MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 230

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0??For flowers...

Ye Hao said in a deep voice: "The evil tactic of Yin Sha is mainly through the cultivation method, and it is said that the Yin Sha breath is transformed into the vitality required by practitioners, so as to improve their own cultivation realm in this way!"

"I definitely don't use this kind of evil cultivation technique, hum!"

Hu Na rejected Ye Hao's "reward\" very thoroughly.

Ye Hao's performance is indeed very stable.

Ye Hao neither refuted Hu Na angrily, nor lowered his posture and begged her, but continued to talk about his own topic.

"In this world now, the evil spirit is growing stronger and stronger, but pure spiritual energy is rare!"

"The traditional cultivation method of our human beings is to transform spiritual energy into vitality to enhance our own strength!"

"The vast majority of spiritual qi is polluted by the evil spirits. Ordinary human cultivation methods cannot absorb and utilize these polluted spiritual qi, and even the mighty heart of the world cannot escape the polluted fate.


"We cultivators, under such circumstances, must also conform to the trend of the times in order to remain invincible!"

"You have dedicated the most precious thing in your life to me, and I will give you this book of exercises as a reward!"

"You can study it, and if you're not interested at all, just return it to me tomorrow morning!"

Hu Na, when he wanted to say something, Ye Hao had already left the tent.

Although Hu Na deeply resented this book, but after struggling for dozens of times in the depths of her heart, in the end, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and picked up Yin Shaxie. trick. It's okay not to look at it, Hu Na felt like she had pushed open the door to a new world.

Before you know it, the night passed by in a hurry.

Hu Na sat on the bed and watched the whole night. At this moment, she was deeply immersed in this book and could not extricate herself from it.

The cultivation method of the Yin Sha Evil Art and the cultivation method of the Sutra for Washing the Marrow have undergone earth-shaking changes!

Judging from the name, Yin Sha Evil Jue is an evil sect practice with children + feet, but from the essence of cultivation, this practice is not vicious. Cultivation of this kind of practice does not require indiscriminate killing of innocent people. The Yin evil energy required for cultivation can be found in many places. Ding.

Chapter 327: A rake

In the valleys of some famous mountains and rivers, it is easy to find Yin Sha Qi, or in some caves, there is also an extremely abundant Yin Sha Qi for cultivation. Even in the dark night, the whole world is filled with a strong Yin evil spirit.

You don't need to find a cultivation environment at all, you can practice freely.

The most important thing is that after cultivating the evil yin shackles, you can also obtain a large amount of yin fiend energy by swallowing the ghosts, and forcibly improve your cultivation.

It can be said that this book of Yin Sha Evil Art is simply a matching exercise carefully prepared for the masters of catching ghosts.

After the ghost hunter has cultivated the evil yin and evil art, he can quickly improve his own strength by catching ghosts.

In the end, it can even reach the ideal realm of never-ending life through warfare.

"Ma'am, it's time for breakfast!"

"630\" The maid came in from the outside with a tray in hand, interrupting Hu Na's contemplation.

"Okay, I'll get up right now!\"

Hu Na jumped off the bed in a hurry, and immediately went to Ye Hao with the Yin Sha Evil Art.

At the same time, Wu Zhengtao had already brought a group of experts from the Justice League to Zhang Shichun's Righteous Path Alliance at this time.

Zhang Shichun was waiting for Wu Zhengtao at the gate of the Righteous Path Alliance. All the masters under him were also present, while Liu Caifeng was tied to a wooden stake by Wuhuada, unable to move. After entering the door, Wu Zhengtao immediately became popular!

"Zhang Shichun, Zhang Shichun, you are such a shameless scum!"

"You can't win our Justice League because of your reputation, so you came up with such an underhanded method to kidnap an innocent woman and threaten us?"

"I see you as a hypocrite, you are simply insane, and you will die!"

Compared to Wu Zhengtao's irritable mood, Zhang Shichun did act very calm at this time.

Only after Wu Zhengtao's roar was over, did Zhang Shichun return with a smile: "Lord Zhang, take a closer look, is the woman on the stake really an innocent woman?"

"You?..." Wu Zhengtao refuted sharply, "What do you mean by Zhang Shichun?"

"Wu Zhengtao, are you sure you don't know this woman?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, of course I don't know her anymore!"

