MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 7005 : Maybe, this is fate...

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If he hadn't witnessed Ziyang God's short and incredible recovery this time, Ye Wuque would never have believed that a creature that had died and disappeared would be resurrected!

This is simply impossible!

The taboo of life and death, even if it is the eternal reincarnation, the highest standard, I am afraid that it cannot be broken.

But how to explain the situation of Ziyang God?

The power of sacrifice!

Extreme Road!

The power of faith!

Can the fusion of these three forces really break the taboo of life and death?

Or do you say that this belongs to "extreme creatures"...


Even life and death can't cover it up?

But at this moment, Ye Wuque also thought of himself...

When he was young, he saw in his memory that he should have died at that time.

But my father must have tried countless ways to resurrect himself.

For example, the magic circle that he will never forget, the Nine Immortal Kings as nourishment, he who has died is lying on it.

Is it also the power of sacrifice and the power of faith?

Or another force?

After all, the self at that time hadn't stepped into the extreme realm yet.

But his current height is still far from being comprehensible, but he can't figure it out.

"Remember Kong once said that if a living being can be resurrected, there is only one possibility..."

"This creature wasn't dead in the first place!"

But here, Ye Wuque thought of the point that Kong Kong had mentioned before.

not dead...


Suddenly, Ye Wuque vaguely felt that he seemed to have overlooked something!

The resurrection of Ziyang God...

own resurrection...

Is something in common missing?

Ye Wuque frowned slightly, and began to analyze carefully, but he seemed to be unable to remember the thought that had just flashed through him.

Ye Wuque was not in a hurry. At this time, the more anxious he was, the more useless he was.

He begins to relax.

His gaze once again turned to the void where Ziyang God was wiped out, if there was nothing left.

Whether it is the rage or the Ziyang God, it seems that they have never appeared, everything seems to be a dream, belonging to the body of the Ziyang God...


Ye Wuque's eyes froze suddenly!


Ziyang God and his own resurrection have one crucial thing in common, that is...the flesh body!

The body of the Ziyang God should have been completely wiped out after the end of the other king's extreme state, the source of life was exhausted!

According to Huan Yun, the number of supreme beings in the ominous camp paid a huge price, even died, to condense the body of the Ziyang God again.

They may be for the study of the extreme!

But the body of Ziyang God has indeed reappeared.

This is the basis for him to recover again?

And myself.

When I was young, after I died, my father kept carrying the body, and I lay there in the magic circle of the Immortal King.

Combined with empty statement.


An incredible idea emerged from the bottom of Ye Wuque's heart...

"As long as the physical body is still there, even if it is already a corpse, in a sense it may mean that it has not been completely...dead?"

"Is there still a chance of resurrection?"

This thought made Ye Wuque's heart burst!


He understands better that not every creature that leaves a corpse after death may be revived again.

The Ziyang God is a creature in the extreme realm.

The power of special faith formed by the most incredible "Lisheng Temple" has been poured!

Coupled with the sacrifice power of Jixiang itself, all kinds of miracles are intertwined, and this unimaginable miracle happened.

And myself...

There was a father who shot desperately!

With the help of unimaginable external force, in the end, it succeeded.

These prerequisites, I am afraid that in the past and the present, they have never been met.

"The power of reincarnation comes from life and death."

"And after the creatures die, the power of reincarnation can send them to reincarnate."

"Life and death, reincarnation..."

"In this world, are there really no two identical leaves?"

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, his eyes became deep and inexplicable, and he didn't know what he thought of.

"The Purple Sun God..."

In the end, Ye Wuque showed a smile of inexplicable expectation, and many thoughts were suppressed by him!

Now is not the time to think about these things.

Turn around!

Ye Wuque returned the same way!

The power of samsara around the body shone out, and the purple radiance surged like waves, like mercury pouring down the ground, and began to wipe out the gray mist left by the surrounding gnats.

outside world.

In the void of the white square.

Brother Xiao Sa and Lao Nervous are still standing together.

They never let up!

The old nerve desperately poured all his strength into Brother Xiao Sa's body.

Brother Xiao Sa dragged countless silk threads, and he was also trying his best to resist Di Xiangsi's taboo rift.

At this moment, Brother Xiao Sa seemed to have finished his own thinking. He stood there, obviously small, not as tall as the old nerve's calf, but his whole body exuded an inexplicable sense of majesty.

"Old man, it has been a long time for you to suffer."

Brother Xiao Sa opened his mouth.

It was still the same broken gong voice, but at this moment, there was no obscenity in it, but instead, there was a kind of emotion or sigh.

Hearing this, the old nerve trembled slightly.

The distorted and dull face remained unchanged, shaking his head slowly.

"No, that's what I was supposed to do."

"This is my mission."

"It's also my innate destiny. I was born to try my best to revive Emperor Acacia."

"After all, how could there be me without the invincible Emperor Acacia who shines through the past and present?"

"But, I failed."

"I chose to be cowardly. The eternal sins on my body cannot be washed away."

"I am ashamed of everything!"

"I'm even more ashamed"

Old nerves, tears like rain.

That kind of despair and collapse is almost crumbling.


Brother Xiao Sa sighed lightly.

On its body, there is a sense of vicissitudes and calmness that seems to have gone through the years.

It was as if at this moment, the nerves of an old man, but in front of Brother Xiao Sa, he seemed to be a junior.

"Cowardice is an innate emotion of living beings."

"You have become a living being!"

"Have life."

"Naturally, you can't escape this law, and you will also have emotions. All of this...don't blame you."

"You have shouldered too much, and you have already tried your best."

"can only say…"

"This may really be Di Xiangsi's... fate..."

Brother Xiao Sa, the voice of that broken voice has also become low at this time.

The old nerve closed his eyes, and the tears of despair surged crazily, as if he was about to die of sobs.

Looking at the area on the 33rd floor that was submerged in endless gray mist, Brother Xiao Sa's bright little eyes burst out with extreme sadness.

"One of the ten brilliant and invincible emperors who overwhelm the heavens and the world... Emperor Acacia!"

"Brother is still late after all..."


A huge roar exploded violently, and blazing purple light surged out of it, completely destroying all the gray mist!

Next moment!

Ye Wuque's tall and slender figure jumped out of it, his hair was turbulent, and his eyes were bright, like a reincarnation emperor!

Brother Xiao Sa was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed!

"Wow haha!"

"Have you finished your job, boy?"

"Brother knows!"

"There is an amazingly talented brother who takes care of the overall situation and plans everything. Jewels and jade are in front. As a little brother, can you give me some help?"

"It has to be brother! Wahahahahahaha!"

At this moment, Brother Xiao Sa looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, that wretched temperament instantly filled the ten directions!

The old nerves behind him were also a little dumbfounded, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

But immediately after, seeing Ye Wuque rushing out, the eyes of the old nerve full of despair and guilt finally lit up slightly!

Read The Duke's Passion