MTL - School Flower Versatile Security Guard-Chapter 2677 You are too bad

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A Rolls-Royce Phantom, stopped at the mouth of the Guardian Alliance.

A man in a gentleman's dress stood next to the car with a slight smile.

Xu Taiping and Wu Xue walked out of the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance.

Wu Xue gently held the hand of Xu Taiping.

The feeling that these two people walked together gave people the feeling that Xu Taiping was forced to be a super rich, otherwise it would not be possible to accept a woman like Wu Xue.

"Mr. Xu, I am Mapu!" The man in the gentleman's suit smiled and said to Xu Taiping.

"Hello!" Xu Taiping nodded to the other party.

"Please get on the bus!" Mapu opened the door.

Xu Taiping sat down with Wu Xue, and then Mapu sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

Along the way, many reporters are following Xu Taiping.

This time the top dinner was very mysterious. No news has come out yet, so many people are staring at those who attended the dinner at the top. Xu Taiping is followed by dozens of reporters.

Mapp drove the car, it was very stable, and it seemed that there was no intention to open these reporters.

Xu Taiping looked out the window and said, "Is this going to the airport?"

"Yes!" Mapu nodded. "We are going to a country in the Pacific called Varuha."

"Warouha? Is there a dinner party in that country?" asked Xu Taiping.

"This will be known after you arrive," Max said with a smile.

Xu Taiping nodded and didn't ask much.

Wu Xue was sitting next to Xu Taiping, and Xu Taiping was slightly stunned and nervous. After all, she was already on the road to the top dinner.

As an asset with only a few billion people, the dinner at the top is too far away for her.

Wu Xue feels that his palm has been slightly sweaty, and his heartbeat has become a bit faster.

Just then, a warm big hand pressed on Wu Xue's leg.

"Let's relax." Xu Taiping said while slaping Wu Xue's leg. "It's just to go to a dinner party. The person who is participating is more honorable. It is also a mouth and two eyes. You come out to see me." Also represents my identity, don't give me shame."

"You..." Wu Xue looked at Xu Taiping's hand on his lap and wanted to say that you comforted and comforted it. Don't touch my legs, but I don't think about the emotions that Xu Taiping brought to her before. Xu Taiping helped her, Wu Xue did not let Xu Taiping leave his hand.

Anyway, there is still a layer of shredded pork, so I just didn't touch it.

"Do you know why I let you wear this thing?" Xu Taiping suddenly asked.

"Do you have a special 癖?" Wu Xue asked in a whisper.

"What is special?" Xu Taiping asked.

"I heard that some men like to smell this taste...what is the original..." Wu Xue said.

Xu Taiping rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I am the kind of man?"

"Not like... but... you can't just let me wear this because I like this?" Wu Xue asked.

"Because this thing is warm." Xu Taiping patted Wu Xue's thigh and said, "The weather is getting cold. You like to show your long legs. This is young now. You may not feel it. After you are old, the old legs. Come, it’s difficult for you to walk, so I only let you wear this stuff, it won’t be cold!”

“Really, really?” Wu Xue asked with a dubious question. She actually did not believe what Xu Taiping said, but looked at Xu Taiping’s seriousness and said that she was a priceless treasure. Wu Xue believed a little.

"Of course... fake, haha, I just think this stuff is good-looking, nothing more." Xu Taiping laughed.

Wu Xue rolled his eyes and said, "You are too bad."

"Just kidding, relieve the tension, right now, don't you feel nervous now?" Xu Taiping asked.

"Nervous." Wu Xue nodded.

"How can you be nervous?" Xu Taiping asked in confusion.

"Your hand is too close." Wu Xue pointed to Xu Taiping's hand. When Xu Taiping's hand was just put down, it was in the middle of the thigh, but now it is already at the root.

"Oh, you said my hand, how do you go inside?" Xu Taiping snorted and shook his hand back.

Seeing Xu Taiping retracted his hand, I don't know how, Wu Xue actually felt a trace of loss.

The warm feeling that came from the hand seemed to remain on the lap.

Xu Taiping's hand is very warm, because he is full of blood, and Wu Xue's legs are a bit ice, because it is already winter.

"You said, what will the dinner be like?" Wu Xue transferred the topic.

"I don't know, but the dinner party is always inseparable from eating and drinking." Xu Taiping said.

"You don't expect it at all? Can't you imagine?" Wu Xue asked.

"I don't expect most things in this world." Xu Taiping shook his head.

