MTL - Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go-Chapter 3 The mighty **** of kidney, the ancient monument sign

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   In an instant, three years passed.

   News about Jun Xiaoyao still circulates throughout the Jun family.

   Everyone knows that as soon as Jun Xiaoyao was born, he alarmed the eighteenth ancestors and gave him his identity as a son of god.

   As for the serial number zero identity, under Jun Zhantian's deliberate restrictions, it did not spread.

   Because when Jun Zhantian was preparing to hold a ten-year-old banquet at Jun Xiaoyao, he invited all the immortal forces in the Wild Heaven and Immortal Realm to announce the identity of Jun Xiaoyao's zero sequence.

   is to make a name for Jun Xiaoyao.

   And this will give Jun Xiaoyao a chance to grow up for ten years with peace of mind.

   But when the time comes, if the rest of the Jun family is dissatisfied, you can only let Jun Xiaoyao solve it by himself.

   Jun Xiaoyao doesn't mind this.

   He still has confidence in his talent.

   Ten years is enough.

"Xiaoyao, after the five realms of the physical realm, there are the five realms of the gods of the gods, which are the gods of the heart, the gods of the liver, the gods of the spleen, the gods of the lungs, and the gods of the kidneys, which correspond to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. ."

   "When the five realms of the gods are completed, you can gather the spirit sea, condense the palace, and transform the true spirit."

   In a hall of Tiandi Palace, Jun Zhantian is explaining his practice to Jun Xiaoyao.

   In the past three years, Jun Xiaoyao has been consolidating his realm.

   Various holy medicines, **** pills, are placed in front of Jun Xiaoyao like Chinese cabbage every day.

  Resources are the most expensive thing in the cultivation of the ancient eucharist.

   But the Jun family is an ancient family, and it really can afford Jun Xiaoyao's resource consumption.

   After three years of accumulation, Jun Xiaoyao felt that he could break into the next realm at any time.

   "Grandpa, how long does it usually take to break through the five realms of the gods?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

   Jun Zhantian pondered: "General Tianjiao, it takes about five years. Peerless Tianjiao may also take two or three years. You are an ancient sacrament with unparalleled flesh. Perhaps one or two years will be enough."

   "A year or two?" Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

   After pointing out the path of cultivation, Jun Xiaoyao began to sink his heart to practice.

   What he cultivated is the supreme exercise method of the Jun family, Tai Xuan Jing.

   This Taixuan Sutra can be cultivated to the supreme realm, and it is one of the most top exercises of the monarch family.

   But as long as Jun Xiaoyao wants it, he can get any resource technique.


   Jun Xiaoyao's body, if there is thunder roaring, golden blood fills his body.

   The accumulation of these three years has exploded at this moment.

   If you look inside at this moment, you can see that the heart in Jun Xiaoyao's body is shining, as if a door is about to be opened.

   "This... won't..." Jun Zhantian on the side was a little startled.

   He has just finished explaining, is his grandson about to break through?

   I dare not write like this in novels!

   However, just when Jun Zhantian was shocked.

   Jun Xiaoyao's heart seemed to have a door blasted through.


   Jun Xiaoyao only felt that his physical body had been strengthened several times, the endless golden blood was surging, and his power instantly soared tenfold.

   "Does this open the heart of the gods, it seems that it is nothing more than that." Jun Xiaoyao doubted.

   He felt that it was not as difficult as Jun Zhantian said?

   Now that he broke through smoothly, Jun Xiaoyao did not hesitate, and continued to attack the next Shenzang portal.

   half an hour later.


  The God of Liver Cang was blasted once again, and the blood oscillated.

   Not long, the **** of spleen hides, open it again!

   Then there is the **** of lungs.

   Finally, when the day was about to pass, Jun Xiaoyao shook his whole body, and the **** of kidneys finally blasted away!

   At the moment when the five great gods in his body opened, Jun Xiaoyao felt as if he had turned into a **** of war, able to suppress the whole world.

   And the old man Jun Zhantian was just stunned and muttered blankly.

   "His mother, it took me two years to break through the five realms of God Hidden, this grandson actually broke through in one day..."

  People are more angry than people.

   Jun Zhantian feels like a waste in front of his grandson.

   No, it's just a waste.

   Except for his older age and higher cultivation base, he is nowhere better than Jun Xiaoyao.

   "Grandpa, I feel something is wrong." Jun Xiaoyao suddenly frowned.

   "What's wrong, could it be something wrong?" Jun Zhantian recovered and said nervously.

   Jun Xiaoyao is the treasure of the Jun family. If something goes wrong, the Eighteenth Ancestor will have to peel him off.

   "How do I feel that the power of the **** of kidney is stronger than the other four gods?" Jun Xiaoyao asked in doubt.

   This is not to say that his other four gods are not strong, but the kidney **** is too strong.

   Jun Zhantian hurriedly stepped forward to investigate, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes complicated with envy.

   "Grandpa, am I okay?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"Of course it's okay, Xiaoyao, you will have to open up more branches and leaves for your grandfather's line in the future. When the ten-year-old feast comes, I will ask Jiang Rou to give you the pearl of their Jiang family." Jun Zhantian said .

   "This..." Jun Xiaoyao was taken aback, and then suddenly realized.

   Dare to love the ancient Eucharist also has a bonus in that respect.

   But Jun Xiaoyao is not the brains of a worm, no matter how good his kidneys are, he can't mess around.

   As for arranged marriages, Jun Xiaoyao would not like any Jiang's pearl in his hand.

   "By the way, grandpa, do you know what the Taiyue monument is?" Jun Xiaoyao changed the subject.

   For the past three years, Jun Xiaoyao has been settling, and he has not signed in.

   Now that his cultivation base has broken through again, it is time to sign in at the sign-in place and receive the reward.

"The Taiyue Ancient Stele was originally a stone stele standing in the Wild Heaven and Immortal Realm to test the physical strength, but it was later dug back by our Jun family. UU Reading was placed in the fighting field for later disciples to test the physical body. "Jun Zhantian said.

   "It turned out to be like this..." Jun Xiaoyao was slightly sweaty.

   Jun's family is really overbearing, and he dug back the Taiyue monument directly.

   But this is good, it saves Jun Xiaoyao the effort to find.

   "Grandpa, I want to try the Taiyue Ancient Stele." Jun Xiaoyao said.

   "This..." Jun Zhantian hesitated.

   The younger generations who go to the Jun Family Fighting Arena are generally over ten years old.

   Jun Xiaoyao is only three years old now, even if it is a rare ancient Eucharist, but if it really needs to be tested, it may still be better than those who are older.

   "Grandpa, don't worry, I just try it, it doesn't matter if I fail." Jun Xiaoyao said.

   He just wanted to sign in and receive a reward.

   "Well then." Jun Zhantian nodded slightly.

   It’s good to be frustrated, kid.

   It saves too much talent and develops that kind of arrogant personality.

   "Follow the grandson when the time comes. If you fail, I can comfort him..." Jun Zhantian thought silently in his heart.

   "It's been three years, and finally I can walk out of the Heavenly Emperor Palace!"

   Jun Xiaoyao walked out of Tiandi Palace.

   Although he is only three years old, he already looks like a five or six year old boy because of the ancient Eucharist.

  The black hair is crystal clear, the roots glow, and the skin is crystal clear as jade.

   The five senses are like carved from the sky, handsome and natural.

   At a very young age, he was born a fairy and handsome, like a young banal fairy.

  It is hard to imagine that when he grows up, Jun Xiaoyao will be so handsome and handsome.

   "What reward can I get for signing in to the Taiyue Ancient Monument?" Jun Xiaoyao was curious.