MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 57

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Mu Yanqing spread out the documents Yi Wulan threw over carefully, and handed them over, "I said Yi Wulan..."

Mu Yan tidied up the messy long hair when he was just avoiding it, and carefully picked up his contract in his hand, as if it could be used to cover it at any time.

But he didn't forget to say: "Isn't President Rong Jia strategizing and everything is under control? Why can't even win a little girl after so many years?"

At first, because of Yi Wulan's injury in a car accident, Mu Yanqing really didn't agree with this marriage. But seeing Yi Wulan's legs recovering, listening to her sister's nonsense description, and facing Yi Wulan, he felt a little sympathy.

It's as if he took revenge on those who were robbed of peach blossoms when he was a student.

Yi Wulan didn't speak, stood up expressionlessly, and took two steps toward the sofa on the inside.

Mu Yanqing glanced at his younger sister from a distance. Since she came in, Mu Yanxi had been holding a mobile phone, and didn't notice any movement on their side, and kept typing with his fingers.

As soon as they saw it, they were chatting happily, and Mu Yanqing immediately followed up happily, intending to give Yi Wulan a chance to gain attention.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Mu Yanxi turned her head to look over, the corner of her mouth still had a smile from when she was chatting with Bai Yu'an.

Just glanced over, she froze for a while.

Isn't this Yi Wulan's office? When did her sister come?

It only took Mu Yanxi two seconds to guess Mu Yanqing's purpose for coming here by relying on Mu Yanqing's attitude over the years.

Mu Yanqing glanced at her younger sister who was surrounded by milk tea and desserts. She didn't realize that this was Yi Wulan's office, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are in a good mood."

Mu Yanxi froze, fearing that her sister would come over and pull her ears in the next second.

"Help..." Mu Yanxi pounced on Yi Wulan, who came with her, and hugged Yi Wulan's arm like a shield, "Sister Yi, help me."

Even her sister called, Yi Wulan turned to look at Mu Yanqing, and then realized something.

Yi Wulan looked down at her arm, and was about to say a few words for Mu Yanxi, when Mu Yanqing who was beside her was sly and strange: "What can I save? This is not the second Miss Mu rushing to the Internet by herself. Shame on you? What are you hiding from?"

She moved her eyes down, originally to see Yi Wulan's good show, but when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but sneered: "Didn't you say that you were forced and half-pushed? Why did it only take a few days?" God, just hid in someone's arms?"

Mu Yanxi: ...

Last time at Mu Yanqing's house, he managed to avoid this incident, but unexpectedly, he was brought up again in front of Yi Wulan. However, when the corner of Mu Yanxi's eyes glanced over, Yi Wulan looked over thoughtfully.

Mu Yanxi was used to talking on weekdays, and Mu Yanqing was not an outsider, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with making up jokes. But now, it was the first time that I felt like I was in a cocoon.

Mu Yanxi looked at the coolness gradually emerging in Yi Wulan's eyes, and felt a chill down her back.

It seemed as if he would hand her over to Mu Yanqing at any time.

Being forced, half-pushed, half-accepted.

Who would have thought that Mu Yanqing's memory was so good that he brought up these two words exactly?

Yi Wulan was still looking at her, and after shedding the usual indifference, she seemed to still have a kind of aggressive strength.

Mu Yanxi didn't know how to speak for a while, so she could only look at Yi Wulan pretendingly indifferently.

After a few seconds, I finally found my own voice: "But, but these days, I found that Yi Wulan is noble, beautiful and talented. She is a rare flower in Gaoling."

After finishing speaking, Mu Yanxi casually stroked Yi Wulan's arm twice with her fingertips, leaned limply on Yi Wulan's shoulder, and asked softly: "What's wrong with me hiding from her?" ?"

Mu Yanqing: ...

Mu Yanqing felt like she was going blind.

She shouldn't have come here to accuse her sister and give Yi Wulan a chance.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yanxi, who was still so cowardly just now, relied on Yi Wulan not to push her out easily, and confidently shirked her responsibility at Mu Yanqing: "Even if Yi Wulan can't get me, I don't like you!" You are so fierce to me, I was scolded on the Internet because you didn't care about me."


"Yes, yes." Mu Yanxi was talking nonsense, but her heart was so messed up that she almost collapsed.

