MTL - Secret Love-Chapter 11

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After seeing the mess in the room, Yi Wulan paused for a moment with the hand that pressed the wheelchair control panel, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Mu Yanxi with great interest.

There was a brief silence in the living room.

In the past, let alone spending millions, even if going to a fashion show cost tens of millions, Mu Yanxi wouldn't even bat an eye, since it was her own money anyway.

But this time, after all, it was the first time that Mu Yanxi spent Yi Wulan's money, and it cost several million at a time, and she also began to feel a little embarrassed.

At the same time, I didn't know what to do in my heart, and I became more and more guilty.

Yi Wulan was the first to break the silence, maneuvering the wheelchair close to the sofa, her eyes fell on those exaggerated and heavily colored lace dresses.

She carefully identified the clothes, then looked at Mu Yanxi, as if she was considering the suitability of the two.

She was silent for two seconds before she spoke: "So, you like this kind?"

Mu Yanxi followed her gaze, looking at the few gaudy dresses that were mixed in when she was looking for a row of clothes, and the more she looked at them, the more horrified she felt.

This seems to be a bit like the style that the aunts who line dance in the square love to wear.

Loose and soft, gorgeous colors, unnecessary decoration does not need to be piled up with money.

The most important thing is that one of them was chosen by Chi An and planned to buy it.

Very hot on the eyes.

Mu Yanxi took a deep breath and felt the need to explain: "Actually, I didn't buy these for myself."

Yi Wulan nodded casually, and didn't take her words seriously, as if she had already determined her aesthetics in her heart.

"I didn't buy this for my own use." Mu Yanxi took a skirt casually, repeated it again, then took the dress and gestured on Yi Wulan's body, and said bravely, "These are bought for you." your."

Yi Wulan was stunned for a moment, and said with some difficulty: "You bought it for me?"

Mu Yanxi nodded quickly, the more she thought about it, the more confident she became.

She didn't take the initiative to buy gifts for Mu Yanqing a few times, let alone give them to other people.

Yi Wulan should be honored to buy things for Yi Wulan right after she married Yi Wulan!

"Yes, giving gifts is good for promoting the relationship between husband and wife." Mu Yanxi thought for a while, and then added, "This is how people fall in love. Although you forgot, I don't blame you."

A few or two sentences directly reversed the direction of the wind, making it appear that Yi Wulan was the one who should apologize for doing something wrong.

After finishing speaking, without giving Yi Wulan any time to react, he manually pulled Yi Wulan's wheelchair over, and then pushed the pile of luxury goods in Yi Wulan's direction, announcing noblely and coldly: "These are all It's yours."

There was a hint of offering a treasure in the tone, waiting for the other party's compliment.

Yi Wulan didn't speak, but just slid her wheelchair back without any trace, and escaped from Mu Yanxi's shackles.

Then he took out his mobile phone with a blank expression, and switched to several text messages from the bank in the afternoon:

[[Xinyu Commercial Bank] Your bank card account with the end number 8899 completed consumption of RMB-270,000 at 13:53 on June 28, and the current balance is RMB...]

[[Xinyu Commercial Bank] Your bank card account with the end number 8899 completed consumption of RMB-1,782,000 at 13:56 on June 28, and the current balance is RMB...]

[[Xinyu Commercial Bank] Your bank card account with the end number 8899 completed consumption of RMB-880,000 at 14:01 on June 28, and the current balance is RMB...]


The whole living room suddenly heard the sound of needles falling.

Mu Yanxi leaned over to take a look, and finally closed her mouth.

This bank card ending in 8899 is on her body, it goes without saying where the money was spent.

The atmosphere was so embarrassingly stalemate for a long time. After Mu Yanxi couldn't stand the other party's gaze, she finally broke the silence, "You didn't say you couldn't use it when you gave me the card. If you don't give me flowers, then I will Give it back to you."

After speaking, he took out the bank card from his bag and handed it to Yi Wulan.

It looks like being squeezed by someone and having to hand over the money.

So pitiful, so wronged.

It's like being robbed of the fruits of your labor by ruthless capitalists.

For a while, Yi Wulan didn't dare to pick it up.

Yi Wulan looked at the bank card for two seconds, then suddenly let out a low laugh.

The voice was clean and soft, and the usually indifferent and serious peach blossom eyes revealed a smile: "I've given it to you, it's yours."

"Then I will reluctantly accept it." Hearing this, Mu Yanxi took the card back without hesitation, and even raised her chin, and said with an inch, "By the way, you haven't said thank you to me yet."

Yi Wulan was taken aback, with disbelief in her eyes: "So, I still have to thank you for spending my money and giving me gifts?"

"Yeah." Mu Yanxi's face was calm, but the hands behind her back were already twisting in embarrassment, and she said confidently, "It's difficult, shouldn't it be?"

Yi Wulan slid the wheelchair forward for a certain distance, her knee touched Mu Yanxi, and she just looked at her quietly.

There was an eerie silence in the living room.

Mu Yanxi and Yi Wulan looked at each other for a few seconds, then silently looked away.

She didn't do it on purpose.

If she hadn't seen the photo of Yi Wulan and Chi An together, she wouldn't be so impulsive.

She is still very diligent and thrifty in housekeeping and full of Chinese virtues.

After comforting herself, Mu Yanxi felt a little more confident, and rekindled her desire to reason with Yi Wulan.

It's a pity that before she had a long speech, when she turned her gaze back, she saw a smile on Yi Wulan's indifferent face.

Yi Wulan hasn't smiled so heartfeltly for a long time.

She was still young when she took over Rongjia, not to mention the old and cunning shareholders, even if she randomly pulled out an intern, she was older than she was at that time.

Her immature age made her used to hiding her joy. After a few years, she became more and more able to restrain her emotions. She became an unreasonable president in the eyes of others and turned herself into a working machine.

But Mu Yanxi is different from those people. Mu Yanxi is real and lively. Although she is a bit delicate and hard to keep, she has to admit that her occasional petty temper makes her feel very cute.

Yi Wulan seemed to have removed her usual disguise, and leaned back slightly on the back of the wheelchair, with an unconcealable smile in her eyes.

Mu Yanxi noticed the gaze on her face, which made her extremely uncomfortable. She put down the clothes in her hands, and the eldest lady who had restrained herself for a long time was about to lose her temper.

But before she staged a scene of 'newlyweds domestic violence in marriage', she caught Yi Wulan's peach blossom eyes by mistake.

On weekdays, there is always alienation and indifference of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but at this moment, it is like melting ice and snow, dotted with smiles, adding a bit of tenderness to Yi Wulan.

Mu Yanxi was stunned for several seconds before she realized that she was almost bewildered by Yi Wulan's beauty.

Yi Wulan didn't wait too long, and was about to leave while manipulating the wheelchair. Mu Yanxi pointed at the pile of things, and stopped him: "Wait."

Yi Wulan tilted her head: "Is there anything else?"

Mu Yanxi hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "You, you don't like anything?"

Is Yi Wulan so contemptuous of what she bought?

Anyway, there is also a pair of earrings that she specially chose for Yi Wulan.

Yi Wulan glanced around casually, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Since you picked it, why don't you use it yourself."

Mu Yanxi: ...

"What's so funny?" Mu Yanxi's face was almost stiffened by the other party's laughter.

Yi Wulan stopped smiling in time: "I don't think it's funny."

Mu Yanxi glanced at it, her face full of disbelief.

If it's not funny, could it be that a ghost was laughing just now?

Yi Wulan calmed down, "I just think you are a little different from what your sister said, you are much more sensible than what she said."

sensible? Treat her like a child?

Don't think she doesn't know that these days, Yi Wulan doesn't treat her as his wife.

She was twenty-three, and she was married to Yi Wulan.

You want to treat her like a child, right?

She is not.

"You don't like the things I gave you so much." Mu Yanxi lay down halfway along the sofa, as if she had no bones in her body, with a sad look, "Actually, I had a better job." I want to give you a gift."

Yi Wulan didn't respond at first, but when she looked at Mu Yanxi, his head was lowered, his eyes were a little wet, and under the dazzling chandelier, there seemed to be water on his eyelashes.

Like crying but not crying.

Yi Wulan curled up her fingertips slightly, recalling what she just said.

Mu Yanxi was spoiled and raised by Mu Yanqing, she has always been squeamish, and her tolerance should be much worse than others.

The other party finally gave her a gift, and she refused it so mercilessly just now.

Maybe, she was a little too much?

Yi Wulan frowned, but in the end she could bear her temper and leaned forward, "Did you buy anything else this afternoon? What was it?"

This was what Mu Yanxi was waiting for, but he still sighed with the attitude of being disgusted by giving gifts and being deeply shocked.

It made Yi Wulan get closer.

Until the distance between the two was getting closer, when Yi Wulan wasn't paying attention, Mu Yanxi suddenly reached out and grabbed Yi Wulan's wheelchair.

Touching his lips with the other hand, he asked lazily: "Of course the most valuable thing in me is myself, do you want it?"

Read The Duke's Passion