MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 6

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Revelation is very generous in order to compensate users.

The original mission reward was a pair of scissors.

Derived from a third-level ghost that has been hidden in scissors after death.

The remnant of the compensation ghost is a rag doll.

It is derived from a fourth-level ghost that can enter the body of a living person.

The two residues are both close to Chu Feifan's ability.

For Chu Feifan, the improvement brought by these two residues will be huge.

But for Ye Hao, it was a bit tasteless.

Neither of the two items has any spirit, and Kuling will have no interest in the remnants of the Specter.

Not to mention the six library immortal thieves who are picky about their tastes.

Ye Hao tried to eat the doll with the Liuku Immortal Thief, and the Liuku Immortal Thief immediately protested in a bad mood.

Fortunately, the epiphany effect of restraining the spirit and sending the generals is good.

[Host: Ye Hao. 】

[Innate Qi: The fourth floor. (80% progress)]

[Detaining the spirit and dispatching generals: proficient. (Progress 0%)]

[Liu Library Immortal Thief: Getting Started. (Progress 40%)]

After Ku Ling Qian broke through to mastery, he was able to jump into the fifth rank of Ku Ling, and the number became twenty-five.

It's a pity that Ye Hao is only a fourth-level user on "Revelation", and he can't accept the fifth-level Specter quest.

The possibility of encountering a Level 5 Specter by chance is extremely slim.

The restraining spirit, the method of serving the spirit, and the decree of breaking the treasure and the breeze will all greatly improve the restraining spirit.

So Ye Hao speculated that after the generals were dispatched, the generals who were dispatched by Ju Ling could go to another level.

However, compared with the generals under the arrest of the spirits, the progress of the Sixth Library Immortal Thief was extremely slow.

Now it seems that eating can only improve the cultivation effect of the Six Vault Immortal Thief, but cannot produce the effect of epiphany.

[Your Liuku Immortal Thief is in a low mood because he has nothing to do all day, and the cultivation effect is reduced by 50%. 】

Ye Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The character of the Six Library Immortal Thief is really unpredictable.

What made him puzzled was—what did the so-called "things" of the Sixth Library Immortal Thief mean?


Chapter 7: Pen Immortal's Horror is too fun [for collection]

Ancheng Middle School is dead.

A high school student jumped off the building.

The deceased was from the third year (1) class. The students in the entire third year (1) class were not interested in class and were discussing the deceased classmate.

Those who were watching the excitement and those who were afraid, the students had their own feelings.

Unable to withstand the pressure, the school suspended classes for the entire school.

The three girls from the third grade (1) class quietly returned to the classroom before leaving the school.

The classroom was empty, and they found a desk and sat together.

The round-faced student Xiaoli asked in fear:

"Are we really going to play?"

The tall and thin girl Xiaohong glared at Xiaoli:

"We've agreed."

Xiao Li didn't dare to speak, and looked around suspiciously.

It seemed that they were afraid that something was watching them in the dark.

Xiaomei, a girl with short hair, took out a piece of white paper and a pen from her schoolbag and put it on the table.

Although Xiaomei was scared, her expression was very firm.

"We share a dormitory with her. She is gloomy all day. You are not curious if she will take revenge on us after she dies?"

The "she" in Xiaomei's mouth refers to the dead female student.

Xiaoli wanted to say that it was because Xiaomei and Xiaohong took the lead in excluding her, so she was afraid of revenge.

But Xiaoli was also afraid of Xiaohong and Xiaomei, so she could only swallow and keep silent.

Xiaomei and Xiaohong looked at each other and stretched out a hand.

Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, but she still stretched out her hand.

The three girls have their arms hanging in the air, the backs of their hands are interlaced, and a pen is inserted in the middle.

The three spoke at the same time:

"Pixian Bixian, you are my past life, I am your present life, if you want to continue with me, please draw a circle on the paper."

What they play is the pen fairy game that has been popular for a long time.

