MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 354 Celebrity Gathering

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Feng Huazang didn't respond, but just shook his head and made Su Daxi feel lost. He couldn't help worrying more deeply. I wondered where the Shang Qingzong's brothers were. Gu Pan could understand his mood and comfort him. A few words, then followed Feng Huazang, Wei Changhe and others left.

Looking at Feng Huazang's departed figure, Yi Wan'er frowned, and said to himself, "Feng Huazang, the fifth-ranked monk in the fourth generation, looks different from what I imagined. From him I can't sense the breath that a master should have. On the contrary, Wei Changhe, the fifth-generation monk in this fifth generation, is definitely a master from the breath revealed by this guy! "

"The fourth generation of modern and famous celebrities practiced in retreat more than two hundred years ago. At that time, their cultivation had already entered the state of Tao. For two hundred years, how far did the cultivation of these people progress? It is learned that two hundred years ... This may not be enough time for ordinary practitioners to practice a tactic, but for this group of celebrities, there are too many things that can be done in two hundred years ... "

Wu Yukong looked at Feng Huazang and murmured to himself.

"It seems that Zi Xiaozong was led by Feng Huazang this time. I don't know who the other majors have come. Hee hee, hurry up and get in front of me."

Ji Yiwaner was about to move on, Su Daxi said, "Girl Waner, you must go to find the Zongmen brothers and leave here."

"Brother Su, you go with us 呗 Maybe you are the Qingzong people in front."

"The good intentions of the girl Waner have been brought to her heart, and another day she will have the opportunity to come and thank you and leave!" Su Daxi worried about Shang Qingzong and did not hesitate to grit his teeth.

"Talk about Su Daoyou, wait for me." Hou House shouted a throat, said goodbye to Yi Waner, and followed Su Daxi to leave.

"Hey! Hey!"

Yi Yi'er tried to catch up but was stopped by Yukong.

"Waner, let's go. Why should you keep them?"

In fact, the real reason why Yi Waner wanted to keep Su Daxi was because she wanted to see Tang Qing. She knew that Tang Qing was very weird and very dangerous. It was better to stay as far away as possible, but I do n’t know how to return The thing is to see him.

"Oh! Forget it!"

Wu Yukong was unable to understand Yi Wan'er's behavior, and said, "Wan'er, you should know the plan for burial?"

"Fun ancient?" When she heard these two words, Yi Waner, who was laughing, suddenly became serious, and then Liu Mei frowned deeply. She didn't like these two words, and she even hated it. The elders of the tower have told me. "

既然 "Since you know why you still want to mingle with the people of the Shang Qingzong, you should also be very clear that the people involved in the investigation are related to the Shang Qingzong. We can't hide it, how can you return ..."

"Hmm! I don't understand. What exactly did Shang Qingzong do? Why did the nine-day fairy people let Shang Qingzong perish?"

"Nine days to do this, we have the reason to do so, we don't need and cannot guess at will."

"Why can't you guess? Is it because the funeral plan was started in nine days? What happened to the fairy? The fairy must also make sense, let alone ..."

Yi Wan'er's words made Yu Kong, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly changed his face, and quickly hugged Yi Wan'er's small mouth, yelling, "Wan'er, you don't want to live anymore, your words are disrespectful, and you may be met God punished, don't say it again, did you hear it? "

She Yiwaner also knew that Yukong was good for herself, and nodded.

Wu Yukong breathed a sigh of relief, and was really frightened and half-dead just now, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he asked, "Waner, didn't you tell Su Daxi about the funeral plan?"

"No." Yi Waner shook her head.

"It's fine if you don't, but ... it doesn't matter if you say it or not, in my opinion, Shang Qingzong definitely knows about such a big thing."

"How do you say this, Brother?" Yi Wan'er crooked his head and thought for a moment, and said, "Should they not know now? If they knew, Su Daxi wouldn't be able to come out, do you think about it, change to us, if Ruo Knowing that we have to deal with me and our pagoda for nine days, and other big ones will also cooperate. At such a crucial moment, will the owner of the tower let his elders let us go out? "

"This is also a place where I can't understand. The Lord of the Shang Qing Sect certainly knew the ancient funeral plan, but why did he pretend to be indifferent this time and let his disciples go out? Did he just a little bit? Do n’t worry about the safety of the disciples? You must know that the major success disciples now know the funeral plan. Once there is a conflict with the Shang Qingzong, there will be no scruples at all. It is likely that the killing will be launched directly. I don't know, but why ... "

不 I can't figure it out.

Wu Yukong did not understand, Yi Waner was even more so.

He rumbling, a sudden loud noise in front of him interrupted the thoughts of the two, and the two looked forward, Yi Wan'er did not hesitate to destroy the beads and speeded forward.

The central and central void of Langzhong, the red sun, the nine-colored brilliance, flowing down into the desert, forming the eyes of nine-colored springs.

