MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 227

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"Humph!\" Wu Zhengtao said in an angry voice, "You are a mindless idiot, Ye Hao's strength is definitely not as simple as you think!"

"Although the number of people he brought here this time is only a thousand people, all of these thousand people are all red-clothed ghosts!"

"Our Justice League must be more than three generations of disciples to be able to deal with these red-clothed ghosts!"

"Those ordinary fourth-generation disciples can't beat these red-clothed ghosts at all!"

"There are more than 500 first-generation disciples of our Justice Road Alliance, and only more than 300 master disciples of more than three generations. How can we beat the thousands of red-clothed ghosts under Ye Hao's hands?" Wu Zhengqi suggested. : "Even if we can't win, we still have no problem defending Tianque Peak, right?"

"If you want me to say, you stupid pig is hopeless!"

"Those red-clothed ghosts under Ye Hao's hands don't even need to eat, eat, sleep, and they can besiege us endlessly under the mountain!" "These people on our mountain are all flesh and blood!"?

Chapter 321: Talking about the Tao before the battle

"If there is no food to be transported up the mountain for a month, we will starve to death!"

"Procrastinating with Ye Hao, in the end we can only end in a dead end!"

It must be said that Wu Zhengtao's mind and knowledge are much more open-minded than Wu Zhengqi.

He can think of all the situations that Wu Zhengqi can think of, and he also thinks of all the situations that Wu Zhengqi can't think of.

"Brother, what shall we do-?"

Wu Zhengqi started to panic a little: \"Looking at Ye Hao's posture, it's clearly the rhythm of dragging us to death!\"

\"He stays at the foot of the mountain and won't leave, and the food on our mountain won't last for a few days, when the time comes????"

"Enough!\" Before Wu Zhengqi finished his words, he was interrupted by Wu Zhengtao, "You useless waste, I am so disappointed!" "If Ye Hao wants to destroy us, then , he has done it now!"

"He stayed at the foot of the mountain and didn't leave. He must have other intentions. Now we just need to go with the flow and do what he wants!" Although Wu Zhengqi suffered Wu Zhengtao's big mouth, but as Wu Zhengtao's confidant love Will, he still has to say what he has to say.

After a moment of silence, Wu Zhengqi continued: "Brother, think about it, after all, our Justice League is famous and decent!"

"If the brothers in the door know that we and Ye Hao are hooking up in private..."

"I'm worried that these people will defect and join Zhang Shichun's Righteous Path Alliance!"

"Forget it!" Wu Zhengtao waved his hands and sighed, \"For this matter, try to find trusted brothers to do it!\"

"If anyone questions this matter, they will bite to death and refuse to admit it, saying that this is Zhang Shichun maliciously slandering us!"

"It's better to be able to enamell the past. If it really can't be enamelled, just die without fear of being scalded by water, and let them make trouble!" "Brother, am I?..."

Wu Zhengqi's heart was still a little anxious.

However, this time, Wu Zhengtao did not continue to be rough, but explained some "reasons" to him patiently.

Although Wu Zhengtao's big truth is a set of sets, but the core content is only one: survival is king! Now Ye Hao has revealed his "killing intent", whoever hits Ye Hao's gun at this time will definitely die.

The night passed in a hurry, and when Ye Hao walked out of the tent the next morning, a lot of supplies were already piled up outside. All these materials were sent by Wu Zhengtao overnight yesterday.

According to the number of lists that Ye Hao opened, Wu Zhengtao also specially sent 50 kilograms of each material.

"Lord Leader, Wu Zhengtao has already delivered all the supplies. This is the list of supplies. Please take a look at it yourself!"

Zhao Yan told Ye Hao a list of well-stated supplies.

Ye Hao shook his head and waved his hand back: "You have already counted the things, what should I count?"

"Move all these materials into the tent and keep them safe!"

\"Yes, leader!\"

After briefly glancing at the supplies outside, Ye Hao planned to walk around the camp to take a look at the geographical data of Tianque Peak. At this moment, Zhang Shichun hurried over from a distance.

