MTL - Rise Recovery Era-Chapter 14 Steadily improve

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Zhou Jiadong looked at Zhou Hao and asked.

"Dad, I scored 108 in Chinese, 113 in mathematics, 110 in English, 231 in comprehensive science, and a total score of 562 in the monthly test," Zhou Hao said.

Zhou Jiadong's body visibly paused.

"Really? Xiaohao?" Wang Lan's eyes showed a hint of joy.

"Dad, Mom, wait a minute, I'll get the test papers." Zhou Hao returned to his room, took out the four test papers, and handed them to Zhou Jiadong.

"This time I took the 19th place in the class and the 213th place in the grade." Zhou Hao said.

Zhou Jiadong looked at them one by one, a gleam of light gradually appeared in his eyes. However, he looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Aren't your grades bad before? Why did you improve so much all of a sudden?"

Zhou Jiadong knew about his son's grades.

"Dad, didn't I tell you when I was in the freshman year of high school that my memory suddenly became very poor? But just two weeks ago, my memory recovered again." Zhou Hao said.

He didn't say anything about the red spar. The pattern in his mind needs to be combined with the strange light point to be effective, and it is useless for him to hand it over to Zhou Jiadong and Wang Lan.

"Okay." Zhou Jiadong finished the test paper and handed it to Yang Tian again, his face couldn't hide his joy.

Since Zhou Yue disappeared, Zhou Jiadong seldom smiled, but Zhou Hao was very competitive. Before high school, his grades were at the top of his class, which gave him comfort, but after high school, his grades plummeted.

He knew that Zhou Hao's memory was weakened, and he took him to some hospitals for examination, but found no problems.

"Old Zhou, Xiao Hao, don't talk about grades. The food is getting cold, so hurry up and eat." Wang Land said, her face was also full of smiles.

She had been worried that Zhou Hao would not be admitted to a good university, and Zhou Hao's recovery in the last semester was good news for her.

At the dinner table, Zhou Jiadong was obviously in high spirits and drank an extra glass of wine, while Zhou Hao returned to his room after eating.

"Dad, Mom, I won't let you down." Zhou Hao said silently in his heart.

He felt guilty for disappointing his parents time and time again, but now he felt a little relieved that he could finally make his parents proud of him again.

Concentrating the emotions in his heart, Zhou Hao sat cross-legged on the bed, and Zhou Hao made the movements in his mind, and began to absorb the strange light.

After more than two weeks of persistence, his current strength is already very strong. Zhou Hao has tested it before, and with his current strength, he can even lift more than 100 kilograms of objects with one hand without any effort. This is difficult even for able-bodied adults.

After nearly an hour, Zhou Hao finally stopped.

"The strength has increased again." Zhou Hao felt his own state and smiled slightly. As he practiced, he absorbed more and more strange light spots.

"I don't know how to display the second pattern in my mind?" Zhou Hao looked at the dim nine patterns. Those patterns were not surprising, and they should also be able to absorb strange light spots, and the effect was better than the first pattern.

Zhou Hao was even thinking about how strong his body would be if all ten patterns appeared.

"Take it easy." Zhou Hao restrained his emotions and began to study.

According to the usual practice, Zhou Hao took out a comprehensive science test paper and started working on it, and then took out a math test paper, and then he began to memorize a lot of knowledge in the chemistry textbook.

When it was close to twelve o'clock, he finally stopped.

Time passed quickly, and in the following time, Zhou Hao started to study according to his own plan. After five days, he finished his chemistry textbook completely, and then started to read his physics textbook.

The knowledge of science and comprehensive knowledge is complicated, and it takes the most time to do a test paper, so Zhou Hao reviews the comprehensive science first, so that the time saved can be used to do more things.

For him, it doesn't really matter which one he chooses as the priority review object.

With the review, his grades are also improving rapidly, especially the score of science and comprehensiveness, which has increased to more than 250 points.

He is also improving rapidly in other subjects. There are not many knowledge points in the mathematics textbooks, but the publicity and so on are extremely complicated. He spent some time in class. remember.

Then he began to master these formulas through the test papers, and his grades improved very quickly.

Chinese and English, his improvement speed is a little slower, after all, there are too many knowledge points in these two subjects, but as time goes by, Zhou Hao has been improving steadily.

Three weeks later, Wushi No. 1 Middle School, together with several other high schools, started the first mock college entrance examination, which was conducted strictly according to the pattern of the college entrance examination, and the exam would end soon.

For the morning self-study on Saturday, many students came very early, and the test papers were distributed quickly.

"117 points in Chinese, 125 points in mathematics, 114 points in English, 255 points in comprehensive science, and a total score of 611." UU Reading Zhou Hao looked at his scores with a slight smile on his face.

The test paper this time is more difficult, and his score of 611 has already occupied the fifth place in the class and the 101st place in his age.

You know, most of the top 100 in the grade are in key classes, and Zhou Hao is only two places away from entering the top 100, which shows how fast he is improving.

"God of the Exam, let me be imbued with immortality." When Zhao Yan saw Zhou Hao's results, he yelled that he was abnormal, but he came over to ask Zhou Hao the question with the cheek.

His academic performance is average, but in fact he also wants to get a good grade in the exam.

"Da Zhou, how do you do this question?" Wang Mengmeng, who was sitting in front, also turned around and looked at Zhou Hao pitifully.

Zhou Hao smiled, didn't say much, and explained to them directly.

In fact, by explaining to other students, I have a deeper understanding of the topic.

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Hao. In just a few weeks, Zhou Hao seemed to have been completely reborn. Not only did his academic performance improve a lot, but he also looked brighter, without the feeling of weakness he had before.

This boy who used to like her gradually exuded a gleam of light from being ordinary.

"Zhou Hao, how to do this question?" Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Hao, pointed to a question and asked.

Zhou Hao looked at the question, smiled and said: "This question requires two derivation formulas, first of all..."

Zhou Hao explained directly without any nervousness. His eyes were clear, not mixed with other emotions.

"He doesn't like me anymore." Looking at Zhou Hao, Zhang Yi suddenly had an idea in her heart.

In the past, Zhou Hao was a little nervous when talking to her, but now he didn't show any abnormalities. She no longer felt Zhou Hao's gaze on her.