“Why?” Wu Xue asked.

"Because as long as I am willing, I can do almost everything in this world, want a woman? Simple, because I have endless charm, want to eat, drink, and play anything? Simple, because I have endless money... look forward to, From your uncertainty about certain things, when you are very sure about anything, you will naturally not expect anything from anything else," Xu Taiping said.

"Then your life will not be very boring?" Wu Xue asked.

"Tired? Maybe there is a point. Actually, I don't expect anything to say. I am looking forward to meeting my children. I also look forward to meeting each of my women because I have too long to be outside, so I rarely Accompany them." Xu Taiping said.

"Your woman, your child, they must be very happy." Wu Xue said.

"Yeah!" Xu Taiping nodded and said seriously, "They are very happy."

"You are not modest at all," Wu Xue said.

"Modesty is to have a retreat in the future, I don't need to have any retreat, so I don't have to be humble." Xu Taiping laughed.

"Have you been so masculine? Is everything controlled, and then nothing is in the eye?" Wu Xue asked.

"No, when I was a weak chicken, I was not masculine. Later I became a strong man. My concept changed, because I was strong enough to support my machismo. People are a period of time and a period of time. When I was in college, I didn’t smoke or drink. I thought I was a great man. When I got to the back, I came into contact with more things and saw more. After a lot of things, and with money, I will smoke, drink, and play with women. No man will be the same. If a man says that he is unyielding, it is because he did not meet a better woman. If a man says that he does not drink alcohol, is it because he does not understand the pain of life, just as a woman said that she is cold in that respect, mainly because he did not meet me." Xu Taiping said with a smile.

"Hey!" Wu Xue couldn't help but smile. The last few words of Xu Taiping, the first two sentences still have a little meaning, and the last sentence is completely changed.

"I am telling the truth." Xu Taiping said seriously.

"I don't understand, anyway, I am not cold," Wu Xue said.

"Not cold? You guys with Nangongzihan?" Xu Taiping looked at Wu Xue.

"Don't pull that person well... I also watched movies, and I know how my body reacts... I am already in my thirties, not 13 years old, I don't know anything." Wu Xue said.

"Ha ha ha, that is also true!" Xu Taiping nodded.

The two chat all the way, all the way to the airport direction.

Half an hour away, Xu Taiping talked with Wu Xue for a long time.

They never seriously believed and talked alone.

This half-hour drive not only made Xu Taiping know more about Wu Xue, but Wu Xue also learned more about Xu Taiping.

More than half an hour passed by, it seems that I haven't talked about anything yet, and the car has already entered the airport.

A small private plane was parked on the tarmac with two letters, fg.

This is Van Gundy's private jet. This time, as the organizer of the dinner at the top, he went out to pick up all the invited people to the dinner party.

When I entered the airport, the reporter could not come in. I could only use this telephoto lens to face this side.

Xu Taiping and Wu Xue boarded the plane. After that, the plane took off and headed for the Pacific Ocean.

This journey has a three-hour voyage. For Xu Taiping and Wu Xue, the three-hour voyage is very wonderful because they can continue the topic just in the car.

Three hours, the two talked a lot, such as some stories of Xu Taiping, such as Wu Xue's story, as well as shopping malls, rivers and lakes, martial arts...

Wu Xue shared with Xu Taiping her experience of doing business for so many years, and Xu Taiping told Wu Xue that a different world.

Three hours of time blinked.

Three hours later, the plane landed at the airport in Varuha.

Xu Taiping stood up from the seat, Wu Xue naturally went to Xu Taiping's side, holding Xu Taiping's hand.

The two men came down from the plane and parked a Rolls Royce next to the plane.

Mapu opened the door, and after Xu Taiping and Wu Xue got on the bus, Mapu sat in the car and drove forward.

Xu Taiping looked out the window and found that Mapp did not leave the airport.

"Where are we going?" Xu Taiping asked.

"Go to the silo," Marp said.

"Laser well?!"

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the side of the airport.

Xu Taiping came down from the car and looked ahead.

In front of him is a huge silo, and there is a plane next to the silo.

To be precise, it is a space shuttle!

“Mr. Xu, welcome to the top dinner of this year. This time, the top dinner, arranged by Mr. Van Gundy on the Starck Space Station! You will take the Space Shuttle Stellar to the Starck Space Station with your accompanying staff. Here, I wish you a smooth trip!” Mapu said with a smile.

space station? !

Xu Taiping was blind.

Read The Duke's Passion