MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 308: I am the most shining in the sky

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Heaven court.

Xingsu Xianzun spit out a sigh of gas. At this time, her face was pale, and she felt weak and tired.

"It’s finally built up this big battle, and then it’s time for humanity to make a big leap forward.”

Xingsu Xianzun looked at the big derivation in front of her eyes and was pleased.

After refining all the intellectual roads contained in the heavens, she did not immediately set off, but took advantage of this period of time, which was a race against time.

Although Xingsu Xianzun majored in wisdom and minors, but the arrangement of Xianzhen is not her short board.

Even more, she is better than the vast majority of the eight-turn strong.

Of course, the legendary generality is great, and the star fairy is not comparable to the battle.

In short, Stars and Sisters strive to do their best, and at this moment, the construction of the Derivatives has been completed!

The core of this big battle is the nine-turned fairy.

This is the legendary fairy, which was recorded in the "Ancestral Man". Once it was acquired by the Promise Devil, it has been used as a madness and serves as the core.

After the battle of the mad cave, the star fairy sacred to capture a factual ice floe, which contains the derivation of fairy scorpion.

Xingsu Xianzun used the heavenly achievements of the heavens to crack the facts of ice floes and take out the derivation of Xianyu.

After that, she will use the derivation of Xianyu as the first core, built around this big array!

The Promise Devil uses the derivation of immortality and the chaos of the heavens to deduct and create the factual ice that does not belong to this world.

The Stars and Sisters are taking the essence of the madness and building a large array of derivation, specifically to promote human development.

The development of a genre usually requires countless elites to work hard, and 100,000 years and millions of years of continuous development. However, in the process of derivation, the development of the genre seems to be inserted into the wings, jumping from the Mercedes-Benz and flying up!

After checking out a large array of derivation, Xingsu Xianzun inspected all kinds of martial arts killings that were urged earlier.

These martial arts killings have prepared for investigation, masking the evolution of the array, enhancing the defense of the heavens and so on.

These sinister killings are only eight revolutions in the core, but under the increase of the Tiandao Zhidao road mark, even the other sages can fully support the attack.

After doing this step, Xingsu Xianzun rarely chooses to rest.

Her Xianyuan consumes too much, and although she is already operating, she can't keep up with the violent consumption of this time.

In addition, laying such a nine-turn big array, Stars and Immortals are not specialized in the road, the mind is very expensive.

Speaking of it, she has not had such a good rest since the resurrection of the star.

The Sayādaw gave her a heavy pressure on her.

After three days, Xingsu Xianzun immediately began to handle the affairs of heaven.

Tianting Zhuxian (will) once again assembled the proceedings.

Qin Dingling came back to life and reported everything that happened in two days.

Xingsu Xianzun encouraged her, and Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang did make a contribution this time, and actually rebelled against the majority of the two days.

For the Qin Ding Ling Yundao killings to get an inexplicable increase, Stars Xianzun also plans to take a time to make a good calculation.

There is nothing wrong with Beiyuan, and the repair of the magic has been gradually condensed under the power of Juyang Xianzun. Not being recruited by the Golden Tribe, it is gathered in the Chudu, Baizu Tianjun, Black Moon Fairy.

In the West Desert, the house was in turmoil, attacking the superpowers of the West Desert, and succeeded many times. The West Desert is in a bad state, and Wanjia and other forces are actively seeking help from the heavens.

In the southern front, Wu Yong made a moth. Originally close to the heavenly court, suddenly changed his attitude and directly joined the world of love.

Xingsu Xianzun vetoed the proposal to send a large amount of assistance to the West Desert Road. Instead, he dispatched almost all the immortals of the ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou, and made every effort to arrange the stars and stars.

The West Desert is still dominated by Zhou Xiongxin and Wan Zihong.

"The house is just a small trouble. How many resources can the houser plunder? For the Supreme Immortal, there are not many."

"The more the homemakers shoot, the more clues they will leave. One day, they will be spotted by us."

"The loss of the West Desert Road is not the loss of my heavenly continent."

"As for Wuyong in southern Xinjiang, and he went. At this moment, it is far from the time when Tianting is in full swing. He is ambitious, but even Yaxian is not. Is there any less ambitious celestial being under the sun? many."

"Two days of confusion has reached the most critical moment. This is the evolution of heaven. Today's Ghost Respect has lost its humanity, and every move is natural. I have already counted it, and soon there will be a big change."

"My Zhongzhou needs to lay out the sky-filled actuarial array in time to prepare for the dramatic changes in the sky."

After the words of Xingsu Xianzun, there is a question about the immortality: "The layout of this battle, the unprecedented scale, is definitely the first in history. The subordinates are very worried, so unconstrained and unconcealed, will lead to the attack of the Sayādaw."

Xingsu Xianzun smiled slightly: "No problem, I have calculated."

