Yanxi rubbed against Yi Wulan's heart, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

But Yi Wulan, who was holding Mu Yanxi, noticed Mu Yanxi's high body temperature, and slowly frowned.

Obviously, this is not the first time Yi Wulan has encountered such a situation.

But this time, Mu Yanxi's body temperature was not as aggressive as the previous high fevers. The temperature was only slightly higher, just like when he was drunk just now.

Yi Wulan hugged Mu Yanxi for a long time, but Mu Yanxi showed no sign of waking up. She was a little worried, and for the sake of Mu Yanxi's career, she called the family doctor over in the middle of the night according to the way she handled it in the past.

That night, the Mu's villa was brightly lit, and even Mu Yanqing, who had already fallen asleep, was awakened by the hurried footsteps, and went downstairs yawning, asking, "What's wrong?"

Yi Wulan was about to pour water, and replied, "Yan Xi's body temperature is on the high side, he seems to have a fever, and the doctor is inside."

Mu Yanqing used her not-so-profound knowledge of physiology to look at Yi Wulan who had marks on his neck, and it took him a long time before he said speechlessly, "You guys are too embarrassed to call a doctor?"

Yi Wulan choked, frowned and denied, "No."

Mu Yanqing glanced at her, obviously not believing it. After passing Yi Wulan, he walked into the bedroom, watched the doctor put an IV on Mu Yanxi, and then walked out.

Yi Wulan put the poured two glasses of water on the head of the bed, Mu Yanqing dragged him back to the corridor, said quietly

"I just remembered, Yi Wulan, Xiaoxi also had a high fever the night you received the certificate, right? So you told me before discussing the marriage that you were willing to let Xiaoxi choose again. Revenge, at that time, her legs and feet were inconvenient and she could... go to the hospital, right?"

That man-eating look almost slapped the word 'beast' on Yi Wulan's face.

Although Yi Wulan could accept all Mu Yanxi's flirty remarks when facing Mu Yanxi, when other people mentioned this matter, she didn't want to mention it at all, and just said, "It has nothing to do with this."

Mu Yanqing looked at Yi Wulan suspiciously, and felt that Yi Wulan's well-dressed appearance couldn't be compared with the kind of disciples in the news.

But if it had nothing to do with Yi Wulan, how could Mu Yanxi look like she was going to be spoiled?

And every time he had a fever when he was with Yi Wulan.

Mu Yanqing tried again, "Don't deny it too quickly, it's not you, it's your prop?"

Yi Wulan seemed to be taken aback by this question, and it took him a long time to react from Mu Yanqing's expression, and immediately refused, "No."

After being denied the second time, Mu Yanqing didn't want to make Yi Wulan admit anything. He simply kept talking to himself and became more and more reasonable, "It doesn't matter? What doesn't matter? On the day she went to the university to report, didn't she also have a fever and didn't get up on time? Are all these times a coincidence?"

Yi Wulan originally wanted to explain something about Mu Yanxi's memory problems after she had a fever. But looking at Mu Yanqing's completely ignorant appearance, after thinking about it, he didn't tell what Mu Yanxi had been hiding for so long.

He just pursed his lips and admitted the matter for the little ancestor inside.

Mu Yanqing was still babbling about Yi Wulan's lack of restraint, even though Yi Wulan emphasized "no" several times later, Mu Yanqing remained indifferent, insisting that Yi Wulan bullied her sister, and even the second Before Mu Yanxi woke up early in the morning, Yi Wulan was driven out of the villa.

At the same time, the trending searches for Mu Yanche's return to China failed to grab attention. On the second and third days, he was directly on the trending searches, as if he wanted to let the whole world know the news of his return to China of.

Although Mu Yanche has been studying for so many years, and has also trained in country t, which is famous for singing and dancing, for so many years, he hasn't really learned anything by heart. Every time you perform on stage, you can exchange props cards from the system. Whether it is appearance, singing, or dancing, you can beautify it, and naturally you rely more and more on the system.

But the previous plot line has not been broken, and the system has a lot of power. It only needs a little love value to exchange for what Mu Yanche wants.

Now the plot line is in a mess, and when exchanging things, the likes collected by the system keep doubling, so Mu Yanche can only frantically buy trending searches to accumulate fans' likes.

