MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1405 Save your life (see double monthly ticket)

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"Your Majesty!"

The old Wutong six people are killing with strong enemies, but they are always paying attention to Tang Xiu. As they erupted the most horrible killings, they desperately forced the strong enemy in front of them to retreat. Shou fled.

"Very loyal!"

The Yin and the Magic wished that the eyes of Wushou broke out of the cold light, and with his most horrific magical power, "Time and Dream" was instantly displayed, and all seven people were covered in an instant.

"Give me a call!"



The six people’s eyes turned out to be crazy, almost holding on to their lives, and fiercely attacking the evil spirits.


The nearest planet exploded in the vast expanse of stars, but the explosive force did not have much impact on everyone, but the sinister magic wished the most powerful attack, so it was six people. The attack stack is broken.

"Give me a kill."

The sinister screams with no sorrow and anger, and the six supremes he brought to him suddenly flew toward the six old paulowners.

The tragic killings caused the surrounding stars to oscillate, and the movement in the assassination also caused the surrounding planets to explode. Even in the killing, the surrounding space is constantly forming a black hole because of the attack of the supreme power and the shock wave of the star explosion.

A full five days.

Either Tang Xiu or Lao Wutong, their six supreme powers, all suffered serious injuries. On the enemy side, the Yin and the Magic wished that no life was only slightly injured, and the ice and snow supreme injury was not heavy, but the other five supremes that the Yin Devil wished the lifelessness were also seriously injured.

"Time and space, the space is blasting."

The Yin and the Devils wished that there was no reluctance to look at the Tang Xiu who flew out. The corner of his mouth showed a cold and killing intention. As Sen Ran’s words came from his mouth, his strongest move was once again displayed.


Tang Xiu’s eyes show a painful look. His strength is more than ten times weaker than before. Compared with the Supreme Darkness, the gap is really too big. Can support for five days, fortunately, the old Wutong six people to fight for death protection, and his body has grown to be comparable to the realm of the swallowing star.


Before four or five days, he died in the hands of the evil spirits.

The Yin and the Magic wished no life to show a smirk, and looked at Tang Xiu, who flew out. He gave me an excellent opportunity. As the space moved, it appeared in front of Tang Xiu. As the long knife squats against Tang Xiu's head, it seems that Tang Xiu has been cut into two halves by him.

"Times and dreams."

A cold voice to the bones, from the sinister wishing no sorrow, with the horrible energy bursting out, a magical device instantly pierced the unsuspecting sinister wishing a lifeless body.

"Get out."

The Yin and the Magic wished that the lifeless face was disastrous. As Knife Mang changed direction in the distance from Tang Xiu’s head, he swept away from the back. At the same time, he once again condensed his dreams. The magical magical powers of the demon, the bombardment is on the back of the figure.


Almost the same figure as the sorcerer wishing no life, was bombarded on the chest, and as her figure flew out, the sorcerer wished that there would be no more than a hundred thousand meters in the end, and spit out a few mouthfuls on the chest. Blood.

Tang Xiu’s gaze fell on the figure that was smashed by the evil spirits, and he could not see the other person’s face, but the cold voice just made him clear who was coming.

"You go."

Tang Xiu’s eyes show a crazy look and scream.

The figure was slightly stunned, and I looked deeply at Tang Xiu, and then I said nothing, and once again, I wished my life to the Yin Mo. A magic fire appeared out of thin air, and a group of black fog was even more frantic. In the blink of an eye, the evil spirits wished no life and her own.

"Damn, who are you? Why is my time and dreams? Ah... I want to blew my soul, you give me a roll..."

In the black fog, a kite-like figure that has broken the line flies out. At the moment of her spurting blood, her right arm has been smashed, and there is a hole in her chest. On the broken body, there is a golden seal.


Tang Xiu’s heart seemed to be torn by a knife. Two lines of tears ran down the face, and instantly appeared behind the figure, holding her in her arms.


The mask has been broken, and the black robe is also ruined by the snowy city. It coughs up a few mouthfuls of blood. It is a painful charm in the eyebrows, but her face is full of beautiful smiles.

"You are stupid!"

Tang Xiu holds the Snow Allure, and the power of chaos in his hands is infused into her body. He can clearly feel that the vitality of Han Qingwu is madly passing. According to this speed, it only takes a few hours, I am afraid that Han Han dance will die completely.

" stupid."

Snow is pouring out of the eyes of the city, but her smile is more brilliant. The hands covered with blood were difficult to lift, and gently touched the face of Tang Xiu, softly said: "I used to have grace for me, and all my loved ones are in his hands. No... cough, If you don't do it to me, all my loved ones will die. The kind of owe to him will not be repaid."

"Repair, I am the most owed person in this life of the world. Even if you don't want to see me again, my life is also yours. You want to calm down, I hide far, just be silent. If you look at you, you will be very happy. If you want to kill, I will be your knife, who you point to, me... cough, I will kill anyone."