Xinyu has never been involved in the entertainment circle, even if she lost face before, it was because her sister would not see it.

But this time, Mu Yanqing saw her being hacked online?

While embarrassing... help!

Mu Yanxi was afraid that Mu Yanqing would be too scared, and trembling, she was about to speak when she saw Mu Yanqing's gaze fell on the cryptex that didn't match the decoration here at all: "What is this?"

Mu Yanxi's pupils shrank, it was the box she brought out from home that contained many photos of Yi Wulan, subconsciously she jumped out from behind Yi Wulan to grab it.

But she was farther away than Mu Yanqing, and when she rushed to grab it, she snatched it easily, and she didn't feel Mu Yanqing coming to **** it. She turned her head slowly, and found that Mu Yanqing was standing behind her with a half-smile.

It happened to block Yi Wulan behind him.

Mu Yanxi immediately understood what was going on, holding her small box in frustration, and looked at Yi Wulan as if asking for help.

According to Yi Wulan's temperament in the past, she would never get involved in this kind of housework.

But one of the protagonists is her family's little ancestor.

Feeling more and more pitiful eyes begging for help, Yi Wulan walked over, pulled Mu Yanxi onto the sofa, then sat down between the two sisters, and pointed to the single sofa beside Mu Yanqing.

Mu Yanxi had never enjoyed this kind of treatment before. Her sister loved her a lot, but every time the entertainment industry was brought up, she always had to have a general training, and then added some deductions for pocket money.

She hooked Gou Yi Wulan's hand gratefully, and said in a low voice: "Yi Wulan, I didn't expect you to have such a big face that you can convince my sister?"

Yi Wulan:...

Yi Wulan was silent, and based on her understanding of Mu Yanqing, I'm afraid this was the beginning.

But Mu Yanxi didn't think about this at all, and happily hugged Yi Wulan's thigh, and sat beside Yi Wulan obediently, trying to please her, "Why don't you just work here this afternoon?" ?”

Yi Wulan explained: "You may... Let's talk about it."

Yi Wulan always pretends to be a parent just like her sister, Mu Yanxi has long regarded her words as nonsense, and casually said a few words, "Yeah, I see, you just sit here, I promise will not disturb you."

Mu Yanqing, who had been watching the show for a long time, finally couldn't stand it anymore, and tapped the leather sofa twice with his fingertips, making two tiny 'da da' sounds.

Mu Yanxi was like a fox seeing a tiger, and suddenly became excited, " is the graduation certificate I just posted online, it's not like you haven't seen it before."

"I didn't mean to ask this." Xu Shi was stimulated by the actions of the two people in front of him just now, and Mu Yanqing also started to preach, and asked lightly, "It seems that you still want to stay in that circle?"

"It's pretty good, making money fast and free time." Mu Yanxi pursed her lips, "Why are you starting again?"

Although that little money is not enough for her to buy a beautiful dress.

Mu Yanqing: "Isn't it you who cause trouble all day? What do you like in the entertainment industry? Do you want to be the top streamer in traffic? Or win awards and become the best actress?"

Listening to Mu Yanqing's words, Mu Yanxi was afraid that she would say the phrase 'tell me what you want, don't mess around with me', so she immediately made a gesture to cover Mu Yanqing's mouth as a gesture own determination.

But just as she stood up, she heard Mu Yanqing sigh softly: "...You are acting recklessly and perversely. Have you been in the entertainment industry for two years and haven't realized that it is a place controlled by capital? Do you really like it so much? "

Mu Yanxi was stunned.

Her sister never mentioned the entertainment industry much, but every time she mentioned it, she seemed to change her appearance. This was the first time Mu Yanqing mentioned the entertainment industry to her in such a tone.

It took a while for Mu Yanxi to recover, and put on a playful smile again and said, "Do you think I'm just easy to bully? Don't be stupid, I'm not a little white rabbit."

Mu Yanqing coughed lightly: "Then I just finished the meeting at noon today, why can I hear about your falsified academic qualifications while walking?"

It was only then that Mu Yanxi remembered that she deliberately gave Jiang Tong a chance to show off, and dragged Yi Wulan home to make a fuss together. I had no choice but to change the words in a polite manner: "Xinyu has been so idle recently, so idle that you have time to listen to gossip?"

"I just listened to it." Mu Yanqing hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "You really don't need me to buy you a prize?"