The popularity of Mu Yanxi playing the funeral song on the qt show has not yet completely passed. Mu Yanche is just marketing the news of his return to China. Whether the hot searches these years are bought or naturally, for those who spend every day on the Internet For humans, it can be identified at a glance, and there is a lot of scolding in the hot search

It’s him again, it’s been marketing for two months before returning to China, and now it’s back in China and buys trending searches, Yan Che comes with trending searches again

Is this a scumbag user? so annoying

Country t is not enough for you to collect money, so you have to go back to your country, right? The foreign devils who came back from country T, go away

I said why this trending search is so familiar, it turned out that I saw it at Jiang Tong's place, did Yan Che know that Jiang Tong was banned in the end?

Of course, what makes Mu Yanche stronger than Jiang Tong is that he has already accumulated a group of real fans before he appeared in the internal entertainment, so that he won't even end up with a string of digital hungry zombies like Jiang Tong.

Take Yan Che away, you don't like to watch it, I love to watch it, I wish the marketing account would list my brother's whereabouts 24 hours a day

By the way, don't you black people check my brother's background? I'm really not afraid of receiving a court summons.

Brother is so miserable, can other domestic entertainment male stars not be so blatantly targeted?

My brother was sprayed by sunspots as soon as he returned to China, so unlucky

Welcome brother home, let's work hard

No matter how many sunspots there are, those fans' love value is still real. After Mu Yanche transferred a sum of money to the newly recruited manager, he put down his phone and asked, "Is the love value enough now? The New Year's Eve concert is no problem." Bar?"

Favorite value statistics, please wait for the host

The love value is not enough, please host to make persistent efforts

Mu Yanche was taken aback, "The population of Hua Country is so much larger than that of Country T. Just a random hit in Country T was enough for me to be on several shows. Why isn't it enough this time?"

The plot line is broken, the system store is automatically downgraded, and the host is requested to reverse the plot as soon as possible

Mu Yanche gritted his teeth, "How much more do you need?"

Seventy percent of the joy value has been collected

Mu Yanche breathed a sigh of relief, "There is still Christmas to market, and it will definitely be enough by then."

Mu Yanche's fans have almost controlled the comments on the trending searches, but Bai Yu'an, who saw the trending searches, couldn't help it.

As a star-chaser Neptune who loves to see handsome guys, Bai Yu'an treats all handsome guys equally, after spending some money to successfully join Yan Che's big fan group, he accidentally heard them reveal Yan Che's background.

If you don't hear it, you don't know, but when you hear it, the background is quite familiar, so I asked Mu Yanxi to verify it that night. If it was someone else, Mu Yanxi would not take the initiative to be troublesome, but Bai Yu'an was deceived by Yi Jingming once before, and Mu Yanxi was worried that she would be deceived again, so she had no choice but to tell her and Mu Yanche that she and Mu Yanche had been swapped. Bai Yu'an said a few words briefly.

Now, Bai Yu'an has no affection for Mu Yanche at all, especially after seeing the overwhelming trending search marketing, he even fights for Mu Yanxi, frantically swiping the screen on WeChat

Have you read Yan Che's Weibo? He also has the nerve to set up a low-key and hard-working low-key son? Do you really think that removing the surname 'Mu' is low-key?

Buying hot searches is buying hot searches, and you have to create a innocent little white flower who was murdered and targeted. Is it because he is the most innocent? I quit the fan group. Those big fans are still brainwashing new fans. What kind of resources He won it all by himself. With these resources, the monkeys in the zoo will explode into traffic.

If you guess the family by name, don't I think your name is more like your Mu family? How did Yan Che get those people to give him the green light?

Bai Yu'an complained a lot, and before Mu Yanxi could reply, he glanced at the time and thought that the nightlife of married people had started, so he switched to other contacts, intending to start a happy nightlife.

Mu family.

Stepping on the stairs with white boots, Mu Yanqing pushed open the door of the master bedroom on the second floor with the newly printed documents.

The interior decoration of the door is very warm, covered with tulle that girls love, which is completely different from the restrained and luxurious decoration style outside.

"Is she awake?"

"It should be soon, all the indicators of the body are normal, and the fever has subsided."

Mu Yanqing nodded, and several doctors saw this and went to the next room to make room.

Mu Yanqing originally planned to sit by Mu Yanxi's bed to deal with Xinyu's affairs, but just as he put down the file, he keenly noticed that Mu Yanxi's eyelashes trembled twice

She was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up and called out, "Xiao Xi?"

