MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 306: Helping each other

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Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang galloped all the way.

Since Qin Dingling's display of the road to kill, the two men's next trip has been very smooth, almost no setbacks.

Jun Shenguang praised this for many times.

Qin Dingling explained: "This power can greatly exceed my normal play. The reason for the response of the heavens and the earth, I also pondered a little."

"In the beginning, Juyang Xianzun placed the township Tiangong in the northern black sky, which was more than 300,000 years."

"For more than 300,000 years, the town of Tiangong has been working, slowly paving the way for road markings, almost spreading the entire ancient black days."

"It is precisely because of such a terrible accumulation that this led to the attack on the North Plains by Zhongzhou, the capture of the Hongyun Qi Tianyi, and suffered heavy losses in the middle of the march."

"Juyang Xianzun has already expected that two days will be confused, so he will move the town to the Tiangong, once used for the battle of the crazy cave."

"But the paving of more than 300,000 tunnels has already marked the track marks in the Taikoo Black Sky above the North Plains. Moreover, the scale of these trails is unimaginable."

"After two days of confusion, Taikoo Black and Taikoo split into countless pieces during the day, big or small, black and white. The road track also spreads."

Jun Shenguang asked: "So why, Qin Dingling adults, your luck, will get the increase of these roads? Is it the giant Yang Xianzun to help?"

Qin Dingling looked a little deep: "If this is the case, I am afraid there is a plan for the giant Yang Xianzun. But this may not be high, because I have already sent back the news, ask the star to the fairy statue. Stars Xianzun adults clearly told me, These road traces have long been reduced to natural track marks, not the giant Yang Xianzun."

Jun Shenguang is even more confused: "Why is it possible to get a response?"

Qin Dingling shook his head: "These are not going to go into the matter for the time being. The current task is still to fight against the flash hole!"

In this regard, Jun Shenguang is more confident than before: "Qin Dingling adults have your way to kill the road, and it really is awesome. In my opinion, this time we will succeed in the game."

After a while.

Tianting Erxian finally came to the vicinity of the flash hole.

They were shocked to see that the Ghost Respect is raging outside the flashing hole.

The Ghost Respect did not get into the flashing hole, but broke the portal of the cave, and extended countless arms out, madly raging in the cave, killing hundreds of millions of creatures, killing people, and blocking the celestial beings.

Qin Dingling looked dull.

How could she not expect it, there will be such a thing happening.

It’s too two days in Taikoo.

The Ghost Respect is looking for the trouble of flashing the sky. This probability is very small.

Jun Shenguang can not help but open his mouth, staring at the ghosts and demon statues, then slowly turning his head and looking at Qin Dingling, his look is somewhat weird and complicated.

Jun Shenguang seems to be saying: "Adult, is this because of your luck?"

Qin Dingling coughed two times, and some groaned: "The Ghost Respect is a sage. Even if my means of transport are responsive to the heavens and the earth, the increase in the track mark will not affect this level."

Jun Shenguang also lost: "What should we do?"

The two of them originally wanted to attack the Chinese language, and the Chinese singer fully showed the strength of the channel.

He concealed without telling the slightest evidence to tell the heavens, if the heaven side can persuade the flashing hole, then the Chinese ancient fairy will follow.

But now, Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang worked hard and traveled long distances to the flash hole.

As a result, the flash hole will be destroyed by the ghost demon!

"Go, go, boy!"

"Let's catch the attention of the Ghost Respect!"

"The flash hole is destined to be destroyed, but there are still our people in your fairy, please pay attention to the overall situation."

At this time, six celestial singers suddenly emerged from the flashing hole.

Eight turns of the road, Xianxian Jingjing has been seriously injured, and at this moment, under the cover of other 蛊仙, the tears flew away.

However, even if the Ghost Respect is unconscious, it is the Supreme.

He was murderous and saw that these celestial beings were about to slip away from their own eyelids, and immediately followed the instinct and slaughtered the past.

The team of the celestial celestial being in the flash hole is immediately at stake.

"Opportunity!" Jun Shenguang blurted out.

"It turns out that." Qin Dingling suddenly realized, "It turns out that my way to kill is exactly here."

There are always huge opportunities in danger.

"Let us help you!" Qin Dingling screamed and took the lead.

Jun Shenguang followed.

The celestial celestials of the flashing caves were still very frightened at first. After all, according to the current camp, they were hostile. But when they found that Tian Ting Er Xian was really helping, the hearts of these celestial beings were doubled surprises and gratitude.

In the end, under the help of Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang, the celestial celestial celestial beings broke through.

Of course, they also paid a huge price.