Before the accident in the class, none of them believed that ghosts really existed in the world.

But now, they can only think of this way and ask their own destiny.

Xiao Li was apprehensive.

I don't know if I want the pen to move more, or if nothing happens.

After the incantation was finished, the three waited for a while, but the pen did not change.

Xiao Li was the first to lose her temper: "How about we..."

She was about to withdraw her hand when she suddenly felt a cold air rise from her back.

Xiao Li stiffened, the cold air climbed up her arm, and at the end, the temperature around her dropped.

Xiaohong is the most courageous among the three girls, but now even her face has turned pale.

Xiaohong asked in a stern voice, "Did you feel it?"

Xiaoli and Xiaomei both nodded with difficulty.

No one moved, but the pen they held between their hands slowly drew a circle that wasn't that regular on the white paper.

Xiao Li quickly covered her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

There was a mixture of fear and excitement on Xiaohong's face.

They did it!

Xiaomei said quickly, "We can only ask three questions. Remember, you can't ask about the cause of death, you can't ask about your lifespan, you must ask the pen fairy to leave."

The three girls had already discussed it, and Xiaohong couldn't wait to ask:

"Am I going to die?"

The pen writes a twisted word "will" on white paper.

Xiaomei glared at Xiaohong: "Everyone will grow old, get sick and die. Asking this question is equivalent to asking in vain!"

Xiaohong looked embarrassed and pursed her lips.

But because of this little episode, the fear in the hearts of the three girls has been reduced a lot.

Xiaohong thought for a while before asking, "How will I die?"

The pen suddenly began to vibrate violently, swiping across the white paper.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the three girls all paid close attention to the paper that appeared on the paper.

The pen finally wrote and played, and the answer appeared in front of them—


Xiaomei's face instantly turned pale.

Clearly, this result indicates that she did not die of natural causes.

Xiaohong glanced at Xiaomei worriedly, knowing this answer, Xiaomei's heart must be unhappy.

But Xiaomei's heart was in a mess, and she was not in the mood to reply to her friend's eyes.

Xiao Li opened her mouth and was about to speak.

Xiaomei suddenly leaned forward and asked eagerly:

"Who will be the next to die!"

Xiaohong looked at her suspiciously: "This is not the question we discussed at the beginning!"

Xiao Li bit Xia Feng, but she didn't dare to question Xiao Mei like Xiao Hong did.

The last question, it was clearly said that she came to ask.

But Xiaomei can't hear anything now.

Knowing that she did not die naturally, Xiaomei eagerly wanted to know how much time she had left.

The pen moved.

The trio's attention was quickly drawn to the paper.

But the pen was scribbling erratically, without even a single word shape.

The pen body began to tilt, turning in the hands of the three of them.

Finally, the pen stopped.

The nib of the pen just pointed diagonally at a person.

Xiao Li's eyes widened in disbelief.

Because the tip of the pen is pointing at her!


Xiao Li screamed, as if she had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, and threw the pen away at once.

The pen flew to the ground, spun around twice, and then stood still. *

Chapter 8: Become a Specter, Get Crazy Revenge 【For Collection】

A video of a live-streamed exploration of Anseong Middle School went viral on the Internet.

In the video, the anchor walked into a classroom and found that in the classroom that had been abandoned for many years, there was still a piece of white paper and a pen on a desk.

The anchor greeted the assistant who came with him to play the pen fairy game.

The pen really moved!

The video ends abruptly here.

The news of the death of the anchor and assistant at Ancheng Middle School came out, and the video was quickly edited and posted to the entire Internet by people with a heart.

After the relevant departments noticed it, they quickly deleted all the videos, but the video still caused quite a stir.

People have begun to speculate whether there are really ghosts in this world.

Officials come out to refute rumors, but believe it or not, it depends on everyone's thoughts.

Because of this video, the investigation into Ancheng Middle School has been restarted.

The old partners Gu Shiting and Yu Qi were sent to investigate.

Read The Duke's Passion