Within ten thousand meters of the surrounding area, there is no desert, but a sea of ​​fire, which is really a sea of ​​fire, rolling and boiling like magma and spreading in all directions.

Four groups of people gathered around the sea of ​​fire. The biggest group was the monks who were too virtual. There were as many as 20,000. Yi Waner had guessed that the lineup from Tai Xuzong was absolutely extraordinary. When she After finally rushing to the front, he was startled by the too imaginary lineup.

Except for the 20,000 monks, there are more than thirty elders who are too fictitious this time, and there are many successful monks, including a few of them, who not only surprised Yi Waner, but even Yukong did not expect this. There are so many talented celebrities here.

The most eye-catching thing is the shocking waves. When mentioning this person, I am afraid that no one knows it. It is the first person in the fourth generation of celebrities. He was the leader of two hundred years. It's all open, flame body, flying dragons, ten poles, gods of the four elephants, Yiyang Avenue (one of the three thousand roads, the road is also the achievement of the fifth realm.)

In the fourth generation of celebrities, he was the first to retreat. The rest of the celebrities were due to him.

Zhengshui Zhengyang is the seventh guy in the fourth generation of celebrities.

Fang Tian, ​​ranked third among the fifth generation of celebrities. Among the celebrities who came to the public for too much time, besides the shocking waves, he was the most dazzling, but this person looked more serious, informal and laughing, indeed, but where Every monk who belongs to the fifth generation on the field almost knows a piece of history, which happened two years ago. At that time, the holy government just announced the fifth generation of ancient times. Fang Tian ranked third.

Since both Tang Wushang and Gu Yi haven't climbed the ladder, many people have questioned. At that time, it was too fierce and fierce, and thought that it should be given to Fangtian first, but questioned and questioned, the Holy Palace did not Changed because of questioning, Tang Supreme is still No. 1 and Gu Di is still No. 2, so Fang Tian angrily challenged Supreme Supreme.

Many people came to the scene that year, everyone remembered that day was clear, the sky was beautiful, and everyone remembered how weird the battle was, so weird that it is still unacceptable, because it was defeated by the first move. Fang Tian, ​​yes, one move, exactly one finger, just raised his hand and one finger, all the achievements of Fang Tian collapsed in an instant.

In that battle, Fang Tian lost very miserably, and Taixu Zong lost his adult. Since then, Fang Tian has begun to retreat.

In addition to the fourth generation's No. 1 shock, and the seventh generation of Shui Zhengyang, and the fifth generation of Fangtian in modern times, there are also the fourth generation of monks, Ni, Chang Weiqi, and fifth-generation celebrity Qi Yang have a total of eleven, and the lineup is not weak.

Standing not far from Taixuzong are the monks of the Zixiaozong. They have a total of more than forty people, of which seven came from monks, led by Fenghuazang, the fifth-ranked monk, and The fifth generation ranked Wei Changhe, along with his grandsons Yuan Yuanming and Gu Pan.

Next to the Zixiaozong, there are monks from Wushuangzong. There are not many people. There are only a dozen of them, including three fourth-generation celebrities and several fifth-generation celebrities. Yi Tianlu stands in the middle. The breath of the three elements and the five elements alternates around the body, so that one can recognize at a glance that he is the easy way to create the dual body of the three elements and five elements in the legend.

"Yi Tianlu will really show up, the three elements and the five elements are so strong, for fear that others don't know who he is, um ..." Yi Wan'er could not bear to complain.

“Shaping the dual body of three talents and five elements, but with this, Yi Tianlu has the qualification to display it ~ ~ I would like to show it, go…” Yu Kong shrugged, mocking himself, “But what is also shaped Not coming out. "

"Come on, what do you pretend, I don't know you yet." Yi Waner gave him a white look and stared at a 30-year-old man beside Yi Tianlu, carefully inspected for a while, and asked, "Brother Yukong, do you know the person next to Yi Tianlu? This person feels strange to me ... It's not easy."

"Oh, Waner has good eyesight, do you know who that person is?"

"who is it?"

"Longsheng!" Yukong smiled mysteriously.

"Longsheng?" Yi Wan'er thought about the name, and she likes to make fun of it, so whether it is the ancient famous celebrity record or the ancient famous celebrity record, she suddenly thinks, and her expression changes slightly. "Longsheng? But That Longsheng in the third generation of celebrities? "

"Yes, it's him!"

"Good guy! Even the third generation of celebrities have come out!" Yi Wan'er became more excited when she was surprised.

Although this Longsheng did not rank in the top ten among the third-generation celebrities, neither Yi Waner nor Yukong would underestimate him because they knew what the three generations meant. It is no exaggeration to say that a third-generation celebrity is by no means a fifth-generation celebrity. Even if it is ranked, the top-ranked celebrities can be compared, and even the fourth-generation celebrities may not have a first-ranked celebrity. Three generations of celebrities are threatening. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.) [] Bring Zier @ 紫杉 雪 萌

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