MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 290: Fishy hair

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The white condensed ice gods patrol in the treasure yellow sky.

She looked at the distant realm and the will of Fangyuan above the Yuanjing, and fell into hesitation.

“Do I also trade with Fangyuan?”

During this time, Bai Ningbing practiced in the deep trenches and risked the danger of death.

In the depths of the underground, there are often ancient and wild beasts, and there are opportunities in the risks.

During this time, Bai Ningbing collected a lot of fairy materials and found many natural resources, most of which are dirt roads.

"It is really too difficult to refine the fairy. If you can rely on the power of Fangyuan, it will definitely bring me great help."

White condensate is gradually moving.

According to the understanding of her source, basically Fangyuan will promise her.

But Bai Ningbing also has scruples.

On the one hand, she could not directly dismantle these soil resources and put them into Baohuang Tianzhong.

Bai Ningbing majored in ice and snow roads. As a dragon man, he also had the talent of a slave. She had no suitable fairy in her hand and was able to dig out the earth resources.

On the other hand, Bai Ningbing is also worried about whether it will reveal the rich secrets of the underground and the greed of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan may not be hands-on, but sending a few subordinates is enough to be uncomfortable.

After all, the bruises and Lu fears have all been invested in Fang Yuan.

Just when Bai Ningbing hesitated, suddenly Huang Tianzhong entered a land resource point.

Along with this, a piece of Baoguang broke out at this earthen resource point, forming a huge beam of light.

"Well? This is... super resource point?" Rao is Bai Ningbing, and he is also very shocked at the moment.

At this moment, the will and the thoughts of the immortals in the entire Baohuang Tianzhong are fluctuating wildly!

"My God, I am not mistaken?"

"A super resource point is a super resource point for dirt roads!"

"This kind of resource point is a must for the super powers, is it actually sold in?!"


"Whose defeated family will do this kind of thing?"

"This day is too late?"

"No matter which defeated family, who are these resource points to sell?"

"Who else can? It must be a big love fairy!"

Sure enough, as expected by the public, this earthen super resource point was successfully received by Fangyuan.

Soon, the resource point was evacuated from Bao Huang Tianzhong and moved to the Supreme Xianyu.

A public transaction was completed.

Bao Huangtian is still shaking.

“It’s the West’s house and Fangyuan’s public transaction.”

"It is the super resource point that the house has sold this dirt road."

"It has already been detected! This super resource point is the Xuanhuangdi pool. It was originally not a house, but the first resource of Wanjia."

"It turned out to be the property of Wanjia. I understand that Wanjia is now visiting the super-powers of the West Desert Road and forming a coalition alliance. The house has sold this resource, which is really good."

Wu Shuo Xian Xian is discussing this matter.

Wanjia here, I will soon know.

"How can this be?!" Wanchai Qing hated his eyes red, biting his teeth.

"The house is too odious, too mean!" Wan Yan face iron blue.

This is a typical sale of Ye Tian heart does not hurt.

The house did not move their super resource points and directly sold the super resources of Wanjia.

Also chose to open a deal!

This strategy is really vicious.

Marriott Light is also a headache. Because of this Xuanhuangdi pool, he negotiated with Xiao Jia before.

The Xiao family sent several squatters to participate in the confession alliance, and in the future they formed a close alliance with Wanjia to help reclaim the territory in the future, but the million families were badly hurt.

But now, the Xuanhuang Dichi is gone, and it was sold to Fangyuan by the house.

Who is Fangyuan?

Great love fairy! Refining the demon!

Wanjia dare to go to Fangyuan to ask for a black and yellow pool?

Xiao family dare?

Give 10,000 courage, they dare not do this.

Sure enough, shortly after, Xiao Yehu came to the door.

"The situation of the Wanyou friends, the situation has changed. We need to talk about it again." Xiao Ye pot looked heavy and authentic.

The look of Marriott and others is not good.

After talking with Xiao Yehu again, the look of Wanjia Zhuxian is even more difficult to look at.

"This group of greedy and shameless!" Wan Guang lightly clenched his hands.

The transaction contents of Wanjia and Xiaojia have been revised several times, and the Xuanhuangdi pool has been cancelled. Wanjia has added several giant resources to this.

Xiao Jia guaranteed his own interests, and Xiao Yehu was satisfied to leave.

The hatred of the hearts of all the families of the centuries is helpless and bitter.

What can they do?

"To let these right-wing forces participate in the alliance, we have to pay the price."

"Xiao is the most powerful force, so we have to give the most chips to them."

"They are falling down the stone!"

"Oh, the whole right way, it is the most authentic style of the Tang family."

"Yeah, I haven't found it before. Now, at the time of the crisis, we can see the wind. The price that Tang Jiasuo wants is the lowest."

"Tang family is not strong, but in the future, I will recapture the land, and I should do more with the Tang family."

"This statement is reasonable."

"Tang Jiacai is the right way!"

At the time of Wanjia’s argument, the seven-turned Zhou Dao, who was sent by the Tang family, was quietly contacting Fangyuan.

"Opening the adults, Xiao Yehu just took the initiative to find thousands of celestial beings, and secretly negotiated for a long time, and then he left. Seeing his change of expression seems to be satisfactory."

Fang Yuan nodded. After a little calculation, he knew the truth: "It seems that Wanjia is ceding the Xuanhuangdi pool, only to exchange the strong support of Xiaojia. The house's strategy has already taken effect, and you continue to lurk, inquire about the news. ""

"Yes, adults!"

Supreme fairy.

Because the flow rate here is faster, it has been many days.

