MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6962 : Everyone is going to die!

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As for Xi Chong, the previous statement of "Eternal Night Will" was prepared by the old nerve... the way out!

The condensed years represent eternal youth and immortality, and they are the perfect physical container.

Now, what kind of explanation will Shen Nanzhi in front of him give?


The weird mocking smile of the second emperor resounded again. At this time, it seemed to have become Shen Nanzhi's spokesperson, like a megaphone, very weird.

"Chong Chong..."

"A little **** who got a little lucky but thought he was the son of destiny!"

"He was lucky, really lucky, to meet that damned old thing when he was at his weakest, and this little bastard..."


Speaking of this, the black robe on Shen Nanzhi's body suddenly fluttered, which proved the second emperor's mood swings at this time.

"I have to say, this little **** is indeed a little clever, and has a natural extraordinary skill, that is..."

"Can act!"

"Ye Wuque, in your eyes, what kind of person is Chongchong?" The second emperor suddenly asked Ye Wuque back, his tone became joking, and then he continued without waiting for Ye Wuque's answer: "Ming Ming is not young anymore. , but he is a warm-blooded and simple, but not stupid, just a little impulsive, and a young man who values ​​love and righteousness?"

Ye Wuque was expressionless, but the second emperor's description of Xi Chong...

Almost a perfect match!

Because of the last wish of Yingxie before he died, he found Yingchong, and only then did the following series of things happen.

But it was also because of finding Luchong that he met the old nerve and had the Tomb of Yong Ye Tian.

During this process, Ye Wuque also gradually determined what kind of person Ying Chong was.

At that time, Ye Wuque's biggest doubt about Xiong Chong was his age!

Judging from the last words left by Yingxie, Yingchong should be quite old, even very old, but his appearance and character, especially his character, is still an impulsive young man, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Later, after seeing the old nerve, it seemed that there was an explanation.

And the years of... coagulation in the body!

"What kind of acting skills are the most powerful? No flaws?"

"That's... sincerity!"

"Sincerely, rushing is the best nirvana! This little bastard, Chong Chong, has already understood this truth at such a young age."

"The moment he met that damned obsessive old thing, this little **** knew it was time to change his destiny!"

"Hehe, the obsessive old man hunts geese all day long, vicious, cunning and crazy, but when he was at his weakest, he met a junior who treated him very sincerely, and in the end... moved his heart of compassion!"

"What irony is that!"

"An obsession that doesn't even count as a living being will be moved, and he will regard a stranger who has never met as his relative."

"Cultivate it, and pay...emotions?"

"Why? Because this obsessive old thing feels... warmth!"

"Warmth like never before!"

"This Xun Chong gave it such a feeling that it felt like it had become a living person again for the first time! Experienced the feeling of 'alive'!"

"Hahahaha!" The second emperor laughed more and more mockingly, almost setting off a void storm.

"Such a terrifying and obsessed old devil will actually have the way of a little bastard!"

"Oh, no, Ye Wuque, you have fallen for that little **** too!"

"Until now, do you still think he is a loving and righteous young man?"

"He's in front of you, but he's always acting!"

"If we say that the purpose of obsessing over the old devil is to use the Eternal Yetian Tomb as the foundation, in an attempt to resurrect himself!"

"Then the purpose of this little **** is to...replace him!"

"And you, and all the creatures that enter the Yongyetian Tomb, are just bait and pawns in their eyes!"

"A little **** and an old devil. On the surface, they look like grandparents, but inside, they are all equally filthy and unscrupulous! It's really not a family, don't come into the family! Hahahaha!"

In the dead silence of heaven and earth, in front of the reflection of the vast river of time and space, the wild laughter of the second emperor reverberated like thunder, full of mockery, sarcasm, and cruel killing intent.

Ye Wuque, who had listened to the whole process, seemed to have no change in his complexion.

The old nerve, the biggest purpose, is to revive...resurrect yourself!

In Ye Wuque's mind, what he saw and heard from the thirtieth floor emerged.

On the thirtieth floor, a black smoke flower formed by endless gods!

On the thirty-first floor, there are countless nine-nine-one-level creatures sitting cross-legged!

On the thirty-second floor, there are countless coffins lying on the ground!

At this time, following the second emperor's narration, all these seemed to be connected together at last!

These are exactly the procedures and props needed for "resurrection"!

Combined with the fate of the slaughtered gods of the three wastelands mentioned by Yongye Will, and the old nerve admitting the experience of the gods with his own hands, it seems to prove this point.

The Eternal Night Tomb has become the home of the old nerve.

Opening it again and again, letting the creatures of Sanhuang come in from generation to generation, is to collect all the materials for him to resurrect himself.

And Xiong Chong...

Turned out to be a person who hides evil intentions, packs himself with sincere acting skills, and replaces his old nerves?

All this sounds unbelievable, but it seems to be very real, it is the creepy truth!

But there is another biggest cause and effect in this Eternal Night Sky Tomb...


"You can return under the eyes of the old nerve, and occupy part of the power of eternal night. If there is no one behind you, will it be so smooth?"

Looking at Shen Nanzhi from afar, Ye Wuque spoke again.

Shen Nanzhi's face under the mask seemed to move slightly again, and the black robe on her body also let out a roar!

"Hmph! Destiny may be upside down, full of thorns and difficulties, but the result will not change!"

"The return of the great Heavenly Mother is due to destiny! It is destined to happen!"

"It has nothing to do with anyone."

"The obsessive old devil can't live for long, it's exhausted, it's crazy, it's going to be the last fight!"

"The grievances and karma that have spread through the ages will be completely settled here now!"

"All the creatures that enter Yongyetian's tomb...all will die!"

"Not one can live!"

"This is also a doomed fate!"

"Only in this way can we completely cut off all vitality of the obsessed old devil!"

"Ye Wuque..."

"You are no exception!"

The voice of the second emperor was decisive, revealing a kind of coldness and cruelty, as if he was staring at Ye Wuque, and pronounced his fate.

Ye Wuque lowered his arms lightly, his whole body was filled with holy aura of fighting, gold and silver flames were blazing, and the domineering aura of swallowing thousands of miles became more and more intense, sweeping the void in all directions!

"Want my life?"

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice resounded like thunder.

"Can you take it away?"

Shen Nanzhi, who had been standing still, raised the divine bone scepter in his hand at the moment Ye Wuque's words fell!

The endless dark radiance surged with terrifying majesty, covering the void like a sky curtain, and the power of Yong Ye's power seemed to turn into black lightning at Shen Nanzhi's fingertips at this moment!

Aiming at Ye Wuque, Shen Nanzhi pointed out... the third finger!


The heaven and the earth solidified again!

Void, annihilated inch by inch!

Everything fell into indescribable destruction and majesty!

Like pencil writing erased by an eraser, everything visible to the naked eye began to be erased silently!

Ye Wuque felt an indescribable ancient oppression and boiling power coming towards him!

Shen Nanzhi mobilized the power of Yongye's authority to... kill Ye Wuque!


In the next moment, a golden emerald-like blazing radiance shot up into the sky, as if abruptly breaking the solidification between heaven and earth!

Fighting against the holy spirit, boiling like a raging sea, stirring the sky.

Ye Wuque stood in the void, his hair was agitated, his eyes were like knives, and his momentum was soaring!

Pinch prints with both hands!

Holy and strange, absolutely stunning!

In an instant, a bewitching red flame appeared out of nowhere, lingering in the void, burning to the limit!

The sixth-grade industry fire is a big red lotus!

The dim void was instantly illuminated by the endless bewitching crimson flames!

Read The Duke's Passion