MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 3 The fairy

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Legend has it that Sanxian was cursed by the heavens. It will not be collected for nine days, but Jiuyou will not walk. It can only walk in the heavens and earth forever, waiting for heavy and heavy calamities until it is wiped out. Some people say that the heavenly calamity that belongs to Sanxian is not a heavenly calamity, but a kind of trial, or an endless trial. You will not give up until you are judged to death. Others say that the heavenly calamity of Sanxian is a curse. The more God ’s calamities, the more curses on your body. This curse will affect your luck and make you unlucky forever.

Now, these legends are not unfounded. At least, Tang Qing had a real experience this time. He could n’t think of himself like this, but he just met such a brutal and overbearing girl just after waking up. Let her old friends know that he has become a prisoner of a woman, and that face is really lost.

In a coma, Tang Qing had a dream. In the dream, he was lying on his back in a chair, enjoying the bathing in the sun, drinking a little wine, listening to Xiao Quer, or not chic. This is his dream all along, and this time Awakening is ready to realize his dream, but such a beautiful dream has not been enjoyed enough to hear only a scream of resentment, the dream is instantly fragmented, and Tang Qing wakes up completely from the coma.

Opening his hazy eyes, he saw a face, a natural face, bright as autumn moon, beautiful and pressing face, but just such a perfect face, those beautiful eyes were filled with flames of anger, seeing Tang Qing Waking up, the anger disappearing in her look and the cloud disappearing in an instant is replaced by an evil smile.

"Master Tang, are you comfortable sleeping? Would you like a slave to rub your shoulders? Huh?"

"No need." Tang Qing shook his drowsy head and frowned.

"Death stick! The beauty you want!" The smile on Shangguan Ling disappeared again, and the flames of anger appeared again, reprimanding, "Aunt Grandma has been on the road for a day, but you're comfortable sleeping! Give me down! "


擎 Tang Qing shook his head and smiled bitterly, and lived for most of his life. In the end, he was sighed by a pussy, sighed, got off the carriage, and looked over. It seemed like a mountain range in front of it. It seemed wrong. After Tang Qing carefully perceived this, he suddenly realized that this mountain range was just an illusion derived from a matrix method.

"What is this place?"

If the guess is good, there should be no holes in the formation.

"Shouldn't ask!" Apparently, Shangguan Ling didn't want to explain too much. She took a few steps forward, and then she reached out to move her tactics, a little bit of starlight dancing like a firefly at night.


官 Shangguan Ling took a step forward and entered the starlight. Instantly, her entire body disappeared mysteriously, and Tang Qing also entered.

Sure enough, there is another cavernous sky inside, beautiful above the void, colorful rainbow lights faintly visible, and a rugged mountain range on the east side, surrounded by mountains of red clouds, and silver-white The waterfall flows down and flows into the lake on the west side, filtering the layers of the lake in the shape of a ladder. The water is more transparent and transparent. Cuihai, stacked waterfalls, colorful forests, and strange mountains. This is a magical beauty. Natural scenery map, so is the wonderland of the world.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Qing closed his eyes and felt quietly. The array was really all-encompassing, and the array was just a glance, and it was found that it contained 36 natural arrays. This creates such a wonderful and unique space.

主人 The host here is obviously a master of matrix formation.

"Sister Mo! I'm here ..."

Entering the formation, Shang Guanling was obviously happy, untied his cloak, and ran all the way to the opposite manor.

Inside the manor house, the green grass is evergreen, and the birds are fragrant. Tang Qing also followed into the hall of the manor house.

"God stick, you wait here first, don't blame me for not reminding you, there are heavy arrays outside, very dangerous, don't run around, don't blame me if you lose your life!" Said, Shangguan Ling walked inward.

Tang Qing nodded his head in response. Looking around, the room was bright and clean, giving a very comfortable feeling. The tables and chairs were all made of white and jade stones. Although the overall look was not gorgeous, but Is extremely delicate. There is also a house connected to the hall. Tang Qing casually glanced at it. There were mostly scrolls of ancient books, which should be study rooms. He had no interest in these things, but a painting on the desk caused a His attention.

This is a fragmentary painting, which seems to be only half-cut. It can be clearly seen that the edges of the painting have traces of tearing. This is a starry sky map outlined by black lines. Above the night sky, the stars are bright and there are mysterious three The Xingxing Palace also has the mysterious four-signature power, the magical star place ... This picture seems ordinary, but its inner mood is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The reason why this painting attracted Tang Qing's attention was not because of its incompleteness or the mysterious mood inside it, but because he looked familiar with the painting and was not only familiar with it. When he walked into it, he almost dared to look at it. Surely this painting is definitely the one he sketched out that year. I still faintly remember playing chess with my old friend and lost it, so I temporarily sketched such a picture and lost it to my old friend as a bet. But how could this picture be here? And it's broken in two?

擎 Tang Qing was about to touch the torn marks on the edges, and suddenly there was a loud drink behind him.

"God stick! What are you doing!"

The visitor was not someone else, it was Shangguan Ling. She opened her eyes in an angry manner, and said, "Little **** stick, your courage is not small, even dare to enter the study room of sister Mo. Is it alive?" Tired? "Shang Guanling walked into the study, and when she saw the residual picture on the table, for some reason, she suddenly looked upright.

"Did you just touch this picture?"

"Hm." Tang Qing responded honestly, "how?"

"Do you know this is the most favorite and most cherished painting of Sister Mo, do you know how precious this painting is? You dare to touch it privately, I think you are really impatient!"

