MTL - Rich Devil-Chapter 588 ,Never forget

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Krypton Gold becomes stronger!

After using the memory capsule, Hu Yanshuo's memory seemed to become stronger, and his mind was clear and bright, and many forgotten things gradually appeared in his mind, which lasted for a long time.

After the memory attribute reaches 100 points, there is also a special effect that can be turned on and off: unforgettable.

Unforgettable: unforgettable, unforgettable.

Temporarily close the Krypton Gold Mall.

Hu Yanshuo started to open the most anticipated plug-in interface, and immediately saw the updated content of the plug-in upgrade.

"Plug-in: Time is money."

"Function 1: Infinitely hang up to brush money."

(Function description: Players can swipe money by hanging up. The daily money is 50 yuan per minute when hanging up.)

"Feature 2: Spend unlimited money."

(Function description: Players increase experience by spending money, and they can get 1 experience point for every 10,000 spent.)

"Function 3: Accumulate experience."

(Function description: According to the player's level, the accumulated experience will be accumulated. At the current level, the accumulated experience can be doubled.)

"Function 4: Brush money increase."

(Function description: According to the player's level, the fixed amount of money will be increased. The current level is increased by 2 million times, and the settlement date is calculated based on the increase after the upgrade.)

"Function 5: Crystal Palace."

(Function description: According to the player's level, a certain number of Crystal Palace places will be obtained. Players use privileges to select targets to enter the Crystal Palace. The Crystal Palace places can be used as a condition for upgrading. After the upgrade, the Crystal Palace will be refreshed. Except for the specific places, the rest of the used places cannot be selected for the Crystal Palace. )

Provisional quota: 10.

Specific quota: 5.

(Temporary quota: Temporary Crystal Palace quota. Those who are included can be used as an upgrade condition. After the Crystal Palace is refreshed, they will no longer be able to be selected into the Crystal Palace.)

(Specific quota: permanent quota. After the Crystal Palace is refreshed, the quota is still valid.),

The first few items of the plug-in have not changed unexpectedly.

The main change is the fourth item, the increase in money brushing, which actually increased tenfold directly.

Another tenfold increase!

Hu Yanshuo's expression was stunned when he saw the new increase in brushing money, because for him, this increase was simply an unimaginable number for ordinary people.

There is also the latter line, the settlement date, which is calculated by the increase after the upgrade. It means that you can earn daily income tonight, ten times the previous increase!

Before today, what was Hu Yanshuo's daily income, with his current memory, it is naturally difficult to forget. He received a bank transfer of 14.4 billion yuan last night.

Now the tenfold increase means that Hu Yanshuo's daily income has become: 144 billion yuan.

It's not far from twelve o'clock now.

Seeing that there was still about an hour left, Hu Yanshuo's eyes showed a look of anticipation, he couldn't help straightening his body, and trembled with excitement.

Restlessly waiting...

an hour later.

Hu Yanshuo caught a glimpse of the message from the bank, which stated the amount of the transfer, and immediately straightened his body excitedly, with the urge to shout, and a thought emerged in his heart: cool!

After careful counting, there are a series of zeros behind the transfer amount, a total of 144 billion yuan.

So cool!

The reward for this kind of hard work is simply amazing, even better than the feeling of spending 100 billion.


He snapped his fingers, and walked into the hot spring pool with excitement on his face. Hu Yanshuo, who wanted to swim around, vaguely heard Ishikawa Emaruko choking: "It's so strong!"


Nothing affected Hu Yanshuo's footsteps, and after a while, his figure disappeared into the hot spring pool.

Take a leisurely swim in the hot spring pool.

Hu Yanshuo began to adapt to the changes in his body. Even if the special effects were not turned on, his body became incomparably tyrannical because of the sudden increase, so that Hu Yanshuo did not dare to easily fill up the strength attribute at once.

Swim for a while.

Hu Yanshuo went ashore, returned to the bedroom, and fell asleep.

the next day.

When he woke up, Hu Yanshuo saw several faces in front of him, all of them staring straight at his face, after a brief pause, Hu Yanshuo was swept away with sleepy eyes, and said, "What do you have? thing?"

"Master Shuo, how do you feel that you have become more handsome?" Jiu My Family asked curiously.


Hu Yanshuo was a little surprised, but he didn't expect to add five points of appearance at once, and the effect was so obvious, you must know that he has not turned on the special effects yet.

With a slight movement in his heart, Hu Yanshuo slightly tried to turn on the special effects, and then...

Took a few hours.

It was close to noon. After Hu Yanshuo finished washing up, he walked out of the room. A group of red-faced women slowly walked out of the room and followed behind him, ready to start lunch.

Sitting at the dining table, Hu Yanshuo recalled what happened, and had a very clear understanding of the special effect of "Pan An is alive" in his heart.

After turning on this special effect, it has the effect of crazy obsession with women with a face value below 80.

For women with a face value between 80 and 90, the effect of obsession will be greatly weakened.

Women with a face value between 90 and 95 points have a lot of favorability, at least there is no disgust.

For women with a face value between 95 and 99 points, the effect of special effects is minimal.

For a woman with a face value of 100 points, the special effects have no effect.

After figuring out the function of this special effect, Hu Yanshuo was speechless for a while, because he felt that this special effect did not seem to have any effect, at most, it was just a means of adding a little interest when he was researching the topic

Imagine, when the research topic is getting better and better, suddenly come to such a situation and turn on the special effect of "Pan An is alive", what kind of situation will it be?


Or can't the heart be stimulated?

Although he has not tried it, Hu Yanshuo believes that it must be a very interesting thing.

I opened the plug-in again and checked it. Last night, I ignored the last function because I was impatiently waiting for the income from the hang-up.

This feature and privilege of Crystal Palace has also been updated.

There are not only 10 temporary places, but also 5 specific places. The temporary places can only be blessed once, but the five specific places can be used permanently.

Without any hesitation, Hu Yanshuo added Halina Zha and Jiuwu's Qianyu's quota to a specific quota.

In an instant.

The conditions for women with a face value of more than 100 are required, and in an instant, the words that the conditions have been met appeared.

The conditions for women with a face value of 95 and above have also changed, with a quarter of progress (14).

It made Hu Yanshuo ecstatic, such a function was simply turned off.

I believe that the time to upgrade lv.8 will definitely be greatly shortened. For the 10 temporary places, only those with a face value of 90 or less need to be included, and then help them to beautify and raise their face value to 90.

Of course, their appearance is not the peak of 90.


After joining the temporary quota, you will not be able to continue to join in the next Crystal Palace update.

However, Hu Yanshuo was just a thought, so he didn't bother anymore. Anyway, he didn't include people in the Crystal Palace, and he would give up after that, but he couldn't be included in the Crystal Palace again, taking shortcuts and speeding up the progress of the upgrade. That's all...