Mu Yanqing's idea was simple. Just give Mu Yanxi what he wants, and if he does, Mu Yanxi won't be attached to that circle.

Mu Yanxi: ...

In fact, Mu Yanxi himself felt a little unclear about entering the circle at the beginning. He was somewhat interested, but it wasn't to the point where he had to challenge Mu Yanqing to join the circle.

If it is true, maybe she was also slightly brainwashed by the world consciousness at that time, as in the novel, she used her fiasco in the entertainment industry to set off the glory of the protagonist in the entertainment industry.

When she retired from the entertainment industry in her previous life, she left a lot of black material in the entertainment industry. Her reputation in this life has been reversed in the past few months, but Mu Yanxi actually doesn't have much desire for being popular.

As those netizens said, she is indeed not from a major, and she doesn't have as much time as other artists, so why use money to touch other people's cakes.

And unlike Jiang Tong, who can't find a sense of existence in reality and has to go online to prove herself, Mu Yanxi's real life is quite beautiful.

Those who have died once have already looked down on those reputations. Even in her previous life, she didn't pay much attention to those titles, and she didn't think there was anything shameful about being vague.

Take the fact that she was rumored to wear a cottage as an example. For other artists, dresses are expensive, and they have to show their status after wearing them once. But for Mu Yanxi, a batch of clothes with unremoved labels must be cleared every quarter in her cloakroom.

It is enough for her to wear those clothes to walk the red carpet to save face, and she has to clarify with netizens one by one?

Forget it, it's too much trouble.

And breaking up with netizens like that will lower her grade, thank you.

That's why Mu Yanxi's black fans were able to chase after her for two years. Artists are already popular in public opinion, so they naturally have to bear the negative impact it brings. No one can get all the benefits without paying.

Whether it was helping the protagonist Yi Jingming in his career in the previous life, or participating in the Shuilin Fang in this life, if you really want to calculate the benefits of those projects, it seems... no matter which one you get, the reward rate is higher than that of her in the entertainment industry. know how much.

She is the glamorous cannon fodder specially set up by the author of the novel in order to increase the aura of the protagonist of Yi Jingming. Mu Yanxi did not quit the industry after her rebirth, simply because she did not want to waste her beauty, and sincerely believed that it would be a great loss for the entertainment industry to lose her.

But if you really entered the circle, you can't just do nothing. Although Mu Yanxi was willing to cooperate with those announcements, she still had no interest in them, so she simply regarded the entertainment industry as a job for the elderly.

But she asked herself, she was still very serious about the announcement arranged by her agent.

It's just that the feedback she received was not in direct proportion to her efforts.

Mu Yanxi picked up the spoon and took a mouthful of cream, then lay back on the sofa slowly, bit it lightly, and winked at Mu Yanqing pretendingly: "If I want to buy it, it's your turn to give it to me." Buy?"

Mu Yanqing glanced at Yi Wulan who had been silent by his side, as if he understood something.

But in the next second, Mu Yanxi seemed to see through her mind, shook his head, smiled calmly, and said nonsense: "Did you not surf the Internet today? I don't know how many people can't ask for me, and their love is deep." Kind of? How about I buy a prize to improve my status?"

She has the arrogance that she is the dream lover of countless boys and girls.

Yi Wulan, who was blocked by Mu Yanqing just now with the words of "seeking but not feeling deeply rooted":...

Mu Yanxi didn't understand what charades were being played between the two, so she rolled up the hair on her cheeks lazily, and asked, "Anyway, I stayed well... Well, why are you looking so strange?"

Mu Yanqing didn't care how Yi Wulan felt right now, he just burst out laughing with a 'puchi', seeing Yi Wulan's expression of wanting to say something but being unable to say it, let alone how happy he was.

Mu Yanxi couldn't understand it, so she simply didn't read it. She opened her eyes and started talking nonsense: "The three of us have known each other for so many years, and now we are a family. A few years have passed, and you have all completed your careers. They all became high-ranking presidents."

She sighed, "And me?"

Mu Yanqing restrained her smile and didn't know what to say for a moment: "Xiao Xi..."

"I have had a dream since I was a child." Mu Yanxi looked at Mu Yanqing pretending to be deep, "The more I grow up, the more I feel that I can't fulfill it, and I will be ashamed of what God has given me."

