MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6997 : Hello, Ziyang God

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Buzz buzz!

Terrifying gray mist polluted the void and began to cover the entire thirty-third floor!

directly submerged everything.

Brother Xiao Sa and Lao Nerve's vision was immediately blocked, and they couldn't see anything!

They must continue to stabilize the power of taboo, doppelganger flawlessly, and even more flawlessly split the power to break through the boiling gray mist.

"This ominous little **** is desperate? He even sacrificed himself, and he has to go on the road together with a little boy!" Brother Xiaosa immediately said.

"Seeing Ye Wuque's stunning talent, how could Jixiang not be crazy?"

"Now that the golden human **** is at the Great Perfection, he can already go against the gods and kill the next servant **** like a dog. Even the god-peeping level of the 'Shinto' can be suppressed!"

"With such a background and invincible foundation, if his cultivation level is raised, what level will his combat power reach?"

"I dare not even think about it!"

"Now, Jixiang's desire to kill Ye Wuque is probably infinitely stronger than all hopes of Juedi Acacia!"

The old man spoke with emotion, and when he mentioned "Emperor Acacia", his voice was still filled with endless sadness and terror.

"Leave it to the little boy!"

"Just this little bastard? You want to get rid of the little boy just by making a sacrifice?"

"Didn't wake up!"

Brother Xiao Sa didn't take it seriously at all, but at this moment, its small bright eyes turned again, and it didn't know what it was thinking, only muttering to itself.

"Here, the Tomb of Yongyetian, Brother has...been...have you been..."

Inside the thirty-third floor.

At this moment, the rage has already bloomed with gray light.

Just the breath alone can pollute the world and all living beings. This is the ominous horror.


For Ye Wuque, it is useless.

In the endless gray mist, the brilliant purple light shone proudly, suppressing everything.

Next moment!

The aura of hatred began to rise to the top!

It sacrificed itself in exchange for a short-term power surge, like an instant sublimation, it won't last long, and it is destined to die.

But I still don't hesitate!

Because in its eyes, Ye Wuque must die!

Even worse than Emperor Acacia!

It really can't imagine, if such a human race can grow up smoothly, how terrifying will it be in the future?

Great Dragon Halberd!

The power of reincarnation!

For Jixiang, it is definitely an indescribable nightmare.

Such a future must never happen, it must be killed in the cradle.

Therefore, the hatred is extremely decisive.

The two sides had no intention or need to speak, and at the moment when the aura of hatred climbed to the extreme, the already fragmented body of Ziyang God seemed to explode at any time!

The power of sacrifice boiled, flooding the entire thirty-third floor.

The fleshy body of the rage is shining!

Jumping out suddenly, the gray mist cleared the way, rushing towards Ye Wuque frantically!

Killing intent boiling!


Ye Wuque also raised his right fist.

But suddenly!

Hateful was stagnant in the void, inside the fragmented body, because of the power of the sacrifice, it seemed that some kind of taboo had been unraveled or broken by accident, and there seemed to be some incredible changes at this moment!

"What's this???"

"This power, what is this??"

The raccoon let out a low growl inexplicably, and the body of Ziyang God had some strange changes at this time!


"This power!"

"Invincible! Invincible! What kind of body is this??"

"How did he exist before his death?"

"Hahahahaha! It belongs to me now! It belongs to me now!"

In an instant, the voice of Huan Yun became crazy, with a kind of unprecedented excitement and excitement, and even more endless incredible.

I saw many terrible cracks appearing on that fragmented body, and from within, an inexplicable brilliance slowly shone out!

With the appearance of that brilliance, an inexplicable throbbing, as if the fluctuations beyond the ages began to transpire!

While laughing wildly, Hate continued to rush towards Ye Wuque.

The already boiling sacrifice power, coupled with this sudden mysterious power intertwined, made the vengeance begin to become even stronger!

Come on with a punch!


The void in the ten directions vibrates!

But he was caught by Ye Wuque with one hand!

Ye Wuque at this time!

On that fair and handsome face, there was an inexplicable and even strange expression.

He stared closely at the rage that burst out again, and an endless ray of light shone in his eyes!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ye Wuque!"

"You have no idea what kind of power is surging out of this physical body!"

"This is mine!"

"I... should not die!"

"This power will definitely bring me back to life!"

The completely insane laughter shook the heavens and the earth, resounding through the entire thirtieth floor.

And the radiance refracted from its physical body finally came out completely at this time!

The gray light was instantly illuminated!

But it seems that what illuminates is the entire time and space!

The brilliance in Ye Wuque's bright eyes, at this moment...

Shine to the extreme!

because this is…

Extreme glory!

In Ziyang God's corpse, there is still a trace of extreme power left?

Because of the desperate power of sacrifice, some kind of unexpected drastic changes occurred, and finally led to this residual power?

But Huan Yun obviously didn't know the existence of "Extreme Realm".

"Power! Hahahaha! Power!"

Hate's maniacal laughter was about to tear the sky apart!

It came towards Ye Wuque again!

With the help of this brand-new boiling mysterious power, completely wipe out this human race...

Hate suddenly froze!

It inexplicably stopped in the void, and its face, which was still laughing wildly, suddenly began to twist!

Pupils shrink violently!

"You, you...impossible!"

"Who are you??"

"How could there be residual consciousness???"

"What is this power?? Can reverse life and death? Impossible!!"

"Ahhh! No! No! Go away! Go away!"

The tone of Hate, who was excited to the limit a moment ago, became extremely fearful and unbelievable, as if some kind of unimaginable drastic change had taken place.

But with a miserable howl, the voice of hatred stopped abruptly.

And it, which was frozen in place, suddenly stopped moving at this moment!

Both eyes are closed.

But the next moment!


The eyes suddenly opened again.

The entire thirty-third floor was instantly illuminated like cold electricity across the sky!

These are a pair of sharp eyes!

It seems to contain unparalleled belief and invincibility!

Condensed in a moment of eternity!

But at this time, it suddenly and inconceivably recovered temporarily!

But after opening his eyes, a trace of endless daze and trance suddenly flashed across the eyes of Hateful at this time.

It was as if life and death could not be distinguished, only an instinctive tremor.



Two hoarse whispers sounded from his mouth, but inconceivably, they were no longer angry voices!

"I... am I already dead?"

The next moment!

The hoarse voice suddenly became smooth, and the trance and daze in his eyes were replaced by a touch of disbelief!


Those sharp eyes lifted up, looked forward, and saw Ye Wuque who was also standing in the void, motionless.

At this time, Ye Wuque looked at the figure in front of him, and the strangeness and shock in his eyes were beyond words!

The two gazes instantly meet in the void!

"Such a look, could it be..."

"you know me?"

"But I've never seen you!"

"Who are you?"

This figure also stared at Ye Wuque at this time, and when he said this, a brilliance flashed across his sharp eyes, and his tone was captivating!

heard the words.

Ye Wuque let out a soft breath.

Then, looking at the figure on the opposite side, Ye Wuque said slowly and calmly: "My name is Ye Wuque."

"The ultimate saint king 'Ziyang God' who has achieved the extreme realm of human kings 'Eternal Nether Spring'..."


Read The Duke's Passion