Mu Yanxi's eyelashes trembled faster, and Mu Yanqing unceremoniously patted his sister's pretty face, "Hey, Mu Yanxi, are you awake?"

Although Mu Yanxi slept for a day and a half, after the fever subsided, she didn't lose any weight on her face, and her complexion was also very rosy. This is why Mu Yanqing only invited a few more doctors, but did not send Mu Yanxi to the hospital.

In addition, all the indicators of Mu Yanxi's body were normal, and Mu Yanqing didn't have the slightest bit of pity for her, so she grabbed Mu Yanxi's shoulder and shook it back and forth several times

"Why haven't you woke up yet? If you don't wake up, I will really send you to the hospital. I don't care if your fans find out? Wake up and tell me how that dog Yi Wulan bullied you. Otherwise, I can sue for divorce on your behalf while you are asleep?"

I don't know if the word 'Yi Wulan' played a role, but Mu Yanxi's reaction became stronger, her brows frowned, and her fingertips curled up, as if she was recovering her body bit by bit. action.

Mu Yanqing waited patiently for a while, and almost thought it was useless again, and was about to take the computer to read the files for a while, when he heard a burst of rapid breathing.

Mu Yanxi finally woke up, staring blankly at the ceiling.

After a few seconds, the confused eyes focused little by little, and the eyes moved slowly. Mu Yanqing was quite uncomfortable with the person who entered the target, so he deliberately closed his eyes several times and then opened them again to confirm the person in front of him. It's really not Yi Wulan, "Sister?"

"Yeah." Mu Yanqing couldn't see the doubt in Mu Yanxi's eyes, but seeing that she just woke up, she endured it, "Good boy, it's good that you recognize me."

Mu Yanxi turned her gaze to other places and scanned around, fully awake, and said sleepily, "Oh."

"Today is indeed Christmas Eve." Mu Yanqing tilted his head and looked at Mu Yanxi slowly, "It's really time for you to wake up, I thought you could save Christmas presents, tell me what you want, if you don't need to make an appointment for your sister I can buy it for you immediately."

After sleeping for so long, Mu Yanxi was really numb all over, and said weakly, "I want to sit up."

"Okay." Mu Yanqing snapped his fingers, immediately took the pillow and put it on Mu Yanxi's cushion, then reached out to support Mu Yanxi's weak body, and really pulled her up.

Mu Yanxi sat up, rubbed her hair twice, and asked, "Where's Yi Wulan?"

"I drove you away." Mu Yanqing didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, and said casually, "I didn't know that Yi Wulan was such a dog, even in our Mu family, he made you like this Looks like that, so it’s okay? So I took my anger out on you and drove her away, you don’t know how dark Yi Wulan’s face was when he left hahaha.”

Mu Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, she clearly had come to her senses, but she couldn't understand what Mu Yanqing said at all, she frowned and thought for a long time without saying a word.

"Don't frown." Mu Yanqing smoothed her forehead for her, and began to shake her again, "You have nothing wrong with your body, so hurry up and eat something, you have slept for so long, how can you rely on that little nutrient solution? "

"You're so annoying." Mu Yanxi wished she could be deaf, and when she was shaken to the point of falling apart, she finally said angrily, "If you keep shaking, something will happen if I'm fine."

Mu Yanqing let go of his hand immediately, and couldn't help retorting, "It's all Yi Wulan's fault for you, why are you so angry with me, you little heartless one?"

Recalling what he said at the beginning, Mu Yanxi realized that Mu Yanqing was not joking when he drove Yi Wulan out, so he sat up straight and said in disbelief, "What nonsense are you talking about, you really drove Yi Wulan out out?"

"I'm angry." Mu Yan said coldly, "I didn't let you suffer wronged after Yan Che left, but you were bullied by Yi Wulan so many times that you had a fever, but I didn't know about it before. Don't worry, now that I know, I will definitely not let you be wronged."

Mu Yanxi was so angry that she kicked off Mu Yanqing's hand that was resting on the edge of the bed.

Mu Yanqing...

Mu Yanqing stopped pretending, put her hands on her knees and said dryly, "I only kicked her out during the day, she has to go to work. And my attitude was not bad when she came from work, but I didn't allow it." She just came in."

