MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 346: The Mystery of Heavenly Dreams

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The waves constantly patted the stone and drowned all the gravel and ground thorns.

The stone ditches have long been submerged in the water. At this moment, the bottom of the water is surging and continually impacting, expanding and widening the trench.

The sound of the collapse and the sound of the collapse of the sound, the original complete integrated stone, is dispersed under the continuous hydraulic power.

The scattered stone land formed five large stone islands and dozens of small stone islands.

This step is achieved, the dream is really spit out a sigh of relief, and the heart rises to a sense of accomplishment.

It is not easy to do this.

At the beginning, the most common part of this dreamland was the dirt road track. The rest of the waterways, wind tunnels, and thunder roads were less. The latter had a large gap, which led to the initial integration of the geomorphology and the stone.

The advantages and disadvantages of the stone land are quite obvious. It can produce stone materials and breed mineral deposits. It is also good for the reproduction of stone life, but it is not conducive to the growth of vegetation.

The land of Fudi is not a bad thing in itself.

However, when the dream seeks to detect the three-site disaster, it finds that the first is the fierceness of the catastrophe, the second is the torrential fire, the third is the change of the disaster. .

Dreams and truths know that the catastrophe of this dreamland is not dominated by dirt. With the development of the dirt road, there is not much future.

Dreaming for truth immediately decided to transform the landscape!

After Yanshi Shengxian, very few people first set out to change the landscape of their own fairy tales.

This step is quite difficult.

Fortunately, here is a dream, a dream and a spiritual power.

He first tried to break up the complete stone land, because of the lack of strength and traces, he could not fully perform.

Later, he used the means of dreaming, smashed the ground, and used the trenches to kill the four arms.

This step is actually very difficult.

If there is no means of dreaming, there will be no thorns in the dream, and the fierceness of the four arms will last for a long time. After waiting for it to starve to death, Xianyufu slowly digested, in order to be able to continue to gain strength.

With the help of the ground thorn, the dream quickly solved the four-armed fierceness.

However, because the road marks are mutually exclusive, Xianyufu can only absorb most of the road marks. Fortunately, this part of the road is enough, and the dream has finally successfully divided the complete stone.

After that, it is meticulous work.

Dreaming for a big island, began to crush the surface of the stone around the island, forming a large number of gravel.

This work is very difficult.

Or the first thing to accumulate thunderclouds and thunder bombings. After the bombing, they will continue to wash with the wind and waves.

With the strength of the road, the wind and the waves are far more energetic than before, but it is not efficient for crushing the stones, but it takes a lot of effort.

In fact, there are many good ways to do it. For example, first roast with fire and then with water, the stone will be more easily cracked into debris.

But in the dreamland, there is no trace of inflammation, and it is very distressing to make dreams come true.

He is now behaving like a knife to cut a tree trunk, and the tools are not right.

It was so hard to grind it, it took many days, and there were gravel around the Big Island. These gravel are milled by wind and water, and they are very small and smooth, like tiny cobblestones.

The first big island was completed, and the dream came true to the second big island and continued to work.

There is a sea of ​​rainwater between the islands.

To be honest, the size of the sea is not a big lake.

On weekdays, dreams are really too lazy to make waves, so the water surface is as smooth as a mirror. Only when he crushes the rock or walks the water, will this take the initiative to set off the storm.

There is no avenue in this dreamland, and there is not much space. The dream can not be teleported.

The transformation of such a small island continued, and time passed quickly.

When the dreams were true, all the big islands were rebuilt, and seven or eight small islands were also transformed.

The torrential rain slammed down.

Every drop of fire and rain has a basin size, and thousands of fires and rains come down, quite a bit of atmosphere.

Many fires smashed on the stone island, burning the stone or gravel. Some small pebbles burned out, and the stone turned into a magma that slowly and resolutely flowed to the bottom of the water.

Over time, the stone island, which was steep in the edge, quickly changed its landscape under the raging fire. The surrounding area of ​​Shidao is sinking all the way. The most edge is deep into the water. The middle section is flush with the water surface, and the rear section is slightly higher than the lake surface, forming a beach composed of gravel.

Most of the fire rain falls into the water, and the water fire stimulates the formation of the water vapor. The water vapor is so high that it rises upwards and gradually forms a thick cloud of water covering the entire blessed land.

Dreaming is really hiding under the ground, and the dirt road is thick, so that he is a spiritual person.

He left the fire island and occasionally looked after Shidao.

The raging fire and rain have lasted for a long time, and this dissipated.

The dream came back to the ground and immediately felt the air temperature rise several times, wet and hot.

The entire cloud of condensate sky above the blessed land, just after another great fire, it is like a quilt in the quilt after the quilt.

Can there be any truth?

Dreams of truth use the wind to blow these clouds, and suddenly refreshed a lot.

However, soon, the sky began to condense water vapor again, forming a thin cloud again. After a while, I am afraid there will be thick clouds that have just formed a scale.

