MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 241

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"What if you don't break through, stay and wait to die?"

Yamaoka Taro asked angrily: "I said long ago that I would exterminate the mob under Ye Hao's command in one go!"

"You idiot, you have to choose to hide and defend, and the best tactical strategy has been abandoned by you. It is extremely stupid!"

Goshawk decisively refuted: "Yamaoka Taro, you are tired of living, how dare you be so arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, I think the most stupid person is precisely you rubbish!"

"If you really have an idea, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"After the fact, Zhuge Liang, it is most suitable to use it on you like a pig beforehand, garbage!"

"You're as stupid as a pig yourself, and you still have the face to act viciously in front of me. I TM wrecked you rubbish!"

"I can still be afraid of you, a rice bucket. If you have the ability, you can use it and see if I will frown!"

Goshawk and Yamaoka Taro are extremely emotional, and they are about to fight!

"Enough! The throat army decisively stopped the two of them," I said, what are you two guys trying to do? Now that the enemy is in front of us, all of us are thinking about how to get out of the predicament, but the two of you have made an internal order? "

"If we can't figure it out before dawn tomorrow, we'll be wiped out!"

Now the temperature outside has dropped to below zero, and it is still decreasing.

The yin and evil spirits enveloped the sky and blocked the sunlight, so that the sun's light and temperature could not enter the surrounding circle at all.

If this situation can't be resolved, maybe everyone will end up frozen into ice lollies.

There is not enough firewood in Feiyang Dojo to keep everyone warm. The soldiers who stood firm in the cold wind outside could not support it for long.

Under Hou Jun's reprimand, Yamaoka Taro and Goshawk temporarily put aside their personal grievances.

However, the current predicament that everyone is facing has not been completely resolved.

At this time, Howard suggested: "The reason why we are passive this time is that we were not able to grab the first move and let Ye Hao trap us in this small place!"

"If we can get out of this predicament, we can definitely turn defeat into victory!"

"At that time, we will take the initiative to attack and surround Ye Hao in the abyss of ghosts, so that he will naturally become a turtle in a urn!"

Heishan Wolf replied: "This is indeed a good way. If we can surround Ye Hao, we will have the initiative, but how do we break out of the encirclement now?"

"If you want to break through, the best way is to hand over Wu Zhengtao to Ye Hao!"

"What?" Hou Jun's complexion changed suddenly, his head was shaking like a rattle, "Taro Yamaoka, what are you talking about, Wu Zhengtao is our own?"

"No matter how difficult our situation is, we can't betray our own people!"

"Hey!\" Yamaoka Taro said in an angry voice, "Wu Zhengtao is just a little ant!\"

"With his death alone, in exchange for the lives of tens of thousands of us, it's not a money-losing business anyway!"

"Uh....this is..."

For a while, Hou Jun couldn't show his reasons to refute Yamaoka Taro.

Although Yamaoka Taro's method is a bad move, it is really effective.

After thinking for a while, Hou Jun continued: "From a transaction point of view, this is indeed profitable, but we must also consider a serious problem!"

"If we hand over Wu Zhengtao this time, what will the leaders of the second- and third-rate small forces think?"

"They will definitely think, we treat Wu Zhengtao as cannon fodder today, and we may treat them as cannon fodder tomorrow!"

"It's not that serious, Sect Master Hou, you're worrying too much!"

Howard said with a smile: "Besides, what can those little fish do to us even if they are not convinced?"

\"Ye Hao is a murderous demon king, they must rely on us to survive!\"

"That's right!" Heishan Wolf took the lead in answering, "Ye Hao's hands are all a group of sea bream interesting questions, and basically all of us in the alliance are normal humans, not the same race at all!"

"The subordinate power leaders under our hands, whoever has a little IQ, will not go to Ye Hao!"

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

"If that's the case, then act according to the plan!"