Now, even Yi Wulan looked over, and waited with Mu Yanqing for Mu Yanxi to tell about that dream.

Mu Yanxi leaned forward lazily, facing the serious expressions of the other two as if they were on the negotiating table, she suddenly smiled slightly: "Don't you think it's a waste of money to leave the entertainment circle with my face?"

Mu Yanqing: ...

Yi Wulan:...

After finishing speaking, Mu Yanxi, the culprit, picked up the cup of milk tea with full sugar in his arms, and drank it there with a heartless face.

Mu Yanqing and Yi Wulan looked at each other, they both choked, but no one tried to persuade them.

Who asked them to raise a little peacock.

After being fooled by Mu Yanxi, Mu Yanqing also returned to Xinyu.

Mu Yanxi sat quietly on the sofa throughout the afternoon. Due to the design of the office structure, people who came in outside could not see Mu Yanxi on the sofa because of the corner, but Mu Yanxi could see the person on the other side of the desk. Yi Wulan.

While looking at Yi Wulan, she recalled the novel in her heart. After she got rid of the world consciousness in her previous life, looking at the things she did for Yi Jingming, she just felt that the world she lived in was too absurd.

But staying alone in the other world for so long after death, Mu Yanxi also wanted to understand a lot of things. Let's do it again, since this world will no longer add halo to the original protagonist, then she must seize the opportunity to change everything that was originally unfair.

Yi Jingming and Yi's family are almost resolved, and Yi Wulan's leg injury is also healed, and there is a high probability that he will not die as early as in the book.

As long as Yi Wulan is alive, the world will be back on track, and the original protagonist will be nothing.

It's just that how long Yi Wulan can live seems... depends on how hard she works at night.

Hmm, but something doesn't sound right.

Mu Yanxi rubbed her reddened ears, her eyes moved slowly from Yi Wulan's familiar pair of earrings, and landed on those red lips.

Then, he quickly moved away as if he had been electrocuted.

Pretentiously swiping Weibo.

It just so happened that her agent sent her several scripts and endorsements. This is the first time that so many people have come to the door before the popularity of the hot search has passed. The manager painstakingly analyzed Mu Yanxi for nearly ten minutes. The WeChat page is full of:

【Voice 60''''s】

【Voice 60''''s】

【Voice 60''''s】

... At first glance, it was full of long voices, let alone click on the voice, Mu Yanxi didn't even have the desire to transfer text.

She replied directly: [Yeah, got it]

How perfunctory and perfunctory.

The manager who has been with him for a long time obviously guessed Mu Yanxi's heart, and finally typed honestly: [After two years of hard work, I think the high-end route I made for you is a bit inappropriate. How about we use your diploma to make a fuss? 】

Their high-end route is naturally not the high-end that is the peak of their debut, but to reduce low-quality exposure and strive for excellence.

But that's just a nice way of saying it.

In fact, it was the manager who saw hope and wanted Mu Yanxi, a salted fish, to turn around and get up to work.

So Mu Yanxi flatly rebuffed: [No, nine times out of ten the hype masters will overturn, so you are not afraid that I will also overturn? 】

In fact, the agent still finds it difficult to accept that she has a graduate of Yanda University in her hands. Once upon a time, Yanda University was a school that she could not even think about during the college entrance examination.

Maybe it's because the gap is too far away. The agent knows that Yanda's people are very good, but they don't know how good they are, and he's not sure if Mu Yanxi will be a good student because of the entertainment industry Those questions overturned.

She just thought a little bit about Mu Yanxi's achievements in the past two years: love to wear copycats, tear up full marks, not popular, slanderous... Immediately she also faltered: [Then I will push you away? 】

Mu Yanxi also saved face: [You can keep two at will, try not to leave the cloud city]

The agent glanced at the scripts that were not filmed in Yuncheng Film and Television City with great heartache, and tearfully let go of those few scripts, then suddenly thought of something, and asked in confusion: [Why didn't you post on Weibo today? 】

Mu Yanxi: [? ? ? 】

Isn't it called posting Weibo when she posted her academic certificate?

The agent reminded: [You have managed to get this popularity again, shouldn't you post something while it's hot? 】

Mu Yanxi looked at the manager's words strangely, hesitated for a few seconds before asking tentatively: [Send a selfie? 】

The agent replied in seconds: [Yes! 】

I also took a screenshot of a Weibo picture, which was full of her group of black fans waiting to be fed and urged to take selfies, each of them seemed to have the ability to predict, and they were still opening bets there, betting on whether she would post selfies.

