MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1355 Super Cheats

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Tang Xiu's mouth outlines, smiles and climbs into the face, said: "In fact, I am here, it is holding such a plan. Although you are strong, but your inheritance does not help me, but will affect My own practice. I promise you."

Drunken Supreme is satisfied with nodding, and as a torrent flows into Tang Xiu’s mind, the quaint and simple way of arrogance is as engraved in Tang’s mind. Almost instantaneously, he once again looked at the world, no longer a vain environment, but a running line of lines.

"Thank you for your seniors."

Tang Xiu said with a fist.

Drunk Supreme shook his head and smiled: "This is also your fairy tales. I look forward to seeing you soon. I hope that you can be kind to my inheritors. We are in a weak position, only a steady stream. Fresh blood is added to be able to..."

Tang Xiu’s eyes reveal a confused look. When he discovers that the colorful light in the eyes of the drunken sage is fading away, he wants to ask for something, but as the true power of the gods dissipates, his doubts are finally pressed. The bottom of my heart.

He knows that the drunken sage has left.


What is the meaning of the last words of Drunken Supreme?

"How are we in a weak position?"

Does the gods also have battles? Is it true that the gods who rise to the realm of the gods belong to one side?

Tang Xiu was once a prominent figure, knowing a lot of things, and then through the last words of the drunken sage, he finally determined that the realm of the gods is not stable, maybe the battle is more cruel than in the fairy world.

Become a god!

For the former Tang Xiu, it is close at hand. For him now, it is a far cry. Since he is far away, he decided to let go first.


The fascination of the drunken sage, deeply looked at Tang Xiu, smiled and said: "Since Xiaoyou has been recognized by the deity, this drunken chess board is useless to you. This is three drunken chessboards. The ban within the ban, an attacking class of nine celestial wares, a defensive class of nine geniuses, a sacred god, a Hong Meng Dao Dan. You can take it as much as you can.

Tang Xiu said without thinking, "take away all."

Drunk Supreme, the **** of ignorance, smiled and said: "Since all are taken away, the enchantment here has no effect, and my duties have ended. Xiaoyou, let's see you in the world."

The light of the stars is scattered from the fascinating gods. As Tang Xiu put all three things into the space ring, the world in front of him changed and returned to the jungle where he was. Among them.

"Great harvest."

Tang Xiu mouth corner sketch, through the memory in his mind, he already knows the structure of the entire secret system, such as all the maps, has been installed in Tang Xiu's mind. He can clearly know where there is enchantment, where there is a ban, where is dangerous, where is safer, where is it suitable for killing, where is suitable for evasion...

"Super cheats!"

Tang Xiu's smile is extraordinarily splendid. Through memory, I know that there is a palace on the left side of the million miles, and in the palace, there are a lot of precious ore. Immediately, Tang Xiu told the location of the palace, told the black scorpion to the four people through the message, and then rushed to the side at a very fast speed.

Knowing the route ahead, ignoring the internal danger, only need to guard against the immortal strong, the speed of Tang Xiu is increased by several times, just like a gust of wind, while quickly rushing to find the precious resources around, just two days later, Tang I avoided the traps of more than a dozen other immortals, and I got a lot of cultivation resources in amazement, and then appeared near a sparkling lake.

"The bottom of the lake is a purple cherub, and there are 1,028 pieces of purple snails to form a beading array. Although the purple cherna is already a very precious material for refining, it is believed that it must be among the beads. There is also a higher value baby. I can see the purple cherub, but I can't see what is in the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred. If you go down and explore, it is very dangerous, the water-protecting gold-eyed beast is very strong, absolutely able to row In the top ten of the secret fairy beast. Unless my cultivation is further, it will be lost in all likelihood."

Tang Xiu Xin is unwilling, but he can only hope that the lake will sigh. The total value of one thousand and eight pieces of purple cherna is enough for him to buy ten pieces of nine pieces of fairy ware. If you give up in vain, it is definitely no small loss.


Tang Xiu's look changed, and the figure disappeared instantly.

After a while.

The four figures slowly appeared. The four men in black robes, three men and one woman, were all strong in the realm of the great Luo Jinxian.

Tang Xiu converges. When he observes the appearance of the four people, he suddenly changes his face, because he recognizes the identity of one of them, it is the disciple of Wan Jianzong. One of the people who had been besieging the breeze before the Cangwu Mountain was among these people.