"Do you know? Since that day, this is the happiest time for me."

"Please, break the seal of my soul."

"Repair, acquaintance so far, this is my first time asking you. You... go."


Tang Xiu’s tears in his eyes are like a dyke, and the pain of tearing his heart makes him want to go crazy. At this moment, he finally understood that Snow fell into the city and killed him. He did not love him, but the unforgettable love, but the pain he suffered, more than himself.

"She died."

"She was already dead after she started working on herself."

"She is a snow city, but also a Han dance."

"She loves herself and always loves herself."

"And myself, thinking about killing her, has been hating her."

"She...but still insists, endures..."


Tang Xiu’s heart raised the resentment of Tao Tao. He used to stand in his own eyes, but he never thought about the bitterness in Xue’s heart.


A sharp snoring came from the mind of Tang Xiu. With the power of a horror, Tang Xiu was directly pushed out of the thousand miles. The next moment, Xue Decheng appeared in the vicinity of the eagle. After her eagle took the ice and the stern violent blow on her back, she screamed: "Help me. Broken the seal of the seal."


In the distance, the injury is serious, and the old Wutong, which has obviously not been able to stand for a long time, suddenly makes a roar like a beast. It is almost a moment, and the rolling waves are heard from his mouth: "Your Majesty, Daen old Wutong is unforgettable forever." At this time, the old Wutong reciprocated you."


The horrific explosion is a hundred times bigger than the power of a planetary explosion. With the old phoenix tree as the center, the energy tide of terror spreads in all directions. The oldest snow and ice of the old phoenix tree was so devastated that only his fairy spirit escaped and panicked and quickly fled toward the distance.

"Old Sycamore."

Tang Xiu’s body trembled violently, and the painful taste spread throughout the body. At this moment, all the stars in his space in the universe burst into a strong light, and Tang Xiu’s body was shrouded in horror, his breath. In the blink of an eye, the lightning-like figure is in the direction of the snow city and the eagle:

"Do not break the seal of the seal."

Tang Xiu screamed.

The eagle screamed, and with a force of bombardment on the left shoulder of Xuecheng, she shot her thousands of miles away. This shouted: "Your Majesty, the eagle should have died in the abyss of sin before the millennium. You saved my wife and made me have children. Please, take care of their mother and son in the future."

A moment.

The eagle rushes in the direction of Wansong Xianzun. Almost for a moment, his fists were bombarded in the chest of Wan Xixian, and after he was beaten out, he burst open.

The two supreme sieges of him and Wan Xi Xian Zun, all of them are Supreme Intermediate, and they have been seriously injured at this time. As they changed their face, they were suddenly bombarded by the eagle's self-destructing fairy spirit, and even their fairy souls could not escape from the enchanted spirit of the eagle.


After Tang Xiu regained the snow in the city, the despair in his eyes made him completely mad. His eyes became blood red, his body began to swell vigorously, and as the muscles exploded, the bones shattered, and the meridians broke, his body soared to about ten meters in just a dozen breaths. The power of horror chaos re-nurtates muscles, heals bones, and repairs meridians.

At this moment, he is like a demon god. After the sword is returned to his hand, he appears in front of the sinister face who has changed his face.

"Damn, Laozi is the devil."

The sorcerer screams with no sorrow and anger, although he was hit hard by the sneak attack of the snow, but still confident to kill Tang Xiu. As the space collapsed and the energy of the cut-off continued to form in the face of Tang Xiu, the long knife exploded and turned into a 10,000-meter knife, and it was cut toward the body of Tang Xiu.


Tang Xiu seems to be unaware of the danger, and the sword smashes the space and blasts the knife. At this moment, his strength is no longer half the difference than the strongest time. Controlling the Excalibur, inserting the sorcerer and wishing you no life.

"Shentong, Skynet."

Tang Xiu squirted a blood, and suddenly the blood light spread along the numerous colored lines that appeared in the air. The moment of the fingertips, the space within a thousand miles was covered.


It seems to be solidified.

Beautiful brilliance makes this world a dreamlike, beautiful suffocating. More than a dozen Da Luo Jinxian were cut into pieces, and their blood seemed to add more than a dozen delicate safflowers to the world.

It’s very painful to write this chapter in the static night. It has changed and changed again and again, because it involves the contradictory feelings between Tang Xiu and Xue Qingcheng. If the brothers and sisters can’t understand the feelings between the two of them, you can go to the WeChat public. The above is specially written for Xue Yucheng, the foreigner [coming to the father dance], combined with that article, everyone can fully understand the tragic figure of Xuechengcheng, in addition, the night of the night is the best picture for everyone, or In that sentence, the healthy and strong brothers can pay attention to the prestige of the quiet night public, even if the body is empty, the static night WeChat public number is jyjs00, or the WeChat public number directly search for quiet nights.