MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 236

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Fu Xiaoqing was furious, and of course he didn't want to let Ye Hao go so easily.

She directly took a big step forward and swung the giant hammer towards Ye Hao's forehead again.

The overwhelming poisonous rainstorm fell from the sky again, but this time Ye Hao did not retreat to avoid, but took the initiative to face the violent poisonous rainstorm.

Seeing this, Fu Xiaoqing's beautiful eyes were filled with a hideous smile.


The three Green Snake sisters exerted their strength at the same time, saying that all the toxins in their bodies were released, and they wanted to kill Ye Hao completely in one fell swoop.

Only in this way can they prove the strength of the three sisters 02, and the majesty of the Green Snake Alliance can be maintained.

Everyone watching the game under the stage only felt that they were in front of their eyes!

Then, Ye Hao ran directly behind the giant.

The super giant more than ten meters tall suddenly stood still.

At this time, a gust of wind blew in the distance, and the giant standing in the ruins suddenly shattered into a pair of fragments, completely destroyed.

After the giant collapsed, the three sisters Fu Xiaoqing were all seriously injured and broke away from the fit state. They lay on the ground and vomited blood. It looked like they had suffered a fatal blow and could no longer fight back. "Hey!\" All the powerhouses watching the battle below couldn't help but take a deep breath.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe that what happened in front of you was real?

The three sisters of Qing Snake joined forces, and they couldn't beat Ye Hao alone. How strong is Ye Hao?

Step by step, Ye Hao walked towards the three Qing Snake sisters who were seriously injured.

Fu Xiaoqing struggled to get up from the ground and said weakly: "Master Ye, stop quickly, our sisters admit defeat!"

"From today onwards, the three of us are willing to follow Lord Ye's side and do the hard work of dogs and horses. If Lord Ye does not dislike it, please accept the three of us as concubines. Your strength has completely convinced us!"

"Hahaha!" Ye Hao laughed loudly, "It would have been better if you were so sensible earlier, everyone who has to make a fuss is unhappy!"

"That's it, that's it!" Fu Xiaoqing nodded again and again with a smile, \"It's because we are blind, please forgive me!\"

"Yeah!\" Ye Hao replied, "Since you have all decided to obey me, I naturally won't blame you!"

In this way, the duel between Ye Hao and the three sisters of Qingshe is over!

The three sisters of Qing Snake expressed their willingness to obey Ye Hao, and they went to the abyss of ghosts with Ye Hao that night.

At the top of Feiyang Mountain, Hollaide, Yamaoka Taro, Goshawk and Hou Jun gathered here.

"Fu Xiaoqing, the wicked woman, obeyed Ye Hao so easily, I think a big reason is for the heart of the world!"

"If she joins forces with our family to besiege Ye Hao, she will have to fight with our family after the event is over to compete for the ownership of the Heart of the World again. By cooperating with Ye Hao, she will be able to directly enjoy the blessings of the Heart of the World. !\"

"Unless we go to defeat Ye Hao, we will not even want to touch the shadow of the Heart of the World.

"Fu Xiaoqing, this wicked woman, is really scheming, she doesn't even want her dignity for the sake of the world!"

The goshawk shook his head and smiled: "After all, she is a woman, so there is no shame in being attached to a man!"

"On the contrary, there are several of our families, but they are all headed by men. It is almost impossible for us to obey and join Ye Hao's family!"

"Hey!" Howard shook his head and sighed, "Who said no!"

"But the crux of the problem is that the effect of the Heart of the World is not trivial. If we don't get a share of the pie, the strength gap between us and Ye Hao will only be widened indefinitely. This is definitely not what I want to see. The situation!\"

"Your Majesty's words are reasonable, we must say that the heart of the world can be grabbed as soon as possible!"

Yamaoka Taro added: "Now Ye Hao and the three sisters of Qing Snake are in the same boat, if we don't act a little bit, soon this world will have no place for us!"

Hou Jun also said: "Ye Hao's methods are very unusual!"

"The three Green Snake sisters joined forces, and they were easily defeated by him!"

"Fu Xiaoqing was beaten in disgrace, but Ye Hao didn't even hurt the corner of his clothes. This is the most terrifying part!"

"I'm afraid that even if I do it myself, I won't be able to hold on to the three moves in Ye Hao's hands!"

