MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 7007 : The world in the coffin!

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At the moment when a corner of the coffin was pulled apart, Ye Wuque tensed his body for the first time, and moved a little further away, extremely cautious.


This is a terrible coffin!

Inside is buried a meritorious being, an invincible and invincible existence.

Wouldn't it leave a terrifying backhand before it died?

To be honest, if it wasn't Brother Xiaosa who opened the coffin, Ye Wuque would have run as far as he could and slipped away.


The terrifying scene as imagined did not appear, and in the corner where the white coffin was pulled apart, nothing appeared except billowing dust.

Brother Xiao Sa stood on top of the void, looking down at that corner at this time, he only felt that the inside was so deep that he couldn't see anything.

But Brother Xiao Sa did not hesitate, but continued to grit his teeth, the mysterious power fluctuated, and the little hands continued to exert force!

The radiant silk thread stretched straight.


As the terrifying power was released, the coffin lid was completely opened, and it slid down obliquely!

Everything inside the coffin seemed to see light again.

The old man's body was trembling already, his expression was full of sadness and despair, and he didn't even dare to look at it.

Standing above the void, Brother Xiaosha also closed his bright eyes, and seemed to be caught in unconcealable sadness.

Both seemed to freeze in place.

They seemed unwilling to face Di Xiangsi's corpse.

So sad!

too painful!

Only Ye Wuque here, after seeing the fully opened coffin, there was no abnormal change or horror vision from the beginning to the end, and seeing the reaction of Brother Xiaosa and the old nerve, he finally stepped out and approached again Clean white coffin.

The moment he cast his eyes on the inside of the coffin, his pupils suddenly shrank!


At the bottom of the coffin, there is nothing!

This seems to be an empty coffin!

There is no corpse of Emperor Acacia at all.

Ye Wuque's heart suddenly exploded with boiling thoughts.

Could it be...

"This is an empty coffin, Emperor Acacia is not dead!"

"It's still alive??"

In the dead silence of the thirty-third floor, Ye Wuque's trembling voice resounded instantly!


Almost instantly, brother Xiaosa and Lao Nervous felt as if struck by lightning, their bodies trembled, and they opened their eyes suddenly!


Brother Xiao Sa's bright eyes widened, and he immediately looked down.

The old nerves rushed over all of a sudden!

Three figures!

All six pairs of eyes were looking straight into the coffin.

It was really empty there.

There is nothing but the dust that has already spread all over.

In Ye Wuque's mind, countless ideas have already popped up!

But the next moment.

However, he saw a look of despondency appearing on Brother Xiao Sa's face again.

And the old nerves here have also become distraught again.

This made Ye Wuque stunned!

I saw Brother Xiao Sa fell directly into the coffin like this, it can easily do this with a body only one foot in size.


With a sigh, Brother Xiao Sa stretched out a small hand, but gently placed it on the dust at the bottom of the coffin, and then gently... wiped it!

The dust dissipated instantly.


A faint light shone out, extremely dim, but still slightly illuminated the entire interior of the coffin.

Ye Wuque's eyes were fixed!

He saw on the bottom of the coffin, following Brother Xiao Sa's touch, a dark crack unexpectedly appeared.

The crack is more beautiful and two feet long.

The faint brilliance emanated from the cracks, revealing the dead silence and serenity.

The old nerve on the side is already sobbing at this moment!

Ye Wuque looked confused.

"This is... the Realm in the Coffin!"

Brother Xiao Sa's voice became a little hoarse.

"Only at the last moment before the Tao is completely transformed, will Emperor Acacia condense out."

"This coffin is only the outermost layer."

"It's used to deceive people."

"In fact, the empty coffin is already filled with the last terrifying power of Emperor Xiangsi."

"If any evildoers break into this place and want to forcibly open the coffin to desecrate it, they will be killed instantly!"

"But the power left behind by Di Xiangsi has discerned my power, and I know that it old man..."

Brother Xiao Sa's hoarse voice carried a kind of deep loneliness and sadness.

As if, until this moment.

Finally completely... heartbroken!

"It's really gone..."

In Brother Xiaosa's bright eyes, there seems to be a flash of sparkle.

In the end, he was the first to jump down towards the crack leading to the world in the coffin.

The old nerves followed.

Ye Wuque also followed.

At the moment of leap forward, Ye Wuque felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark, as if traveling through time and space, the years were decaying and passing away, and he would be wiped out at any time. Fortunately, he was guarded by Brother Xiaosha's power to keep him safe.

When Ye Wuque stepped on his feet firmly, he found that what appeared in front of him was a small square!

It is almost exactly the same as the white square outside!

It shrunk several times, and a faint mist billowed in the edge area.

It's just that it's not pure white, but with a kind of bleakness and dead silence.

Presents a sadness of utter passing.

This is the place where Emperor Acacia truly fell and was buried.

Brother Xiao Sa has already walked towards the front of this small square, with a slight stagger in his steps.

And the old nerves have already been shaky, and tears splashed every time they took a step.

Ye Wuque also felt a kind of sadness and mourning coming to his face.

But when he raised his eyes to see clearly the small square in front of him, his pupils froze again!

End of sight.

There is a high platform impressively.

Around the high platform, there are countless statues of all living beings kneeling down.

This high platform is pitch-black, and it makes one's scalp tingle at a glance.

It seemed to be glowing with the light of death.

Telling a sad mourning.

And at the top of the high platform.

It was scorched black, and nothing could be seen clearly, and there seemed to be a faint black smoke floating.

"This, this is..."

"Contents of the eighth mural!"

Ye Wuque's mind roared!

What a familiar scene?

When he entered the Yongyetian Tomb, he accidentally encountered the reflection of Emperor Xiangsi's vision of transformation in time and space, and encountered the hall in it.

Inside the main hall, there are nine murals.

He had already shown Brother Xiao Sa the content of these nine murals.

Among them, the first picture is painted by Brother Xiao Sa.

Sitting cross-legged on the high sky, the treasure looks solemn, accepting the kneeling worship of all living beings!

And the eighth!

It is obviously the same high sky, the same people kneeling down to worship, but the breath is completely opposite.

If we talk about the first mural, the handsome brother painted represents life.

Then the eighth mural represents...death!

However, on the high platform in the eighth mural, there is a group of light shrouded in faint brilliance.

A blur.

The light cluster seems to be the only light in the mural.

Inside, life and death are intertwined, and the brilliance is barely maintained, but the inside is like a candle in the wind. Although it is tenacious, it seems that it can't last long!

Ye Wuque has a deep memory of the content of the eighth mural!

He never figured it out.

This moment!

He finally understands!

"The eighth mural, it's here! It's Emperor Acacia!"

"The light ball of complete life that was worshiped and recited by all living beings on the pitch-black high platform, absorbing the power of faith, is Di Xiangsi's last struggle!

From the beginning.

Emperor Acacia actually appeared in the eighth mural and was recorded!

It's just that Ye Wuque didn't know at all.

The high platform where Shen Nanzhi sat cross-legged before was the content of the eighth mural that was imitated.

But now!

Here in front of you, the pitch-black high platform is still there, but the light cluster on it has been completely replaced by withered charcoal, and only black smoke is faintly floating.

It proves that Emperor Acacia did not hold on after all, as the old nerve said, she has long since fallen.

That scorched black smoke is... Emperor Acacia!

"Brother Chic!"

"The eighth mural is painted here!"

Ye Wuque's voice sounded.

Immediately remind Brother Xiaosa.