MTL - Rich Devil-Chapter 544 , will bully you

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"it is good."

Hatano Sakurai thought for a while, and finally nodded in response.

Tsushima Genase also said quickly: "I will contact now, and I will personally go to find out the details."

Tsutsui Orange also wanted to say something, but she was really not very good at these things.


Hu Yanshuo nodded and said, "Let's have breakfast first!"

Hearing Hu Yanshuo's words, everyone turned their attention to the fragrant and hot ramen noodles.

They looked at each other and started to move their chopsticks.

During the suction, the four bowls of ramen gradually began to decrease. In a blink of an eye, the ramen in front of the four was empty.

Taking a look at the rest of the sushi, the feeling of 'what kind of breakfast is this' came up inexplicably.

Can't bear to see it.

In response, Hu Yanshuo also laughed hoarsely, and greeted the three of them and started to go out.

Watanabe House Company.

The Watanabe Family Club is a steel industry. There are a lot of such companies in the island country, but there are not many people who want to rank up. Most of them are petty, and there are countless bankrupt people.

Regardless of the steel workers in the steel industry, the income can rank among the top 50 in the island country.

The annual salary is equivalent to an occupation with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan in China.

In fact, in the steel industry, countless bankruptcies occur every year in the island country.

The Kobe Steel fraud, as well as massive production cuts at other steel mills, abound.

The Watanabe family entered the steel industry in the early days, and now their assets have been greatly reduced, reaching a bottleneck period, and they are always thinking about how to transform.

As we all know, the island country is so big, and it is not easy for any industry to transform.

Transformation means taking someone else's cake.

This is especially true in island countries with family crests. Most families control the big cakes of various industries. Before the family declines, they can sit on the cakes and continue the industry. Throughout the history of the island country, we will find that among the companies in the island country, family businesses are often a subject that many economists cannot fully study.

There are also many economists who highly praise family businesses in island countries.

Study their business models, and think that you shouldn't just focus on the downsides of family businesses.

Some even believe that the island country has many time-honored family businesses, which can be called the "treasure house of family businesses". Taking the Tokyo Commerce and Industry survey data as an example, it commends the unique charm and research significance of family businesses in the island country.

How do you know that these companies are backed by their families, not because they don't want to change, but because change carries risks.

Moreover, the family behind them is definitely not willing to let them do this, so it will continue unchanged for a hundred years, but it is to accumulate wealth for the family.

Even the profits of some family businesses are used to support the forces behind them.

There are more than 20,000 enterprises in the island country that have more than 100 years of history, most of which are supported by the family crest, and the rest are the industries of ordinary people. They do not have the support of the family crest nobility, and can only share some small cakes to maintain their lives After a hundred years, it has inexplicably become a century-old brand.

In fact, there should not be too many such century-old brands. Even an average of 100 island-state enterprises, one is a century-old store.

It can be seen from this.

The island country basically has its upper limit of the pattern. In addition, after investigation, many companies have experienced the baptism of war, famine, and the change of dynasties and turmoil. Among them, they have survived unimaginable crises, just like in the wind and waves of the changing times. , withstood the baptism of time.

If it succeeds, it is a century-old brand. If it fails, it will be drowned in the torrent of the times.

This kind of history seems to be the history of the development of family businesses, but in fact it also has the continuation history of the island nation's aristocracy.

If it fails, there will naturally be some inheritances. How many people of the aristocratic nobles cherish the glory of the Guangfu family?

In fact, as long as you understand the nobles behind the family, you will understand.

With the support of the Watanabe family, the Watanabe Family Club stood in front of the stage and ran the company alone, partly because at that time, steel companies had huge interests, and partly because they stood on the stage and showed their determination, Without deep hatred, ordinary nobles would not deal with them.

The advantage of this is that when the environment is good, you can earn a lot of money and have some say in the aristocracy.

There are too many disadvantages.

Everyone knows that the people of the island country are very sinister, and the nobles are the best among them. Their favorite thing to do is to stab in the dark. Therefore, the behavior of making money on the table like the Watanabe family is in the eyes of the rest of the nobles. , it seems that they are not in the mainstream. When the environment is good, most nobles will give them a little face.

Once the general environment is low and the industry is in a downturn, people like the Watanabe family are often ignored.

But no one in the Watanabe family dared to offend easily.

Another disadvantage is that when you stand on the table, you will face more criticisms in the dark.

This will also make the Watanabe family gradually begin to be cautious in dealing with others, and tend to the principle of laughing at everyone first when encountering things.

Naturally, the nobles of the island country would not say that they like to stab in the dark.

They will only say that they like to sit behind the scenes and let others make money for them, and they sit back and enjoy it, spending other people's hard-earned hard-earned money.

Arrived at Watanabe House.

Knowing the news of Hu Yanshuo and Tsutsui Chengxiang coming, Watanabe Hanazhixiu didn't care about concealing what happened yesterday, so he found the helm of the Watanabe family club and told the family head about these things one by one.

The head of the family, Watanabe Qi Qiqi, learned about Tsutsui Orange The woman who was so heartbroken flew away.

But after he found out about it, he was also secretly shocked by Hu Yanshuo, and quickly found a relationship to investigate him, while thinking about stabilizing Hu Yanshuo and others, restraining the people of the Watanabe family club, and not being able to offend Hu Yanshuo and others easily.

After the order was conveyed, Watanabe Qi Qiqi began to think about the solution.

For a long time.

Watanabe Qi Qimu took Watanabe Huazhixiu together to greet Hu Yanshuo in the living room. Seeing that although Hu Yanshuo was enjoying the tea in the living room, he was full of contempt for his carefully arranged living room. Qi Mu's heart was awe-inspiring for a while, and secretly he valued it a little more...

"Hello, President Hu, I'm the president of the Watanabe family club. It's the first time we meet, please give me some advice!"

Watanabe Qi Qimu took the lead and gave Hu Yanshuo a ninety-degree bow, and said with a serious look.

"The tea ceremony of your island country seems to be plagiarized, but the layout here seems petty, the layout is too small, who do you look down on?"

Glancing at Watanabe Qiqimu, Hu Yanshuo said directly.

Watanabe Qiqimu, who had just straightened up, after hearing Hu Yanshuo's evaluation, hurriedly lowered his head, bowed 90 degrees again, and said solemnly, "Hi!"

"The parlour is very crude, please bear with me!"

"I thought you looked down on someone, but now, seeing your sincere attitude of admitting your mistakes, I'll forgive you!" Hu Yanshuo said with a serious nod.

Next to him was Watanabe Hanazhixiu, who bowed again, clenching her fists tightly, trying her best not to let anyone see her humiliating and angry eyes.

It's so bullying.

Or go straight to the door, showing the kind that will bully you.