An abnormal situation is happening around a local node.

The yellow-brown smog is encircling the site of the veins. From the yellow fog, the dart-like stones are constantly flying, and they are smashed to the ground nodes.

The fish pose accepts the task of guarding, and at this moment alone faces thousands of flying stones.

She surrounded the water vapor, waving her hands, constantly swaying the waves and drowning the flying stones.

Since the fish pose has been separated from Shi Sanbai, he accepted his suggestion and deliberately selected a task to be full of sway and express his heart.

What she took was this task.

At the beginning, she was so stormy, and her moves were soaring and swaying, it was very cool and refreshing.

However, this unusual situation has continued until now, and has never been completely suppressed by the fish.

The expression of the fish pose at this time is anxious and resentful.

"How come I am so bad?"

"Choose a task at random, it is such a difficult thing!"

"These days, the Xianyuan I consumed has already made me lose a lot. Is it necessary for me to pay for my own money and contribute a little help?"

Just when the fish was hesitating, suddenly the yellow fog rose and the number of flying stones suddenly doubled.

Under the guard of the fish, it could not be blocked, and many flying stones were seen pointing at the vein nodes.

"Damn!" The fish cursed and angered.

She took this task and protected the site. But if the local node is destroyed, she will have to deduct the contribution!

At a critical juncture, suddenly a figure suddenly appeared.

He smacked a single palm, and the dreamy pink sand flew out and flew into the yellow mist.

"This is a dream road killing?!" Fish poses a surprise.

The dreams of killing and killing were really unfavorable, the yellow fog quickly shrank and shrank, and the crisis suddenly resolved.

"Small girl fish pose, see the dream of seeking real adults!" Fish pose quickly and salute.

She is very excited.

This is really a blessing and a disaster. It is really lucky to see another big part of Fang Yuan adults.

"You have nothing to do?"

The fish poses up and sees the dream of seeking a pink wave of long hair, like a dream. The dawn is fascinating, and the face is soft and soft. At this time, smiling and caring, she naturally feels warm and embarrassed in her heart.

"Good beauty..." The fish pose stunned and whispered.

Although the dream is really only six turns, but he is cared for, a sense of security in the heart of the fish.

She remembered her own calculations and immediately became more weak. She reached out and covered her face. She was so eager to cry: "Thank you for your dreams, the little woman is doing their best, and the little woman is trying her best to protect the ground nodes. But the local nodes There is no way to protect the little woman around."

Dreaming nodded and nodded: "I remember this big array, I personally arranged it. According to the environment at the time, the base was buried underground, and the structure of the large array was relatively omission, and a layer of film was constructed."

"Yeah." The fish poses the same sense. "The film is too fragile. I have fixed it many times. I always just make up the film and turn it around!"

Dreaming is really keeping a close eye on the fish, suddenly reaching out and taking her into her arms, then getting up and down her hands.

This pinch, touch it.

The fish is dumbfounded, and the whole person is as stiff as a stone statue.

How come suddenly?

The style between Fang Yuan and the adults is very different!

I knew this before, just looking for a dream and asking for a real adult, wouldn’t it be good?

"The dream is really good, the dream come true!" The strong sense of happiness hit the whole body of the fish, her stiff body quickly softened, shrinking in the dream of seeking truth, looking up to the dream of truth, Full of blushing colors.

But the next moment, the dream is really calm and calm: "The problem really appears on you, you have been polluted."

"What, what?" The fish was horrified.

Dreams continue to say: "You are polluted very seriously. The abnormal situation is a source of pollution. In fact, it has already been weak, but after polluting you, you have become a potential source and have been supporting it. The more you resist, the more you It will make the abnormal situation more violent."

"This, is this true?!" Fishy eyes wide open, unbelievable.

"You don't believe?" The dream smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Look, you have long hair." Dreams truth, "I have inspired the unusual traces on your body."

When I looked at the fish, I almost passed out on the spot.

I saw chest, nose, and mane in her chest, nose, armpits, etc.

In just a few breaths, the length of these hairs has exceeded the adult's palm.

Dream of truth and patted: "Look, you are moldy."

The hair of the fish pose was quite straight, and now it is soft and soft, and it is covered with blue-white mold. A thick, rotten, sour smell, rushing.

Fish poses tears.

This is very exciting for her.

Because of the aesthetics of the deaf, it has nothing to do with the hair. What people appreciate is the scales, which are smooth and streamlined.

Hairy is ugly!

"What should I do? Please help me, dream of the real adult!" Fish poses pleading, this time is a complete sincere pleading.

Dreaming and smiling: "If you want me to help you, you have to come up with a contribution."

"I am willing to pay for everything I have, all of mine." Fish posture quickly called.

Dreaming truthfully shook his head: "But your contribution is not enough."

The fish pose was dizzy and hurried, and quickly explained the reason: "That is because I exchanged Xianyu before!"

"'s it." Dreaming truth, first motivated the means of dreams.

The pink halo covers the fish and suppresses the hair on her body. The fish poses back to its original appearance.

Dreaming truth: "I temporarily seal the abnormal traces on your body. When you prepare enough contributions, go to Xingluocheng and get treatment there. Go."

After that, dreaming of truth will leave the fish and start to repair the large array of the ground nodes.

The fish poses his teeth and bows.

Flying halfway, she motivated the locusts and checked the task list.

"How come there are so many resource points to arrange the task?" The fish face is white, and the heart is vaguely a feeling of disgust.

But there is no way, in order to cure herself, she only clenched her teeth and chose a task.

“Relocating the Xuanhuang Dichi! This mission rewards the most contributions!”