MTL - School Flower Versatile Security Guard-Chapter 5 Police flower

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"The East is always empty, it is difficult to live in Chang'an City, a big country. Since ancient times, Chang'an, Zhou Qin and Han Dynasty, mountains and rivers are like flowers, and eight waters flow around the city."

In the cool security room, Xu Taiping closed his eyes and sang a strange tune with his vicissitudes. He shook his head and looked very immersed. The passing students occasionally heard, or doubted, or Despise, because they do not know what Xu Taiping sang, not like pop music, not jazz, not even Rap.

"Now the young people, few will sing this old Huayin." The office door opened, a 60-year-old man wearing a security suit walked outside the door and said.

"Good old man." Xu Taiping opened his eyes and smiled and put his legs down from his desk. He said, "Do you have any research on the old Huayin?"

"The study can't be said, it's just like when you have nothing to do, you are comfortable and happy, but most people don't understand. I always feel that I am crying and crying... Young people, are you new security guards today?" The old man smiled Asked.

"It's me, my name is Xu Taiping, what is your old name?" Xu Taiping said as he stood up and took the chair under his body to the old man.

"Don't be so polite, free of expensive, surnamed Zhao, Zhao Bigan, everyone called me a pen, read a book for two years, retired and did nothing, just come to Jiangyuan University to be clean." Zhao Bigan's old man said with a smile.

In Jiangyuan University, cleaning, guards, security guards, these are all managed by the Ministry of Security. Counting Zhao Bigan and Xu Taiping are also considered colleagues.

"Then I will call you Lao Zhao. You call me Xiao Xu will become." Xu Taiping said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. I heard that there is a newcomer here, so I just thought about it when I finished it. I didn’t think you would sing the old Huayin, would you like to study it?" Asked than laughing.

"Yes!" Xu Taiping nodded happily. He had a lot of hobbies in his life. One is hunting, and the other is the old one. The old one doesn't pay attention to the words, and the emphasis is on the heart. When he was idle, Xu Taiping liked to squat, and more or less able to vent some negative emotions inside, not to let him go crazy.

Zhao Bigan said that he had read the book for two years. In Xu Taiping's view, where Zhao Bigan had read the book for two years, whether it is knowledge or opinion, it is more than many so-called intellectuals. However, Xu Taiping did not ask too much Zhao Bigan. The thing, who has no secret in this year? The more you know, the worse it is for yourself. Xu Taiping will never ask him what he should not know, so he can live for so long.

In the evening, Zhao Bi took a shot of Xu Taiping’s shoulder and said, “I’m still thinking that you may be uncomfortable with newcomers. I didn’t think about you, this guy is still very good, then I am relieved.”

“Thank you for your concern to the elderly.” Xu Taiping sincerely thanked Zhao Bigan for being a good-hearted person. He worried that he might have a stagnation because of the bullying of the old man in the security department, so it was only at noon to come and talk to himself. This heart is really hard for Xu Taiping at the moment.

Xu Taiping saw more intrigues and tricks, and saw more life and death fights. This concern, which does not contain any interest factors, is the cheapest, but it is also the most touching.

Zhao was so happy to leave the security room, and Xu Taiping went to the door to give himself a cigarette.

The school has regulations that do not allow smoking in the school, Xu Taiping can only kneel at the school gate.

The new student will report for three days, then military training.

Today is the first day of the new student’s registration. In addition to the freshmen coming and going, the small business hawkers have also come to a lot, selling miscellaneous grains and pancakes, selling Wu Dalang’s biscuits, and selling meat slices and mobile phone foils. , dazzling.

These are the scenery outside the school. Xu Taiping remembered that he had once been with his roommates. When he was out of school, he found a stall to sit down and order a fried powder and a bowl of clear soup.

Five yuan can solve a meal, ten dollars can make you feel satisfied and happy.

It is a pity that he had not graduated from the same year and was brought into the fire pit by the old Z. Since then, he has been separated from his classmates. Now, many years ago, the students of that year have not had any contacts, and no one knows that the inspirational Xu Taiping, the owner of an Internet cafe, will embark on the road to killers, and in the end, he will become a small security guard at the university.

In the world, Xu Taiping coughed a thick sip, and spit into the small ditch next to it with the smoke in his mouth.

"Speaking at the same time, there is really no quality." A man in a suit who passed by looked at Xu Taiping with disdain. He could see from a large number of teaching plans held by his hand that he should be a teacher and be a teacher. There is also a pretty woman wearing a sportswear. This person looks at the twenty-four-five look. She is angry with a slightly book, but she also has a hint of mature woman. She stays with short hair. Only to the position of the neck, the whole person looks very heroic.