"It's just a painting," Tang Qing explained, "I don't touch it."

"What are you talking about? It's just a picture? It's nothing? Oh my god! How ignorant is your godstick!" Shang Guan Ling looked surprised and scornful, opened his eyes, and said, "You know or don't know Who is this Mobao? This Vientiane star and Luotu picture is the true story of the vagrant dweller. The artistic conception contained in it is mysterious. If you can understand one of them, you will also benefit immensely. You say that it is just a painting. ! "

"is it……"

Tang Qing didn't speak any more and didn't know what to say, because Wulijushi was indeed another name for him.

"What is it? You won't be ignorant to the point that you don't even have a liar?"

Seeing that Tang Qing didn't respond, Shangguan Ling was defeated. Looking at Tang Qing's eyes was like looking at a hopeless earthworm, shaking his head, "No? I didn't expect anyone in the world didn't know Suicide, he is the man I most admire in Shangguan Ling! No one! You haven't even heard his name? I don't know what to say about you, you are just ... it's just a soil to the family! "

擎 Tang Qing's mood is complicated at the moment, but more embarrassing and helpless. "How did this picture become two pieces?" He was still very puzzled about this.

"What about my sister today? I'm in a good mood. Let me grow up and listen. This painting is called Vientiane Xingluotu. It is made for the contemporary stranger Wuluju, who was rumored to have given it to him. The old friend Jiusheng seniors, but unfortunately, the Jiusheng seniors did not know how to cherish them, and coveted the femininity. In order to gain the demon girl's heart, this painting was presented to the demon girl. It is rumored that the demon girl took part in the painting, although she realized the mystery, but she also went into the dementia. When the temple was under siege and the fight, the painting was divided into two. As for why this painting fell into the hands of Sister Mo, you don't need to know this. "

擎 Tang Qing shouted that his friends were inadvertent. The drunkard's hairy hair took Lao Tzu's painting to please the beauty, your uncle!

At this moment, there was a pleasant voice outside the room.

"Linger, is it you?"

It sounded like a sound of heaven, and sounded like a lyre. It came into the ears and touched the depths of the soul. The voice fell. A woman appeared in response. She wore a white robe and shook her belly and the light of Wuguang Jianren. The hair naturally dangles to the delicate hips, Zhe Bairuyu's face is delicate and her eyebrows are green, and her face looks perfect without any flaws. A pair of eyes look forward to the glass, and Yingying walks in, but she has a transcendent temperament, as if she does not eat fireworks. Fairy.

For example, if the beauty of Shangguan Ling is like a flame, beautiful and pressing, like the witch from Jiuyou, then the beauty of this woman is like the blue ocean, and the beauty is silent, like the fairy above nine days.

"Wow! Sister Mo, Linger is about to die for you!"

Zhang Shangling laughed excitedly, and stretched her arms to hug the sister in her mouth directly.

"Dead girl, you're almost strangled by you." Yun Mo'er smiled lightly, as if he had just discovered that there was a young man standing next to him, Liu Mei couldn't help but slightly pick, and said, "Well? Linger, this son is yours. Are you here? "

"Where is he? What a **** is he? It's just a godhead who doesn't know what to look at!" Shangguan Ling said angrily. "This **** godhead ignored me three or five times on the road and dared to swear at me!" ! "

"Really?" Yun Mo'er's lonely eyes carefully looked at Tang Qing, and then looked up at Guanling Ling with an interest, and said softly, "She ignores you and dares to scold you, but instead of teaching him, you Bring him here? Hmm ... It seems that in our eyes, this boy is more than just a death stick. "

"No? Sister Mo, where did you want to go, how could I ..." Being teased by Yun Moer like this, and Shangguan Ling didn't seem to be as shy as a girl, just wrinkling her nose and explaining, "If not This guy is still useful for me, I've been killed for a long time. "

The two women in front of her eyes can be regarded as the rare beauties in the world. UU reads, but Tang Qing has no interest at all, just standing on the door and window, watching the two girls blindly.

"What to see! You seem very unconvinced?"

Ying Shangguan Ling gave Tang Qing a stern look.

How could Tang Qing be dissatisfied? She just thrown herself into the five bodies of Shangguan Ling, shook her head, and left the room without saying a word.

唔 "Oh, Linger, when does your temper change? Why are you so fierce? Okay, people are angry."

"He's angry? I'm still angry, haven't you seen this guy's eyes? It's strange that he looks at me like he's too lazy to care about this girl. He hasn't even repaired a **** stick. , I just know a little bit of psychic skills, and really treat myself as a peerless master, even too lazy to care about me, death stick! "

The reason why Shang Guanling forcibly detained Tang Qing was not only because of her psychic skills, but also because Tang Qing's lazy attitude made her very uncomfortable, especially because the empty eyes seemed to matter nothing, which made her very uncomfortable. Be convinced.

"Really? ..." Yun Mo seemed to notice the problem, and he groaned for a moment, and said, "You said he knows psychic skills?"

不 "Otherwise, why do you think I would keep him?"

"The psychic mysticism is for the left channel, and it is very rare in this world. If you really say that, how can he understand this mysticism as an ordinary wanderer?"

"The ghost knows how this magic stick was learned." Shangguan shrugged and took Yunmo's hand and walked inward. "Don't say this, sister, I've been dying for a long time without drinking your Tianquan brew. Well, you can prepare it for me, shall we drink and talk? "

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