Half an hour later, Wu Zhengtao was kidnapped by Yamaoka Taro Wuhua and escorted out of Feiyang Dojo, and handed over to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's handling of this matter was also very decisive.

After the person arrived, Ye Hao said directly to Hu Na: "Now this scum is left to you to deal with!"

\"Thank you husband!\"

"Hu Na pulled out the knife and wanted to kill Wu Zhengtao!"

"Brother, forgive me, I'm really M

\"Crack!\" Wu Zhengtao didn't finish a word, Hu Na slashed straight down.

Dou Da's head fell to the ground, and Wu Zhengtao's life came to an end!

"Let's retreat!" After killing Wu Zhengtao, he directly called on everyone to retreat and return to the abyss of ghost energy.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Yan was also anxious: "Husband, you made a mistake, we absolutely can't just leave now!"

"The human soldiers in the Feiyang Dojo, 640 are now running out of ammunition and food, and the entire army is close to being destroyed. We are now rushing into the city and we will be able to annihilate them all. Letting them now is equivalent to returning the tiger to the mountain!"

Ma Yuzhen also echoed: \"The purpose of this group of humans gathered in Feiyang Dojo is to attack our ghostly abyss!\"

"Even if we retire now, they will still kill our hometown. It is better to take this opportunity to destroy them all!"

"Retreat!" Ye Hao ignored Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan's advice and insisted on withdrawing.

After all, Ye Hao is the real boss. Since Ye Hao has made up his mind to withdraw his troops, Ma Yuzhen and the others can only obey orders obediently.

With the retreat of the ghostly abyss army, the cloud of evil smoke shrouded in the sky above Feiyang Dojo gradually dissipated.

Feeling the temperature around him gradually recovering, Hou Jun's tense heart finally completely fell into his belly.

Although Feiyang Dojo was freed from the fate of destruction this time, Hou Jun's mood could not be relieved at all. On the contrary, the outcome of this battle was a shame for Hou Jun!

The light world army of more than 40,000 people was surrounded by the dark world army of less than 30,000 people. In the end, they could only take a compromise to relieve the siege.

Chapter 349: Sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth

What's the point of fighting the battle this way?

Everyone else has already taken the initiative to call the door, and you have to endure the humiliation and compromise.

With such strength, do you still want to fight back?

Even if the counterattack plan has not fully unfolded yet, Hou Jun can already foresee the near future.

"Husband, what do you think, why do you want to withdraw?" On the way back, even Hu Na couldn't hold back her curiosity and went to Ye Hao to express her doubts.

"This time we are well prepared and have clearly gained the upper hand!"

"As long as you put in a little more strength, you can completely wipe out that group of rabble?"

"You chose to be waterproof at a critical moment, giving those garbage a chance to breathe. It will be difficult for us to wipe them out in the future!"

It is not difficult to see from the attitude of Hu Na's speech now that Hu Na's current principles have undergone a fundamental change.

Now Hu Na, she will only consider problems from Ye Hao's point of view, and she will not consider everything else.

For Ye Hao, she is willing to be the enemy of the whole world, and she will do it!

This made Ye Hao very satisfied, and Ye Hao responded bluntly: "The reason is very simple, because the tens of thousands of people in Feiyang Dojo are all human!"

"What about humans, they are all our enemies!"

Hu Na said angrily.

Ye Hao replied with a wry smile: "The people who are really our enemies are actually only those leaders. The little people at the bottom can't control their own destiny at all, and many of them are innocent!"

"So what?" Hu Na was still unwilling, \"In short, he is our enemy!\"

"It doesn't make any sense to be merciful to these people. If we don't completely destroy them, we will never want to live in peace in the future!"

Ye Hao continued: "What you said is not wrong, we will never be able to live in peace unless they are completely wiped out.\"

"Even if we don't provoke them, they will come to us to trouble us!"

"I never thought about letting them go, but I didn't want to kill them, but to take them for my use!"

"Uh, so that's how it is...?..." Hu Na suddenly realized.