Xu Taiping snorted with a whistle and didn't care what the male teacher said.

Su Nianci looked at Xu Taiping at the door and frowned slightly. She didn't know Xu Taiping, but it was like a little rogue to see Xu Taiping's appearance at the door. How could such a person become the security guard of Jiangyuan University? Well, this Jiangyuan University is also a well-known university.

Just then, there was a loud noise coming from afar, and Su Nianci turned his head and looked away.

I saw a few young people wearing plaid shirts and keeping a Matt haircut. They were standing next to a mobile vendor. Although they couldn’t hear clearly, they still could hear the protection fee. Three words.

Protection fees?

Upon hearing these three words, Su Nianci, who was a policeman, couldn’t stand it anymore. In the blue sky and the day, there was someone who was openly collecting protection fees at the school gate. Is this too bold?

One thought of this, Su Nian Ci immediately went to the young people, and the male teacher who was next to Su Nianci did not know that Su Nianci suddenly went away, and quickly followed her.

Xu Taiping looked at Su Nianci's back with great interest. This small waist is estimated to be able to hold tightly with both hands. What is rare is that there are two big buttocks under this waist, which is rare enough. of.

Compared with the big breasts, Xu Taiping prefers big ass, because the change does not leave his ancestry, and the end of the touch will not have to be so sturdy, but the bigger the butt, the more dynamic it will be.

"What are you doing?" Su Nianci walked to the front of a few young people and saw a street vendor handing two red banknotes to a person who was headed by a gray-haired hair dyed by her grandmother.

"Oh, this little girl looks good!" The young man with the grandmother's ash smiled and put two hundred pieces into the pocket, then rubbed his hand on the clothes and reached out to Su Nianci. He said, "Come. Come, let me know, my name is Zhou Xiaoyu. Although I have a small word in my name, I am actually very big, hahaha!"

"Ha ha ha, it's really big, little girl, do you want to try?" Someone started to swear.

"You are collecting protection fees?" Su Nianci asked with a black face.

"What protection fee? What age is this, in the era of the rule of law, who dares to collect protection fees. You can not talk about the little girl, we are collecting cleaning fees, we are cleaning company, then, funeral. Let's take a look at our little business card for this little girl." Zhou Xiaoyu said to a nearby killer.

"Well." The man took a crumpled business card from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Xiaoyu.

Zhou Xiaoyu handed the business card to Su Nianci and said, "Look clearly, Pioneer Cleaning Company, you see, these small vendors, throwing garbage everywhere, we are responsible for cleaning up the garbage, it is called a point. If we work hard, we will not do the unscrupulous behavior of collecting protection fees. Right, little girl, I will invite you to have a cup of tea for a while? This hot day, you see, there are noses. Khan, come and I will wipe you."

Zhou Xiaoyu said as he reached out and touched the face of Su Nianci.

Su Nianci is a full-time graduate of the police school. It is naturally very familiar with the fighting. When the hand comes to her, she grabs her finger directly and then goes down. Zhou Xiaoyu’s whole person is twisted in an instant. Shouted in his mouth, "stop and stop, then you will break your hand."

"In the name of collecting cleaning fees, doing the work of collecting protection fees, do you think I don't know? The cleaning fees for each of them are handed over to the municipal department, and then the municipal department cleans up. What cleans are you collecting? Fee?" Su Nianci said coldly.

"What are you still looking at? Little, forget love, madness, give it to me!" Zhou Xiaoyu shouted.

A few killing horses next to him attacked Su Nianci.

Su Nianci lifted his foot directly and kicked Zhou Xiaoyu, who was grabbing his finger, and then a beautiful dodge, escaped the attack of three people, and waited for the other to throw a punch again, Su Nianci directly The military body went straight to the ribs.

With a bang, the face was distorted and the pain fell to the ground. At this time, the fat man who forgot his love opened his arms and held Su Nianci to hug. The other madman was very wretched. Su Nianci’s chest is a straight punch.

Su Nianci had no fear, and lifted his foot and went straight to the foot of the forgotten love. He forgot his love and screamed, his hands loosened, and Su Nianci slammed his head back, screaming and forgetting to love. The nose fell to the ground and fell to the ground. Then, Su Nianci’s beautiful 360-degree round kick kicked and kicked out with a mad madness. A tooth with blood in the air made a perfect arc. line.

In the distance, Xu Taiping squatted on the ground and smiled at Su Nianci, whispering, "How did the policeman from the police school come to Jiangyuan University?"