MTL - School Flower Versatile Security Guard-Chapter 2744 Hero falls

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The great changes in the world seem to have little to do with Xu Taiping.

Xu Taiping stayed in Atlantis, like a retired cadre, fishing every day and accompanying children.

Earlier, Xu Taiping occasionally watched TV, but when all the channels were left with war, Xu Taiping did not watch TV.

However, there are still many people watching TV around the world.

This war, because Wang Xiaoer's horrible artificial intelligence is behind the scenes, so almost every focus of the battle will be spread to the world through the lens.

Today, Zhao Taiji killed a strong man with a combat power of 160,000 yuan. Tomorrow is the strongest of the 170,000 strong people who killed the fighting force of 130,000.

Every battle is like an action movie that appears on TV. Apart from the position, every battle is full of people's blood, and it is quite hearty.

Under such circumstances, every person who wins for mankind has become a hero. Whoever kills Wang Xiaoer has more claws, and the more he is respected by others.

Heroes will emerge almost every day, and the brilliance of these heroes will cover the glory of Xu Taiping.

One week after the war began, he accused Xu Taiping of his voice and became extremely huge.

Why do you accuse Xu Taiping?

People gave a lot of reasons, and the most important one is that in this war between the old and the new world, Xu Taiping was the most hoped at the beginning of the war, but Xu Taiping It never appeared at all.

He seems to have disappeared, there is no movement, no news.

The war between the old and the new world is full of blood and violence, and there is also a lot of despair. People use human life to make a road to the new world. Many people think that if Xu Taiping is there, perhaps the dead will A lot less.

People's anger, with the passage of time, with the fall of one hero, and with the rise of one strong, is getting bigger and bigger, people angered Xu Taiping online: You, where did you go? ?

It seems that saving the world has become the work of Xu Taiping. Once he has slacked off or gave up the job, he will become a sinner in the world.

Many people say that Xu Taiping was scared.

After all, no matter whether it is the new world or the old world, the masters are endless. With the fighting power of Xu Taiping, he has not even entered the top ten. On the battlefield, you don’t have the top ten combat power, you have no way at all. Keep yourself.

The fighting power of Xu Taiping's 160,000 yuan may be killed by the other party's attack. This is too risky for Xu Taiping, who has already made a name for himself. Therefore, in order to avoid being killed, Xu Taiping can only choose to hide and stay away from this. A war.

This kind of argument has been recognized by many people. After all, at the level of Xu Taiping, only fear of death can be the reason for Xu Taiping to avoid it. Otherwise, it is difficult for people to find other reasons, and people are more willing to believe. For one reason, it seems that people are eager to see a former Yongxiong being trampled under their feet.

After all, humanity is like this. They always hope that people who are better than themselves can have some problems, so that they can stand on the commanding heights and despise and ridicule them.

A few weeks ago, Xu Taiping was still the savior of the world. His statues were all over the world. Many people worshipped him. Now, the statue of Xu Taiping has been destroyed. Instead, they are new and powerful. Put your hopes on these new powers, hope that they can destroy Wang Xiaoer, destroy the new world, and restore the world to its original appearance.

The only person who will make Xu Taiping a hero is the Chinese people.

It seems that there is a deep-rooted concept in the hearts of the Chinese people, that is, Xu Taiping will definitely stand up!

Every Chinese person believes that Xu Taiping does not stand up, but is waiting for an opportunity.

A time to decide the future direction of the world in one fell swoop, and it can be done once and for all.

Of course, the Chinese people think that the people of other countries do not think so. For this reason, the people on both sides have also clashed fiercely. The people of other countries have repeatedly ridiculed Xu Taiping, while the Chinese people are constantly maintaining.

Of course, in today's world, this kind of mouth can only be counted as a small matter. The real big thing is the war between the old and the new.

this day.

On the small island of Atlantis, a man came.

The man was riding on a wooden sailboat and coming by the waves.

When this single-wood sailboat was docked, someone had come to the shore.

The man held a knife in his hands and looked at the man who came down from the sailboat.

"I came to see Xu Taiping." The faint opening of the man who came down from the sailboat said that he wore a long gown with empty hands and did not bring his longest familiar sword.

This person is a Zhao Qing shirt.

At this time, Zhao Qingyi, there is a dusty atmosphere on his body.

Standing opposite Zhao Qing's shirt, the person holding the knife in his hands is Lin Xuhuai.

Lin Xuhuai also came to the island with Xu Taiping. The daily safety of the island was handed over to Xu Xinghuai by Xu Taiping.

