MTL - Rich Devil-Chapter 582 , Sakai Coriander

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Watanabe Qi Qiqi's words made Watanabe Hanazhixiu feel embarrassed!

He originally thought that Watanabe Qi Qiqi would ease up a little, or, tactfully, put this 'gifting' part in a time when no one was around, and then send his beloved love object.

However, Watanabe Qiqimu's decisive behavior still surprised him and felt extremely ashamed.

All this happened unexpectedly, and Watanabe Hanazhixiu didn't have the courage to face Sakai Coriander, worried that he was facing that desperate gaze.

If Watanabe Hanazhixiu sees Sakai Coriander Furui no wave and predictable eyes, he will know that he is actually thinking too much.

"Okay, I'll take it all."

Hu Yanshuo said meaningfully, and then said to Watanabe Qi Qimu: "Actually, I have already said that all the problems with your Watanabe family club will be written off, so you don't have to worry about me going back on my word, just a Watanabe. The family society has not reached the point where I need to target, you should understand!"


Watanabe Qi Qimu quickly bowed ninety degrees, not knowing if he really understood Hu Yanshuo's words.

"Now that you understand, do you still insist on giving gifts?"

Hu Yanshuo said lightly.

Hearing this, Watanabe Huazhixiu quickly raised his head and looked at Watanabe Qiqiki with hope. However, to his disappointment, Watanabe Qiqiki said without hesitation: "Of course!"

Watanabe Hanazhixiu looked desperately at Sakai Coriander, who had a hint of surprise in his eyes, as if his bones had been taken out.

Huh, surprise?

Watanabe Hanazhixiu felt that he was being taken out of time and had hallucinations. Coriander Sakai, who should have hoped to be his fiancee, actually showed a surprised expression on his face!

Watanabe Hana no Hide thinks it must be too much pressure!

How could Sakai Coriander show such an expression, she should be extremely desperate now!

Watanabe Hananohide thought sadly in her heart.

"Since that's the case, you can tell me what you think when you come here this time."

Hu Yanshuo also said quite lavishly.

Watanabe Qiqimu said quickly, "Thank you Husang! The Watanabe Family Club hopes to get support and join your alliance!"


Hu Yanshuo's chuckling expression immediately subsided, and he said seriously to Watanabe Qi Qimu: "I don't know where you got the news, the alliance has nothing to do with me, at least I have no right to accept people, even recommend We don’t have the number of places, but we have an event recently, if you want, you can join and play…”

"Thank you very much!"

Watanabe Qiqimu said nothing, just bowed and thanked him.

I don't know if it flashed to the waist or not. Watanabe Qi Qimu did not bow 90 degrees this time, and there was a happy expression on his face. Obviously, he should have received some wind and news.

Realizing this, Hu Yanshuo understood that Watanabe Qiqimu should be watching him secretly.

It's just that he doesn't really care about that.

"Okay, all your gifts are here, people can go out, the nobles of the island countries outside, you should have a common language, let's have a good chat first!"

Hu Yanshuo meaningfully issued an expulsion order.

Watanabe Qi Qimu hurriedly bowed, and pulled the soulless Watanabe Hanazhixiu to leave the scene.

From the corner of Watanabe's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Sakai Coriander, which was deliberately left behind. Complicated emotions flashed through his eyes, both deep pain and excitement that he himself did not notice.

Coriander Sakai, who was left behind, was also a little uneasy.

Hu Yanshuo didn't care too much, let her take a rest and tasted tea with Kamim and Cobalon again. It seems that everything just now was just an episode.

Hu Yanshuo, who seemed to be careless, was actually a little excited.

Since Sakai Coriander arrived, Hu Yanshuo curiously turned on the scanning function of the exploration glasses, probed Sakai Coriander, and obtained detailed data about her...

"Sakai Coriander: Female."

"Height: 160CM."

"Beauty: 95."

"Physical strength: 78."

"Memory: 81."

"Skills: Pharmacology LV3, Diagnosis LV4, Medical Surgery LV4, Suture LV2."

It is because of these data.

That would make Hu Yanshuo move to keep Sakai Coriander behind.

Otherwise, Hu Yanshuo would have asked Watanabe Qiqimu to take all the gifts away. He doesn't take in all kinds of women. It's useless to take in a woman of average appearance, and it will make Hu Yanshuo waste resources.

Although Hu Yanshuo doesn't care about a little resource, it's not good to give some people a bad start.

Judging from Sakai Coriander's data, her various data are not good, not only the appearance makes up for Hu Yanshuo's shortcomings, the rest of the attributes are also good, and his skills are even more satisfactory to him.

With such data, it is properly a personal doctor.

A personal doctor picked up by Bai, what else could make Hu Yanshuo happy?

Now for Hu Yanshuo, it is a little more urgent, and most of the upgrade conditions can be met after a while, and most of the conditions will be met later this evening.

After calculating, Hu Yanshuo knew very well that the upgrade was actually a private island away.

"Kamim, do you have an accurate time for the purchase of Brainhead Country?"

After thinking about it, Hu Yanshuo gave up the idea of ​​sitting on the Diaoyutai before he gave up, and began to urge Kamim to buy Brainhead Of course, in order not to make himself appear too urgent, he again Added a sentence: "If you can't do anything about it, you can even buy the islands and countries around the Brain Skull Country!"

"It's all acquired, what do you want to do?" Kamim said in surprise.

Isn't it already negotiated?

Why just after a while, Hu Yanshuo began to change again, and it seemed to be urging him.

Kamim didn't know what happened to Hu Yanshuo, but he felt that he really wanted to buy a private island, so he couldn't help but ask, but what he got was Hu Yanshuo's magical thoughts: "I'm just worried. You have no way to buy it successfully, so you want to buy all the islands near Brainhead Country, and encircle the road that Brainhead Country must go through. At that time, if things can’t be done, I can still force them to bow their heads. This is Prepare both hands..."

I have to say that Hu Yanshuo's idea is very magical, and although he knows it can work, Kamim is more aware that such a handwriting is really too big.

It's really not worth it to deal with a mere brain country.

Moreover, such a troublesome behavior is completely discriminatory against Kamim. Based on Kamim's understanding of the Brain Skull Kingdom, he does not think this matter will fail.

Hu Yanshuo was well prepared, but he was a little too cautious.

(ps, the new book [Brush Point Plugin] has been released, please reward, collect, recommend and support, and ask for full order by the way, thank you!!)

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