Some people in the Justice League know about Wu Zhengtao's possession of Jiao in the Golden House, but not everyone knows it.

After all, Wu Zhengtao's style of doing things is secretive, and Liu Caifeng and the other women are all raised by him in Qingheguan. Those who have not seen him all day have no way of knowing this. Therefore, even if Zhang Shichun arrests Liu Caifeng now, Wu Zhengtao dares to deny it openly.

"Okay, that's really great!\"

Zhang Shichun laughed in anger, and said with a cold face: "Wu Zhengtao, Wu Zhengtao, today I will expose your ugly face in front of many brothers!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Shichun waved his hand, and Duan Fei immediately removed the rag stuck in Liu Caifeng's mouth.

After being freed, Liu Caifeng roared loudly: "Zhang Shichun, you shameless villain, go ahead and let me go!"

"Okay!" Zhang Shichun said with a faint smile, "Now you honestly tell the big guy what happened last night, and I'll let you go right away. I, Zhang Shichun, always do what I say. Yes!" Liu Caifeng retorted: 'What happened last night, what can I say, I just had a meal with Ye Hao! \"

"Okay, very good!\"

The smile on Zhang Shichun's face became even brighter: "Then tell everyone quickly who instructed you to have dinner with Ye Hao!"

"I don't need to talk about this matter, right?" Liu Caifeng didn't want to continue talking.

But Zhang Shichun is unrelenting: \"No no no, this is very important, you must say it in front of everyone!\"

"As long as you honestly tell the truth now, I promise to let you go immediately!"

"Okay, I must tell the truth!\"

A strange smile suddenly flashed across Liu Caifeng's face.

Then she directly said loudly: \"Zhang Shichun, you heartless man, since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being unjust!\"

"Ah?\" As soon as Liu Caifeng said this, Zhang Shichun was stunned on the spot.

At this time, Liu Caifeng has completely opened the chatterbox.

"Zhang Shichun, you scumbag, when you pursued me, your mouth was full of rhetoric!"

\"After you get tired of tricking the old lady, do you want to give up?"

"Yesterday evening, Ye Hao invited you to go to Shi Monkey Peak for dinner and have a secret talk. You are worried that the secret collusion between yourself and Ye Hao will be discovered, so you sent me to Shi Monkey Peak for you to have a banquet!"

"This matter was all arranged by you, and it was discovered by the brothers in the door, but you want to call the thief to catch the thief here, and let me put all the guilt on the head of the Wu alliance, which is really outrageous!" "Ah!" "Zhang Shichun's complexion suddenly changed!

"Liu Caifeng, you crazy woman, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, everything I said is true, Zhang Shichun, you hypocrite, today is your end!"

"I killed you bitch, I made you talk nonsense!"

Zhang Shichun rushed to the crown in anger, and drew the knife directly from his waist, stabbing Liu Caifeng to death on the spot!

At the critical moment, Wu Zhengtao strode forward and stopped him!

"Junior brother, even if your crime is exposed, you don't have to jump over the wall in such a hurry, right?"

Wu Zhengtao said with a sneer: "Let's be patient and let Liu Caifeng finish his words!"

"Okay, I finally understand now!\"

Zhang Shichun grabbed Wu Zhengtao's collar and refuted: "You must have instructed this **** Liu Caifeng to frame me!"

"Don't think I don't know, you and Liu Caifeng have a shady relationship, the two of you have already been embarrassed!"

"It must be you, all of this is a game you carefully arranged. You deliberately framed me. Today, I will kill 1.2 you, a villain!" "Hey!" At that time, Wu Zhengtao was extraordinarily calm.

He reached out and patted Zhang Shichun's shoulder, Dandan said with a smile: "Junior brother, can you calm down a little bit?"

"You said that Liu Caifeng was sent by me to frame you, what evidence do you have?"

"Liu Caifeng is your little lover at all. The two of you have already made peace with each other. This is a well-known thing, hum!"

Wu Zhengtao asked again: "You said that I made peace with Liu Caifeng, what evidence do you have?"

"Me?...\" For a while, Wu Zhengtao couldn't come up with any strong evidence.

After all, Wu Zhengtao is an old fox who is very good at camouflage. How can it be so easy to save his fox tail? .

Chapter 328: A Great Victory

Zhang Shichun couldn't come up with evidence that Wu Zhengtao and Liu Caifeng made peace, so he turned his attention to Duan Fei.

