MTL - School Heroine Secretly Loves Me-Chapter 69 escort

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"What is Mr. Xu's plan?" A boss asked, since Mr. Xu runs this chamber of commerce, he must have a solution.

"I entrusted the military to help compete for the development site. The military will arrange it properly. As for us, as long as we unite well and condense the market."

Mr. Xu looked at the bosses around him, with a hint of cunning on his face, in fact, he only said half of it, his cooperation with the military is not just as simple as competing for development...

A person like Wen Guangquan will die if he wants to be rectified, and he cannot be given any chance to get back up again, otherwise he will suffer endlessly.

Old Xu thought for a while, Wen Guangquan has been sitting on the seat of the eldest brother for so many years, and now it is time to let it go...

Song Nanqiao touched Liu Xuwen with her elbow and motioned for the other party to lean over and listen to her.

"What's wrong?"

"You ask if the military is reliable." Song Nanqiao lowered his voice and said something in Liu Xuwen's ear.

"Yes." Liu Xuwen nodded.

"Is the military reliable?" Liu Xuwen pretended to cooperate with them and pretended to ask.

"The foreign military is my long-term partner, President Liu can rest assured." Mr. Xu knew Liu Xuwen, smiled and nodded at him, looking very confident.

Long-term cooperation…

Song Nanqiao tapped lightly on the table with his hand, and began to think about things that may not be known.

Mr. Xu is a businessman and has long-term cooperation with foreign militaries. It is absolutely impossible to simply do some business. In this world, foreign military does not have too many constraints , In addition, Liu Xuwen just said that this old Xu can eat both black and white. So... it is very likely that he is doing some arms deals or bribing foreign military forces, in order to obtain a lot of benefits for himself.

No wonder this development site is taken so seriously…

"I'm starting to worry about Wen Guangquan..." Song Nanqiao was talking to the system secretly.

I originally thought that this chamber of commerce would only be suppressing and competing at most, but now it seems that this old Xu is likely to want Wen Guangquan's life. And the chance of success may be greater than Song Nanqiao imagined.

"So you want to save him." The system replied.

"It means that." Song Nanqiao would not help Wen Guangquan completely.

The most she wants to do is to let Wen Guangquan give up competing with the military for development land. As for these merchants, there is no problem in hitting them hard. The most important thing is the opinion of the military.

"Whatever I ask you to say in a moment, you say it."

“Uh uh uh…”

Liu Xuwen nodded stupidly.

In the next meeting.

Song Nanqi was listening carefully, taking pictures of Liu Xuwen from time to time and asking him to say a few words on his behalf.

In about two hours, the meeting ends.

The result of the meeting was that all the businessmen present joined the chamber of commerce, uniting the front against Wen Guangquan.

After walking out of the meeting, Song Nanqiao and Xu Lao looked at each other, and then prepared to leave, but Xu Lao stopped her.

"The lady stopped."

Old Xu lowered his voice, with a sense of threat, not allowing Song Nanqiao to refuse, as if he wanted to force Song Nanqiao to stay.

"Are you okay?"

Song Nanqiao turned around and replied without changing her face.

"Just now I saw that you have been conveying your will to President Liu. You must be the leader of your company." Mr. Xu didn't go around with Song Nanqiao. He was just curious about Song Nanqiao and asked if he wanted to. .

The words Liu Xuwen just said can only be said by a mature businessman. Only a thoughtful and experienced businessman will say these words at a meeting.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on him alone. Xu Lao respects Liu Xuwen on the surface, but he only regards the other party as a child in his heart.

How many catties and taels of Liu Xuwen, Xu Lao knows very well.

"I'm just a secretary who gives advice to the boss." Song Nanqiao did not admit it directly, and she was not ready to reveal her identity to anyone.

A Wen Guangquan is very troublesome. If it attracts the attention of others, Song Nanqiao's development will only be more difficult.

"Miss is so humble."

Elder Xu has always been very accurate. He knew that the girl in front of him was much stronger than those bosses, so he secretly remembered Song Nanqiao's face in his mind.

"I'll go back first if I have nothing to do. Thank you for the hospitality." Song Nanqiao didn't want to stay here for a long time. The longer he stayed, the more information he revealed.

"Okay, please come back, miss."

Old Xu knew that Song Nanqiao didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he followed her wish.

Liu Xuwen was already waiting for Song Nanqiao in the car.

Song Nanqiao said to the driver, "Go to the company first."


The driver stepped on the accelerator, drove the car, and quickly left the nightclub.

After a short ten-minute drive, Song Nanqiao didn't speak, and looked a little dignified. Liu Xuwen opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything, she could only look at Song Nanqiao's face.

When the two arrived at the company, Song Nanqiao glanced at Liu Xuwen.

"I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay, ma'am."

Liu Xuwen hurriedly followed behind Song Nanqiao.

In the office, two people sat on the sofa.

"That old Xu, be careful, although you agreed to the request of the Chamber of Commerce, but remember to leave your relationship with them."


How dangerous Mr. Xu is, Liu Xuwen also knows.

"If there is no support from the military, this chamber of commerce will soon collapse. When this chamber of commerce fails, we must get out as soon as possible." Song Nanqiao paused for a while, and went on with a long speech.

"Although Wen Guangquan likes dictatorship, it is a good thing for the residents of this city. Wen Guangquan did not do any business that disrupted social order, but Mr. Xu is different. , do more than Wen Guangquan. We may not be life-threatening if we scramble for a seat with Wen Guangquan, but if we scramble with Xu Lao, we will definitely die."

"Then what do we do?" Liu Xuwen can understand what Song Nanqiao means, but what can they do?

"I want to help Wen Guangquan get rid of the threat of the military first. As for the Chamber of Commerce, if they can threaten Wen Guangquan's position, that is the best. We just need to sit on the side and reap the benefits of the fisherman. That's it."

Song Nanqiao's words awakened Liu Xuwen, and Liu Xuwen nodded, which was also the best situation for them.

Song Nanqiao looked at him puzzled.

Liu Xuwen held back her smile and continued: "I thought you helped Wen Guangquan for Miss Wen."

Liu Xuwen thought about it, after all, Song Nanqiao was in love with Wen Wenyao, and Wen Guangquan was Wen Wenyao's father. He said that he loved Wu and Wu, and Song Nanqiao would definitely be affected a little.

"Don't ask if you have a lot of words that shouldn't be asked" Song Nanqiao obviously didn't want to talk about this topic.

This is the biggest flaw in her crossing over.

"Okay, I won't talk about it." Liu Xuwen also knew that this was not a joke, and quickly shut up.

"I'm going home."

"Okay, I'll let the driver take you."

10 PM

Song Nanqiao got out of the car and walked to the door of his house with tired steps.

Before taking out the key, the door opened.

A cute little man threw himself into his arms.

"You're back!" Wen Wenyao took Song Nanqiao's hand and led her into the house.

After entering the house, Song Nanqiao noticed that Wen Wenyao was wearing only a large T-shirt on the upper body, as if it was his own clothes, showing two tender thighs, walking At that time, Song Nanqiao could still see some details clearly.

Her eyes darkened, and she pulled Wen Wenyao to the sofa.

"Why not wear pants..."

The weather is still cold now, Song Nanqiao will definitely feel distressed for treating her body like this.

"I don't want to wear it at home." Wen Wenyao hugged Song Nanqiao's arm coquettishly, she just wanted to wear Song Nanqiao's clothes.

This T-shirt is full of Song Nanqiao's taste... She doesn't want to take it off at all.

"What if it's too cold?"

"No, the heating at home is off."

Wen Wenyao has a physique that is not afraid of cold.

"You can't do this in the future, and you can't wear it like this to open the door for me in the future." Song Nanqiao pinched her cheek and seemed a little unhappy.

"Are you afraid that others will see it?" Wen Wenyao guessed Song Nanqiao's thoughts, and obediently huddled in Song Nanqiao's arms, stroking her collarbone.

"What do you say?"

