MTL - School Flower Versatile Security Guard-Chapter 2687 Falling eve

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Danny Stark picked out ten reliable men.

These ten people already know what they are going to do next, and everyone’s face is very dignified.

"The situation of the space station is also known. Mr. Xu and I decided that the thirteen people of us will stop the space station from crashing. Next, we will leave the space station. I will go with Mr. Xu to destroy the propeller of the space station, and you I want you to go to the front of the space station and use the thrust of the armor to stop the space station from moving forward. I don't want to say anything more. Many people on the space station are our friends. Once successful, all of us can survive, so I hope that everyone can stand up to this set of armor and be worthy of my trust in you!" said Danny Stark.

"Yes!" everyone answered in unison.

The richest people on the side are not very good-looking. If they are the ones wearing the armor, then when they leave the space station, they can fly back directly to the earth. They just tried to persuade Danny Stark and Xu Taiping to let Dan. Nie Stark gave them the armor and they stopped the space station. However, their minds had already been seen by Xu Taiping and Danny Stark. No one rich man can get the armor. Naturally, No richest man can have a chance to escape from the space station.

With the order of Xu Taiping, all the people wearing the armor turned and left.

"We are finished." Oranda sat down on the floor.

"We can only believe in Xu Taiping now! If they succeed, then we can survive." Francie said.

"Do you still have fantasies? Can you not see it? The so-called blocking of the space station is just a scorpion. I bet that after leaving here, those people will definitely be the first to escape, to be able to live by themselves, who will Others are desperate!" Oranda said.

When I heard Oranda's words, several other people's faces were ugly, human nature, and in the case of being able to survive, few people would desperately fight for others.

"You see Xu Taiping, he brought his cronies, I can be 100% sure, they will definitely fly back to Earth immediately after leaving the space station, and Danny Stark, he brought It is his loyalty, he will definitely run away immediately! We are finished, completely finished," Oranda said.

Several people around him looked at each other and saw fear and despair from each other's faces.

"Look at the sightseeing hall, where the line of sight is good, they run without running, and they should be able to see it clearly!" Europa suggested.

"What's so good, see if they fly away?" Oranda asked.

"No matter what, let's see it. If it really flies away, then we will die!" Europa said, turning and going outside.

Others followed.

Oranda sighed and got up and followed behind everyone.

At the same time, a connection to the space station.

"The handling of the armor is very simple, all done by artificial intelligence, the difficulty is very low, so after leaving here, you fly directly to the front of the space station, I need you to be on call, waiting for my order!" Danny. Stark said.

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

"This time, it is for our space station, for the space station to have so many people you get along with, I hope... you should not let me down on my trust in you." Danny Stark said.

The people nodded, although they didn't say much, but the meaning was already very clear.

"Get off!" Danny Stark said, pressing a button next to it.

The door of the connection point is opened, and a huge suction force instantly **** out a dozen people.

In space, thirteen armor floats in the air.

"Go!" said Danny Stark.

Eleven armor turned and flew to the position in front of the space station.

"Let's go, let's go to the thruster!" said Danny Stark.

Xu Taiping nodded and controlled the armor to fly with Danny Stark in the direction of the propeller.

In a few tens of seconds, Xu Taiping has already flown to the rear of the propeller.

The thruster is large, round and about 50 meters in diameter.

Standing in front of this huge propeller, Xu Taiping and Danny Stark are like two ants standing in front of people.

Inside the propeller, a blue light flashed out of the inside.

"You have the ability to control the fire, aren't you?" Danny Stark asked Xu Taiping.

"Yeah!" Xu Taiping nodded. He was able to control the fire. This matter was known to everyone as soon as he burned the mercenary fortress.

"That's easy!" said Danny Stark. "For a while I will use the weapon system on the armor to attack the propeller. The propeller will explode in a short time, but if the flame of the explosion is not controlled, Will ignite the fuel tank next to the propeller, the thrust generated by the time will double the speed of the space station, and most of the space stations will be blown up, so it is even harder for us to stop the space station, so I You need to use your ability to control the flame of the explosion when the explosion occurs, so as not to let the flame hit the tank, so the tank will not be detonated!!"

"I try to!" Xu Taiping said with a dignified face. The explosion of such a huge propeller is absolutely amazing. In his opinion, it may be difficult to control the flame generated by the propeller explosion.