Duan Fei was very loyal and immediately stood up to support Wu Zhengtao!

"I saw with my own eyes that Wu Zhengtao and Liu Caifeng had an affair, and they were already underground lovers a long time ago!"

"Haha, it really made me laugh!"

Wu Zhengtao laughed loudly, "I said Zhang Shichun, can you be any more disgusting? Who doesn't know that Duan Fei is your confidant subordinate, and the two of you collude to slander me, isn't it obvious!" Now for Zhang Shichun , the most deadly situation is not Wu Zhengtao's denial or denial.

The most terrible thing is: at this time, Liu Caifeng also insisted that she had an affair with Zhang Shichun!

After all, Liu Caifeng was the party involved in this matter, and her words had more weight than Duan Fei's words.

Whether Zhang Shichun himself denied the accusation or Duan Fei stood up to help him get out, it was not very convincing.

Unless Liu Caifeng changed his mouth and pointed the finger at Wu Zhengtao, this is completely impossible.

There is another possibility: Wu Zhengtao's own people stand up and prove that the 02 between Wu Zhengtao and Liu Caifeng is indeed a relationship between men and women. To do this, there is still a certain possibility. Because Zhang Shichun knew that the "brothers" around Wu Zhengtao were not monolithic.

Wu Zhengtao glanced at Hu De, hoping that Hu De could help him.

Hu De really helped him at a critical moment: "I can prove that Wu Zhengtao and Liu Caifeng have an affair!"

"Hu De, you!" Wu Zhengtao glared at Hu De fiercely and refuted it sharply, "You really have no reason!"

However, Hu De was unmoved: "Wu Zhengtao, you are wearing a disguise all day long, are you tired?"

"I think you, Hu De, are wearing a mask!" Wu Zhengtao retorted unceremoniously, "Hu De, you talk like this, but you have to pay a price, you know?"

"Everything I say is true!"

"Then you say that I have an affair with Liu Caifeng, what evidence do you have?" Wu Zhengtao used his old strategy again and refused to admit it.

"This is what I saw with my own eyes, can it be fake?"

"Hahaha!\" Wu Zhengtao said with a cheeky smile, "Hu De, you are really shameless. I asked you to show evidence. You said that you saw it with your own eyes, and I also saw with your own eyes that you and Liu Caifeng had an affair. Humph

Hu De's angry face turned green, but he couldn't help Wu Zhengtao!

Now Wu Zhengtao is a brazen scoundrel.

He was alone and alone, and what he said was not very convincing. Hood could only ask Wu Zhenghai for help.

Wu Zhenghai also knew that Liu Caifeng and Wu Zhengtao had an affair. If he stood up to testify now, he would be more persuasive.

But at this time Wu Zhenghai, Zhang held his head silently, pretending to be dumb.

Wu Zhenghai and Wu Zhengtao didn't deal with it either. At this time, he was also very willing to stand up and testify against Wu Zhengtao.

But Wu Zhenghai found that the current situation is good for Wu Zhengtao, but very bad for Zhang Shichun.

Even if he stands on Zhang Shichun's side now, he may not be able to help Zhang Shichun make a comeback, because he can't produce substantive evidence to prove that Wu Zhengtao and Liu Caifeng have an affair. Wu Zhengtao is a mad dog with strong counterattack ability!

If you can't come up with hard evidence to seal his mouth, this guy will bite like crazy.

Wu Zhenghai's position is: I will help whoever wins!

As the so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, the wall that is about to collapse now is Zhang Shichun, but it is definitely not Wu Zhengtao.

Wu Zhenghai didn't say a word, but Hood was anxious.

He hurriedly urged: "Brother Zhenghai, you are saying something, you know about the corruption of Wu Zhengtao's life style. Now is the time for you to stand up and uphold justice for everyone!" Wu Zhenghai couldn't help it , can only bite the bullet and return: "Senior brother, we have no evidence, so don't talk nonsense!"

"Lord Wu has done his best for the development of our Justice League!"

"Wu Zhenghai, you\"

"Okay!\" Just as Hu De was about to get angry, he was interrupted by Wu Zhengtao, "Elder Hu De, you really disappointed me!"

"Just now what Brother Zhenghai said, it's all from the bottom of your heart!"

"I, Wu Zhengtao, have always been upright and upright, how could I do something that is not visible?"

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