Goshawk said in a condensed voice: \"I don't think the situation is so pessimistic!"

"The most powerful thing about the three sisters of Qing Snake is the charm that they jointly displayed."

Although the seduction technique is powerful, it is only effective for certain groups of people. For example, Prince Hollaide can easily resist their seduction technique.

Once the three green snake sisters' best charm technique loses its effect, their combat power will drop by at least 30%!

Hollaide nodded and replied, "Although this is what 633 said, don't forget the giant puppet art released by Fu Xiaoqing and the other three demon spirits, the power is also very terrifying!"

"Once they release the puppet technique, even if I'm alone, I can't beat them!"

"There is no necessary connection between puppet art and seduction art!"

"Although I can block the seduction technique, I can't stop the puppet technique. I have no advantage in front of them!"

\"Yeah, the three sisters of the green snake are so powerful, they were so easily tamed by Ye Hao, which is really incredible."

Several big bosses, you said every word, but no one was willing to come forward and attack Ye Hao from beginning to end.

Naturally, there is no need to say more. If Ye Hao can defeat the three sisters of Qing Snake, he will also be able to defeat a few of them.

What's more, after Ye Hao defeated the three Green Snake sisters, he directly brought the three Green Snake sisters under his command, which means that Ye Hao absorbed the forces of the Green Snake Alliance and became stronger than before. Whether it is Feiyingmen, Yamaoka Group, or other strengths, they have no ability to wrestle with Ye Hao.

If they dared to confront Ye Hao, they would only suffer.

Everyone likes to do things that take advantage, but who wants to take the lead in things that suffer? ?

Chapter 339: A lot of benefits

The big guys chatted for a long time, but they didn't come up with a reason.

In the end, the owner of the Panda Bear Club, Heishan Wolf, couldn't help but say: "All of us are talking vernacular here, and it has no meaning to solve the problem. Let's think about it, how to get the heart of the world is the best policy!"

"Now that Ye Hao has successfully subdued the three sisters of the Green Snake, we are no longer his opponent in terms of strength comparison!"

"If you want to defeat Ye Hao and get the Heart of the World, you must join forces!"

"Well, I agree with this proposal too!"

"I agree too!"

Several big bosses cast their support votes and strongly support the joint plan.

Montenegro Wolf continued: "We each selected 50 of the top masters from the door to form a special combat team, and join forces to go to the abyss of ghosts to **** the heart of the world!"

"The closest force to the Ghost Qi Abyss is the Feiyang Dojo of the Hou Jun brothers, so the Hou Jun brothers will send 5,000 people to take care of the finishing work!"

"This????" Hou Jun couldn't help frowning.

Shanggang Taro asked, "Brother Hou Jun, Huaxia is your territory. On the side of your couch, such a sturdy force breeds, are you not impatient at all?"

"No no no!\" Hou Jun shook his head and waved his hands to explain, \"The brothers misunderstood me!\"

"Everyone is willing to send an elite team to join forces to defeat Ye Hao, and it is naturally my duty to fly in the dojo!"

"It's just that you brothers have come from afar and don't know much about Ye Hao's power!"

"Now, let me introduce you to the specific situation of the ghostly abyss force!"

At the very beginning, the abyss of ghost qi was occupied by the ghost king of Chiyuan. Although the ghost king of Chiyuan himself was not very powerful, he had tens of thousands of little ghosts under his control, but it was very difficult to deal with!

"Later Ye Hao killed the Chiyuan Ghost King and seized the territory of the Ghost Abyss!"

"Afterwards, Ye Hao disappeared for a while, and when he returned to the abyss of ghost energy, he came back with a large group of strong men???!"

Although the total number of evil ghosts in the ghost abyss has been reduced by a part, the quality has been greatly improved!

"According to my information, there are now all kinds of creatures from the dark world in the ghost abyss, with a total of nearly 50,000!"

"Among them, there are more than 3,000 high-level dark world creatures above the red-clothed ghost!"

"We Feiyang Dojo, even if we gather all the staff from all branches, there are only 8,000 people!"

"Among them, there are only more than 500 strong people who can match the red-clothed Specter!"

"It is almost impossible to settle the abyss of ghosts with the strength of our Feiyang Dojo family alone!"