Far away, Zhang Shichun greeted Ye Hao: "Brother Ye Hao, you got up so early!"

Glancing at Zhang Shichun from a distance, Ye Hao didn't say a word, but Erhu Na greeted him enthusiastically.

Hu Na quickly came to Zhang Shichun and wanted to say something to Zhang Shichun.

However, Zhang Shichun didn't chat with her privately, and he stepped up to Ye Hao directly.

"Brother Ye Hao, the two of us have negotiated together to teach the scum of the Justice League together. My people are all in place now, and I'm just waiting for your order to start action!"

"We waited all night and nothing happened. What's the situation?"

Zhao Yan shouted back: "Why did my husband tell you what happened? Didn't Hu Na already tell you!"

Hu Na had already called Zhang Shichun to tell her about it last night.

This matter was broken, and Zhang Shichun's face was full of embarrassment.

Fortunately, Ye Hao broke the awkward atmosphere at a critical moment.

\"Now, our plan is in progress!\"

"Huh?" Hu Na asked curiously, "Why I don't know, your plan has already begun!"

0??For flowers...

"The purpose of our visit to Tianque Peak this time is to pacify the Justice League, not to kill people!"

"Yesterday night, I have already started a preliminary suppression plan!"

"I asked Wu Zhengtao to send me a large amount of supplies, and Wu Zhengtao has complied with them all!"

"The next step is to subdue Wu Zhengtao, the thief king, and let him submit to my majesty and serve me!"

"Ah!" Hu Na's complexion suddenly changed, "This is no fun!"

\"why not?"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "As the saying goes, it is the best strategy to subdue the soldiers without fighting!"

To deal with those zombies and evil spirits, we can still use the method of subjugation, let them change their ways and work for us! "

"Now that I meet a normal human being, why do I have to kill them all?"

"Hu Na, you are a bit too serious about killing people, you need to take time to settle your own xinxing!"

"I'm..." At this moment, Hu Na really wanted to rush up and strangle Ye Hao to death.

But at a critical moment, Zhang Shichun stopped him in private.

The reason is very simple, although what Ye Hao said just now is very "original", but in terms of general principles, it makes perfect sense.

If Wu Zhengtao is willing to change his ways, then in front of the big truth, he can "live".

Zhang Shichun wanted to get rid of Wu Zhengtao, and there were some selfish elements in it.

Zhang Shichun tried his best to stop Hu Na who was about to run away, but Hu Na still bit the bullet and continued! \"

"Ye Hao, have you ever thought about it, Wu Zhengtao, this beast, is the woman who defiled my eldest brother, and indirectly killed my sister-in-law. You promised me that you would definitely avenge me!"

"What you said yourself hasn't gone away, are you going to go back on it now?"

"Hehehe!\" Ye Hao patted Hu Na's shoulder and said, "You are my woman, I will give you a satisfactory answer to the things I promised you, but you must be patient!" The so-called man is doing what the sky is watching, and there are many things that cannot be explained clearly in one sentence!"

"A person's life is only once, and once it is lost, it will never come back. We must be careful before we do something big!" Ding.

Chapter 322: Thinking very clearly

Ye Hao believes that Hu Na is a woman with a relatively simple character, and almost all her scheming is written on her face.

But Zhang Shichun is a deeply hidden guy.

This kind of person must be treated with caution, and cannot be swayed by the wind, and eventually be played with applause.

Hu Na's emotions were very impulsive, so she didn't stop arguing with her, and took the lead to return to her tent.

"Senior brother, what should we do now!" Hu Na said angrily, "This kid Ye Hao is just a villain who goes back on his word. The cooperation between us and him cannot be carried out smoothly at all!"

"Okay!" Zhang Shichun shook his head and said, "As of now, we can only take one step at a time!"

"No matter what kind of person Ye Hao is, he is something we can't afford to offend!"

""627" Therefore, we must maintain a high degree of vigilance in front of Ye Hao in the future!"

Hu Na retorted: "But what do you want me to do?"