Mu Yanxi glanced casually, thinking she would post it, right?

Hey, then she can't miss it.

So noble and glamorous replied: [But I don’t want to do it today (Soybean smiles)]

After cutting out the news page, Mu Yanxi rubbed her sore shoulders, and happened to meet Yi Wulan's eyes who had finished work.

Mu Yanxi paused, then smiled at Yi Wulan: "Are you done?"

Yi Wulan's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly returned to indifference. He walked over and handed Mu Yanxi's coat to her: "Get up, go home."

After eating, Mu Yanxi struggled back and forth between the master bedroom and the side bedroom, and involuntarily walked into the master bedroom.

She told herself that she came here because the bathtub in the master bedroom was relatively large, and she didn't want to wrong herself.

Mu Yanxi took a leisurely turn to the bathroom, her usual skin care products were placed on the sink, and even beside the bathtub were her favorite bath salt balls. Mu Yanxi looked around in a daze for no reason, as if she was still living here for more than half a month.

Xu recorded the program late last night, and today he caught an early flight. Although he took a nap in the lounge in the morning and was inhaled by the familiar aroma of bath salt balls, Mu Yanxi lay by the bathtub, feeling a little Drowsy.

When I opened my eyes again, there was a sound of footsteps in my ears, and the bathroom door was pushed open, "I shouldn't tell you, are you asleep?"

Mu Yanxi squinted her eyes, and it took a while to realize that she was a little shy when she saw Yi Wulan who walked in.

She still remembered the last time when she tried to 'bully' Yi Wulan in the bathroom boldly, but was suppressed in the bathtub and couldn't move.

At that time, Yi Wulan's legs were still not healed, she was ashamed and did not dare to move.

If nothing had happened, Mu Yanxi would have happily covered her chest with a towel at this moment, and poured the water in the bathtub upside down at Yi Wulan, wet Yi Wulan's clean and tidy clothes and stained the bath water. The color of the salt ball.

Then, under Yi Wulan's dissatisfied gaze, he randomly flew over a bath towel and apologized to Yi Wulan with a smile.

It can be regarded as uncovered.

After all, Yi Wulan seemed to be accommodating her all the time, and would not get angry because of such things.

Only at this time, it seems...

Maybe it's been soaking for too long, and the water steam in the constant temperature bathtub made Mu Yanxi's heartbeat speed up involuntarily, "I..."

Yi Wulan walked towards her steadily step by step, the warm light in the bathroom fell on her body, the alienation and harshness in the office faded away, and the whole person was dyed a bit soft.

Yi Wulan got closer and closer, until she stood in front of the bathtub, Mu Yanxi finally recovered.

She lay lazily on the edge of the bathtub, her dark eyes narrowed slightly without warning, like two beautiful and bright colored glazes, and a bewitching smile appeared gently.

The whole person is like a poppy flower in full bloom.

Mu Yanxi gave up what she wanted to say, and suddenly raised her eyebrows and shouted: "Yi Wulan."

With a bit of provocative arrogance.

Unexpectedly, Yi Wulan bent down slowly, the light above her head dimmed between the two of them.

Mu Yanxi's eyes were dazzled by the light, and she couldn't see the expression on Yi Wulan's face clearly.

She wanted to reach out and rub her eyes, but just as she raised her hand, someone grabbed her wrist, and her chin was also gently pinched.

The faint cold fragrance gently fell on the lips, and the red lips with water droplets were pressed and trembled...


Mu Yanxi suddenly threw herself into the bathtub with all her strength, and almost angrily pulled towards the water surface, causing the water in the bathtub to overflow to the floor.

She took a deep breath, and finally recovered from the dream just now, pinched the tips of her red ears, quickly got up, and splashed her face with cold water from the sink a few times.

The cold water in late autumn, with a bit of biting chill, quickly cooled her down.

After getting dressed and drying her hair half dry, Mu Yanxi walked towards the study.

Yi Wulan has never asked Mu Yanxi to knock on the door, and Mu Yanxi has become accustomed to pushing the door and entering.

In the study, Yi Wulan was still reviewing the documents, marking something on them with a pen, raised her head after hearing the movement, glanced at her clothes, and asked, "Done the washing?"

"Yeah." Facing Yi Wulan's gaze, Mu Yanxi's ear tips under her long hair started to feel hot again, pretending to be serious, "You still have a job?"

"It's done, just check to see if there are any omissions."

Standing in front of the desk, Mu Yanxi watched Yi Wulan's earnest work, with beautiful handwriting extending from the pen, and the warm light from the side fell on the jaw line. This gentle temperament reminded Mu Yanxi of the previous that dream.

Perhaps Mu Yanxi's gaze was too hot, Yi Wulan raised his eyes: "Aren't you tired from standing?"

Mu Yanxi licked her lips, walked over and sat down on the armrest of Yi Wulan's chair.

"You..." Yi Wulan hid to the other side.

Mu Yanxi took it for granted: "Didn't you let me sit down?"

Yi Wulan watched Mu Yanxi's movements, the corners of her mouth flattened, she held back, but couldn't hold back, trying to explain to Mu Yanxi the traditional etiquette of Huaguo.

As a result, as soon as she finished her sentence, Mu Yanxi leaned over to the table, looked at the open document and asked, "Is the holographic product going to be put into use?"

Yi Wulan immediately looked away, reached out and took the document filled with notes, and said:

"It's just a small-scale experiment first. In fact, the products are almost debugged before. It just needs to open up the public's acceptance of new technology products. The construction of Shuilinfang still needs time. First, try shopping in Huazhen. If it succeeds, the holographic butler system can be implemented."

Mu Yanxi was taken by Yi Wulan to the research and development department before, and she saw the various uses that a small chip can do after the perfect combination of holographic technology and artificial intelligence.

Not only holographic scenery, but also can be applied to all aspects of life, shopping and home intelligence. Those clumsy computer machines in the past can be replaced by holographic technology, as long as they are triggered, they can be realistically manipulated through projections in midair.

It can be said that the electronic screens used in commercial buildings can be replaced by them, which is undoubtedly a huge impact of emerging technologies on traditional industries.

Mu Yanxi looked at the document in Yi Wulan's hand, and asked, "So you've been so busy recently, are you busy with this?"

Yi Wulan flipped through the document, and changed her sitting position uncomfortably, "Fortunately, the research and development of this project cost a lot of money, and the later publicity is also not bad. Your sister came to Rongjia to sign the next round of financing at noon. "

Mu Yanxi nodded, turned her eyes sideways to look at Yi Wulan for a while, then suddenly laughed, her lips after taking a bath were very moist, which made her look even better.

She said softly: "Yi Wulan, so Xinyu is also involved in this project, so am I?"

When she called Yi Wulan's name, she used the lazy tone that was always provocative, as if she was really affectionate towards Yi Wulan alone, not because this cooperation was like a small His eyes shine like a money fan.

Yi Wulan sized her up, slightly raised the corners of her lips: "Is that how you like it?"

Mu Yanxi bent her eyes and smiled as a matter of course, leaning her body towards Yi Wulan, "Move over here and show me too."

"You have a lot of things to do." Yi Wulan lowered the arc of her lips, but put the document in front of Mu Yanxi honestly, "Look."

Mu Yanxi leaned in Yi Wulan's direction again. The armrest was already narrow, and she couldn't sit comfortably, so she simply squeezed beside Yi Wulan.

Yi Wulan held Mu Yanxi's waist, trying to push him forward, and slightly pulled away from this too tight and intimate posture, "Look at it if you want to."

But Mu Yanxi looked like she was about to fall, and squeezed back hard, forcing her back to stick to Yi Wulan.

She pretended to be reading the documents, but suddenly turned her head and raised her eyebrows and laughed: "Why do you always urge me to read the documents, are you hiding from me?"

"No, look quickly." Yi Wulan looked at Mu Yanxi's face that was very close to him, the corners of his mouth curled up, and then quickly flattened. After looking around, Yi Wulan slowly moved back.

Seeing Yi Wulan being so fierce, Mu Yanxi thought of Yi Wulan in his dream just now, and wanted to ask for proof. He deliberately held the document and made a gesture of leaving, but just halfway through, the slippers under his feet slipped. His body was like a butterfly with broken wings, staggering and falling down.

Yi Wulan took Mu Yanxi back almost without hesitation.

Mu Yanxi leaned against her chest, as if she had twisted her foot, frowning with a bitter face, "Um..."

Seeing this, Yi Wulan wanted to check Mu Yanxi's legs.

Mu Yanxi shook her head, adjusted to a more comfortable position and nestled on Yi Wulan's chest.

"You, are you okay?"

Mu Yanxi snorted softly, and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

Yi Wulan bent down to listen.

Mu Yanxi took the opportunity to hook Yi Wulan's neck, leaned into her ear and whispered: "I..."

The voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, as if he was enduring some great pain, his hot breath came up to him.

Mu Yanxi's beautiful fox eyes finally flashed a smile, and pressed against Yi Wulan's neck: "I said... I don't understand, can you explain it to me?"

Yi Wulan curled her fingertips, and only then did she know from Mu Yanxi's tone that she had been fooled again.

Obviously, this is not the first time.

Yi Wulan suppressed his expression and asked: "What can't you understand?"

Mu Yanxi squeezed her body again, and pointed to a place: "Here."

Yi Wulan glanced, "Did you learn it for nothing in college? Listen carefully, I'll just say it once."

Mu Yanxi was just on a whim, but Yi Wulan explained to Mu Yanxi abruptly until the early morning.

Not only the holographic technology involved above, but also the financing points related to Mu Yanxi's professional field. Taking recent successful cases at home and abroad as examples, and then applying the domestic economic situation, everything is fine.

Listening to Yi Wulan's soft voice, Mu Yanxi's mind began to wander from time to time. However, Yi Wulan seemed to have some hobbies, and stopped to ask her a question every few words. In the end, Mu Yanxi dreamed of going back to her student days, and was forced to be surrounded by Yi Wulan for nearly three hours class.

Mu Yanxi, who was still thinking about being intimate, really wanted to go back and kill the self who insisted on squeezing with Yi Wulan just now.

Even the arrogant Erlang legs that were raised at the beginning were put down, looking extremely well-behaved, as if he was afraid that she would ask a few more questions.

Yi Wulan closed the document, rubbed Mu Yanxi's head, "Okay, you can go to sleep."

Mu Yanxi looked at Yi Wulan with accusation in his eyes, and when Yi Wulan came to push her away again, he bit Yi Wulan's shoulder angrily.

Yi Wulan didn't know where he had offended this little ancestor, and while taking a breath, he pushed Mu Yanxi's head: "You first, you first let go of your mouth, hiss..."

Mu Yanxi was so angry that the corners of her eyes were stained a little red, but she was unwilling to let go.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Yi Wulan remembered that he had stopped reading the document just now, so he thought Mu Yanxi still wanted to hear it, and said helplessly, "If you want to hear me explain the document to you, just say it, don't bite at every turn Yes, where did you learn your bad temper?"

Mu Yanxi: ...

Mu Yanxi hesitated for a moment, only to realize later that the Yi Wulan in reality was still the one who didn't understand the style at all, so she could only continue to gently grind Yi Wulan's shoulder back and forth with her teeth.

Seeing that Mu Yanxi didn't use as much force as she did at the beginning, Yi Wulan breathed a sigh of relief.

She was about to pull him out when Mu Yanxi made a move first and quickly jumped off the chair.

He walked out without looking back.

Yi Wulan looked at Mu Yanxi's bare feet, "Wait, do you have slippers?"

When Mu Yanxi walked past the door, she almost couldn't hold back, she turned her head and gave Yi Wulan a fierce look: "No more!"

Yi Wulan instinctively sensed something was wrong, and immediately chased after him, "Yan Xi."

Unexpectedly, Mu Yanxi in front walked faster and faster, when passing by lying on his side, he turned in without the slightest hesitation.

Dropped the lock.

Yi Wulan was left with a confused face outside the door.

Yi Wulan knocked on the door: "Yan Xi?"

Mu Yanxi behind the door covered her bleeding red ears, and said angrily, "I'm going to sleep."

Yi Wulan still didn't leave: "But you..."

Mu Yanxi said in a muffled voice, "I fell asleep, so I have something to say tomorrow."

Yi Wulan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He stood in front of the side bedroom door for a long time before leaving.

No matter how smart and wise she was, she would never have imagined that she lost to Mu Yanxi's dream self.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy