MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 22

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There was silence in the air for two seconds, just when Mu Yanxi was about to tease her further, Yi Wulan suddenly said, "What about you.

Mu Yanxi was taken aback: "Huh?"

"What about you?" Yi Wulan looked over and asked again, "Do you like it?"

Mu Yanxi didn't know how to answer for a moment.

I thought I could see Yi Wulan's angry look as usual, but who would have thought that Yi Wulan would change his strategy and throw the words at her again.

Mu Yanxi opened her mouth: "I..."

Yi Wulan used the sentence pattern that Mu Yanxi asked just now, and asked: "After all, when we were discussing the marriage contract, I heard you say that you like me very much. Why did Miss Mu forget about it after more than a month?"

Her tone was flat, but Mu Yanxi somehow made Mu Yanxi feel a little guilty.

"D-Of course I haven't forgotten."

Yi Wulan seemed to have seen through Mu Yanxi's guilty conscience, and there was something meaningful in his eyes, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Mu Yanxi finally regained his composure, and began to talk nonsense without changing his face or heartbeat, "There is no one else in this world who can compare to you, of course I only like you."

Yi Wulan looked at Mu Yanxi's expression, but said nothing.

After a long while, when Mu Yanxi's arm supporting his body was slightly sore, a soft sigh came from his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a warm touch fell from the top of his head.

Mu Yanxi looked sideways, just in time to see Yi Wulan withdrawing her hand.

"Sit still, don't fall out because of the brakes later."

Even though the hand had left, Mu Yanxi still felt the touch on the top of his head just now, which could not dissipate for a long time.

She couldn't figure out Yi Wulan's mind, and always felt a little weird.

Can't tell what's wrong.

It disturbed her.

Mu Yanxi leaned back to the window on her side, admiring the bustling traffic and colorful neon night scene outside the window.

After a while, I suddenly realized something.

Was she molested by Yi Wulan just now?

Is Yi Wulan, an old antique, trying to trick her on purpose?

And she was like a brainless fish, obediently and actively bit the bait Yi Wulan handed over...

He just bit him and didn't realize the other party's intentions, so he was defeated.

Mu Yanxi gritted her teeth, feeling angry all over her body.

I endured and endured, but the temperature on my face was getting higher and higher, which was very uncomfortable.

Mu Yanxi yelled, "Driver, please lower the air conditioner."

Yi Wulan who was on the side heard the reputation and came over.

Mu Yanxi ignored it, trying to ignore Yi Wulan, then gritted her teeth, and added: "Just hit the bottom like last time, what a broken car, it's killing me."

I don't know if it was her delusion, but there was a faint laughter from beside her.

The old lady goes to bed early, and she doesn't need to be stuck in traffic at night like she does during the day. Therefore, when Mu Yanxi went home to take a shower, the hour hand had just passed ten o'clock.

Feeling thirsty after taking a bath, Mu Yanxi held on until she finished applying her skin care products, and then reluctantly went downstairs to the restaurant, looking for something to drink.

Just like when she lived with Mu Yanqing before, Mu Yanxi looked around but couldn't find the ice coke she wanted.

I have to say that Yi Wulan is really similar sometimes, and she only regards her as a younger sister who needs to be taken care of.

Mu Yanxi muttered a few words about this, until his eyes swept over the watermelon in the refrigerator, and his eyes lit up again.

The aunt who happened to be cleaning passed by. Seeing Mu Yanxi staring at the pile of knives in a daze, she enthusiastically came forward and asked, "Miss Mu, is there anything I can do for you?"

Mu Yanxi pointed at the knife with a confused face: "Which one is used to cut watermelon?"

She still remembered that the last time she used a meat cutter to cut a watermelon, the surface of the watermelon was directly stained with a strange smell, so she was much more cautious this time.

The aunt washed her hands: "Let me cut it for you, what kind of cut will it look like?"

"I want to squeeze the juice." Mu Yanxi licked her slightly dry lips, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Miss Mu, if you need anything, just call me."

Auntie moved very quickly, and within a few minutes, a large bucket of watermelon juice was squeezed out.

Mu Yanxi drank more than half of the glass in one breath, looking at the remaining half of the watermelon juice in the juicer, her conscience finally emerged a little bit, and she decided to show kindness and send Yi Wulan a glass too .

Re-express her tenderness and thoughtfulness, trying to restore her unwavering affection for Yi Wulan.

──In case you can't enter the door of the master bedroom later in the night.

After dawdling for a while, Mu Yanxi thoughtfully skimmed off the froth on the watermelon juice with a spoon, then took a tray in a very formal way, and shook it to Yi Wulan's study.

The study door was ajar, the whole floor was very quiet, and Yi Wulan's voice on the phone was very clear.

When Yi Wulan hung up the phone, Mu Yanxi felt his legs ache, and just as he took a step, his feet felt unsteady, and he slammed open the door of the study.

Yi Wulan finally noticed Mu Yanxi's existence, she looked over with a little surprise on her face: "Yanxi?"

At the door of the study, Mu Yanxi was wearing a white nightgown dotted with a few thin pieces of white gauze, and there was a glass of watermelon juice on the tray in his hand, which made Mu Yanxi look gentle and considerate, like an IKEA IKEA room .

Yi Wulan put down the phone, looked at Mu Yanxi for a while, and looked a little surprised, "What are you?"

Mu Yanxi finally recovered from the stare with Yi Wulan.

At the beginning, the desire to please Yi Wulan dissipated in an instant, and he just wanted to quickly escape from this embarrassing situation.

She hastily said: "I happened to be passing by, and my feet cramped and I couldn't stand firmly and accidentally broke in. Keep busy."

"I'm not busy, I just read a book for a while." Yi Wulan raised the book in his hand to signal.

"Then, then you continue to read."

Yi Wulan seemed to have sensed Mu Yanxi's thoughts, and looked at Mu Yanxi's hand: "I happen to be a little thirsty, can Yanxi give me that glass of watermelon juice?"

Mu Yanxi looked at the watermelon juice in his hand along the line of sight, and said firmly: "This is the juice I squeezed out myself, what should I drink if I give it to you?"

After a pause, after remembering his purpose, Mu Yanxi put on an expression of reluctance, and handed over the watermelon juice: "But since it will cost you so much money to take down Shuilin, then I will Let me give it to you."

Yi Wulan took the watermelon juice, and a smile flashed in those peach blossom eyes, which was fleeting.

Perhaps what happened at the family dinner tonight gave Yi Wulan a new understanding of Mu Yanxi's character.

It turned out that the little ancestor who flaunted his teeth and claws in front of outsiders was not as comfortable as he appeared to be at certain times.

The heart seemed to be filled with a very strange emotion, some joy, some hesitation, and even traces of boredom.

As soon as she came back, she locked herself in the study and processed the documents. She felt a little restless and couldn't bear to read it no matter what.

But seeing Mu Yanxi appear now, his mood unexpectedly calmed down.

Somewhat strange, but not exclusive.

However, Mu Yanxi didn't know what Yi Wulan was thinking.

The conscience that was left in his mind because of giving watermelon juice was instantly wiped out when he mentioned Shuilinfang.

She snorted softly: "Yi Wulan, the Shuilinfang project should be quite profitable."

What he said was a questioning sentence pattern, but the tone was very certain.

Yi Wulan nodded: "Rong Jia has done an assessment before, if you want to know more, I'll ask Gu Yan to send the documents."

"Hey, no need." Mu Yanxi took two steps forward, "What I mean is, you're going to make a lot of money anyway, and I, the hero who contributed to your project, shouldn't I also get some points?" ?”


Mu Yanxi said bluntly, "I gave you my watermelon juice just now, aren't you willing to give me even a small share?"