Song Nanqiao picked up Wen Wenyao and put it on his lap. The girl's fair legs were resting on his lap. Song Nanqiao just glanced at it and had a hint of depraved impulse …

I accidentally touched it, and the delicate touch made Song Nanqiao's heart tremble...

"Don't worry, I only belong to you." Wen Wenyao straightened up slightly and slowly kissed Song Nanqiao's cheek.

The breath that belongs to Wen Wenyao was overwhelmed.

"Want to come again?" Song Nanqiao's voice became a little hoarse, and the back of his ears was all rosy.

"Okay, I will satisfy the baby." Wen Wenyao smiled, like a little fox, pulled Song Nanqiao's hand seductively, and led Song Nanqiao into her room go…

Late night

Song Nanqiao got up, drank a glass of water, and lay back again.

After being happy, I began to worry.

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, that sentence really came true... After this chamber of commerce is over, I can't sleep peacefully.

She must meet Wen Guangquan...the sooner the better.

"What's wrong?"

Xu is because Song Nanqiao moved a little, Wen Wenyao was woken up, opened his eyes in a daze, and stuck to Song Nanqiao's side.

"I have something to tell you." Song Nanqiao hesitated for a while, but was still ready to tell Wen Wenyao.

"Well, I'm listening." Wen Wenyao cheered up and held Song Nanqiao's hand under the quilt, wanting to relieve Song Nanqiao's nervousness in this way.

"I may have to meet Wen Guangquan once today."

"Why do you want to see my father all of a sudden, he seems to be busy lately, but he seems to be going home tonight."

Wen Wenyao said hesitantly, Wen Guangquan seems to be very busy recently, he has been running abroad, and he hadn't seen him before the final exam.

Although she thought about what to do, Wen Guangquan may not agree. This time to go to Wen Guangquan, she also took the risk of losing her vest. There are too many uncertainties in this matter. sex.

"Don't worry."

Wen Wenyao got up and hugged her.

She knows the pressure her father brings to others, not only Song Nanqiao, but she will also have it. No... it should be said that everyone who has contact with Wen Guangquan will have it.

"I want to protect you..." Song Nanqiao put her head on Wen Wenyao's arms.

In the end, what I did was for Wen Wenyao…

"I know, you have always protected me, I can feel it, so please stay by my side in the future." Wen Wenyao gently followed Song Nanqiao's back.

She knew that during this time, Song Nanqiao was under a lot of pressure. So she hopes that she can always accompany Song Nanqiao when she is in trouble.

This is usually very rare.

Wen Wenyao has never seen Song Nanqiao so out of control.

She hurriedly hugged each other and comforted Song Nanqiao softly.

"Sorry for worrying you..."

Song Nanqiao adjusts his emotions. If Wen Guangquan can accept his own opinion, it is naturally the best, but if he does not accept it and fights with the military, then... the situation will be very bad. Song Nanqiao is worried that Wen Wenyao will be affected by this and even face dangerous problems.

"It's okay, you can tell me anything you want." Wen Wenyao still hugged Song Nanqiao tightly, unwilling to let go.

"I'll go with you at night." Wen Wenyao grabbed her hand.

At this important moment, I must accompany Song Nanqiao.

"I don't want to involve you..." Song Nanqiao said in a deep voice.

"But I want to be with you."

Wen Wenyao's voice was very certain, and she looked at Song Nanqiao without any hesitation

"Although I don't know what happened, I will stand by you unconditionally no matter what." Wen Wenyao said the heaviest words in the lightest tone.

"Do you know what you're talking about..." Song Nanqiao's tone began to become a little unbelievable.

"I know what I'm talking about, don't doubt my feelings for you."

The white moonlight shone into the room, and the light was not turned on, but Song Nanqiao clearly saw the heat and firmness in Wen Wenyao's pupils, and the palm that was clenched by Wen Wenyao began to warm...

A strong sense of security enveloped Song Nanqiao…

"Am I that important?"

"Yes, in my world, you are bigger than the world."

The author has something to say: Ouch

coming soon

I'll start with six thousand words in the next few chapters


I will write the life and death drama with my heart