Mu Yanxi suddenly felt a little headache, and said angrily, "Why did you drive people away if you didn't understand the situation?"

At this moment, Mu Yanqing also realized that perhaps he had misunderstood, and sat on the edge of the bed with his mouth closed, his face full of apology, and he called her in a low voice, "Xiaoxi?"

Mu Yanxi panted and turned her face away, not wanting to talk to anyone.

Seeing that she was really angry, Mu Yanqing called out again, "Baby Yanxi?"

Hearing this address, Mu Yanxi couldn't hold back, and glanced over, "Shut up."

Mu Yanqing handed over a glass of water, as if flattering him, "Okay, don't be angry anymore, isn't it just that I misunderstood you and kicked you out once? Yi Wulan is not so stingy, she has to settle the score It doesn't even count for you."

Mu Yanqing laughed, and said proficiently, "Just take it as a catalyst for your marriage. Anyway, isn't Yi Wulan deeply in love with you? Why don't you take the initiative to find her once? How old is it?" Things, my sister decides for you, this matter is settled like this, don't be angry."

Call the shots? What kind of master are you?

Mu Yanxi was about to be laughed at by her sister.

However, after being teased by such a gag, Mu Yanxi's dull mind, which had just woken up, finally came to life, remembering a very important thing that he had just forgotten.

"Wait." A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Mu Yanxi's heart, "What day did you just say today is?"

Mu Yan cleared things up, "Christmas Eve, so you woke up safely."

Mu Yanxi...

Mu Yanxi's eyes suddenly went dark.

Qt's big show was on December 21st, and she came here that night, which meant that she slept for at least two days.

So... Not only did Yi Wulan take the blame, but he also blew the cold wind outside for two nights?

Mu Yanqing said that she was tired and took a sip from the cup, but she was vaguely aware of a chill coming from the side. She thought it was the air leak from the air outlet of the central air conditioner, she turned her head suspiciously, and saw her lively and lovely younger sister looking at her with a gloomy face.

Mu Yanqing...

Mu Yanqing swallowed the water in his mouth with difficulty, and carefully handed over the remaining half glass of water, "Xiao, Xiaoxi, do you want some water?"

Mu Yanxi... "Come here and die!"

In the end, Mu Yanqing was pressed against the window and the cold wind blew for a while, which calmed down Mu Yanxi's anger a little.

The windows were not opened wide, but it was the wind in such a small area that made it extremely cold. Mu Yanqing's eyes were empty, as if nothing in the world could arouse her interest.

After Mu Yanxi was tossed by a group of doctors to do some checks, she was allowed to take a shower.

After she changed her clothes and came out of the bathroom, she was finally in a better mood, but she still had a gloomy little face, rummaging through the snack cabinet that Mu Yanqing had filled for her.

No matter how sharp Mu Yanqing's eyes are in front of outsiders, he is not very good at seeing people's expressions in front of Mu Yanxi. Seeing that people started to eat, she immediately turned around happily and sat down on the sofa, "Hey, eat more, I can go to your sister Yi after eating."

Mu Yanxi looked at her twice, and sneered, "I think you are very smart in managing Xinyu, aren't you? Why do you like to guess so wildly every time you encounter Yi Wulan? My fever has half a cent to her Relationship? Even if you don't believe what Yi Wulan said, can't you ask the doctor?"

Mu Yanqing's head shrank from being scolded, and she didn't have the slightest image of a elder sister.

"Two days... It's been two days." Mu Yanxi put down the drumsticks and covered her head in pain, "I don't have much credibility in her heart, and sometimes when I tell the truth, it will be questioned as false.

I finally managed to get over the past few years, and now I have been in a coma for two days and deliberately see no one, she must think that I am deliberately avoiding her again..."

In addition, the content of her chat with Yi Wulan before going to bed revolved around that dream. She fainted for two days just after the chat, it was hard not to be misunderstood.

Mu Yanxi only felt a splitting headache, half lying on the sofa wishing she could continue to faint.

Mu Yanqing had never been in a relationship before, so she couldn't empathize with Mu Yanxi's feelings at all. She waited for a while, and seeing that Mu Yanxi had stopped talking, she happily leaned over

"I have already explained to my assistant that if there is a partner in the future who makes trouble with Yan Che, Xinyu must clearly draw a clear line with him. At that time, Yan Che will not be able to take advantage of Xinyu's influence in the entertainment industry, so start unhappy?"

