MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 7019 : I'm... as happy as you are!

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"Di Xiangsi is saved!"

"Which incomprehensible supreme being made a move? He turned back the years for Emperor Xiangsi!"

Di Xiangsi's voice was trembling.

The old nerve was also stunned for a moment, and then tears of excitement burst out of his eyes.

"You, you mean..."

"Di Xiangsi, in charge of time and space, I forgot a lot of things before, but I just remembered it in a flash!"

"Di Xiangsi is extremely special, its death is actually only equivalent to deep sleep!"

"Only it can!"

"As long as there is supreme existence, salvage from the river of time and space can reawaken Emperor Acacia!"

"Wow Kaka!"

"Di Xiangsi is saved!"

"Reversing time and space, reversing time and time, going back in time and space, you can return to the moment before Emperor Acacia was wiped out, and condense that moment, so that it can be completely revived!"

Brother Xiao Sa danced excitedly!

Then, as if stunned for a moment, as if his mind was roaring, he looked at Ye Wuque and a thought appeared in his mind!

"Could it be that the little boy was arranged by my brother... the second hand??"

Buzz buzz!

In the recovery formation, time and space are reversed!

Ye Wuque clearly saw that the ashes of Di Acacia's catastrophe seemed to have disappeared, as if time and space were going backwards, and everything was going back.

The light became more and more intense!

I can't see anything!

And Ye Wuque's palm was still holding the corner of the high platform.

The recovery formation must be hosted by a suitable person, and this person must have a close karma with Emperor Xiangsi.

Therefore, the ancient bronze mirror just returned to allow Emperor Acacia's light of life to enter Ye Wuque's body, establishing cause and effect.

At this time, Ye Wuque has a heavy responsibility!

He must lead the recovery team.

At this time, I can't do without him!


Boom boom boom!

The old man had already knelt down, and kowtowed to Ye Wuque with great excitement!

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you..."

The old nerve couldn't make a sound, and the tears were like rain, but this time, it was endless hope and gratitude.

Both he and Brother Xiaosa understood that after all these drastic changes, Di Xiangsi suddenly had a chance to recover, and it could only be Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque, who had just entered the chaotic time and space, must have done something.

Buzz buzz!

Under the reversal of time, the supreme karma boils!

But all the horror backlash in it has been borne by the ancient bronze mirror.

Everything seems to be coming to an end.

Brother Xiao Sa sat down!

It seems to be a big sigh of relief!

The old nerves are already impatient, and the face of the vicissitudes of life is already full of excitement and pilgrimage!

Emperor Acacia is his belief and spiritual pillar!


But suddenly, Ye Wuque's expression changed!

All eyes fixed!

In the reversal of the years, the ashes of Emperor Acacia Tribulation suddenly began some kind of disorder, scattered in the void.

Before Ye Wuque's eyes, he seemed to see many **** scenes!

Seven emotions and six desires lovesickness wings!

Spread your wings through the years!

The vague time of Di Xiangsi is boiling, with a fierce power, as if it is confronting a terrifying supreme being!

"what happened?"

The vigorous vitality of Emperor Acacia, who had reversed back, suddenly began to weaken!

And the handsome brother in the distance suddenly jumped up, as if he realized something!


"This is a certain hostile power that has a terrifying karma with Di Xiangsi, and has noticed Di Xiangsi's recovery!"

"Damn! The other party is obstructing Emperor Xiangsi with his own karma through the ages!"

Brother Xiaosa suddenly became anxious!

It exploded without hesitation!

The radiant threads are boiling!


With Brother Xiao Sa's shot, countless radiant silk threads swept over, wrapped the pitch-black high platform, and helped Emperor Acacia.

Ye Wuque maintained the recovery formation with all his strength!

However, even with Brother Xiaosa's help, Di Xiangsi's revived vitality is still weakening.

At this moment, the old nerves are anxious like ants on a hot pot!

"Damn! The other party is not actually interfering, but touching Emperor Acacia through cause and effect!"

"It's inevitable!"

"As long as Di Xiangsi still has breath, the other party can never hope to succeed! But now, what a bastard!"

Brother Xiaosa is in a hurry!

Cause and effect are touched, and there is no way to avoid it.

Specifically weakening the vitality of Emperor Acacia's recovery is tantamount to dredging the bottom of the pot.

On the pitch-black high platform, the vitality emanating from Emperor Acacia has become increasingly dimmer, and it seems that it cannot be changed against the sky.

Ye Wuque tried desperately to maintain, but to no avail.

Brother Xiao Sa's eyes are red!

But there is no way!

The means of hostility to Almighty are too tricky!

Brother Xiaosa can only do his best to stop it.

In Yuanyang Ring, the ancient bronze mirror was dead silent, but Ye Wuque understood.

At this time, the ancient bronze mirror is dealing with the karmic backlash from the recovery of Emperor Acacia.

There is a more important point!

The ancient bronze mirror is to salvage the souls of Emperor Acacia from time and space, and the cause and effect of the sky is boiling.

If it strikes again, it will cause the cause and effect to collapse completely, which is tantamount to overthrowing everything and destroying everything.

Then Emperor Acacia's recovery will fail in an instant, and it will be difficult to continue!

This is the fate that existences at the level of Susudi Xiangsi must abide by.

It's not that he can't shoot, but that he can't shoot.

"How to do how to do??"

"Vitality? Where can I replenish my vitality!" Brother Xiaosa was extremely anxious at this moment!


Brother Xiaosa caught a glimpse of the old nerve at the side and flew up spontaneously at this time, his whole body glowing!

The splendid brilliance of a splendid civilization reappeared!

As if realizing something, Brother Xiao Sa's expression suddenly changed!

"don't want!"

"Don't sacrifice yourself!"

Brother Xiao Sa roared, with a touch of sadness.

But the old nerve returned with a bright smile.

At this moment, the expression on the old nerve's face was unprecedentedly joyful, unprecedentedly happy, and unprecedentedly relaxed.

Ye Wuque's expression also changed, and he looked over!


Old nerve, is this sacrificing yourself? ?

In the void.

At this moment, the shining old body exhaled lightly, as if he had exhausted all the endless despair and gloom before, leaving only endless glory and joy.

"I was born because of Emperor Acacia..."

"This is my destiny!"

"What's more, I have already committed a great crime for thousands of years, and death is not a pity. At this moment, I can do my part."

"I'm... as happy as I am!"


On the body of the old nerve, the endless and splendid civilization brilliance shone to the extreme at this time, and the infinite vitality boiled. Under the pessimistic gaze of Brother Xiaosha who couldn't get away, it completely turned into a burning ball that was extremely pure, impurity-free and irreversible...

Sacrificial fire!