"Beizhen brothers, we have already slaughtered dozens of people, but there are no people who have Confucianism and Tianhai Xianyu. This is the inheritance of the secret government that has been left for only three years. If it is three years later, No one can get the inheritance of the drunken sage, it will be closed, it will take tens of thousands of years, and even longer, it will be reopened. Our time is not much!"

"Beixiang's younger brother, you said I understand, but the secret range of the aurora is almost comparable to a large fairyland. We want to find people here in the Qingru Emperor and Tianhai Xianyu. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. So We can only take chances. If you are lucky, meet them, kill them, and vent their anger. If you don't, we can only go all out to **** Xianbao, cultivate resources, and find the inheritance as much as possible. Land, that fairy tales grabbed the hand."

"If you let me meet the **** of the breeze, I must kill the Suzaku Sacred, and kill them all."

"Yes, it is luck, murder and anger, robbing the baby, it is a double harvest."


Tang Xiu looked at the four people and quickly disappeared into the jungle in the distance. Wan Jianzong's bastard, who once had absolutely no less to kill the Suzaku Shengzong. Since they are met by themselves, they must not be cheaper.

Tang Xiu quickly followed, thinking hard in his mind, hoping to find a good way to kill the four Wanjian Zong's enemies.


Tang Xiu’s footsteps stopped for a moment, and as the light of the eyes flashed over, a wonderful attention came to mind. The next moment, the breath of his body flashed away, and the gods directly covered the four people. Although there was a lot of time, only the fingertips were instantaneous, but the four people in the front found Tang Xiu.

"I don't know how to live."

The four returned immediately and rushed toward Tang Xiu.

Tang Xiu has a plan at the bottom of his heart, and he is not willing to entangle with four people. He returns quickly. When he appears at the lake, a sword is taken out of the space ring by him, and he looks at him with vigilance. The four Wan Jianzong Da Luo Jinxian who rushed over.

"In addition to the woman is the middle-class Da Luo Jinxian, the other three are the first-class Da Luo Jinxian. With the strength of their four people, they should be half-pounded with the water-free gold crystal beast in the lake. Just need to introduce them into the lake. Then, wake up the water-avoiding gold crystal beast and you can do something yourself."

Tang Xiu thought of this, and immediately looked at the four people: "Where did the four of you come from? Why should you chase me?"

Northern Immortal sneer, faintly said: "You dare to release the gods in this secret house, and also sneak up and follow us four, it means you have a misfortune, want to play with us. Say, you What is it called? If you are satisfied with your answer, you may be left with a fairy soul to give him a chance to reincarnate."

Tang Xiu frowned and yelled: "It’s not a good thing to look at you. I want to kill me. Tell you, I am the strongest person in Jinxian. If you dare to join hands, I will dare to go out and be surrounded by many fairy circles. The dangers discovered by the strong, killing you all."

There is a disdainful look in the eyes of Beizhenxianzun. After looking at the other three people, he suddenly laughed and said: "With a little golden fairy, you dare to join us in the realm of the four great Luo Jinxian. The strong man is shouting, but he is really impatient. How do you say something? The ignorant is fearless. It seems that your ant-like little guy has only one dead end."


He immediately sacrificed the sword and smashed it toward Tang Xiu.

Tang Xiu deliberately reveals a horrified look, almost instantly jumps into the lake, and then quickly squats down. He can feel that the strong men in the realm of the four great Luo Jinxian behind him have also chased down and put on a gesture of not killing themselves.

"You are looking for death, I will fulfill you."

Tang Xiu dive to the depth of kilometer and suddenly stopped. As the Excalibur was sacrificed by him in an instant, he swept toward the four men. Fengjianjian gas tore open the water layer, turned into a kilometer Jianguang slamming in front of four people.


The four people were caught off guard, and their bodies went backwards toward the top. They never dreamed that a small Jinxian realm weak, even dare to shoot at their four big Luo Jinxian. What makes them feel shame is that there is no warning, even though they are blocking their efforts, but the boiling blood makes the four people understand that the blow of the other party has already caused them to be slightly injured.

"Kill him."

The female Luo Luojin, who wore a black robe, can almost become a real murderousness. Even if there is a layer of water in the middle, it is still impetuous toward Tang Xiu.

Northern Immortal also keeps up with it, Shen Sheng said: "This kid is a bit evil. The breath on his body shows that he is at most a land fairy. But his explosive power can be compared with the big Luojin wonderland. The strongest in the world is beautiful. It seems that he must have a stalwart in his body. Let's work together and try to kill him at the fastest speed."


The four people shot, causing a vacuum area under the kilometer.

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