There are more than 40,000 human soldiers gathered in Feiyang Dojo!

Among them, a large number of elite masters have gathered. If these people are forced to a dead end, they will explode with extremely terrifying combat power.

If the two sides fight to the end, the ending will be nothing more than a scene where both sides are injured and cannot end.

Therefore, the best way to deal with this group of people is to subdue them, not to kill them all.

As for Ye Hao's ability to subdue this group of people, that's not what Hu Na wants to worry about.

From Hu Na's point of view, Ye Hao must be able to handle this trivial matter without any difficulty.

Even the most difficult three sisters, the Green Snake, were subdued by Ye Hao. Who else is Ye Hao unable to handle?

Zhao Yan came up and asked weakly: "By the way, husband, if those guys are stinky and tough, and they don't want to obey us, what should we do? We can't keep pampering them like this, right?"

"Of course not!\" Ye Hao replied solemnly, \"The only chance I will give them is this time!\"

"If they know how to give me a chance, that's even better. If these people are obsessed and always naively think they are very smart, then I have to show them a little bit!"

"Pissed me off, one of these guys is going to die!"

Not only Hu Na believed in Ye Hao, but other people also believed in Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said that he wanted to get rid of Wu Zhengtao. Even if Wu Zhengtao had fled to Feiyang Dojo, he still could not avoid the fate of his final demise!

Ye Hao killed Wu Zhengtao in front of everyone in the "Bright Alliance", which still caused a strong response within the Guangming Alliance.

Although Ye Hao's army in the dark world has retreated across the board, the fear left in the hearts of the light coalition can't be dissipated for a long time.

That night, in a valley near Feiyang Dojo, several mysterious people in black robes were talking about it.

"Brothers, we can't have a future if we follow the Bright Alliance!"

"Ye Hao's army surrounded the Feiyang Dojo, Hou Jun and the others had no ability to resist at all, so they humbly chose to surrender, and our human face has been lost by those soft bones.

"We continue to follow Feiyang Dojo, and it won't be long before we end up like Wu Zhengtao!"

"If you want me to say, we might as well go out and follow Ye Hao!"

Another voice sounded: \"Brothers want me to say that in this great battle, Ye Hao will definitely win in the end!\"

?? Hou Jun and the others are so detached, they can't win the battle at all! "

"No matter how many they are, they are nothing but a mob!"

"That's what I said, but... we are human beings after all, and Ye Hao's subordinates are all creatures from the dark world!"

"As the saying goes, people who are not my race will have different hearts. Even if we are willing to join Ye Hao, Ye Hao may not be willing to take us in!"

"How is that possible?\" I think Ye Hao is much more generous than Hou Jun and the others! \"

"On today's battlefield, Ye Hao obviously has the absolute upper hand. It's easy to wipe out us, but he chose to withdraw when the situation was most favorable to him!"

"It's our Sect Master Hou, in the case of gaining such an advantage, he must be killed!"

"Ye Hao treats the enemy so generously. If we go to join him, he will be his own. He can't be too harsh on us!"

"Furthermore, some time ago, the three sisters of Qing Snake took refuge in Ye Hao, aren't they getting along pretty well now!"

"What do you know, the three sisters of Green Snake are all demon spirits. They and Ye Hao are a nest of snakes and rats. Naturally, they have similar smells and can be perfectly integrated!"

"Those of us are all human beings of pure blood, running to the abyss of ghost qi, and the sheep will go into the tiger's mouth without anger?"

"I heard that the tens of thousands of zombie evil spirits raised in the abyss of ghosts are all hungry and thirsty. We are going over now, just in time to deliver rations to them!"

"It makes some sense to say that. We are now relying on Ye Hao, and we may not be able to obtain safety, hey..."

"Where is the future of us people!"

"Let's wait and see what happens, Ye Hao killed Wu Zhengtao because Wu Zhengtao attacked Ye Hao's wife!"?