MTL - Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System-Chapter 1152 You deserve it too?

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In order for these guys to get the drinks earlier tomorrow and be the first to grab the drinks, they actually came here so early and queued up.

And it is obvious that this is the way of thinking.

In this way, until tomorrow, many of these people will not be able to buy it.

In addition to listening to the reports of his subordinates, these guys all brought their families with them, and each of them brought a lot of servants.

In this way, it is very likely that a group of them will be allowed to break in. In the end, only a few of them may be able to buy it, that is to say, only a few mansions can be bought.

Obviously, such a thing is unreasonable and unfair.

Especially in order to compete, these people will definitely fight a little bit.

At that time, once something bad happens, this is not what I want.

Thinking of this, he directly asked the shopkeeper over there to start making a guardrail for queuing.

Make the entrance directly into that kind of playground.

That is to say, people line up spirally inside, one circle to the left and one circle to the right, so that these people can get better brands and better ensure order.

As for whether these people will have conflicts when they enter the spiral guardrail, this is also inevitable, and these people will definitely do so.

After thinking about this point, Lin Yi gave up this idea again.

Immediately, he looked at the paper in front of him, and suddenly had a plan, so he directly issued an order, and soon the shopkeeper received the order.

And the shopkeeper who received the order immediately started to act. As for the guys outside, the shopkeeper didn't pay much attention to it, but went back to his room to prepare.

In less than half an hour, the shopkeeper came out, and in his hand, he was still holding a big wooden bucket. This wooden bucket was as big as a washing machine in later generations. Even if it was the shopkeeper, it was very difficult to hold it up. of.

Moreover, this bucket has obviously been specially treated. It has a thick cover on it, and there is only a small round hole where you can reach in.

After walking out, the shopkeeper immediately said to his subordinates, "Take him to the door with me."

After seeing this, the subordinates immediately stepped forward to take the big wooden box from the shopkeeper's hand, and then the two of them carried it directly to the door of the shop.

At this moment, those people around who had prepared to be here all looked this way, and when they saw the figure of the shopkeeper, they all became puzzled.

Especially after seeing the big wooden barrel at the back, I was full of doubts, I didn't know what tricks this guy was going to do, and I didn't know what they were going to do today.

Of course, there is one thing they can be sure of, that is, they dare not go to make trouble, and they dare not go to ask.

After all, the identity of the other party is here. Although the other party says that he is just a small shopkeeper and a small shopkeeper, the person standing behind him is the emperor. Who dares to mess with such an identity? No one dared to step forward to make trouble.

And when everyone was looking at this side, when everyone's eyes were focused on the door of the shop, the shopkeeper also walked up to everyone, and then said loudly to everyone:

"Everyone, listen to me. There is no way for us to go on like this. Everyone can't wait here until night.

Although there is no curfew now, it is not a thing for so many people to gather in front of the store.

If it is seen by officers and soldiers, it will inevitably cause some troubles, so a rule has been specially decided. "

After the shopkeeper's words came to this point, the eyes of all the surrounding people brightened. Hearing the shopkeeper's words, it meant that he didn't want people like himself to line up here, but it was not easy to drive them away directly.

There are also new instructions from above, is it possible that the above wants to tell them that everyone can buy alcohol?

All of a sudden, everyone became excited, and while they all looked at the shopkeeper expectantly, they only waited for the shopkeeper's words to fall, and they immediately paid for the drinks.

"What's the shopkeeper? Is it possible? Can we all buy wine? Is it possible that there is no limit today? Haha, that would be great. In this case, I will come to 100 jugs first."

"You really have a big tone. Our mansion has all the drinks today. Our master said, we want as much as we want."

"Go, go, what's the matter with you, the butler of a small servant's family? I'm the butler of the Minister of the Household Department. We'll have all the drinks here today."

"What's wrong with the Minister of the Ministry of Household? We are still the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Today's drink is absolutely impossible without ours."

"Why are you arguing? Just because you are distinguished? Let me tell you. Our family is also one of the six ministers. Today we need at least 100 altars of wine."

"Hey, hey, don't use your power to overwhelm people like this. Although our master is not as powerful as your master, at least we have a share of this drink. We don't want too much. We only need 20 jugs, 20 The altar is enough."

"Yes, yes. You can't overwhelm people with power. If this is the case, then how can we people live?"

"That's right, if you bought all the drinks, how can we go back and do business? No, no, at least five jars and ten jars will be given to us equally."

"You are really not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue. A small county magistrate's discipline wants to get a piece of the pie. I will tell you that even if you have one jar, you will definitely not Leave it to you."

"Look at what this said, isn't this using power to overwhelm people?

What's wrong with us being the county magistrate?

Isn't the county magistrate an official?

Is the county magistrate not a human being?

Besides, this drink is for everyone, for everyone, not just for you!

So we naturally have the right to buy!

What happened to the ten altars? Can our master afford the money? So is there any problem with buying ten altars? "

"Hmph, let's not talk about those who have or don't have one, just one person and two altars today will be fine.

This time we have 50 servants, each with two altars, which is also 100 altars. Who dares to rob us? "

"What's the matter, there are more people than servants, right?