Qin Dingling was slightly injured, and Jun Shenguang was seriously injured. There were only three left in the flashing hole, and one was stunned and two were seriously injured.

"This is the power of the Sayādaw. We have no power to fight back!" Jun Shenguang sighed, although safe, but still have a lingering fear.

He is an eight-turner, but under the chase of the Ghost Respect, it is as fragile as a baby.

This is also the case when the Ghost Respect has lost his mind, his manners and the soul beast.

"If the Ghost Respect is trying to chase us, we must not survive. Fortunately, his attention is still on the flash hole, just chasing a small section, he will turn to the flash hole, and destroy it!" Qin Dingling said.


"Our home..."

The three celestial celestials in the flashing hole, one person was in a coma, the other two were pale, and their hearts were extremely heavy, and their emotions were hard to hide.

"Three fairy friends, please also mourn the change. The sage is invincible, I am still waiting for eight turns. It is already fortunate that we can escape from birth." Qin Dingling comforted.

Liang Jingjing suddenly paid a courtesy to Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang: "The two salvation graces are unforgettable. You and I are both hostile, but the two are desperate to save each other. So justice, such a quantity, it is a sense of five." Inside, it is extremely shocking."

"Ten Ting is the leader of the Terran in the past and the present, the first super power forever!"

"Compared with you, our ally has claimed to be a big love fairy, creating a world of love, is the biggest irony under the sun."

When talking about Fangyuan, Liang Jingjing resented.

Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang looked at each other and saw the surprise of each other's eyes.

Another fascinating flashing cave, the fairy tales: "The two fairy buddies in Tianting, my family is not a treacherous gangster, it is too much square source!"

"We have already asked for help from him, and took the initiative to put Guangtian into Baotian Tianzhong and trade it to him."

"The result is that he has taken away the light, and he did not care about me, and did not want to rescue, and gave up directly to us!"

"We are all his subordinates, and they are members of a big love alliance in heaven and earth."

"This way, this is really too chilling and fangs. After we think that he is a stalwart, I really wash my heart and change my evil spirits!"

Qin Dingling and Jun Shenguang are all happy.

You don't need to persuade them to drop, and the words of the celestial celestial beings in the flash hole are already taking the initiative to vote for them!

"Qin Dingling's great luck in killing the road is really mysterious." Jun Shenguang was deeply appreciative.

Qin Dingling said: "The two fairy friends, do not marry you, we came here to help each other, but also have the inside."

Then, Qin Dingling gave a detailed explanation of the previous reasons, and asked Liang Jingjing to help her persuade the Chinese.

After Liang Jingjing and others listened, it was also a surprise.

They had no choice but to turn to heaven and betray Fangyuan. In fact, they were very upset.

If Fangyuan specifically asked them to settle accounts, they would be bad.

Even if Stars Xianzun can block the refining demon and protect them.

But is it difficult to have a thousand days to prevent thieves?

If Fang Yuan is resentful and wants to kill a few traitors, he must take the initiative. When do you want to start when you start.

Once the day of the raid, the flashing celestial celestial people can't resist it for a delay enough time to wait for the rescue.

This point is now very certain.

Because just a few of them have fully experienced the horror of the ghost demon.

This is still a sage without the mind.

With the ingenuity, it is extremely horrible to replace it with the source of the ghost. This group of immortals has no possibility and hope of escape.

The celestial celestial beings of the flashing hole have been determined to betray, of course, hope that the more traitors the better, to share some attention.

Therefore, Liang Jingjing did not even care about the injury, and decided to go with Qin Dingling, went to the Chinese Cave Tiance anti-Chinese language fairy.

The party and the Chinese veteran secretly met.

Qin Dingling has a strong rhetoric: "Xingsu Xianzun adults have already calculated the results, and the ghosts and demon statues seem to be casually strolling, destroying everywhere, but actually have internal laws."

"All that he destroys is the pillar that supports the Taikoo daytime. For example, the Scorpio, such as the Tianzhu, and the Celestial Day of the Taikoo Day, such as the Flash Cave."

"The Chinese caves of the nobles are the same as the flashing caves. They are all in the Taikoo daytime, and they are all nodes of the heavens. The ghosts and devils will surely come to destroy the Chinese caves, just like destroying the flashing caves."

Liang Jingjing immediately echoed: "Chinese old fairy, you and I have known each other for many years. I have seen you in the encounter. Fang Yuan has never seen me die, but also swallowed the light of my family. This behavior is not only cold and cruel, More despicable and shameless!"

"Don't you still hope for such a ally?"

"Xianyou, please also make a quick decision. Once the ghosts are coming to the door, there is no time or opportunity for Huawen Dongtian to move."

Ps: There is one more at 20 o'clock.


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