On that day, the ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou also sent a large number of Zhu Xian at the same time, went to the sky above Zhongzhou, placed the stars, and began to lay a large array of stars and actuaries.

The number of Zhuxian involved is as high as it is, and the history of the Terran is unprecedented.

Such a huge movement immediately involved the attention of the five domains.

Obviously, no one has such a strong appeal except for the star fairy.

Numerous immortals have speculated that the power of the big array that Xingsu Xianzun wants to arrange.

Juyang Xianzun has turned back to live.

His gaze penetrated the surface and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

The blood is boiling, the waves are tumbling, and the center of the **** sea is rolling up a huge whirlpool.

"The time is ripe." Juyang Xianzun nodded slightly.

This **** sea has always been hidden in the longevity of the heavens, but it was made by the ancestors of the giant yang ancestors.

The intention is to create a world of heaven and earth.

The **** ancestors left countless bloodstains, including nine true stories. Of course, he also left a more essential part for the longevity, and blood sea is one of them.

At first, this blood sea was not large in scale and its quality was not high. However, after so many years of operation, it has reached a very high level.

When Juyang Xianzun was not resurrected, he had already begun to arrange blood.

Blood sea is extremely important for Juyang Xianzun. To this end, he did not hesitate to arrange the most refining medicinal drug lord in his majesty, to preside over the overall situation.

The killing of the immortality - came into being.

Juyang Xianzun spurs the killing, this means of transport combined with blood, there is the power to resurrect the immortal!

Under the increase of the track mark of the longevity, Jinguang swayed the heavens and earth and transmitted it to the depths of the blood sea, dyeing every drop of blood with a golden glow.


The blood is soaring, the waves are deafening, and the whirlpool is more and more violent.

The drug king described it as dry, and he guarded it here, and from time to time he was urging the means of refining. It was a matter of exhaustion and he did not dare to relax.

He thought with a strong expectation.

"The blood sea itself has the power to resurrect and regenerate, and the ancestors used the road to kill and recruit." Under the combination of the two, this first resurrection of the immortal must be the present, for me to live forever, to me. Kitahara helps the biggest people!"

"Who is he going to be?"


After the **** violent storm reached its limit, it blasted openly and set off a tsunami frenzy.

The frenzy plunged into the central whirlpool from all directions and instantly filled the vortex.

The sea of ​​blood and blood calmed down in an instant, and the moment before it was extremely violent, but the next moment was a peaceful mirror, giving people an extremely strong sense of abruptness.

Suddenly, a ray of light emerged from the sea.

Then, two, three... hundreds of light beams, like a giant sword that lasts for dozens of miles, piercing the sea.

A huge light group, as if it were a small sun, slowly rises from the **** sea.

This glory is so dazzling, the drug king will smash his eyes into a seam, urging the means of killing, still feeling the eyes spoiled.

"The strong man who practiced the light path..."

"Histor, who is in the golden blood?"

Almost instantly, a person’s name rose in the mind of Yaowang.

The glare of the glare faded away, and a singer hovered in the air. He had no hair, and every part of the body exudes glare, just like a light man.

He pointed his finger, one finger, and shouted in his mouth: "The world is shining, I am the most shining!"

Yaowang physical and mental drama Yes, this breath is the look of him. ”

"The eldest son of the ancestors, specializing in the legend of the light, the power of the history of the history."

"Axian Zun - Guangdi Jun!"

At this time, Emperor Guangdi reacted and looked at the drug emperor not far away: "I actually lived again. Who are you?"

"Under the contemporary South, the immortal medicine king."

"Is you resurrected?"

"It's me." The voice of Ju Yang Xian Zun came.

"Daddy?!" The Emperor of Light was shocked. He quickly blinked. "That seems to be, except for the old man, I am the most shining in the sky!"

"Cough." The drug king interjected, "In fact, the Emperor of Light Emperor, when it is today, is the coexistence of four, and the three confrontation."

The Emperor of Light is horrified and fumbles his chin: "This way, then I am the most shining person in the sky and the earth except the four!"

"Axian Zun is not only one of you, my son." The voice of Juyang Xianzun came again.

"Oh, oh yeah." Guangdi Jun touched his bald head. He didn't have eyebrows and couldn't wrinkle, but his expression was obviously distressed. "There are many people who seem to shine in this era. But it doesn't matter, I am the Emperor!"

"You came into being, I have found out that your chance is in the two days of Taikoo. Go, my son." The voice of Juyang Xianzun gradually weakened, and people have gone.

"Daddy, don't you go so fast. Give me some fairy, or how can I shine?" Guangdi Jun shouted.

"The adults don't worry, the ancestors have already prepared the fairy 蛊 for you." The drug lord said, flew up and handed in several celestial celestial cents.

Guangdi Jun is very annoyed: "Is it so sweet? No wonder the old man is going so fast. This time it is very difficult to shine."


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