We brought 70 servants this time!

come? By the way, at least 140 altars are needed today, even if there is less than one altar. "

"Hey, hey, you guys are a little too annoying. Although we said that only 30 servants came this time, at least 50 altars should be distributed to us."

"50 altars?? Hehe, I have 40 servants here this time, and I didn't even dare to ask for 50 altars.

I don't want too much, our master said, as long as I can get five jars of wine this time, I will be satisfied. "

"My good fellow, the 40 servants only need five jars of wine? Why is there such a big battle? If only five jars of wine are needed, a few people will be enough."

"Who said it wasn't? I was really shocked. I only needed 5 altars and brought 40 servants with me."

"Hey. You don't know this. This is the servant of Yin's family in the capital, so the level is placed here after all. He wants five jars of wine. If so many people don't come, how can he get it? ?”

"Uh, can I ask a question weakly? I am a centurion of Zuo Wuwei. May I ask if I can buy an altar?"

After saying this, everyone around looked at him in unison.

Good guy, a little centurion wants to come here to get a share of the pie.

Just kidding, just here, which one of the masters in the queue is not a high-ranking official?

Even the weakest one is still a sixth rank official.

And this little centurion, if you really count, he can't even get a low-level official position.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the little Ninth Grade Sesame Officer is much higher than him.

Seeing the contemptuous gazes of the people around him, the centurion immediately wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

An old face was also slightly flushed.

He also knew that these people around him at this moment were not something he could provoke.

But thinking of the fine wine in the palace, he couldn't help swallowing a little.

As for why such a level of people would drink the wine in the palace, this is also very understandable.

On the day of Lin Yi's wedding, he was on duty in the palace.

Because of this, when those officials finished drinking the wine, there would inevitably be a drop or two left in the bottle, and this one was lucky enough to drink those two drops when cleaning up.

It is also because of this that when he heard that the palace liquor was also sold here, he immediately took out all the money he had on him, and took all the fifty taels of silver he had saved, thinking To buy a jar of wine to taste. Take a good solution to relieve your hunger.

However, he never expected that the scene would be like this.

Let's not say that the last time he came was relatively late, so he didn't catch up with the two hundred jars of wine at all.

And when he heard that tomorrow would happen and he was not on duty for the next two days, he thought of looking for someone to come here to line up, thinking that after coming here, it might really be his turn in this queue.

And there is another point that everyone doesn't know, that is, this guy is really the first person to come here.

When all those people left, this guy was the first to line up here. He thought, as long as he can drink this kind of wine, even if the line starts now, what's the point of waiting until the door opens tomorrow?

However, what he never expected was that soon those arrogant and domineering butlers would arrive. When they arrived, no one paid any attention to him at all, and they also brought a lot of servants.

Although he said that he was a member of Zuo Wuwei, his official position was too small, and it could almost be said that he was not popular.

And among this group of people, there is still a housekeeper who owns five great generals. Such a person is in front of him, and that is the existence he looks up to.

Although the other party was just a steward and a servant, he had no doubt that a single sentence from the other party could make him lose the position of centurion.

It was precisely because of this that after he finished speaking, everyone cast contemptuous glances.

However, under their gazes, the shopkeeper's words sounded again:

"Everyone, don't fight any more, this time, not everyone's fight will be effective.

Hehe, let me just say it directly, this time we are no longer who comes first, first served, for the sake of fairness, so that you don't hurt your friendship, this time we will draw lots to decide. "

As soon as his words fell out, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they all looked at each other, and at the same time asked with some doubts in their tone:

"Shopkeeper, what's the meaning of this? How do you draw lots?"

"Why is this still a lottery? Let me tell you, I am the first to come here. When I came here, no one else was here. I have been waiting in line for a long time, so I have to sell it to us." Bar?"

"Who said it wasn't? I've been in line for such a long time, I don't want to draw lots.

I'm still waiting for the opening tomorrow, so I can find some and go in and buy some. "

"Yes, yes, no matter what lottery is drawn, we will not draw it, and wait for the door to open tomorrow."

All of a sudden, among the crowd who heard the words, those guys who rushed here with dozens of Ding Hao shook their heads like rattles.

They don't agree with lottery, you have to know, they have a lot of people here, when they open tomorrow, they just need to let those servants rush out first and stop them all, then they can enter inside Go shopping with confidence.

However, when they heard their words, some people in the crowd shook their heads helplessly, and at the same time, the centurion couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Just now that he had shattered his illusions, he had already recognized the reality. With these people around, he might not be able to buy a jug of wine at all. At the same time, thinking of this, he also planned to give up.

There is no way, he is just a little centurion, compared with these officials, it is really nothing, and because of this, he plans to leave.

Although I say that I am very greedy for that drink, but if I want to work in the palace, it is inevitable that I will come into contact with this stuff sometimes. Maybe His Majesty will reward me with a drink when he is happy.

However, at this moment, just as he was about to leave, he heard the shopkeeper say that this matter should be settled by drawing lots. How could this not excite him?

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up.

At the same time, he wanted to open his mouth to echo the shopkeeper's words.

However, before he could open his mouth, the housekeepers with servants around him were the first to refuse.

This made him feel his heart rise for a moment, he was afraid that the shopkeeper would give up the decision to draw lots because of these people's words.

[To be continued. . . . 】


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