Mu Yanxi looked at her expressionlessly, "Do you think I am in the mood to watch the excitement now?"

Mu Yanqing choked, his face full of disbelief, "Are you still angry? You've been waking up for more than half an hour and you're still arguing with me? More dogs?"

Mu Yanxi...

Mu Yanxi was silent for a while, then suddenly raised the corners of her lips, waved to Mu Yanqing, and said softly, "Sister, come here."

Mu Yanqing thought that Mu Yanxi had changed his ways and calmed down, so he immediately leaned over, "Huh?"

The next second, with a 'crash', Mu Yanqing was thrown onto the leather sofa, her hair was messed up, and Mu Yanxi threw the pillows beside her, hitting her face one after another. superior.

Mu Yanqing swept the pillow away with quick eyes and hands, and nestled on the other side of the couch bored, distressed, "Why is my temper getting worse and worse? Who is it that got used to it?"

After Mu Yanxi ravaged Mu Yanqing for a meal, she finally calmed down, and turned on her phone to send a message to Yi Wulan. Unfortunately, after brewing for a while, I don't know how to explain it to Yi Wulan.

But it's just past noon now, and Yi Wulan hasn't got off work yet, so she still has an afternoon to think about how to take the blame.

Therefore, Mu Yanxi quit Yi Wulan's message box, and favored Bai Yu'an's more than 50 unread messages in the message list. She flipped through it for a while and finally read it. After thinking about it, she said, "Sister, I want to go out for a while." trip."

"To Rongjia? Do you want me to take you?"

"No need, I'm going to meet a friend." Mu Yanxi stood up and took the coat, "I have a project to talk about."

"Well, do you want me to send you?"

Mu Yanxi refused, "It's not that I don't have a driver's license, so don't follow me."

Mu Yanxi put on a delicate makeup for herself in front of the makeup mirror. During this period, Mu Yanqing watched peacefully by the side, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "What are you talking about about the project? I just went to meet Yi Wu secretly." Lan's."

Just after noon, Bai Yu'an was in a private club with a few rich second generations. After Mu Yanxi asked a few questions, and found out that they were all old acquaintances, she rushed over, planning to pull Bai Yu'an out to talk about things in Philadelphia later. project.

In the past six months, although Mu Yanxi has been a little quiet and hasn't participated in such rich second-generation gatherings, she is also familiar with this club.

When she arrived, a group of people were blowing cold wind on the golf course. After she enjoyed the plastic flattery of other glib rich second-generation stars, the online celebrity part-time waiters wearing all kinds of S suits also They agreed very winkingly.

After receiving so many compliments, Mu Yanxi felt embarrassed and immediately dragged Bai Yu'an to talk about serious matters. It just so happened that the new chef at this club was a descendant of the royal chef, so he simply ordered something to eat, planning to have a private chat with Bai Yu'an later.

There has been a lot of rain in Yuncheng recently, so it is rare to see the sun. Mu Yanxi was lying comfortably on the recliner, half-closed her eyes, and was asking Bai Yu'an about her arrangements later.

Bai Yu'an at the side turned his face away, he was on the verge of speaking, but immediately changed his words, "Actually, I'm quite busy today, why don't we make an appointment another day."

Mu Yanxi?

Mu Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, and when she didn't know why, a faint but familiar scent of perfume came from behind and diffused into the tip of her nose, causing her to freeze.

The club's stadium was warm and sunny, and even the young and beautiful Internet celebrity waiters around were enthusiastic, but such an atmosphere did not heat up Mu Yanxi's body at all, but made it even colder.

Mu Yanxi felt a chill creeping up the back of her head from her back, causing her to shiver from the cold.

That familiar and powerful aura completely enveloped her from behind, as if trapping her whole body in one place. Mu Yanxi's heart was beating fast, and only then was she mentally prepared to look back tremblingly.

Yi Wulan didn't know when she came here, and she was looking down at her with downcast eyes.

Mu Yanxi...

Seeing Mu Yanxi looking over with a stiff face, Yi Wulan's expression was slightly cold, and he said coolly, "You are sick because you came here specially to see..."

She looked around at the young waiters in all kinds of uniforms.

Mu Yanxi...

It's over, she is more like pretending to be sick when she is not sick.

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Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy