MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 35

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When Mu Yanxi's entry was trending, she was still busy fighting against black fans under the Weibo she reposted.

After tearing and tearing, two comments suddenly appeared on the top of the comment area, which were incompatible with other people's comments:

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah teacher Mu, you are amazing! You are my new goddess! 】

[Little Vase is beautiful and kind, I declare that I will not blackmail you from today on]

The first time Mu Yanxi saw it, she immediately suspected that the black fan had switched strategies and wanted to kill her, digging a hole and waiting for her to jump down.

After all, there was once a netizen who commented and left a message saying that an anti-criminal website was created for her, and even the address of the online link was sent to her by private message. The words were sincere, full of consideration for her good and her future.

At that time, Mu Yanxi had just entered the entertainment industry not long ago, so she was naturally not that prepared. As a result, I clicked on that link, and the screen of the phone went black immediately, and a few large characters popped up: Are you an idiot, do you believe this?

Since then, Mu Yanxi has been full of "maliciousness" towards her comment area.

This time, it's definitely not just giving her benefits for nothing. But after thinking about it, relying on her understanding of the average IQ of this group of elementary school students, she couldn't think of a way to kill such a tall student.

At this time, many similar comments came in one after another in the comment area. Mu Yanxi pieced together the information, and then hurriedly exited her Weibo homepage to check.

I thought it was the flattering Rongjia Entertainment who wanted to curry favor with Yi Wulan through her. During the few seconds that Mu Yanxi went to the front row of hot searches, she even thought about which selfies she would post at that time.

As a result, when he switched to the hot search list, Mu Yanxi was stunned.

The most beautiful rescue moment?

Mu Yanxi's brain was short-circuited for two seconds, until she scrolled down the page and came to the copywriting of the marketing account in the front row, Mu Yanxi remembered that she had saved someone yesterday.

The Weibo post on the top is an official media of an Internet celebrity: [Orange Daily: At noon on August 22, a drowning accident occurred while playing in the waters near Lishan Mountain in Yuncheng. Tribute to positive energy youth @木言朝]

There is also a surveillance video attached to this Weibo.

Mu Yanxi continued to scroll down. Although the second Weibo had few likes and comments, it was well-received — it was the Yuncheng firefighter's blog:

【#木言朝最美救救时时#Thanks to Mu Yanxi and his companions for their brave actions. The weather is hot in summer, parents are requested to take good care of their children and build a safe defense line for swimming together】

The third popular Weibo is the mainstream media, the fourth is the official government media...

The bottom of the entry was almost swiped by the official blogs of various mainstream media, each of which carried Mu Yanxi's entry, doing science popularization on safe swimming, and many mainstream media released precautions for safe rescue, Using this to do a series of popular science.

This is a step up from the previous blue v media. After all, many of the official microblogs of government departments took the lead this time.

These microblogs do not participate in online affairs on weekdays. Posting on Weibo is also a public announcement. Even if the number of likes and comments is less than a hundred, no one will underestimate their influence.

Even Weibo, which usually likes to raise the popularity of other popular celebrities, did not dare to lower Mu Yanxi's popularity this time.

The official blogs of various governments @着木言朝 were full of faces. After a few minutes, they rushed to the top of the hot search list without any surprises!

Before Mu Yanxi had time to lament the huge influence of these official blogs, the manager called.

After the popularity of going out of the circle last time, the manager obviously calmed down a lot this time, but there was still a bit of trembling in his voice: "Ancestor, have you checked the trending searches? You are popular again!"

Mu Yanxi responded, and asked hesitantly, "Then... Congratulations again?"

The manager didn't have time to chat with Mu Yanxi, so he asked about it as soon as he came up, and told Mu Yanxi the whole story about this hot search.

It started when Mu Yanxi and the others left yesterday.

The villagers knew each other from the neighbors. After seeing the two children being rescued, they realized that the two saviors had disappeared.

So that night, after the child's parents returned home, they went to the police station for help, hoping to trouble them to find the two lifesavers and thank them in person.

This is a good thing to do for a righteous cause, and it was also known to many relevant departments when the monitoring was adjusted.

Originally, they wanted to track down the car owner's information based on the license plate number, but because the surveillance in the mountainous area was not in place, the place where Mu Yanxi and the others parked happened to be a blind spot for surveillance, so the clues were interrupted.

Just when everyone was about to give up, among the monitoring staff, there happened to be a staff member who often surfed the Internet. After watching the surveillance video for a while, he recognized Mu Yanxi: "Isn't this a while ago when I refused to sneak in the workplace?" The regular Mu Yanxi?"

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately took out the photos for comparison. Unexpectedly, Mu Yanxi was really an entertainer in the entertainment industry.

So they didn't have to invite other people, they just used the news to praise Mu Yanxi by name.

Coupled with more and more examples of tragedies caused by summer wild swimming, they just need a star with positive energy to play a correct guiding role.

So they edited the video. In order to preserve privacy, they only edited the clip of Mu Yanxi running from the shore, taking off his high heels into the water and swimming to the shore with the child.

One is to promote this kind of brave spirit and praise this kind of behavior, but to publicize the unsafety of wild travel again.

After the Yuncheng Fire Officer posted on Weibo, the Orange Daily, which likes to post such positive things the most, also reposted this Weibo. Orange Daily has a huge number of fans, and it became popular shortly after it was published.

Later, coupled with the successive exits of other government official blogs, the popularity rushed to the first place.

In the comment area, the comments from netizens were all compliments, good people’s life is safe, etc., until halfway through the video, the camera zoomed in on the lake, and the comment area exploded:

[Why do I feel that this young lady looks familiar? Why is it so like a certain...]

【You upstairs are not alone, this can't be my little vase, is it? ? ? 】

[No way, how could someone like Little Vase, who has been picked up for playing big names in every scene and knows all day long that he is not doing his job properly on the Internet, to save people? 】

But whether they believe it or not, until more and more people watch the surveillance cameras back and forth like a magnifying glass, they can't believe that it is really Mu Yanxi himself who jumps down to save people without hesitation!

At the same time, the various official blogs also seemed to realize their omissions, and re-edited the content of Weibo one after another, bringing the entry of #木言朝最美救救时时#.

So the fan circles were all fried.

A brave melon can still be eaten in his own circle.

It's fine if you get into your own circle, but you're not the artist you're a fan of!

Celebrity hot searches are very common, and there are even many celebrities who are annual users of Weibo. Even if they go out every now and then, they will be put on the hot search.

However, it is rare for a star to appear in the Weibo of major mainstream media with a positive image of righteousness and courage. You have to know how many artists have donated tens of millions of dollars for the purpose of manipulating people, but they can't get this kind of enthusiasm, but Mu Yanxi did it!

The pattern was instantly opened.

The comment area instantly became lively:

[God, did you see it? Mu Yanxi took off her high heels before entering the water, and she cooperated well with the little brother next to her. If it weren't for them, the two children would be in danger, right? 】

[Just now I was scolding her on Weibo, if I had known I would not scold her tonight]

[After I announce, I will be a fan of Mu Yanxi, unless she is exposed to some character problems, I will definitely not hate her]

[Could it be for a show? I really annoy you stars.]

[The one upstairs, I really can't say something like you without a cerebral thrombosis in ten years. Open your dog eyes and see clearly, when did these government official blogs hype the end of the entertainment industry? 】

[In the video, when Mu Yanxi first came into contact with the little girl, she was pressed into the water a few times by the little girl. If the water quality is not good, Mu Yanxi will be finished. Does the hype person have any heart? 】

[Fanfanheihei knows how to fight on the Internet all day long, when you were black Mu Yanxi yesterday, did you know that he was racing against time to save people]

At the same time, there are real passers-by asking in the comment area: [Pure passers-by, I want to ask who is this young lady? Why haven't you seen her? 】

After asking such a question, Mu Yanxi's black fans who were just stunned and blocked by hot searches immediately danced: [Debuted for two years, and came back still a mess]

[Professional ability is not good, offend the entire entertainment circle by mouth]

[Didn't you see the word 'most beautiful' in the entry? Although the other small vases can’t be taken out, these two words are still worthy of the name]

[But starting today, please change our name to Mr. Mu: Little vase for righteousness and bravery]

Seeing these familiar accents, Mu Yanxi glanced at them and didn't bother to answer them.

Because she has more important things to do now.

Most of the blue Vs that ended last time were commercial microblogs disguised as media, but this time they were actually named and praised by so many government departments, including the most authoritative Central Father!

As a result, how she will respond next has become a big question.

Although she has a somewhat metaphysical physique recently, this kind of highlight moment where nothing will be sprayed on her hair may be the only time in this life.

What should you do with this bright moment?

Mu Yanxi even recalled the list of things that Mu Yanqing bought her for her since she was a child, from beginning to end. In the end, after much deliberation, those were all things outside her body, and none of them were as important as her flourishing beauty.

So, Mu Yanxi quickly took out the largest tablet in the house, and swiped it across to pick out the selfies she hadn't posted recently, frowning in agony.

Bai Yu'an went on vacation again in the past two days, and there was no other reliable aesthetics in her circle, so she had to ask Yi Wulan.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, Mu Yanxi went to the bedroom first and found no one, and finally found someone in the study. The light in the study room was still on, and there was a faintly cold female voice coming from inside, the voice seemed a little low through the door, and no emotion could be heard.

Mu Yanxi's curiosity was aroused in an instant when she called someone on the phone in the middle of the night.

She got closer and closer to the study door, leaning forward slightly, and the voice from the study door finally became a little louder.

But she still couldn't hear clearly, and Mu Yanxi had to put her entire right ear on it again. The eavesdropping posture was very standard, she bent slightly while holding the tablet, her ear was close to the crack of the door, and she was concentrating on it.

However, when she finally heard the complete sentence and realized that Yi Wulan was explaining her work, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Miss Mu, is the door broken?"

Mu Yanxi was taken aback, and the moment she turned around, she slammed her back against the door, making a soft noise.

"Miss Mu, are you okay?" The aunt who came up to deliver the supper looked at her worriedly, then looked at the door, and asked again: "Is the door lock broken? I'll go now Looking for someone to fix it?"

The movement Mu Yanxi had just bumped into the door was not small, which naturally attracted Yi Wulan who was in the study.

As soon as the auntie finished speaking, Yi Wulan opened the door from the inside: "Who are you?"

The enthusiastic aunt was the first to answer, throwing Mu Yanxi's old background clean: "Oh, so miss, you are in the study? Miss Mu was lying there just now, I thought the door lock was broken."

Mu Yanxi: ...

The door lock is not broken, but I really want to let you say it is broken.

An awkward silence filled the air.

Auntie was also a wink, and when she saw this, she immediately put the tray on the side cabinet, turned around and went downstairs, and slipped away.

Soon there were only Mu Yanxi and Yi Wulan left on the second floor.

Mu Yanxi bit the bullet and looked at Yi Wulan. Under the thoughtful gaze of the other party, she found that she couldn't find any reason to argue.

So, she was straightforward, and said sincerely: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen someone eavesdropping?"

The tone of his speech was quite innocent, with a bit of a coquettish tone.

After Mu Yanxi finished speaking, she didn't have the courage to say a more embarrassing second sentence. She stared at the floor, the toes in the slippers moved uneasily, thinking about the possibility that if Yi Wulan laughed at her, she would take revenge when Yi Wulan fell asleep.

After a long while, I waited for Yi Wulan to chuckle.

As if some switch had been triggered, Mu Yanxi was about to turn from embarrassment into anger.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Yi Wulan's peach blossom eyes filled with a smile collided with her gaze, "Well, but next time you can listen openly."

Mu Yanxi's fingertips holding the tablet tightened slightly, and just as she was about to say something, Yi Wulan was already steering the wheelchair to the study.

She quickly chased after her, "Hey, Yi Wulan, aren't you afraid that I will leak your business secrets?"

Yi Wulan returned to the desk, looked at Mu Yanxi from top to bottom, glanced meaningfully, and looked down at the document.

Mu Yanxi: ...

very good.

Don't think she can't understand the meaning of Yi Wulan's eyes.

She didn't follow the artistic route like other artists, and she didn't miss anything that she should learn like Mu Yanqing.

In her previous life, Yi Jingming deserved half of her contribution, okay? If it wasn't for Yi Jingming's disobedience, maybe the last half of Rong Jia would be hers.

Mu Yanxi thought complacently, then took a deep breath, and sat across from Yi Wulan. Then he just lay on the table like this, with an attitude of 'I'm not feeling well, you don't even want to work'.

Yi Wulan just looked up at her lightly, but didn't say anything.

Mu Yanxi, who was neglected again, refused to let go: "I will steal all your business secrets to my sister someday."

Yi Wulan understated: "Well, it's your money anyway."

Mu Yanxi: ...It seems to make sense.

That's not okay.

So Mu Yanxi was fooled into changing his mind immediately, grabbed the chair, dragged it to Yi Wulan's side, and announced noblely and coldly: "Yi Wulan, for the sake of making money so hard, if someday If you go bankrupt, I'll steal my sister's money to support you."

Yi Wulan:...

Even though he knew that Mu Yanxi, a little money fanatic, was deliberately saying hypocritical words to tease people, Yi Wulan's heart was still inexplicably warm.

After Mu Yanxi finished speaking, she didn't care what Yi Wulan was thinking, she thought she had catered to Yi Wulan, and finally revealed her true purpose.

She turned on the tablet, pointed to the selfies she had selected in the album to show Yi Wulan, and said anxiously, "My dear, help me choose which selfie looks good to me?"

Yi Wulan:...

The expression on Yi Wulan's face finally couldn't hold back, and she looked at Mu Yanxi in astonishment, obviously she didn't expect that Mu Yanxi could even say the words 'heart' without changing his face.

Perhaps Yi Wulan's gaze was too awkward and weird, so Mu Yanxi called it another way: "Baby?"

This time, Yi Wulan was so called that he couldn't even hold the pen, so he dropped the pen in a gaffe, and made a very unreasonable 'slap' sound on the table.

Even after that, the expression on Yi Wulan's face was still tense, "Call me your name."

"Okay, okay." Mu Yanxi was worried that she would tease people too much, and no one would give her advice, so she had to stop joking, and pushed the tablet forward, "Help me see which one."

Yi Wulan frowned, "Is there a difference?"

"What's the difference?" Mu Yanxi rushed over, sticking her whole body on Yi Wulan's body, and pointed out the details to Yi Wulan, "Look, this angle is not very good, it's a little bit showing off Fat, and this picture of my eyes are all big and small! How can it be the same?"

Yi Wulan:...

Because of Mu Yanxi's sincere gaze, Yi Wulan studied it carefully, but couldn't see any difference in the angles of the two photos, let alone the big and small eyes in Mu Yanxi's mouth. .

From her point of view, these photos are exactly the same, and she has no idea what Mu Yanxi is struggling with.

However, Mu Yanxi's appearance is also recognized as good-looking. Even if it is taken with the camera of an old-fashioned high-density mobile phone, it can be used as a poster without repairing it.

But thinking of the selfie Mu Yanxi took on the bed before going to bed, she took dozens of selfies and picked out one. It seems that this time she was only asked to choose one from a few, which may have been selected by Xiaohua Peacock. The results of several rounds.

Mu Yanxi swiped back and forth on the tablet again, and finally put the nine photos together in the collage software, and placed them in front of Yi Wulan all at once.

Yi Wulan looked at the nine copied and pasted photos again, completely falling into choice phobia.

The last time Yi Wulan was so embarrassed was signing a tens of billions project.

Mu Yanxi thought that Yi Wulan didn't know the selection criteria, so she started to popularize Yi Wulan's science:

"This is not good. Look at this picture, the bangs on this side are a little less, and my face is not symmetrical."

"I've just photoshopped this one myself. Do you think it's too much photoshoot? Is the chin a bit too pointed?"

"The car logo on this one is blurred by the reflection of the sun, and those netizens can't see what to do."

Yi Wulan:...

Yi Wulan rubbed his temples with quite a headache, and ordered one casually: "Then this one."

Mu Yanxi glanced at the photos Yi Wulan had selected for a few times, then took them to the p-map software to repair them, and showed them to Yi Wulan in a random order, "What about now?"

Therefore, Yi Wulan made the wrong choice as a matter of course.

Mu Yanxi compared the two pictures, and decisively took Yi Wulan's newly selected photo for a p.

Then, he looked at Yi Wulan eagerly again.

After tossing back and forth like this for nearly half an hour, Mu Yanxi finally uploaded every photo in Jiugongge, and finally asked Yi Wulan to choose one.

This time, she also reluctantly felt that the photo Yi Wulan chose was not bad, she suddenly seemed to have solved some major life event, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and blinked at Yi Wulan, "Yi Wulan , We really have a good understanding, you think exactly the same as me."

Yi Wulan, who had been waiting patiently for half an hour, finally came to relief: ...

For some reason, when Mu Yanxi said this, Yi Wulan calmly let out a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved.

Pretending to be calm, she glanced at the photo Mu Yanxi sent her privately via WeChat, and quietly saved it in the album again.

Then he turned his head slightly to look at the side face of Mu Yanxi who edited Weibo, remembering the little expressions Mu Yanxi was struggling with just now, and slowly curled the corners of his lips.

I don't know where the little ancestor cultivated this little temper, pretentious but cute, and his unintentional every move is so seductive?

After Mu Yanxi selected the photos, she went to Xiaohongshu to search for the copy. This time I learned how to behave, instead of grabbing the same note and copying it down, I spent a few more seconds and chose the most popular one to copy and paste.

Then, taking advantage of the peak traffic season tonight, I quickly posted this photo on Weibo: [Mu Yanxi: The future will be bright, good luck is on the way (with photos)]

It was a selfie of her on a private beach, with the new sports car Yi Wulan bought for her parked beside her. She leaned against the door of the car, the sea breeze blew her hair, and there were faint ripples in those charming fox eyes. She was wearing a holiday dress that just came out in LV's season, and she was smiling brightly.

Not long after this Weibo post was posted, a large number of netizens flooded into the comment area. Many of them had experienced Mu Yanxi's out-of-group incident last time, and each of them was quite experienced to popularize science for those passers-by:

【Hahahahahaha, I know that the little vase will never let me down】

【The agent is on his way】

[Every time Teacher Mu goes out of the circle, she will be the first to market her flourishing beauty. In the future, whoever said that Teacher Mu has no utilitarianism, I will be the first to shoot her to death (dog head)】

[Mu Yanxi: Those official bloggers first praised me for being the most beautiful, so why don't I show it off? 】

[Is posting selfies just so satisfying to you? Can you run a business? 】

[Bold upstairs! Don't you see that Teacher Mu is serious about business? Didn't you see that the background is the beach and the water? Didn't you see the copywriting talking about the future and good luck? 】

Mu Yanxi was taken aback when she saw this comment. She really didn't think about it when she posted the copy. After all, she didn't want to be known by others when she saved someone yesterday.

Where do we need to rely on marketing to save the lives of living people? Do you have to measure how much benefit you will bring to yourself before saving someone?

Therefore, she didn't intend to take advantage of this incident to set up a persona, and helping others to do their best in times of difficulty is something she learned in nine-year compulsory education.

But Mu Yanxi is not a hypocritical person. The popularity that people give away for nothing is not in vain. She saved someone, so it is not too much to market her beauty?

It's just that the only thing that is more difficult is that she has been looking forward to the stars and the moon for two years, and finally she is looking forward to her popular manager, and she can't explain it.

Mu Yanxi thought for two seconds, and simply forwarded the netizen's analysis of her copywriting and screenshots of her selfies to the agent to express her attitude that she was still working hard.

However, the manager has been taking Mu Yanxi with him for two years, how could he not know Mu Yanxi's little thoughts?

The last time Mu Yanxi posted a selfie in Jiugongge, this time it became even more popular, but Mu Yanxi only posted one selfie, and she almost wrote the five characters "I have a ghost in my heart" on the copywriting.

After the manager clicked on the selfie and looked at it carefully for half a minute, he was so angry that he hung up his phone.

So obvious car brand logo and lv's new season, do you really think she is blind?

Can't even see this small thought?


Perhaps it was Mu Yanxi's good deeds today that made those black fans look up to her. The manager waited and waited, but they didn't wait for some netizens to mock Mu Yanxi's selfie.

But it's not just the melon-eating netizens who follow Mu Yanxi on the Internet, there is also Jiang Tong who has been brooding since Mu Yanxi suppressed the hot search and couldn't buy the popularity.

In a bar in the south of the city, the dazzling lights rolled, the music was deafening, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the entire private room was adjusted to the highest point.

Suddenly, one of the men dropped the wine glass in his hand, causing the scantily clad dancer in his arms to lose all blood on her face, and she rolled to the ground in fright: "Jiang, Jiang Shao..."

Seeing this, Yi Zizhuo waved at the dancers who accompanied him, and there were only three people left in the luxurious and lively private room.

Yi Zizhuo hooked Jiang Tong's shoulder: "What's the matter, brother, it's not enough for you to enjoy yourself after playing all out, do you want to change the place?"

Jiang Tong picked up another full glass of wine and downed it vigorously. After drinking it, he dropped the glass again: "Mu Yanxi, what is the origin of this Mu Yanxi? She suppressed all my hot searches today!"

Yi Zizhuo winked at Yi Jingming who was on the side, and said with a smile, "It's just a little star without a backstage. The thing with Jing Ming last time was that she had better luck, and happened to run into Yi Wulan and wanted to take back her honor." Jia Entertainment, hit and miss."

"That's it." Jiang Tong was thoughtful, and the bit of resentment in his heart dissipated immediately, "She just posted a sports car that I don't know where to photograph, I have to suppress her this time."

"When she posts the car, you also post the car. Isn't that a drop in price? Do you really take her seriously?" Yi Zizhuo looked at Jiang Tong's photo album and began to make suggestions, "If you want to post it, you have to post it. Ordinary people can't get in." place, like…”

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