MTL - School Heroine Secretly Loves Me-Chapter 80 early morning

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Wen Wenyao's expression darkened, and he looked out the window.

It's the same again...

This idea again...

Since Song Nanqiao left, Wen Wenyao felt like a little devil living in his heart, from time to time, he would come up and tell her to find Song Nanqiao and tie her up.

In the days when Song Nanqiao was away, Wen Wenyao thought about this the most.

But now that Song Nanqiao is back, Wen Wenyao's situation has not improved, but has become more serious. She is not willing to leave Song Nanqiao for a moment, she wants to hide Song Nanqiao like this and protect her well, I don't want others to know.

"You are my baby..." Wen Wenyao leaned down and kissed Song Nanqiao's forehead.

Stand up.

Wen Wenyao looked at Song Nanqiao on the bed, slowly, the girl's cheeks began to turn a little pink, her expression was a little dazed, Wen Wenyao seemed to be thinking of something, and couldn't help grabbing Live in your own clothes.

She hasn't been close to Song Nanqiao for a long time, the two of them have been living for several years, and now Song Nanqiao is asleep, the two cannot have a relationship, but that doesn't mean she can't post with Song Nanqiao a bit.

Thinking about it for a while, Wen Wenyao finally made up her mind and took off her clothes, since she was her girlfriend anyway, so it shouldn't matter.

Wen Wenyao took off her clothes, revealing a flawless body, a beautiful body.

The white, tender, smooth, breakable skin was exposed to the air.

Whoever sees this scene will hold their breath and dare not look directly at the woman in front of them.

"Sorry...I really like to give you back, don't blame me."

Wen Wenyao bit her red lips, lifted the quilt, and slowly fell asleep beside Song Nanqiao.

Song Nanqiao was only wearing a thin pajamas. When Wen Wenyao turned over and hugged her, the two of them were almost in close contact.

Wen Wenyao nestled in Song Nanqiao's arms, feeling the body temperature of her lover.

This feeling

I really haven’t felt it for years…

I have never been so close to anyone in all these years.

Wen Wenyao shyly buried her face in Song Nanqiao's arms, remembering that Song Nanqiao also held her to sleep like this when she was young.

"I miss you so much..."

"You can't run around in the future."

"No one can hurt you."

"I want you to sleep with me every night."

Wen Wenyao stuck to Song Nanqiao's ear and said tenderly.

Although Song Nanqiao can't hear her now, it doesn't matter, she will tell her tomorrow.

Late night

Wen Wenyao hugged Song Nanqiao, sleepy, looking at Song Nanqiao's delicate face, with sweetness and nostalgia, slowly fell into a deep sleep.

With Song Nanqiao by my side, dreams are sweet.


Under the stimulation of the sun, Song Nanqiao gradually opened her eyes.

Ah...she remembered, yesterday she seemed to help the girl drink a glass of wine, and then fell asleep because of her poor health.

This is not her own room, Song Nanqiao suddenly woke up and reached out to lift the quilt, but Que accidentally bumped into another **** the bed.

The touch on the palm is too soft…

Song Nanqiao turned his head sharply and looked at the woman sleeping beside him in disbelief.

The fair and supple skin was exposed to the sun, the jet black hair was scattered on the pillow, and a small part covered the girl's collarbone.

Perfect face with delicate red lips, a familiar and beautiful face is constantly impacting Song Nanqiao's brain.

Wen Wenyao? ? …

These three words suddenly appeared in Song Nanqiao's mind.

She didn't dare to confirm that she hadn't seen Wen Wenyao for too long. After so many years, the face of the girl in her memory was not so clear.

Song Nanqiao has always been a calm person and will not act rashly.

She approached the person next to her and wanted to take a closer look, but just as she approached, the girl opened her soul-stirring eyes. Very beautiful, very clean, obviously with fascinating peach blossom eyes, but inconceivably with a bit of pure childishness.

It's instantly recognizable.

Song Nanqiao: It seems to be really…

"Good morning baby..."

Wen Wenyao smiled sweetly, propped herself up, hooked Song Nanqiao's neck, huddled tightly in her arms, and kissed her under Song Nanqiao's bewildered look lips.

The sweet kiss with the girl's faint body fragrance made Song Nanqiao feel dizzy.

As soon as she met Wen Wenyao's gaze, Song Nanqiao felt like she was being stared at by Queen Medusa, and at a glance, she was stunned and at a loss.

When approaching Song Nanqiao, Wen Wenyao's beauty was constantly magnified.

Song Nanqiao's face was too good-looking.

Wen Wenyao is worthy of Wen Wenyao…

No matter before or now, such a face is unique and beautiful. This face has always been impacting Song Nanqiao's aesthetic upper limit...

"'re so pretty."

Can't help it, Song Nanqiao said this sentence.

"Then do you like it?" Wen Wenyao smiled, lifted the quilt, and put the whole body on Song Nanqiao

Because of no clothes, as soon as the quilt is spread, Song Nanqiao can easily see all of Wen Wenyao.

It's too foul...Even if it is exposed, I wouldn't dare to see it.

"I don't know..." Song Nanqiao closed his eyes with blushing cheeks, Wen Wenyao was always like this...

"Look at me, baby." Wen Wenyao kissed Song Nanqiao's mouth and whispered into her ear.

"Don' look too good..."

Song Nanqiao closed her eyes, she knew that she was nervous when she saw Wen Wenyao's face, a woman who was too good-looking was too tempting for her. He picked up the sheet next to him and wrapped Wen Wenyao tightly.

"Is it wrong to look good?"

The girl was a little aggrieved, and Song Nanqiao didn't even look at herself.

"You let me slow down."

Song Nanqiao took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and looked directly at the girl in front of her.

"Sorry..." Song Nanqiao hugged her and stroked her lover's smooth hair with both hands.

Wen Wenyao's appearance brought her too much surprise, Song Nanqiao could only organize her thoughts in a short time and force herself to calm down.

She still doesn't know why the other party appeared here, obviously from two worlds, and now Wen Wenyao seems to be rich or expensive, and her identity is unknown, Song Nanqiao feels a little bit panic.

"You don't look at me..."

"My fault, because you're too good-looking, I'm worried that I won't be able to hold it."

"Don't hold back, you can do whatever you want to me now."

Wen Wenyao pinched Song Nanqiao's cheek and showed a pure and sweet smile.


"Don't worry, I'm your girlfriend, you can do those things to me."

Wen Wenyao rolled her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something. On the surface, this sentence was for Song Nanqiao, but it was actually her own courtship signal.

She has been thinking about doing those things with Song Nanqiao for a long time...

"Not yet..."

Song Nanqiao hesitated for a while, but was still ready to tell her.


Wen Wenyao was even more aggrieved. The lover who finally wanted to return to her side didn't even let her touch her. How could Wen Wenyao not be sad? Very scary thought.

"Did you have someone else's woman out there?"

"No" Song Nanqiao was scared all of a sudden, and always felt that the situation was not very friendly to her.

"Lying..." Wen Wenyao looked at her with resentful eyes.

"Not really!"

"Then why don't you sleep with me."

"Because... I'm not well."

Song Nanqiao pressed Wen Wenyao's shoulder and her expression became serious.

"What's the matter with you?" Looking at Song Nanqiao's eyes that didn't seem to be deceiving, Wen Wenyao suddenly panicked and kept looking at Song Nanqiao, wondering what was wrong with Song Nanqiao .

"Listen to me, Wen Wenyao. I was shot through the heart in the original world, and now my body has not been fully repaired, and I can't do strenuous exercise for a long time, so I can't do that yet. kind of thing."


Wen Wenyao seemed to think of something, and hurriedly pulled Song Nanqiao's collar, wanting to see her injury.

"There is no wound, but the inside of the heart has not been repaired."

This sentence means that the body has no scars, but there are some organ problems in the body. These wounds will not be seen, so from the whole body, Song Nanqiao seems to be fine .

"That's right...I remember." Wen Wenyao recalled that night yesterday. .

When I rubbed Song Nanqiao's body, I didn't seem to find any scars on the other party's body.

I was in a hurry just now, but now I think about it, but she still loves Song Nanqiao, why does her baby suffer so much...

" hurts." Song Nanqiao covered his heart.

I really shouldn't drink last night, the high concentration of alcohol seems to have burned part of her organs.

"Where does it hurt?!" Wen Wenyao asked nervously.

Taking a shirt to put it on, Wen Wenyao picked up his mobile phone and was about to call the personal doctor.

Song Nanqiao's health cannot be delayed.

"Maybe it's the reason why I drank high concentration of alcohol last night, I won't dare to drink again next time..." Song Nanqiao didn't cry out in pain, just covered his heart and adjusted his breathing .

Thinking of what happened last night, Wen Wenyao's anger rose. It was the director who forced his girlfriend to drink.

Wen Wenyao will not let him go.

When the private doctor came to examine Song Nanqiao's body, Wen Wenyao went out and made a phone call.

"Release the evidence of his unspoken actor, and the investment in the new drama has also been withdrawn."

"Okay, Miss Wen."

"By the way, he also has tax evasion."

"Okay, Miss Wen."

The author has something to say: the donkeys of the spawning team dare not think of you so much

Tired of updating

woo woo woo

Your luxury off-road version will not be finished until I have a holiday

It takes a long time to write an off-road vehicle with 10,000 words. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-2900:23:05~2021-05-3014:39:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow bomb: Han Yao 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Mo Qiya~, Bai Ran 3; Looking to the North, Listening to the Wind, Desire, Shi Muming, Tuo, 23365905, alexia 14, Feng Qi 1 ;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: no 150 bottles; white 1450 bottles; orange 42 bottles; Fengqi 33 bottles; 13 bottles for the month; 11 bottles for panic; the dream is in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. . . , 26338216, Flying Pig, Erliang, Susu, рыцарь 10 bottles; no need to lift 9 bottles of chestnuts; 7 bottles of Xiaoyuan who loves to eat really good; I'm so hungry, Luoqing, my wife lost again, Zhang Yufan 19985 bottles; Park Chaeyoung's girlfriend outside the circle has 4 bottles; you, Kim Taeyeon's wife, 3 bottles of white burning; -jen-2 bottles; Tiancangchang, the current brush bowl, Jimo, 1, arashramni 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!