MTL - Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System-Chapter 1155 Unlucky Butler Lu

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That's right, the reason why Butler Lu was so angry was that the stick he drew was still an empty stick.

There is no text on it at all, and there is no sign at all. That is to say, this bamboo stick still represents that no drink has been drawn. How can this not make him angry?

Apart from myself, two blank signatures have been drawn in a row, which means that at least two jugs of wine have been lost among the 50 people, and even if everyone wins, then they can only get It's only a few altars to 40.

Although this is not unacceptable, after all, this is two consecutive mistakes at the beginning, how can we not make him angry?

And then because of his scolding, the rest of the servants also became a little scared.

At the same time, I also panicked in my heart, really afraid that I would get hurt because of this incident.

At the very least, these two guys who took time out are very depressed at the moment. From the words of the butler just now, it can be seen that they don't want to eat food at night.

In this way, it means that they will be hungry today.

This is a very troublesome thing. These people do a lot of physical work on weekdays, and it will make them very uncomfortable and painful after a night without eating.

But there is no way around this, after all, the other party is the housekeeper, and the other party's words are like imperial edicts in the mansion.

It is also because of this that if the other party says that they will not give them food, they will not be able to eat food at all.

Of course, these people are not helpless, they are waiting outside now until later. When the players are not paying attention, they spend a lot of money to buy two steamed buns and hide them in their arms, so that they can have food at night.

And another point is that these two guys who didn't get drawn were also muttering secretly in their hearts at this time, praying secretly, he was praying that his companions would not get drinks, that's the only way, that's the only way everyone The punishment for both of them can be reduced only when they can't get a drink.

If not, the rest of the people would have food to eat, with the exception of the two of them, which was something they could not accept no matter what.

And then the third person also walked up quickly, and this servant reached into the wooden barrel without the slightest hesitation.

There is no way, it is a knife to extend the head, and it is still a knife to shrink the head. Instead of this, why not just accept one directly?

What's more, the probability of this is obviously not small.

As for the fact that the two companions didn't get drinks before, he was very disdainful. At the same time, he shook his head secretly, saying that his two companions were really unlucky.

Did he believe that he would never have won the drink without looking at his butler for the first time?

That is to say, there must be a sign of alcohol in it, and because of this, he is also full of confidence.

However, the moment he pulled out the lottery, before he could even look at it, the housekeeper took a step forward and directly snatched the lottery from his hand.

However, when the housekeeper saw the sign, he immediately smashed the sign on the other party's head angrily. ....

And the guy who hurt even more this time took a deep breath. Although the stick was said to be made of bamboo, it was very painful when it hit his head.

Of course, there was only one reason for the butler to be so furious, and that was that this guy also didn't get a drink.

"Waste, waste, another waste, you don't have food tonight, just roll aside, hurry up next time."

However, the two guys before were overjoyed for no reason. Seeing that their own people hadn't been drawn, it made them very comfortable. At the same time, they didn't have the slightest pity. Have you been punished?

This is like the sentence I said before, seeing other people set rewards, it is simply better than myself. Punishment also makes them uncomfortable.

The same people who have fallen in the world, the same house

The servants in the middle, why do you have food when I have no food?

This is a very unfair thing. In fact, it's not just these two, the one who chased the heart and finished drawing the bamboo sticks at this moment is also praying in his heart, praying that the next companions will also not be able to get drinks, only in this way can they avoid punishment .

And the next time, I don't know if God made a joke with them or what, since the first family, no one in the next 20 consecutive family members got a jar of wine.

This incident undoubtedly made Steward Lu fly into a rage.

The sound of shouting and cursing resounded on the street and made everyone look sideways. After the shopkeeper heard this, he frowned deeply.

"Butler Lu, this is still in public, not to mention it's at the entrance of an old shop.

Isn't it inappropriate for you to scold and clamor like this?

If the higher-ups find out about this matter, I'm afraid Steward Lu will be overwhelmed and walk around. "

It has to be said that these words are still very lethal. When the old man said these words, the butler immediately became dumb and did not dare to refute. He just gave his servants a vicious look, and at the same time With a direct wave of his hand, he motioned for the next person to go up and draw lots.

But at this moment, this guy was obviously frightened enough. When Zhou came forward, his whole body was a little trembling. But none of them were drawn.

Because of this, he also knew that if he couldn't draw any more at this time, the housekeeper might really lose his temper completely, and at the same time, he would definitely not have any good fruit to eat.

It's just that at this moment, although he was extremely flustered in his heart, he had to bite the bullet and go up to draw lots, and the next time.

The moment his fingers touched the bamboo slips. He hesitated again, then threw the bamboo stick already in his hand aside, and at the same time picked up another one and took it out.

But this time, the butler was obviously impatient, and he didn't even look at the guy at all. He just waited for the moment when the guy's palm was pulled out, and then he snatched it directly, and the next moment, the butler's eyes It turned red immediately, and the angry voice was just a cold roll to the guy. ....

Then he looked at the next servant, and squeezed out two words between his teeth in a tone full of anger:

"hurry up."

And the people who saw this knew what happened even without asking. Obviously, this guy was also not drawn.

