MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 894 Eliminate it directly

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"How can you ...? Why did you find me?"

Now that the 'little mouse' has been discovered, Li Yalin naturally captured the opponent on the spot as soon as possible, and until he was captured by Li Yalin, the higher evil spirit attached to a female body in the opposite face was still aggressive. status.

Perhaps in her opinion, her disguise should be flawless, but it turned out to be a good result, even if she didn't do anything, she was kicked out.

how can that be?

"I found you? Isn't that easy? Still want to run? Did you run away?"

Li Yalin's response to the mischievous high-level evil spirit was very calm. After all, with his strength, it would be really strange if he could not find the guy peering in the dark.

It's just that this guy was caught, but he didn't want to settle down. He always wanted to find a chance to escape or something.

Under his Li Yalin, did you run away?

Even if I let you go and let you run, I can catch you back anytime!

Now that you have become a captive, let me stay in peace honestly!

"Lucia, this guy is entrusted to you. You give me all the information about her origin and identity, especially the purpose of their alien spirits coming to this world."

"Be careful, don't play with her. If your strength attributes are not suitable, let Catalina come to help."

It is reasonable to say that although this woman with a higher evil spirit is a beauty, the problem is that Li Yalin cannot show compassion for that higher evil spirit because she is beautiful.

In essence, the essence of the higher evil spirit is ...

Forget it, no description, anyway, even if Li Yalin ‘do n’t eat hungry,’ he wo n’t be able to hit his opponent.

So I did n’t say that the next thing is to be handled by ‘professionals’.

As the great priest of the Red Temple, a living legend, barefoot Lucia, the great priest of our house is not just a stupid fighting fool.

Severe torture, interrogation, and so on, are also very good at work.

It was not enough for Lucia to get the captive.

Of course, if it is only the power of the flame, I am afraid that it is still difficult to target this higher evil spirit.

But never mind, there are white Yalin great High Priest in order to assist power Catarina do, and that is a different dimension of evil spirits natural poison!

The two white priests combined two swords, and it was not easy to get rid of evil spirits.

"Your Highness Yalin, that guy has already recruited everything."

In fact, as Li Yalin expected, it didn't take long for Lucia to complete her interrogation.

According to the report of the great priest Akira, the higher evil spirit caught by Li Yalin was named Safilas, and he was a companion with the higher evil spirit that used to be fired by Lucia before. The purpose of going to the world is to cause turbulence in the world.

As for why they caused turbulence in the world, this problem is more regrettable, because according to Lucia, although the female evil spirit named Safilas is indeed a higher evil spirit, she and her On top of his companions, there are higher-level evil spirits.

In different dimensions, the hierarchy of the evil spirits is very strict. Even if the identity of Safilas and her companions is higher than many lower-level evil spirits, to put it plainly, they are at best a small soldier vanguard.

The only thing they know is that the other dimension intends to use the entire world as a hunting ground. After all, the human life energy is just the excellent 'feeding' that their evil spirits need.

The problem is, according to the usual practice of different-dimensional evil spirits, whenever they find a new world, they will not use any conspiracy and tricks. As long as they send a large number of lower-level evil spirits to devour them, they can absorb them in a short time. Life energy for the entire world.

However, in this world, the tactics that came out in the past have not been implemented. Instead, they use this kind of "conspiracy and trickery", which also makes them very confused.

Unfortunately, the soldiers are soldiers, and it is impossible to know the thoughts of the superiors.

So that means ...

"Is that just the case? I thought I caught a big fish, but it turned out to be small shrimp?"

After getting all the information from Lucia's mouth, Li Yalin was somewhat disappointed.

But disappointed and disappointed, he was right without giving too much expectation. After all, in the original plot, it was just a dragon villain who was killed in two episodes. Even if the power in reality is really strong, it is not too big in the end. use.

Since it is useless shrimp, there is no need to keep it.

"Let Catalina see that the possessed person has no value in salvation. If he can, he will do his best to save it. If he can't, he chooses to give up. As for the evil spirit called Safilas ... directly Eliminate it. "

According to the previous situation of possession of different-dimensional evil spirits, the woman with a higher evil spirit named Safilas should have been rescued. Even if the vital signs can be guaranteed, the consciousness will never be restored.

This, like that of Clarus's companion, is basically a permanent vegetative state.

However, with Catalina, the situation may still turn around. After all, it is the most powerful priest of the White Temple, and the best is the miracle of life.

What if a miracle really happens?

Anyway, let her try her best.

As for the higher evil spirit, she no longer has any existence value. After all, the existence of a different-dimensional evil spirit itself absorbs human life energy, and it is inherently impossible to coexist peacefully with human beings.

In this case ~ ~ What's the point of keeping that higher evil spirit?

Eliminate directly without explanation!

Well, that's it!

After Li Yalin's order was issued, this evil invasion incident could also be considered to have come to an end.

Although in this incident, the human side did solve many alien horrors that invaded the world, and with the efforts of many psionic forces such as the Yinyang Hall and the Psionics Bureau, the ordinary people did not cause any casualties. Of course, congratulations.

But the problem is that the shadow of the alien invasion is always hovering in everyone's mind.

If the door of the alien dimension cannot be completely closed, then more evil spirits will inevitably appear in the world. This time everyone responded quickly and did not cause those evil spirits to cause too much damage. What about the next time? Who can guarantee that every time an evil invasion can make such a rapid response?

This problem cannot be solved. I am afraid that many people will find it difficult to sleep in peace.

Read The Duke's Passion