The dream is really clear: the inflammatory road traces brought by the recent catastrophic disaster are much more. He needs to restrain most of the inflammatory road marks and can't let them interfere with the previous situation.

"If there are a lot of track marks, I can gather most of the inflammatory road marks and artificial sun above this blessed land."

It’s a pity that dreams are really dark.

Although there are also traces of the light trails in this dreamland, the scale is scarce, so the vision has been dim in the blessed land.

The sun's plan is not successful, and there are other ways to dream.

Immediately, he spurred the dream of killing, and after a dozen steps, he concentrated the traces of the inflammatory roads deep in the deep roots of the island.

The flaming road marks are constrained by the more dense dirt road traces, forming magma inside the big island.

Outside Shidao, because the scale of the inflammatory roads has been reduced, the temperature has dropped rapidly. There are only a few thin clouds floating in the sky, and there is no worry about self-collecting and thickening.

"Although there is no artificial sun, it can't be hot, but with magma, it is geothermal, and it can be used."

As long as the dream is true, the firepower can be erupted by means of the strength of the road, so that the big island becomes an active volcano, and the air blast is erupted, and the roaring bang is erupted. Then, the magma is sprayed, and a large amount of volcanic ash is swelled.

At this time, the dream of seeking a real heart, a rise of a realization.

"There are no airway traces in my blessed land, and there are no soundtracks, but the volcano erupts, but the airflow is spewing, and the thunder and bang are erupting. Before the fire and rain hit the water, the water vapor cloud evaporated, and there is no cloud road mark here. ""

"This is probably the root of the genre simulation!"

After the repairs usually specialize in a genre, after reaching a certain level, the 蛊 手段 means can simulate the power of other genres, thus forming a comprehensive balance.

For example, if the wooden road kills a short-lived, it will simulate the power of the Tao.

Another example is the white-phase killing trick, which is the ice and snow genre, but there is a change of power.

For example, if you cast a stone and ask for a road to kill, it belongs to the dirt road, but it has channel effect.

Comprehend this level of truth, part of the dream here is really captured by him, dreams of the realm of heaven and earth will improve some up, and drive the body and other avatars to progress together.

Dreaming for truth to review itself, and found that although he became a spiritual, but can not completely manipulate the traces of various genres.

Although the earthly spirits control the power of the heavens and the earth, they are only part of the fairy tales.

For example, before the dream is true, the hard rock is crushed and hardened. In essence, it is a dirt road that is scattered and condensed, and it is continuously dispersed.

If it is a dream to completely control the traces of the earth road, a direct thought, you can make the petrochemical for the flying sand, flying with the wind.

The earthly spirit controls the power of heaven and earth, but it is only the shallowest level of application. And also have to follow the rules, he wants to crush the stone, they have to use wind, water and so on.

So how can we deepen this level of application?

If you ask specifically, how can you make Petrochemical a flying sand?

Dreaming for truth, I quickly thought of the sand.

This kind of locust can make mud, stone and so on into fine sand.

He also thought of all kinds of killings, there are flaming roads, water channels, refining roads, and poisonous roads, all of which can transform hard stones into fine sand.

For a time, dreaming and looking at the feelings of killing and locusts is different.

There are more things that are unclear.

This kind of thing is accumulated in his heart, and it is worse than the previous feelings. Only by thoroughly understanding it can we have the promotion of the heavenly realm.

Heavenly dreams are different from previous dreams.

To learn the true meaning of the dream of heaven and earth is to develop the dreams and blessings at the same time, and to understand the rationality contained in the operation of the heavens and the earth.

This is difficult.

The human dreams explored before Fangyuan can be directly upgraded as long as they are explored to a certain extent.

The exploration of Heavenly Dreams is only to maintain close contact between people and the true meaning of heaven and earth. To improve the realm, we must have this part of the sentiment.

"After all, it is a dream of heaven and a layer of people."

The dream is really thinking, suddenly turned upside down.

The whole blessed land was shaken violently, upside down, the lake was overturned, and the stone islands swayed.

"How, how is it going?!" The dream of a true look is drastic The dream is suddenly disordered, and at the same time brings him tremendous oppressive power.

Dreams are really urging the dream to protect themselves.

Fortunately, the dream subversion only lasted for a while and then stood still.

Dreaming is really pale, I am very fortunate that I have mastered the dream, and the heavenly dreams I chose to explore before are medium-sized and not greedy.

If not, he will die in the disaster just now.

"This is not a change in the dream of heaven, but the power exerted by the outside world! It is very likely that the Sayādaw will be shot."

Dreaming for truth, guessing, while looking at the front of the mess, the misfortune of the blessed scene of bitterness and again and again.

The countless hard work he has done before has been hit!

"There are several attacks like this, and I can't explore it. The disaster is getting stronger and stronger. Oh... I hope the body can keep me."