The scolded family actually began to mutter in their hearts at this moment, and at the same time secretly regretted that if they hadn't thrown away the bamboo stick in their hands just now, maybe it was a jar of wine.

If I can win the drink at this time, then I am afraid that I will definitely have some rewards.

Thinking of this, he really shook his head, and at the same time, he loved and hated why he didn't persevere just now, why did he change the bamboo stick in his hand?

Really, if you don't change it, you will definitely get a jug of wine. Although he said at this time, he has never seen whether there is writing on the bamboo stick.

But that's how people are. When they gave up before, it made him feel that there was definitely something written on it, and it made him feel that he definitely missed that jar of wine.

For a moment, some intestines that he regretted turned green.

Of course, there is no one in this world who regrets selling medicine, although he regrets it at this time, but. He could only walk to the side of the crowd in despair.

This made those former servants very happy, and at the same time, the rest of the people who lined up around were also very happy.

It seemed that this guy was really unlucky. He was already in his 20s, and he only got a jug of wine. Such a thing never occurred to them, and it also made them very happy.

It seems that this guy really can't get much wine today, even the rest of him

, each of them drew a jug of wine, so at most it was only a few dozen jars, which undoubtedly gave them greater hope.

Sure enough, in the following process, the rest of the No. 30 people didn't even get a jar of wine.

Such a miracle, including the shopkeeper, was a little shocked at this moment. He could never have imagined what kind of luck and bad luck it was to be able to do this.

In the end, the shopkeeper shook his head helplessly at Steward Lu, and said:

"Hehe, it seems that Steward Lu's luck is really not very good today, but fortunately, Steward Lu made a good start when he opened the door. He has already received a jug of wine, so this trip is not in vain.

Hehe, well, now that Butler Lu's wine code has been registered, it's only waiting for Butler Wu to come to our store to buy a jug of wine tomorrow with this bamboo money.

Now that the matter here has been dealt with, please ask Butler Lu to wait aside.

Whose turn is it next? Please come forward to draw lots immediately, time is limited, don't waste time. "

"Okay, okay, okay, it's my turn next, I'll smoke first, I want to see if there is any alcohol in it!

Is there more wine or more wine sticks in it, hehe, I believe my luck is still good. "

The one who spoke was none other than the steward of the Minister of War.

Although this guy didn't take less people today, but after Steward Lu's action just now, he also felt a little uneasy. Those 50 people didn't get the second pot of wine, and they were even more uneasy . ....

He was even a little scared, if they couldn't even get a jug of wine, how would it end up next?

How to explain to the master after going back?

Of course, although he said that he was very anxious, he still didn't show the slightest expression on his face. Instead, he strode forward and stretched out his hand towards the bamboo tube in front of him without thinking.

Because just now, he had seen many people make such actions, and because of this, he didn't observe in detail, and directly reached into the wooden barrel.

Afterwards, when his palm was inserted into the wooden barrel, his complexion changed slightly like that of Butler Lu before him, and he completely understood why those people hadn't smoked the second jug of wine before. There were too many bamboo slips inside, so many that it made his scalp tingle, and at the same time he hesitated when reaching out, but fortunately, he gritted his teeth and took out a bamboo stick inside and took it out directly.

However, when he took out the bamboo stick, his originally tense face turned into ecstasy, and then he took the bamboo stick and walked up to the shopkeeper with a smile, and said to the shopkeeper:

"Hahaha, it seems that my luck is really good, shopkeeper, come and have a look, did I also get a jug of wine?"

"Hehe, Butler Jin is really lucky. That's right, this is just a jug of wine. It seems that Butler Jin is lucky today. Well, after Butler Jin also took this bamboo stick and registered it in the register, he will take it tomorrow You can buy a jug of wine in this store.”

After saying this, he stopped talking to this guy, but continued to look at the shepherd boy on the field, waiting for the next person to continue drawing lots.

It's just that at this moment, Butler Jin glanced at Butler Lu next to him intentionally or unintentionally, and the smug look in his eyes could be seen by anyone without even thinking about it.

And this scene also angered Butler Lu. His eyes were red, and he really wanted to rush up and punch this guy twice.

Although the Golden Butler was full of pride at this moment, he was still uneasy in his heart.

After all, just now, Steward Lu followed the same steps and performed the same operation. He directly drew a pool of wine at the first hand, but he got nothing after that. How could he not be nervous?

At the same time, he looked closely at his servant, waiting for his action.


When his servant went deep into the bamboo tube and took it out, UU Reading he also rushed over, snatched it away, and when he saw it clearly, his face suddenly burst into ecstasy, and he couldn't bear it. He couldn't help laughing, and at the same time he held it up for everyone to see, and when he caught up, he said:

"Hahaha, it seems. I'm really lucky today! I've got two jugs of wine here in a row, hehe, this trip was worth it, this trip was worth it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his other servant and motioned him to step forward and continue drawing lots.

At the same time, Steward Lu who was standing aside had already gritted his teeth. Just like that, the other party had already got two jugs of wine, which was one more jug than his own.

This made him really want to rush up and beat this guy up, after all, the Ministry of War and Shangshu of the Ministry of Households were already at odds.

[To be continued. . . . 】.

Muzi's Little Grapefruit

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