MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 867 Fight for His Highness Yalin!

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For the manpower selected by Catalina, Li Yalin is still quite satisfied. Compared with the previous Paladins who were perfunctory by the son of Bai, the talents standing in front of him at this time are worthy of the true elite of the White Temple.

Although there are more and better people, Li Yalin can't really take away many people at once, screen out the most elite candidates, and form an elite team, but it is actually enough.

So now this elite team, in addition to the strongest Captain Catalina, there are a total of twelve, and among these twelve, they are also half of the White Sacrifice and paladin patron saint.

To say that their strength is indeed worthy of the elite name, just pick one out, and they all have the strength that is superior to the emperor holder.

Yes, such an elite, even the emperor holders can not be defeated, even if the arrival of Asdes, who is known as the strongest female general, may only be tied with one of them.

If you change to Catalina ...

Well, Catalina, who has been able to fully body the dragon, can definitely beat Aesdes!

After all, as a great priest, Katalina has become Bai's dependents and has the power of the white dragon. Although her incarnation of the white dragon still belongs to the pseudo dragon, it can not be compared with the real dragon god, but that is not Eid Sri Lanka can overcome.

Unless Esdes can find any stronger opportunities in the future, her growth will still reach a bottleneck after only relying on a demon to appear.

Of course, in the future, I won't say much here. In short, with such an elite team, Li Yalin is also full of confidence in the next task.

But this is after all an elite army from a different world. Before taking them to the main world, we must definitely prepare for it.

For example ... let them learn the language of the main world as soon as possible, at least they need to ensure daily communication.

In addition, they also need to let them know about the situation in the main world first, otherwise they will be in trouble, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Fortunately, this is a magical alien world. Under the power of magic, the study of this elite team is not a problem, so after everything is prepared, the next step is naturally to open the door of the other world and bring this branch. The rhythm of the squad returning to the home world.


Bringing this elite army to the main world is simple, but it is really not as simple as I imagined to make them adapt to this world.

At first, I brought the night-attack companions to the main world. Although everyone made a lot of jokes, after all, Li Yalin had prepared enough in advance, but it was safe.

More importantly, in a sense, there is still a lot of similarity between the cut pupil world and the main world, such as dressing and dressing.

Can be replaced by the elites of the White Temple, the situation is not the same.

The white robes and armor on your body are too eye-catching, so change them quickly!

what? Can only wear white clothes? Can't it be a little mottled?

What are these ghost rules!

Do you dare not drink this water?

That's tea! It's a drink! What dare not drink!

And you!

Just eat! Why are you still crying?

Never eat such a delicious food?

Well, there is no one who can cry when eating takeaway.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness Yalin. I'm waiting for your disrespect."

After all, it is from a backward world. After coming to this brand new world, this elite army has not troubled Li Yalin.

Because of this, when the leading priest Katalina faced Li Yalin, her face expression was also awkward.

Obviously as a subordinate, but has caused so much trouble to His Highness Yalin, his captain is really incompetent.

"Anyway, as long as you can adapt."

In face to face, Catalina, who was scared of red ears and was afraid to look up, Li Yalin waved her hands very silently.

If you guys know that this is causing trouble for me, then let me better learn to integrate into this world!

In addition, you are embarrassed and embarrassed, don't blush at me, otherwise someone who does n’t know may see, I ’m afraid you might think that I ’m doing to you.

Although you are very good, and you are still the biological son of Bai Zi, this identity makes people feel irritating to think about that, but now is a critical period, you all give me a calm, I am still waiting to use you to pretend to force it!

Keke ... the next few words can be ignored, well, it can be ignored!

"Yes! His Highness Yalin!"

What Li Yalin thinks and thinks, Catalina is completely unaware, but her respect for Li Yalin at this moment is really on the same level as Bai.

At the beginning, Catalina was still unable to understand why the great white dragon **** chose a human as a spouse.

But after coming to this world and getting to know Li Yalin more deeply, she was completely stunned.

Although there is no lack of ectopic space in the other world, it is the first time she has seen an ectopic surface like this main world.

Compared to the backward and barren alien world, this main world undoubtedly opens the door to a new world for Catalina!

And not only that, Catalina has learned that, as a new master, he possesses power far beyond himself and even the son of Bai. As the most powerful priest of the White Temple, she deeply understands that this power What is it.

As the future spouse of Bai Zhilong, Li Yalin is fully qualified, so in the face of this new owner, Catarina is naturally more respectful.

Then ...

In order to make Her Highness no longer troubled, she must also strictly implement Li Yalin's order.

Adapt to this new world!

Fight for His Highness Yalin!

This is the ultimate task of the elites themselves and those under them!

Reasoning ~ ~ Although the elites from other worlds came, some of the troubles really bothered Li Yalin, but with Catarina, he didn't really bother for long.

After all, they are elite. They are the strongest, no matter it is combat effectiveness or adaptability.

Then after this elite team has fully adapted to the main world, it is natural that the enemy's turn should be played next, and then Li Yalin will bring people to turn the tide.

Hmm ... wait, I have such a good card in my hand. If we wait passively for the enemy to play, it will be too boring, right?

Anyway, to complete the task, there is no difference between active and passive waiting.

Now that the teammates are all pulled in, just take the initiative and finish the task quickly?

Otherwise, time is wasted or something, but his time is precious!

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