"According to your Chinese words, you can only listen to your destiny, I am ready to start!" said Danny Stark.

"Good!" Xu Taiping nodded.

Danny Stark flew to the rear of the propeller.

The powerful thrust made Danny Stark's body slightly unstable.

Danny Stark adjusted his body and then raised his hand to the thruster.

The arm of the armor broke open the mouth of the road, and a small fire sword bomb rose from the mouth and aimed at the propeller.

"God bless!" Danny Stark snorted and then pressed the launch button.


Several fire swords flew straight to the propeller.


After entering the propeller, the fire sword exploded immediately.

The explosion of the fire suddenly spread out.

Just as the fire spread out, Xu Taiping’s fire came along.

After the fire spread out about two or three meters away, it suddenly stopped, and then violently shaken.


Xu Taiping spit out a blood. The shock wave carried by this flame is extremely powerful. He is controlled by his own power and is directly injured by this shock wave. His potential is almost broken in an instant, but Xu The horror of Taiping’s will, just as this is about to collapse, Xu Taiping once again condensed it, and then pressed the flame that was about to run out of control for the second time. The second time the suppressed flame was small. Some, but there is also a lot of energy, people who have played the guns know that a cannon is fried in the open space, the power is average, but if you put him in a jar, the power will become much bigger. At the moment, the potential of Xu Taiping is this jar. He forcibly compresses the flame into the jar, and the power of the flame becomes much larger.

Xu Taiping spit out the second blood. The health cleaning system of the armor is very advanced. He immediately cleaned Xu Taiping's blood, but there was no way to treat Xu Taiping's injury.

The flame once again shattered the momentum of Xu Taiping, and then spread around.

"Take Laozi!" Xu Taiping clenched his fists and stared at the flame.

The horrible momentum once again went toward the flame, and the flame was pressed back for the third time.

This time, the energy of the flame has been exhausted, and only a little bit of oxygen is consumed, and the flame is extinguished directly!

The entire propeller was completely blown up, no ignition light was exposed, and the fuel tank was safe and sound!

However, the reaction generated by the explosion has accelerated the speed of the space station.

"Go, go meet everyone!" Danny Stark called.

Xu Taiping nodded and turned his direction and flew toward the front of the space station.

At the same time, inside the sightseeing hall.

The people have returned to the sightseeing hall.

When they arrived at the sightseeing hall, they saw Van Gundy.

Van Gundy stood in front of the window and looked at the outside with a dignified look.

The crowd went behind Van Gundy and looked out.

This time, everyone has a slight sigh.

Outside the window, a battle armor is floating in the air, they are located directly in front of the space station.

"Don't you say that they will run away as soon as they leave the space station?" Franche asked Oranda.

"No, no!" Oranda frowned. In his opinion, these people's actions were somewhat unreasonable.

At this moment, the two armor flew quickly from the back of the space station, and then hovered in front of a number of armor.

"Thirteen armor, all here, no one fled!" Franche exclaimed excitedly.

"How is it possible?!" Oranda and Van Gundy called out at the same time.

In Van Gundy's view, some people may stop the space station from advancing, but it is impossible for thirteen people to stop it. There will always be people who are greedy and fearful of death. They will escape directly after obtaining the armor. In the view of Oranda, there will be no one. To stop the space station from advancing, everyone will escape because no one is not afraid of death.

As a result, all of the thirteen armor were at this time, which was a big surprise to them.

"Come on!! Don't let us down!" Frankie exclaimed excitedly outside the window.

"Come on!" Others also called together.

At this moment, the speed of the space station suddenly increased.

"Not good, the space station was grabbed by the Earth's gravity!" Shelley exclaimed excitedly.

When I heard this, everyone’s heart stunned.

It’s a terrible thing to be grabbed by the Earth’s gravity.

Satellites, space stations, these things can float in space, not fall to the ground, because they are high enough to be far enough away from the Earth, so that gravity will be equal to the centrifugal force, they can float in the air, and Once the space station is too close to the Earth, the gravity of the Earth exceeds the centrifugal force, and they will be grabbed by the Earth's gravity. Once caught by the Earth's gravity, the only result is... Fall!

Read The Duke's Passion