"Zhao Qingyi, I have been waiting for this for a long time." Lin Xuhuai stared at Zhao Qingyi.

Zhao Qingyi glanced at the knife in Lin Xu’s arms and said, "It turns out that my sword is here."

"Today, I will use your blood to wash away the traces you left on this sword." Lin Xuhuai said, grasping the handle with one hand, shaking, the knife in his hand became a sword. And this sword, it is the one that Zhao Qingyi used.

"Sword is a thing outside the body, as long as there is a sword in the heart, everything can be a sword, all can be a **** soldier!" Zhao Qing shirt said.

"The strength of your words is really high enough." Lin Xuhuai sneered, suddenly accelerated, holding a long sword, rushed to Zhao Qing shirt.

"My words, you don't understand, you will not understand in this life, after all, you are not me." Zhao Qing shirt finished, shook his head, bent down, picked up a dry branch on the ground.

In this action of bending over, Lin Xuhuai has come to the front of Zhao Qingyi.

The simple sword in the hands of Lin Xuhuai, the thorny Zhao Qing shirt, the sharp edge of the peak, seems to have completely forgotten the master in front of him.


A crackling sound.

The flat branches of Zhao Qing’s shirts blocked the long sword with iron.

A fork on the branch just caught the sword of Lin Xuhuai.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuhuai’s face changed slightly.

He knows the sharpness of the sword in his hand. How can Zhao Qingyi block a sword with a branch?

Lin Xuhuai reacted very quickly, and the hand holding the sword suddenly shrank backwards, trying to take back the sword.

But at this time, the wrist of Zhao Qingyi has already shaken.

This shaking led the branch of Zhao Qing’s shirt, and there was a horrible power of horror on the branch.


A crackling sound.

Lin Xuhuai’s sword in his hand was broken.

This extremely tough sword can't stop Zhao Qing's shirt!

Lin Xuhuai was stunned.

He did not expect that he would meet with Zhao Qingyi again, and it would be such a situation.

He thought that his swordsmanship had been refined enough to compete with Zhao Qingyi. However, the reality gave him a slap in the face. His swordsmanship could not only be confronted with Zhao Qingyi, but even with Zhao Qing’s hands. The branches are unable to fight.

"Before you die, I will let you feel what is the kendo." Zhao Qing whispered, spurting the branches in his hand.

This is the simplest straight stab in the sword technique. Everyone who practices the sword will learn this trick and brand this stroke in the deepest part of his soul. This is the basis of all swordsmanship, which is extremely simple, but It is extremely difficult.

This plain sword is straightforward.

Lin Xuhuai's physical conditional reflexes generally want to escape, but when he noticed the sword, he hardly suppressed the impulse to escape.

"This is the sword!" Lin Xuhuai in this sly, suddenly saw what he had pursued throughout his life.

He pursued swordsmanship and knife in his life. For him, he has already reached the peak of both. He thought that the swordsman in the world today is probably at the same level as himself. Even if it is higher, it is not high. Go, but when he saw the sword of Zhao Qing shirt, he seemed to really see the end of the kendo.

Zhao Qing shirt, this sword, is unremarkable, but it also contains some of the most mysterious martial arts. These things, the swordsmanship is not necessarily felt, perhaps, only the Kendo master can feel, and Lin Xu Huai himself is a kendo master.

At the glance of the electric light flint, Lin Xuhuai made a decision.

He gave up any idea of ​​running away and forcibly suppressed his own conditioning.

After that, Lin Xuhuai opened his arms and faced the sword with his own body.

He wants to feel it for himself, what is the end of the kendo!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Qing’s eyes flashed a bit seriously.

next moment…


One of the branches of Zhao Qing’s shirt pierced Lin’s chest.

Just at the moment when this head pierced Lin’s chest, the clothes on Lin’s back were directly shattered!

An invisible force penetrated the back of Lin Xuhuai.

A channel of blood, spattered from the back of Lin Xuhuai.

I don't know how many wounds, so I appeared on the back of Lin Xuhuai.

This contains a sword of the ultimate sin of the kendo, and is completely endured by Lin Xuan with his flesh.

Lin Xuhuai’s mouth is slightly raised.

His body is like being worn by a sword. His vitality dissipates more than 90% in a flash, but even so, he is still very happy.

As you hear the news, you can die in the evening.

(Or still set an update time, the update time will be set at around two o'clock in the afternoon. So you don't have to refresh it all the time.)

Read The Duke's Passion