She emphasized again: "I squeezed it with my own hands. I originally planned to drink it for myself, but I gave it to you."

As if that glass of watermelon juice was plated with diamonds.

Yi Wulan looked at Mu Yanxi with great interest, and touched the table with her fingertips: "How much do you want?"

Mu Yanxi pursed her lower lip, facing the other party's gaze: "Four or six?"

Yi Wulan didn't answer.

Mu Yanxi probed again: "Then five five?"

Yi Wulan paused when she tapped the table, and then realized that the four or six that Mu Yanxi said at the beginning were Mu Yanxi six.

The little ancestor spends money lavishly, spending millions without blinking his eyes.

Sometimes, it's too shrewd.

Yi Wulan said in a flat tone: "Shuilin Fang has a huge investment and a long construction period. I don't know when the first fund will be recovered."

Mu Yanxi nodded, taking it for granted: "If you want money, go to my sister."

That is: if you want money, you go to Mu Yanqing, and you do the work yourself, but in the end you can only get 40% of the profit.

The rest has to be turned in.

Squeezed clearly.

"This is the project I recommended to you, and charging some interest is not too much." Mu Yanxi added without blinking, "We have been married for so long, and you are not even willing to give this little money. me?"

Well, the early bidding alone cost more than a billion yuan, and the later stage will cost several times the investment of "this little money" project.

Rao Yi Wulan has been in the mall for a long time, and he has never seen such a rude request.

But Mu Yanxi is different from the outsiders after all.

Yi Wulan didn't answer, just took a sip of watermelon juice from the cup, "Oh."

oh? Oh what do you mean?

Just when Mu Yanxi was about to ask questions, Yi Wulan looked at the tray Mu Yanxi was holding in his hand, and took the lead in bringing up the topic: "Miss Mu drinks water by herself on weekdays, is she so ritualistic?"

Mu Yanxi saw through Yi Wulan's thoughts, and after silently complaining about "capitalist vampires" in her heart, she quietly hid the tray behind her back and turned her eyes away.

Trying to hide the original intention of this glass of watermelon juice.

She quibbled: "We young people like this sense of ritual. If you drink water by yourself, you can't carry the tray? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

"En." Yi Wulan responded, and continued flipping through the book in his hand.

The atmosphere gradually cooled down, and it returned to the way it was before Mu Yanxi came, leaving only the sound of pages turning.

The wind from the central air conditioner blew down, mingling between the two of them.

It's like being left out in the cold.

Unconvinced, Mu Yanxi sat across from Yi Wulan, as if looking for some sense of existence.

Then, she watched Yi Wulan circle the book, not knowing what to write.

In short, a living person like her was completely ignored.

Mu Yanxi propped her chin in one hand, picked up a pen in the other, and poked Yi Wulan's book carefully.

"Pa-ta." Yi Wulan didn't hold down the page, but Mu Yanxi closed it all at once.

Mu Yanxi raised her head and saw Yi Wulan's expressionless face.

Mu Yanxi shrank her neck silently, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't mean to disturb you, I was just a little careless."

After thinking about it, she added: "Go ahead, I won't bother you."

Yi Wulan and Mu Yanxi looked at each other for a while, then sighed: "If you're bored, go back to your room and sleep."

Mu Yanxi would not give Yi Wulan a chance to sleep in a different bed, she still has tasks to complete tonight.

On weekdays, she seldom meets outsiders with Yi Wulan, even in Rongjia, because of Yi Wulan's identity, she can't feel the malice of others.

But after going to Yi's house at night, Mu Yanxi realized how covetous those people were about Yi Wulan's position when facing the other peers of Yi's family.

Yi Jingming alone was enough to make her wary.

Today, she happened to have Yi Jingming's evidence in her hand, and it happened that Bai Yu'an was a sensible and assertive girl.

What if she has no choice next time?

Yi Jingming was able to get her help in his previous life, and he can meet Bai Yu'an in this life, which shows that the aura of the protagonist in him has not disappeared.

The most urgent thing is to let Yi Wulan's legs get better as soon as possible, and the blood clot in his brain should be cleared as soon as possible.

It's just that since her rebirth, the ability has not waited for the second evolution.

Without higher-level abilities, it can only be done by people.

Mu Yanxi flatly rejected the proposal to go back to the room first: "I don't want it, I haven't been to your study very often, I want to see it."

"Then be quiet."

Mu Yanxi promised with a serious face: "I will be very quiet and won't disturb you."

However, after nearly ten minutes, Yi Wulan put down the document and pen in his hand, looked at the other side again with heavy eyes, and looked into the pair of bright fox eyes that stared at her unblinkingly.

"Can you stop staring at me?"

Mu Yanxi shrugged and said in an innocent tone, "Then what am I looking at?"

Yi Wulan dug out the document from Shui Linfang, "Don't you like this project? Look at this, don't look at me."

"The document is not as good as yours..." Mu Yanxi took it reluctantly, and then changed the topic to the beginning, "Will you pay me if I see this?"

"Are you short of money?" Yi Wulan seemed quite puzzled, "The card I gave you didn't set a limit."

"Then I'm missing it too." Mu Yanxi whispered timidly, and held up the document to cover her head, "Okay, okay, don't look at me like a robber, I can't read the document."

After finishing speaking, Mu Yanxi opened the heavy document and read it.

Yi Wulan was really flipping through unknown financial books, all written in English, circled and recorded numbers from time to time.

Mu Yanxi, on the other hand, had an attitude of coping.

Sure enough, within a minute of her seriousness, she started to move around again.

In view of being warned by Yi Wulan just now, Mu Yanxi didn't stare directly at Yi Wulan this time, but just looked at the things around Yi Wulan.

Then, accidentally, he glanced past Yi Wulan's face.

Yi Wulan glanced over, and Mu Yanxi pretended to be nonchalant and looked away, lowering her head and continuing to look at her documents.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door of the study, and the aunt brought in two servings of rice dumplings.

The grains are plump and round, dotted with golden sweet-scented osmanthus flowers, and the mellow aroma of the fermented rice rushes to the face, which is very attractive to the taste buds.

The aunt put the tray on Yi Wulan's side, picked up one of the bowls, put it in front of Mu Yanxi, and then backed out.

Mu Yanxi scooped up the spoon and found that it was a little hot, so she just stirred it to pass the time.

A few minutes later, a white hand suddenly reached out to Yi Wulan's eyes, hooking Yi Wulan's wrist.

Yi Wulan raised her eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There were so many people in the Yi family just now, so I didn't eat too much." Mu Yanxi paused, pointing her fingertips in the direction of the tray, "Give me that plate of icing."

The rice **** with fermented glutinous rice on the side smelled really good, but it was a pity that it tasted bland after one sip, and it catered to Yi Wulan's taste without even thinking about it.

As she said that, Mu Yanxi's outstretched hand was already spread out, as if she was waiting for Yi Wulan to hand her a small plate.

Yi Wulan frowned: "Mu Yanxi, are you here to read documents in my study, or to travel?"

So in the next second, Mu Yanxi used honorifics, and said politely: "Excuse me, honorable Mr. Yi, can you pass me the icing plate?"

Yi Wulan paused when turning the page, turned to get the icing sugar, and pushed the plate in front of Mu Yanxi: "Be quiet."

"Thank you." After Mu Yanxi thanked her, she was about to pour the icing sugar in.

I didn't know that the icing bag that my aunt brought up was unopened, and I tore it several times, but couldn't tear it open.

Mu Yanxi was about to turn her back on her body and bite her mouth when she heard Yi Wulan sighed softly, "Give it to me."

Mu Yanxi obediently handed over the icing bag.

Yi Wulan's cold fingertips brushed her palm, and took away the icing bag from her hand.

Mu Yanxi retracted her hand.

His hands are empty, but itchy.

She curled up her fingertips.

Within two seconds, Yi Wulan took out a pair of small scissors, cut open the bag of frosting that Mu Yanxi had torn apart, and handed it over while pinching the seal.

Mu Yanxi's heart moved, and she pushed her Jiuniang Yuanzi in front of Yi Wulan, tilting her head as a gesture.

Yi Wulan looked down, under the bright light of the eye protection, Mu Yanxi's fingers were as white as jade, and even the bowl of wine rice **** in her hand was shining with crystal luster, making it extraordinarily attractive.

The tip of the nose faintly smells of fermented wine, and even the air becomes sweet and greasy.

Mu Yanxi raised the corners of her lips, raised her upper body slightly and approached Yi Wulan, her voice was as soft as a spring: "Is that how good-looking I am?"

It was only then that Yi Wulan realized that her gaze, which was originally looking at Mu Yanxi's hand, had unconsciously shifted to Mu Yanxi's face.

Looking at that beautiful smiling face, it was difficult for her to say the word 'not good-looking' to refuse.

Helpless, I had to slightly open my eyes.

Just the next second, there was a soft touch on the fingertips. Yi Wulan was startled, and saw that Mu Yanxi slightly tilted the icing bag in her hand at an angle, just enough to sprinkle a few grains of icing on the bowl of fermented rice balls.

Naughty fingertips touched her hand from time to time, trying to hide, but couldn't.

It wasn't until half a packet of icing was sprinkled that Yi Wulan found a reason: "Okay, try it."

But Mu Yanxi deliberately ignored the bowl of Jiuniang Yuanzi, and made a uncomfortable look, "Am I not good-looking? I'm so ugly that you won't even give me an answer?"

Yi Wulan said jerky: "It's not ugly, it's pretty."

Not only now, but in Yi Wulan's impression, no matter what moment Mu Yanxi is, she is as beautiful as those fans on the Internet said.

They can stand out in the entertainment circle full of beauties, not because of any marketing, but because of their real beauty, without any fakes.

The smile on the corner of Mu Yanxi's lips became even brighter, and she took the Jiuniang Yuanzi with a smile, " look good today too."

Yi Wulan was helpless: "Only you can use this kind of words to describe me."

"Really?" Mu Yanxi stirred it with a spoon, "I'm telling the truth, it doesn't look like they flatter you. Do you prefer others to praise you for your success?"

Yi Wulan put the opened icing bag aside and said nothing.

Mu Yanxi asked again: "Yi Wulan, why don't you talk? Did you find that I'm better than them?"

Yi Wulan looked up and said, "Go back to your room early after eating."

"I'm already like this, and you still want to drive me away?" Mu Yanxi pretended to be surprised, and put down the spoon exaggeratedly with a 'snap', which was very unrefined.

Simply stood up, hooked Yi Wulan's fingertips and asked softly: "Then tell me what kind of person you like? Do you like someone who can act like a baby, or someone who is clingy, or someone like me?"

Yi Wulan carefully tasted the three styles mentioned by Mu Yanxi, and her eyebrows twitched.

At first glance, it seems that there are three styles, but after a closer look, there is no difference. No matter which one it was, it was Mu Yanxi.

When he raised his eyes again, he saw the cunning hidden in those fox eyes.

Yi Wulan froze, leaned back abruptly, and withdrew her hand, "Sit down."

She distanced herself for a while, and looked at the book in her hand again.

There was no loose expression on Yi Wulan's face, and his sitting posture was very upright, no different from usual.

Only the fingertips that were flipping through the pages curled up slightly as if they were on fire.

He knew that Mu Yanxi was pretending to be provocative.

But Yi Wulan stared at the rigorous calculation data in the book, but couldn't read it.