MTL - Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go-Chapter 1 Sign in to the Great Eucharist, the vision of Halloween worship!

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   Huangzhou, one of the three thousand states, is the family residence of the ancient family and the monarch.

   The Jun family is an extremely glorious force on the side of Xianyu, inheriting countless epochs, and the ancestors have produced the Supreme Emperor.

   During this period, the entire Huangzhou and the Huangtian Immortal Territory were trembling.

   There is a dragon and phoenix phantom, which surrounds the Void God Island where the Jun family is located, and emits dragons and phoenixes.

   There are rumors, it is because the Jun family has a legendary heir who was pregnant for ten years and is finally about to be born...

   Jun's Void God Island, in the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

   There are many elders in the family, short of breath at the moment, looking at the infant baby.

   Since birth, the baby has never cried, only a blank look in his big eyes.

   But what the people always care about is this baby, who is surrounded by golden glow, like a young real dragon.

   "This is... the ancient sacrament?" An elder took a deep breath.

   "Yes, it is definitely an ancient Eucharist. Why should the heavens treat my Jun family like this!" Another clan elder cried out sadly.

  The clan has the ridiculous ancient Eucharist. Not only did they have no surprises, but they thumped their chests and felt very disappointed.

  The reason is very simple. In the famine ancient years, the Eucharist was indeed strong, and it could be ranked in the top five of the three thousand physiques. It could compete with the eternal fairy body, the chaotic **** body, and the heavenly hegemonic body.

   Great sacred body, even called the emperor of Bangu.

   But in modern times, the laws of heaven and earth have changed drastically, and the environment is no longer suitable for the cultivation of the ancient Eucharist.

   Ten chains even fell from the sky to restrain the growth of the Eucharist.

   At this moment, that baby, Jun Xiaoyao, looked blank.

   "I have crossed, and there is a tasteless ancient Eucharist?"

   Jun Xiaoyao was an orphan in his previous life and was adopted by a blind fortune teller.

   The blind man said that although he was poor and lonely in this life, he would definitely be blessed by God in the next life and reach the pinnacle of life.

   Jun Xiaoyao was still quite unbelief at that time, but an accident took his life, opened his eyes again, and became a baby.

   "It seems that I have indeed been born at the end of my life." Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

   From the words of those clan elders, Jun Xiaoyao could hear that the Jun family he was in was an ancient family, which was extremely brilliant.

   It can be said that others were born at the starting line, but Jun Xiaoyao was born directly at the end.

   "It's just...I was born in such a sky-defying family, why is my physique so wasteful? Could it be a wasteful start?" Jun Xiaoyao slandered.

   Just then, a mechanical sound rang in his mind.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the sign-in system!"

   "Ding, refresh the sign-in location, birthplace, Tiandi Palace!"

   "Ding, this sign-in triggers the newcomer's lucky crit, and you can get rare rewards of more than five stars. Do you sign in?"

   "Is there a system?"

   Jun Xiaoyao is not too surprised.

   "Sign in!" Jun Xiaoyao said silently in his heart.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host, sign in successfully, get the eight-star rare reward, and become an ancient Eucharist!"


   At the moment the system sound rang, Jun Xiaoyao only felt that an unparalleled force, like a volcano, erupted from his body.

   On his body surface, ten semi-illusory golden shackles appeared, it was those ten imprisonments!

"what happened?"

   The clansmen were startled, their eyes all turned towards Jun Xiaoyao.

   Then, among the shocked eyes of the clans.


   The first golden chain, broken!


   An extremely terrifying qi and blood surged out.

   Click, the second golden chain broke again!

   The entire Tiandi Palace is shaking, Haoguang is a masterpiece!

   Then the third, fourth, fifth...

   Finally, ten chains, all broken!


   Above the nine heavens, the weather has changed, and thunder is surging!

   There are many phantoms of saints emerging from the sky, densely packed, with more than 10,000 in number, all worshiping in the direction of the Junjia Shendao!

   This vision shocked the entire Wild Heaven and Immortal Realm!

   "Oh my God, what's going on, there is a saint in the sky!"

   "The direction of their worship is Huangzhou Jun's house!"

   "It's definitely the Jun family's unicorn who had been pregnant for ten years. What kind of physique did he actually trigger the vision of Wansheng's worship?"

  Desolate Heaven and Immortal Realm, three thousand states, many ancient forces, and great figures of the immortal dynasty are amazed!

   Such a vision is rare in ancient times.

   Even when the ancient emperor was born.

  Many people are curious, what kind of enchanting physique is the unicorn of the Jun family?

   And at this moment, in the Palace of Heavenly Emperor, all the elders who have been used to seeing the vicissitudes of life are still in place with a dazed expression.

   One of the old men in golden robe with white beard and hair has tears in his old eyes.

   "Haha, this is my grandson, my grandson looks like a great emperor!"

   The old man's name is Jun Zhantian, he is a high-ranking clan elder in the Jun family, but at this moment he is dancing like an old urchin, holding Jun Xiaoyao, and he can't help himself.

   Jun Xiaoyao was slightly sweaty when he heard this familiar sentence.

   He felt like an old general on the stage, with flags all over his back.

   really deserves to be my grandfather.

   "It's great, the ridiculous ancient Eucharist that was born to break the shackles is indeed unheard of. I can't find one after searching historical data for millions of years!" A clan elder admired.

   "With this son, my family can fight for the throne of the first generation!"

"Hehe, the Ancestral Dragon Nest of the Primordial Royal Family, a Dragon Aotian with the blood of the emperor's dragon came out, and he dared to provoke our Jun family, saying that our Jun family has no younger generation. It is really ridiculous!" It was a mockery.

   Although their monarchs are in the wilderness and are extremely brilliant, they are not without enemies.

   Ancestral Dragon’s Nest, Wanhuang Lingshan and other ancient imperial clans were the forces that had sins with the monarch’s family.

   There are also places such as life forbidden zone and burial ground for eternity, which also have hidden dangers.

   But the clansmen believe that all these hidden dangers will be resolved with the arrival of Jun Xiaoyao.

   Because they got it from the Jun family, but a great ancient sacrament who broke the shackles!


   Jun Xiaoyao's body, golden blood flows in the blood vessels.

   After breaking the shackles of the Eucharist, his breath also rose steadily.


   Forging bones!

   change blood!

   Through the aperture!


   In the stares of Jun Zhantian and the clansmen. UU reading www.

   Jun Xiaoyao’s cultivation is directly linked to the five realms of the flesh body.

   You have to know that even for some of the gods, it takes at least five years to reach the physical body, and that is still on the premise that there are many holy medicines.

   But Jun Xiaoyao was only born within a quarter of an hour, and even the five levels of broken flesh, spreading out will make a group of heavenly proud people doubt life.

   "The ancient sacrament that broke the shackles, it's really a **** evildoer!" Rao is the group of elders who have seen more of the world, and can't help but say vulgar words.

   But the more amazing thing is still to come.

   In the whole body of Jun Xiaoyao, it seems that there are phantoms of saints floating up and down, singing worship to Jun Xiaoyao!

   "Is this a vision of the Eucharist, the pilgrimage of Halloween?"

   Jun Zhantian and other elders, their brains are a little numb with shock.

   Generally speaking, all kinds of Eucharist have their own unique visions.

   "It is rumored that the ancient eucharist has become a desolate body, and it has six visions. After all of them are awakened, the six visions form six reincarnations, which can push all enemies in the world!"

   Jun Zhantian smiled from ear to ear, he seemed to have seen the magnificent scene of thousands of people coming to worship when his grandson became emperor in the future.

  Don't even talk about these old people, even Jun Xiaoyao himself can't help but sigh.

   I have an invincible talent, an invincible background, and a sign-in system. How can other talents of this era live?

   Just when Jun Xiaoyao felt that he wanted to keep a low profile in the future.

   There was a systematic voice in his mind again.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host, the new sign-in location has been refreshed!"