"The purpose of my commitment to marry Ye Hao was to convince Ye Hao to destroy the scum of the Justice League!"

"I'm already with him now, but our goal is still far away. What's the matter with me being by Ye Hao's side like this!"

"Otherwise, I'll go back to the Righteous Path Alliance with you today!"

Zhang Shichun replied in a condensed voice: "If you go back now, all the efforts we have made before will be in vain!"

"But now our plan has failed, and it's useless for me to stay by Ye Hao's side. He's a **** who doesn't distinguish right from wrong. I have to think about my own reputation, hum!"

"Don't be impatient, listen to what I have to say, okay?"

Zhang Shichun, pressing down on his heart, said earnestly, "Our plan is not a complete failure now!"

"At least Ye Hao is still at the foot of Tianque Peak, which means he still has ideas for the Justice League!"

"Ye Hao said it himself just now that he will deal with Wu Zhengtao severely and give you an explanation!"

"You think Ye Hao doesn't believe what he says, but in fact Ye Hao still abides by his reputation!"

Hu Na pouted and said, "We already made an appointment a few days ago, and we are going to level the Tianque Peak last night!"

"It's been an evening now, and Ye Hao hasn't done anything yet. Is this also called honesty and trustworthiness?"

"You!" Zhang Shichun shook his head and said, "Nana, your impatient character needs to be polished!"

"To accomplish something big, you must have patience!"

"If you don't have patience, you can't even do a small thing, let alone a big one!"

"Tianque Peak is not so easy to take down!"

"The terrain here is difficult to defend and difficult to attack, and there is a powerful guardian formation on the mountain!"

Speaking of which, Zhang Shichun even pointed at the Justice League disciples who were standing guard on the top of the hill.

He continued: "Look at it again, now the entire Tianque Peak is full of turmoil and trees, and everyone is full of energy to fight to the death with the congee Meikui at the foot of the mountain!"

"Even if Ye Hao's soldiers are strong and strong, it is extremely difficult to forcefully rush up the mountain and break through the Justice League's guardian formation!"

"Even if they can get away with it, it must be a tragic victory!"

"Ye Hao wants to win the Justice League by outsmarting, this is a very rational behavior!"

"If we maliciously instigate the two of them to fight, and the goal is too obvious, maybe it will cause the two of them to join forces!"

"In this case, it is a big disadvantage for us!"

Now Ye Hao and Wu Zhengtao have a clear tendency to join forces. This is what Zhang Shichun fears the most.

In any case, Zhang Shichun had to stop the union between Ye Hao and Wu Zhengtao, and he couldn't make it too obvious, so that Ye Hao could see the clues.

When Wu Zhengtao and Hu Na were discussing the next plan, Ye Hao had already returned to his tent.

Zhao Yan has always sneered at Hu Na!

At this time, of course, she would not give up the opportunity and scolded Hu Na well.

"Husband, I told you a long time ago that Hu Na and Zhang Shichun are so disconnected that they can't break up their relationship at all, you just won't listen to me!"

"Now she and Zhang Shichun must be planning some shady plans!"

"Really?\" Ye Hao asked curiously, "Can you hear the conversation between them!"

"Of course I can't hear them talking, but even if I guess, I can guess that what the two of them are discussing now is definitely not good for us, otherwise why are you avoiding us?" Ye Hao shook his head. Back: "They didn't shy away from my conversation, I came back early to rest myself!"

Zhao Yan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Hao again!

"Okay Zhao Yan, you can rest assured, everything is under my control, and there will be no accidents!"

"The bamboo shoots in Que Peak today taste very good, we must have a good taste today!"

Ye Hao directly changed the topic, and took Zhao Yan to study food and drink together.

The reason why Zhao Yan is nervous is because she doesn't know Ye Hao's personal strength.

If Zhang Shichun, Wu Zhengtao and the others really have any private actions that are not good for Ye Hao, they don't need Zhao Yan's help at all. Ye Hao alone can easily settle them.

Read The Duke's Passion