"What's more, Ye Hao regained the three sisters of the Green Snake, and now the Green Snake Alliance has also joined Ye Hao's command!"

"The power of the Green Snake Alliance is not weaker than our Feiyang Alliance at all. Now that the two of them are strong together, we may not have enough power to put them in the teeth!"

"My personal life and death are small. If my brothers suffer huge losses due to misprediction, I can't afford it!"

As soon as Hou Jun said this, everyone nodded, agreeing with his point of view.

But even if you encounter difficulties, you must not give up casually, because the temptation of the heart of the world is too great.

After being silent for a long time, Hollaide offered a plan: "We have enough staff in the Vampire Alliance, I can bring some more brothers over, this event will be led by me!"

"But after getting the Heart of the World, we will take care of it by our Vampire Alliance!"

"I can give you a certain quota every month to ensure that everyone can use the heart of the world!"

"Our Vampire Alliance sent a team of 10,000 people, and your other families sent 6,000 people, so it shouldn't be a problem!"

"Although there are many ghosts in the abyss of ghosts, we all know Taoism, and it is not too difficult to use Taoism to eliminate these evil ghosts!"

"What's more, in addition to our top-level forces, aren't there many second- and third-rate regional forces? Let these guys also send a certain number of people to assist in the encirclement and suppression of Ye Hao?"

"Yes!\" Yamaoka Taro's eyes suddenly lit up, \"Can those vassal forces also contribute some of their power!\"

"Everyone join forces to encircle and suppress Ye Hao, one more person has more strength!"

Howard's proposal directly made Yamaoka Taro's eyes shine.

Under the Yamaoka group, there are a large number of vassal forces, and these vassal forces are the most suitable to act as cannon fodder.

Not only can it help you complete specific tasks, but most importantly, it can also avoid your own losses, which is the best of both worlds.

As for the "custody plan\" proposed by Howard just now, it was immediately ignored by Yamaoka Taro.

Since Hollaide is willing to contribute more power, let him be the early bird.

At that time, after Ye Hao is eliminated, there will definitely be a new contest on how to divide up the actual heart.

All the people present are big bosses, how could it be possible for Hollaide to monopolize the treasure?

Now the enemy is now, and it is not the time to make an internal order. Every big brother is very clear about this.

Ghostly abyss!

Ye Hao took Fu Xiaoqing at the bottom of the abyss to visit the Heart of the World. How can this heart of the world be so weak...\"Fu Xiaoqing is a formidable character after all, after looking at the heart of the world up close, he soon realized the problem.

Ye Hao didn't hide it, and replied bluntly: "This heart of the world is the heart of the world that was just born!"

"Then the effect of your Heart of the World is very limited!"

Fu Xiaoqing replied with a bit of disappointment: 'As far as I know, the more ancient the heart of the world exists, the stronger the essence of the original energy it radiates. It is purely tasteless! \"

"It's a pity to give up on the boring food!"

Ye Hao nodded and replied: "The leader of the Xiaoqing Alliance is so disappointed, I really admire it!"

"You bastard, there is so much nonsense!"

Fu Xiaoqin is obviously not a person who likes superfluous nonsense.

"Since the practicability of the Heart of the World is not high, then I should come to the Abyss of Ghost Qi every once in a while. We also have a lot of things to deal with in the Green Snake Alliance, so I will not be here for you! \""Hahaha!" Ye Hao said with a loud laugh, "The leader of the Xiaoqing alliance has really changed his face and is comparable to flipping a book!\"

Xiaohong resolutely acted and countered: \"Ye Hao, you are so domineering!\"

"My sister is telling the truth, your practical heart can only be regarded as a defective product, and you are too naive just because you want to tie the three of us sisters to your side!

I declare

Chapter 340: Only one choice

"We're leaving now, what can you do with us?"

"Of course I can't stop you from leaving, but I believe you will regret it soon!"

Ye Hao said loudly: "The rules of our relationship are set today, and they can't be changed after they are set. In the future, you can only come to see me at the appointed time, and I will not accompany you at other times!" Fu Xiaoqing Asked: "What if I decide today, I will stay in your ghost abyss for a long time in the future?"

"You decided to stay today, and you can naturally stay here in the future!"

"I insist on leaving today. In the future, you only need to follow the agreement and come to accompany me for one day every month!"

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